Showing posts with label Marvel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvel. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Marvel Comics Legend Stan Lee Dead at 95

Stan Lee, the man responsible for much of the Marvel Universe, has died … Stan’s daughter tells TMZ. We’re told an ambulance rushed to Lee’s Hollywood Hills home early Monday morning and he was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. We’re told…


Monday, November 12, 2018

Stan Lee Dies; Marvel Comics Creator Was 95

Stan Lee, arguably the best known comic book creator of all-time, passed away Monday morning at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

He was 95 years old.

Lee’s daughter confirmed this very sad piece of news to TMZ.

The website writes that Lee was rushed from his home in Hollywood Hills to the aforementioned facility, although it’s unclear at this time what medical condition prompted the emergency.

The legendary writer, however, had suffered numerous illnesses over the last year or so, including a semi-recent bout of pneumonia and a number of vision issues.

He had receded from the public eye for most of 2018 as a result.

Lee started out in the comic business back in 1939.

Along with Jack Kirby, he co-founded Marvel in 1961 via the introduction of The Fantastic Four.

He went on to create Spider-Man, Black Panther, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, Iron Man and The Avengers, among many other notable, memorable and beloved characters.

Lee was always revered in the comic book universe, but he became a true pop culture icon about a decade ago after the success of the first Iron Man movie.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has basically taken over the movie world in that time and Lee has made a cameo in every Marvel film to date.

In 2009, the Walt Disney Co. bought Marvel Entertainment for $ 4 billion.

Three years later, The Avengers grossed $ 1.52 billion worldwide take and two years after that, Lee acknowledged his important role not just in the entertainment industry — but in the world as a whole.

“I used to think what I did was not very important,” he told the Chicago Tribune in April of 2014, adding at the time:

“People are building bridges and engaging in medical research, and here I was doing stories about fictional people who do extraordinary, crazy things and wear costumes.

“But I suppose I have come to realize that entertainment is not easily dismissed.”

A native of Manhattan, Lee wrote, art-directed and edited most of Marvel’s series and newspaper strips.

He also wrote a monthly comics’ column, “Stan’s Soapbox,” signing off with his signature phrase, “Excelsior!”

Lee played a vital role as Marvel transitioned into TV during the 1980s, serving as narrator on animated series like Incredible Hulk and X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men, and executive producing the 1990s animated series Spider-Man.

In 2002, Lee published an autobiography, Excelsior! The Amazing Life of Stan Lee.

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse will be the next installment of the Marvel film franchise and will be released next month; it’s very safe to assume there will be a dedication to Lee in the credits.


The writer’s survivors include a daughter, J.C., and younger brother, Larry Lieber, who works as a writer and artist for Marvel. Another daughter, Jan, died in infancy.

Lee’s wife, Joan, was a hat model whom he married in 1947. She passed away last year.

Said J.C. to TMZ shortly after confirming her dad’s death:

“My father loved all of his fans. He was the greatest, most decent man.”

May he rest in peace.


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner: I Want to Play a Badass B--ch Marvel Villain!

Caitlyn Jenner has accomplished a great deal in her life. In fact, Kylie Jenner credits Cait for her near-billionaire status. But, for Cait, it’s not enough.

She wents to get into acting. Rather, she wants to get back into acting.

Specifically, she wants to play a big, bad supervillainess in a Marvel movie.

Caitlyn Jenner spoke about a number of things in this week’s special Variety issue on transgender Hollywood.

The former Olympian would love to return to acting, this time “in a Marvel movie,” Caitlyn says.

Cait shares her dream: “I want to play the baddest-ass lady you’ve ever seen in your life.”

Well, that role was taken by another Cait — when Cate Blanchett played Hela in Thor: Ragnarok.

“They got the wicked queen,” Cait, who does not get into a specific role that she desires. “Or the wicked lady.”

“Just do the makeup and the outfit,” Caitlyn says. “And I got the deep voice.”

Caitlyn has acted before — before she transitioned, she played a male athlete on Murder, She Wrote.

Additionally, she was effectively playing a character every time that she pretended to be the man that society saw her as for decades.

Caitlyn says that she feared: “Did I build up this character so big that I’m stuck with Bruce for the rest of my life?”

Transitioning takes a tremendous amount of courage. Doing so as a public figure was a major challenge.

“And it scared the hell out of me,” she admits.

Cait recalls that she was considered for the role of Superman before Christopher Reeve was cast.

Cait says: “They call up: ‘Would you be interested in a screen test for “Superman”?’”

At the time, she says, she felt overwhelmed.

“It was just too much for me,” Cait admits. “I would have gone down as the most macho guy in the world, and that’s not me. It’s not even close to being me.”

This feeds her desire to play a female supervillain — to make it to the big screen in a more authentic, empowering role.

“That’s why I want to play that badass b–ch,” Cait says. “I can play that girl.”

Of course, if Caitlyn plays a supervillain, that could be potentially problematic.

Given Cait’s complicated political views — if you’ll recall, her support for Trump lost her almost all of the good will that she had obtained by publicing coming out as transgender — some fans might prefer to see another transgender actress.

After all, Laverne Cox and Candis Cayne are accomplished actresses who are not regarded as traitors within the trans community.

Cait has come around on politics after she realized what everyone else already knew — that Trump was going to oppose LGBT+ rights at every turn to appease his base and spite his enemies.

There is also the issue of casting a trans woman as a villain when so many trans folks, especially those who are younger, would rather see representation among heroes.

That said … which Marvel characters could Cait play?

Aunt May is already taken, and while we don’t yet know the plot of Spider-Man: Far From Home, we kind of imagine that it’s not going to feature Madame Web.

Besides, neither of those are villains. And we’re struggling to think of a female Marvel villain in the right age bracket who would really work for Cait.

That said, since Disney has acquired X-Men (etc) from Fox, reuniting Marvel with its best properties, maybe that creates some new options for a new character in what many fans hope will be Marvel’s run of clean slate X-Men films.

Caitlyn Jenner could portray an outspoken mutant who vocally supports the Mutant Registration Act or even some sort of Sentinel Program, only to come to bitterly regret it — too late.

Or perhaps that would be too on-the-nose?

Of course, if Cait just wanted to play a villain in a superhero film, people might suggest Granny Goodness — though she is a villain from the DC Universe.

But Granny Goodness is a role that we all know in our hearts belongs to Kathy Bates, even though the DC movies so far have either been bad, catastrophically bad, or Wonder Woman

(At least Aquaman looks like it’s going to be really good and strike a wildly different tone from the grimdark, colorless films like Dawn of Justice)

Still, it would be neat if Cait could be cast as a Marvel villain. She might not be perfect, but it would be great to get to see her live this dream.

It would be even better if they also cast a trans woman as a protagonist, to give someone else the opportunity … and to make it clear that what’s villainous about Cait(‘s character) is not that she’s transgender.

Notably, as we mentioned when Ruby Rose was cast as Batwoman, a trans actress has been cast as a trans superhero on the CW’s Supergirl.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wife"s Grocery List for Husband Turns Into Internet Marvel

For some people, grocery shopping is a mundane task.

For others, it"s a vital undertaking that simply CANNOT be messed up.

Take Era Golwalkar, for example. 

She and her husband, Gaurav, take turns heading to the supermarket each week… and Era finally had it with some of the mistakes Gaurav had been making during his excursions.

As a result, she didn"t just provide him with a basic shopping list; she included very specific descriptions, diagrams and bullet points.

The list has gone viral for understandable, hilarious reasons, while also giving us an opportunity to include other social media interactions between significant others that center around grocery shopping.

Scroll down to find out just how sensitive of a topic this can be…

1. These are the Golwalkars

These are the golwalkars

They live in Pune, India and Era told The Huffington Post that she is a “foodie” who “lives to eat,” while her husband doesn’t prioritize food, exactly, and “eats to live.”

2. It’s a Problem… with THIS Solution!

Its a problem with this solution

Era handed her husband a grocery list that is nothing short of epic. Just look at those details!

3. A Closer Look

A closer look

HA! Check out those potato drawings.

4. "Good Leaves, No Holes"

Good leaves no holes

The heart at the end is key. This list was made with love.

5. Twitter Can’t Get Enough of This List

Twitter cant get enough of this list

Maybe a 7? Possibly a 7.5?

6. A True Cook Cares

A true cook cares

And Era clearly cares. A lot.

View Slideshow

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Gabby Douglas Gunning to Be Marvel Superhero

Captain America. Wonder Woman. The Olympian? Marvel’s roster is full of badass superheroes — and Team USA legend Gabby Douglas wants to join the squad. Gabby recently announced that she’s gonna take her talents to Hollywood … so when we saw her…


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Comic-Con 2017 -- Marvel at the Crazy Cosplay

It’s the most marvel-ous weekend of the year — Comic Con — as Hollywood’s hottest stars and nerds alike flock to San Diego for the convention of all conventions. Lucky for you we’ve compiled the coolest cosplay looks –…


Friday, July 21, 2017

Captain Marvel in "Shazam!" "Memba Him?!

John Davey is best known for playing the superhero Captain Marvel — opposite Michael Gray as the teenage Billy Batson — in the ’70s action TV show ‘Shazam!’ Guess what he looks like now! 
