Showing posts with label Comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comics. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Marvel Comics Legend Stan Lee Dead at 95

Stan Lee, the man responsible for much of the Marvel Universe, has died … Stan’s daughter tells TMZ. We’re told an ambulance rushed to Lee’s Hollywood Hills home early Monday morning and he was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. We’re told…


Monday, November 12, 2018

Stan Lee Dies; Marvel Comics Creator Was 95

Stan Lee, arguably the best known comic book creator of all-time, passed away Monday morning at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

He was 95 years old.

Lee’s daughter confirmed this very sad piece of news to TMZ.

The website writes that Lee was rushed from his home in Hollywood Hills to the aforementioned facility, although it’s unclear at this time what medical condition prompted the emergency.

The legendary writer, however, had suffered numerous illnesses over the last year or so, including a semi-recent bout of pneumonia and a number of vision issues.

He had receded from the public eye for most of 2018 as a result.

Lee started out in the comic business back in 1939.

Along with Jack Kirby, he co-founded Marvel in 1961 via the introduction of The Fantastic Four.

He went on to create Spider-Man, Black Panther, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, Iron Man and The Avengers, among many other notable, memorable and beloved characters.

Lee was always revered in the comic book universe, but he became a true pop culture icon about a decade ago after the success of the first Iron Man movie.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has basically taken over the movie world in that time and Lee has made a cameo in every Marvel film to date.

In 2009, the Walt Disney Co. bought Marvel Entertainment for $ 4 billion.

Three years later, The Avengers grossed $ 1.52 billion worldwide take and two years after that, Lee acknowledged his important role not just in the entertainment industry — but in the world as a whole.

“I used to think what I did was not very important,” he told the Chicago Tribune in April of 2014, adding at the time:

“People are building bridges and engaging in medical research, and here I was doing stories about fictional people who do extraordinary, crazy things and wear costumes.

“But I suppose I have come to realize that entertainment is not easily dismissed.”

A native of Manhattan, Lee wrote, art-directed and edited most of Marvel’s series and newspaper strips.

He also wrote a monthly comics’ column, “Stan’s Soapbox,” signing off with his signature phrase, “Excelsior!”

Lee played a vital role as Marvel transitioned into TV during the 1980s, serving as narrator on animated series like Incredible Hulk and X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men, and executive producing the 1990s animated series Spider-Man.

In 2002, Lee published an autobiography, Excelsior! The Amazing Life of Stan Lee.

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse will be the next installment of the Marvel film franchise and will be released next month; it’s very safe to assume there will be a dedication to Lee in the credits.


The writer’s survivors include a daughter, J.C., and younger brother, Larry Lieber, who works as a writer and artist for Marvel. Another daughter, Jan, died in infancy.

Lee’s wife, Joan, was a hat model whom he married in 1947. She passed away last year.

Said J.C. to TMZ shortly after confirming her dad’s death:

“My father loved all of his fans. He was the greatest, most decent man.”

May he rest in peace.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Stan Lee: Comics Legend Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Unless you’re a film buff or actually work in the entertainment industry, a few of the sex monsters named in #MeToo stories probably prompted some googling. Even of the names you recognized, you probably only liked a couple.

But sometimes, even the most beloved figures are accused of doing heinous, inexcusable things.

Stan Lee, the comics legends who is almost synonymous with superheroes, has been accused of sexual misconduct.

Stan Lee was the editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics for many years. He’s credited with having created Spider-Man, the X-Men, and the Incredible Hulk amoung countless other superheroes.

He has one of, and perhaps the, most recognizable names in the entire comics industry.

His cameos in most live-action Marvel properties are beloved by fans.

For years, when the 95-year-old Stan Lee’s name has trended on Twitter, fans have tensed and then breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that he’s still alive. A lot of celebrity deaths get “announced” on Twitter.

This time, though he’s still very much alive, fans didn’t get to breathe a sign of relief. This news might be worse than fans had feared.

The Daily Mail reports that Stan Lee is accused of multiple forms of sexual misconduct directs towards much younger women at his L.A. mansion.

A nursing company that was providing at-home care for him (he is, again, 95 years old) reportedly stopped working with him after receiving a series of complaints about his inappropriate behavior.

Young female nurses alleged that he:

-groped them

-demanded oral sex from them in the shower and asked to be “pleasured” in the bedroom

-walked around his home naked while the nurses were present

According to The Daily Mail‘s source:

“Stan is an old man who has seemingly lost his way.”

That implies that he wasn’t always like this, which is great to hear.

“He doesn’t seem to care what people think of him, he’s lost his filter.”

Suggesting that this horrible behavior was brought about by dementia rather than the sort of power trip that accused monsters like Harvey Weinstein seemed to enjoy.

“There has been a stream of young nurses coming to his house in West Hollywood and he has been sexually harassing them. He finds it funny.”

It’s not funny. We have a feeling that the Stan Lee 10 years ago, or 30, wouldn’t have found it funny.

“He walks around naked and is vulgar towards the women, he asks them for oral sex in the shower and wants to be pleasured in his bedroom. He uses the word p—y and f–k in their presence.”

The source continues:

“He’s also very handsy and has groped some of the women, it’s unacceptable behavior, especially from an icon like Stan.”

No one should be groped without their consent, by anyone.

“The owner at the nursing company has openly said to people that Stan has sexually harassed every single nurse that has been to the house.”

It sounds like she was warning people.

“That got back to Lee and sparked this whole thing.”

There’s a cease-and-desist letter that the nursing company has received, and we’ll get to that in a moment.

“It appears the owner, who has nursed Stan herself, eventually decided enough was enough.”

Stan Lee now has nurses provided by a new nursing company; these nurses are tasks with taking his blood pressure, bringing him food and drinks, and ensuring that he takes his medication.

Stan Lee’s attorney Tom Lallas, who has sent a cease-and-desist letter to the nursing company from which these claims originate, says:

“Mr. Lee categorically denies these false and despicable allegations and he fully intends to fight to protect his stellar good name and impeccable character.”

So, in other words, Tom Lallas is doing his job.

“We are not aware of anyone filing a civil action, or reporting these issues to the police, which for any genuine claim would be the more appropriate way for it to be handled.”

Not everyone goes to police. Or wants to go public. Did you know that one of Roy Moore’s accusers had her house burned down? Stan Lee is a very popular man with a lot of passionate fans.

“Instead, Mr. Lee has received demands to pay money and threats that if he does not do so, the accuser will go to the media.”

That’s … something that we’d like to hear more of. Who allegedly tried to blackmail him, exactly? Which of the many, many nurses?

“Mr Lee will not be extorted or blackmailed, and will pay no money to anyone because he has done absolutely nothing wrong.”

Stan Lee’s wife Joan Lee passed away just last summer at 93.

Stan Lee and the media empire that he helped to create — remember, the Marvel movie franchise is the most financially successful film franchise in history — has a lot of passionate fans who are going to have strong opinions.

To us, based upon these allegations, this sounds like a sad story. Not a story of a monster, though we’ve heard so many of those recently, but a man who has literally lost his self-control.

And if someone really did try to shake him down? That would be terrible and cruel.

No matter what, this is an awful story.
