Showing posts with label Expose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expose. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Jennifer Lawrence Joins the Crusade to Expose Charlottesville Nazis!

Jennifer Lawrence sure isn’t doing anything to endear herself to white nationalists these days. Probably because she’s, you know, a good person.

First she had the audacity to pose in front of the Statue of Liberty, which was apparently super upsetting to the racists over at Breitbart.

And now she is going off on the white nationalists and Nazis who marched with torches in Charlottesville.

Over the weekend, Charlottesville, Virginia was rocked by Nazi protesters who marched with torches and militia-style weapons and body armor.

Some of them were brandishing the stars-and-bars of the Confederate flag.

Others wore or displayed the Nazi swastika.

It was horrifying and shameful.

And that was before the terrorist attack where a Nazi-sympathizer slammed on the gas and plowed his car into a crowd of peaceful counter-protesters.

That was before groups of these white nationalists armed themselves with rods and sticks and planks of wood and began beating black men whom they caught alone while other white nationalists, armed with guns, stood guard.

(There’s video of that, folks, and it is appalling)

Many people used photos of the protests to call for the nation to figure out who these disgusting human beings are so that they can be exposed and lose friends, careers, and relationships as people come to know them for who they really are.

It’s not just regular Twitter activists, either.

Celebrities are jumping on board, using their platform to get more people to see the photos in the hopes that more of these men can be identified.

Jennifer Lawrence stands among them.

Jennifer Lawrence on Charlottesville

Jennifer Lawrence’s caption did not mince words:

“These are the faces of hate. Look closely and post anyone you find. You can’t hide with the internet you pathetic cowards!”

She’s absolutely right, of course.

Some of the white supremacists who marched in that hateful display have already been identified.

One of the identified Charlottesville Nazis by the name of Peter Cvjetanovic is trying to convince the world that he isn’t really racist.

It’s not going over so well.

Another one of those horrible white nationalists has already been publicly disowned by his family.

That is absolutely the right move.

Would you invite a Nazi to dinner? We wouldn’t, either.

Some might argue that identifying these men amounts to “doxxing,” or disclosing anonymous people’s personal information over the internet.

A great example of doxxing is when Trump gave out Lindsay Graham’s personal phone number because Lindsay Graham spoke out against him.

Not that it matters (we’re not wringing our hands over people doxxing Nazis), but we wouldn’t call putting names to faces “doxxing.”

They were bare-faced participants in a very public march.

If they didn’t want to be identified, maybe they should have worn their white hoods.

And no, Jennifer Lawrence isn’t “bullying” these men, either.

They’re literally Nazis. No hyperbole needed. They’re doing the salute and everything.

The fallout from Charlottesville has reached more than just the racists who were physically present.

Confederate monuments that should never have been erected in the first place have been taken down all over the South.

In some cases, local governments decided that it was time for them to come down after seeing inescapable evidence of what those memorials mean to the worst elements of American society.

In other cases, such as in Durham, NC, where a heavily gerrymandered legislature had previously made it illegal for local governments to take down those monuments (this law came from the “small government” crowd, somehow), activists took matters into their own hands, to great applause from across the nation.

One tweet brilliantly described the Durham statue being taken down as “How Millennials are killing participation trophies.”

Notorious Nazi and eminently punchable face-haver Richard Spencer was arrested in Charlottesville.

A major white supremacist website, Daily Stormer, got shut down because businesses can no longer ignore that these people are real and feel emboldened.

Perhaps the most large-scale fallout has been with regard to Donald Trump, whose election was a major source of perceived validation by white nationalists across the nation.

(As Hillary Clinton warned us all last year, but not enough people listened)

Trump, who sometimes gets up at 6am and starts tweets that could provoke nuclear war, seemed extremely resistant to condemn the white nationalist marchers on Saturday, instead condemning “many sides” even though this is about as morally clear-cut of a situation as you can find in American politics.

Trump has tweeted multiple times in the past to condemn Kristen Stewart for cheating on Robert Pattinson, but he couldn’t work up the nerve to even refer to white nationalists as being what they are.

It wasn’t until Monday when he finally trotted out for a second attempt at a press conference where he finally said the right words.

Too little, too late.

Trump has lost another three CEOs from his industry advice council over the way that he dragged his heels to condemn the racists involved over the weekend.

Again, events in Charlottesville included a deadly terrorist attack in which one American was killed and dozens of others were injured, but Trump balked at talking about it, presumably because it didn’t fit his preferred narrative.

He’s said and done many vile things, but we have to wonder if Trump will ever be able to live this down.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Kris Jenner to Expose Caitlyn Jenner Secrets, Fetishes and More!

Kris Jenner reportedly has a message for Caitlyn Jenner:

Anything you can do, I can do better.

Or perhaps not better; but… meaner.

Over the past several weeks, Caitlyn has been promoting her memoir, “The Secrets of My Life,” going around from one media outlet to another and taking swipes at her ex-wife in the process.

She’s irritated Kris to such an extent that previous reports indicated the Kardashians matriarch is seeking to get her marriage annulled.

“Kris now feels like her entire 22 years with Bruce were a lie and the law states that if the marriage happened under false pretenses or fraud it can be annulled,” a source said last week.

Among the main areas of disagreement between the Jenners?

Just how much Kris was aware of Caitlyn’s predilection for dressing as a woman during their time as man and wife.

Caitlyn has argued that Kris was aware of her transgender tendencies from the beginning, while also stating for the record that sex with her then-wife was always a bit awkward.

Now, however, instead of sitting back (and complaining about her ex on reality TV), Kris is apparently prepared to strike back.

She has plans to write a tell-all memoir of her own, according to Radar Online.

This memoir will focus less on Jenner’s life in general, though, and more on Caitlyn herself.

Kris despises Caitlyn, and wants to destroy her with all the embarrassing photos she can find and revelations she can think of,” a source tells Radar, figuratively playing some suspenseful music and adding:

“She’s held back a ton of stuff about Bruce’s kinky, controlling ways as well as her angry incidents and bizarre fetishes.”

Kinky, controlling ways?

Angry incidents and bizarre fetishes?!?

Consider us intrigued.

This same report alleges that Kris will have some help with the book.

As those who watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online know very well, all of Jenner’s daughters have been coming to her defense.

They are also angry at Caitlyn and have said they have no intention of speaking much to her in the future.

“She’s working with her girls – especially Kim and Khloe – to hang Caitlyn out to dry, in retaliation for all the hell she’s been through,” Radar writes.

“Talk bad about my mom, I come for you,” Kim said to Caitlyn during a late-season episode of her family’s reality show this month.

The 36-year old continued to lash out at Caitlyn for referring herself a “punching bag” throughout her marriage to Kris in the biography, while also claiming her ex-wife had been “hoarding” money for decades.

“If you turn on my mom and you continue to bash us, I can’t – even for the sake of my sisters – spend time with someone who doesn’t care about my mother,” Kim said angrily, concluding:

“Like, enough already.”

But it’s not enough, if this insider is to be believed.

Things are just getting started.

And Kris is determined to have the last word.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Javi Marroquin to Expose Kailyn Lowry in New Tell-All?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that it’s been a tumultuous year in the life of Kailyn Lowry.

Of course, Lowry has been pretty guarded about much of what’s going on, to the point that fans of the show don’t even know who the father of Kailyn’s third baby is.

Unfortunately for her, secrets don’t stay buried for long in 2017, especially when you’re living the life of a heavily-scrutinized reality star.

Even if Kailyn isn’t willing to spill the tea herself, she’s surrounded by those who will happily offer their takes on her life, chief among them, her ex-husband, Javi Marroquin.

Javi will soon become the latest in a long line of Teen Mom stars who have published memoirs.

Not surprisingly, Kail is reportedly less than thrilled by the the prospect of Javi’s forthcoming memoir, especially since he sames to take a shot at her right in the title:

The book will reportedly be titled Heartlessly Hustled, a play on Kailyn’s memoir, Hustle and Heart.

Javi confirmed the news of his entry into the literary world with an Instagram caption posted last week:

“It’s official! I just signed with 13th & Joan Publishing to get my book done! All I can say is stay tuned!” he wrote.

Thus far he’s been tight-lipped about what sort of revelations the book will contain, but he went into slightly greater detail in a recent IG video:

“I’ve been working on a lot of projects recently, and today I officially signed with a publisher for my book,” Javi says in the clip below.

“I’ll be giving out little details here and there, so stay tuned, follow me, I’ll be giving out little hints here and there of some previews, release date, book tours, all that, so make sure you stay tuned!

Interestingly, Kailyn went in to damage control mode and started dismissing the project almost immediately:

“We were married, so we both know pretty much the worst and best about each other. I have enough to publish a book, too, but what’s the point,” she recently told In Touch.

Kailyn has already written two memoirs and recently inked a deal to publish a third, so it’s not like she’s arguing that it’s dumb for reality stars to slap their names on ghostwritten autobiographies.

(Which would be an easy argument to make.)

So what is it that she finds so objectionable about Javi’s newfound literary aspirations?

The most likely explanation is that Javi has information that Kailyn would prefer to keep private.

Of course, that’s probably the case with a lot of people, as there’s a lot that Kailyn would like to keep to herself.

We’re beginning reality star wasn’t the best choice of career for her.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Kris Jenner to Finally Expose Blac Chyna on Keeping Up With the Kardashians?!?

Paging Dr. Drew! Paging Dr. Drew!

Kris Jenner may be in dire need of your assistance.

According to a bombshell new report, Jenner has a scheme up her very expensive sleeve, one that will combine her family’s reality show with her family’s number-one nemesis in an attempt to rid the latter from her life once and for all.

We write, of course, about Blac Chyna.

The moody fiancee of Rob Kardashian, Chyna has clashed with Kris and company for years.

It all started awhile back, after Kylie Jenner started dating Chyna’s original baby daddy, Tyga, spending a lot of time with the ex-couple’s son, King Cairo, in the process.

This romance effectively killed Chyna’s friendship with Kim Kardashian, as Blac attacked Kylie on multiple occasions over social media.

But then she started to actually date Rob, causing yet another rift between this troubled sock maker and his relatives.

Presumed at first to be nothing but a farce, or perhaps a PR stunt, Chyna and Rob’s relationship grew stronger and stronger… until they got engaged!

And then Chyna got pregnant!

And then Chyna gave birth to a little girl named Dream Kardashian in November.

Still, despite seemingly integrating herself deeply in the Kardashian-Jenner universe, Chyna has never been fully welcomed by her famous quasi relatives.

They even threatened to take Chyna to court after she applied to trademark the name Angela Renee Kardashian.

So all of this drama brings us to a new report in In Touch Weekly.

The tabloid alleges that Kris Jenner and her loved ones have been “digging up dirt” on Blac Chyna and plan to “present” their findings to Rob some time this spring.

With E! cameras rolling, of course.

“They will sit him down for an intervention and place an envelope containing all the proof of what she has done on the table in front of him,” a source says of Jenner’s plan, adding:

“They want to have a psychologist on hand so they can discuss how Chyna abuses [Rob].”

The couple has certainly experienced its shares of ups and downs over the past several months.

There was even an instance of Chyna allegedly getting drunk and beating Rob up, so we guess one could refer to that as a form of “abuse.”

Although we’re pretty sure Rob doesn’t need the help of his family to understand what happened there.

In late December, Rob was hospitalized due to a flare-up of his Diabetes.

And the In Touch insider says this incident is what truly set Kris off on a path to destroy Chyna for good.

“At first they thought she was a positive influence, but they now believe she is killing him.

“So after Rob’s emergency trip to the hospital, his family hatched a plan to get rid of Chyna once and for all.”

Keeping Up With the Kardashians comes back to E! with new episodes in March. Take a look below at the first promo for its return:

A separate recent report, meanwhile, makes it sound as if Chyna is well aware her days as a member of this family could be numbered.

This report claims she actually wants to get pregnant again in order to increase the amount of child support she’ll receive once she is inevitably given the boot.

“She’s told friends she always wanted to have two Kardashian babies,” In Touch concludes, disgustingly adding in detail:

“She and Rob break up, move out, get back together and have amazing make-up sex. Chyna could easily be pregnant again already.”

Yes, easily, folks.

Ask most women if anything, let alone sexual intercourse, comes easily within two months of giving birth and you may get a few eye-rolls; and/or a few pieces of silverware hurled in your direction.

But crazier things have happened when it comes to Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian.

Like the fact that Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian are even a couple in the first place.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Calvin Harris: Ready To Expose And Destroy Taylor Swift???

July 2016 is not a month Taylor Swift will look back on fondly.

Yes, she’s getting her romance on with The Night Manager‘s Tom Hiddleston, but she was also hung out to dry by both Kim Kardashian and her ex-boyfriend, Calvin Harris.

Harris was angry that Swift took credit for his song, “This is What You Came For,” with Rihanna.  That led to a series of tweets from the usually quiet DJ.

“I know you’re off tour and you need someone new to try and bury like Katy ETC but I’m not that guy, sorry. I won’t allow it,” Harris tweeted on July 13th.

According to In Touch Weekly, Harris is prepared for whatever backlash is coming his way next.

“if Taylor pushes him again, ‘he’s going to expose and destroy her,’” a source told the tabloid.

“That line — especially the ETC — should serve as a big warning.”

Harris, for his part, has warned Swift to back off and stop stirring up trouble.

“Please focus on the positive aspects of YOUR life because you’ve earned a great one,” he wrote.

Meanwhile, someone hacked into Swift’s Wikipedia page and updated her biography.

The 26-Year-Old’s birth name was Changed to Taylor “Slithering Snake Becky With The Good Lies” Allison Swift, and some of her nicknames included “Regina George” and “victim.”

The page has since been restored, but not before In Touch grabbed a screen shot.

One person thoroughly enjoying the takedown of Swift is her nemesis, Katy Perry.

Katy is so happy that someone finally put Taylor in her place,” a source told Radar Online.

“Katy called Kim personally to thank her after she saw the video exposing Taylor,” the source added, referring to the leaked audio that revealed Swift’s conversation with Kanye West over lyrics from his single, “Famous.”

“She has dealt with Taylor’s high school mind games and lies for so long and she is so glad that Kim showed the world.”

Taylor Swift: Squad Members Preparing to Expose Secrets?!

You might think that things can’t get much worse for Taylor Swift’s reputation.

In the past week, several of the singer’s highly-publicized feuds have come to a head in surprising fashion.

First, Calvin Harris slammed Taylor in a Twitter rant that exposed the ugly side of the former couple’s breakup.

The same day, longtime rival Katy Perry seized the opportunity to throw shade at Swift on social media, as her Katy Cat’s reveled in what they perceived to be the singer’s downfall:

And even then it wasn’t over.

Taylor’s hell week continued when Kim Kardashian posted what appeared to be proof that Taylor was lying when she claimed to be blindsided by the lyrics to Kanye West’s “Famous.”

Just when it looked as though the singer was at the lowest point of her history-making career, Swift reportedly found herself facing something her detractors had joked about for years:

A full-blown squad insurrection.

Okay, that may be a bit dramatic, but for whatever reason, Taylor’s squad hasn’t come to her defense the way many expected them to.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that the cause of their silence may be that her famous group of friends is fed up with Swift’s diva antics:

“Some in her squad are talking about how relieved they are that the real Taylor is being exposed,” says one insider.

The source adds that many within Swift’s inner-circle view the singer as “a vindictive, manipulative person who runs over anyone who dares to challenge her.”

Apparently, the lack of loyalty from Taylor’s iconic clique has brought the singer to the lowest point of her public life:

“I don’t think it can get any worse for Taylor,” the source concludes.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Tyga: Planning to Expose Kylie Jenner"s Secrets in Tell-All?

After weeks of speculation (and a year of wondering what the hell she sees in the Z-list rapper), it’s now been confirmed that Kylie Jenner and Tyga have broken up.

As far as we can tell, neither party is wasting any time moving on.

Kylie’s been spotted with Ty Dolla Sign and Jahron Brathwaite (though she claims both are just friends).

Meanwhile, Tyga is reportedly dating Karlie Redd, who sounds like some sort of superhero hybrid of Kylie and his previous ex, Blac Chyna.

But just because both halves of Kyga have found new hangers-on, that doesn’t mean they’re completely done with one another.

Even though they were never married, Tyga made out like a Beverly Hills housewife in the split, with Kylie allowing him to keep the hundreds of thousands in presents she gave him over the course of the relationship.

Some sources even claim she gave him a consolation prize in the form of a six-figure check.

But T-Raww is no fool, and he knows there’s plenty more money to be made off of Kylie.

However, he may have underestimated how closely Kris Jenner guards the family fortune.

Sources tell Radar Online that Tyga planned to write a tell-all about Kylie following their breakup – but Kris has already put the kibosh on all of that:

“After Kylie and Tyga broke up for the first time, Kris drafted an extremely thorough non-disclosure for Tyga to sign so that he cannot say a word about Kylie or their family,”

“If he does, there will be severe legal consequences to pay!”

The insider goes on to confirm the rumors about Tyga keeping all the gifts he received from Kylie, but adds that Kylizzle still came out on top in this breakup:

“The way Kylie looks at it is Tyga can keep whatever he wants from their time together because she has so much money, and he does not,” says the source.

“Kylie is walking away from this relationship a winner. Tyga cannot say a word about her and she is the one who has all the money and fame in the end!”

Friday, April 8, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Prison Inmates Planning TELL-ALL Book to Expose Her!

Teresa Giudice has been out of prison for a few months now, but her legacy in the big house promises to live on.

The inmates at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut are allegedly planning to write a tell-all book about the Real Housewife, and it’s gonna be juicy.

“Teresa’s former inmates are threatening to write a book about Teresa’s lies and want to expose all of them,” a source told Radar Online. 

The inmates are reportedly enraged with the way they were portrayed in Teresa’s book, Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again, which revealed some of her shocking experiences while in the slammer.

“She basically ratted on her inmates in the book about them having sex and doing other stuff they shouldn’t be doing,” the source explained. “The inmates are saying Teresa lied in her book.” 

But the best part? 

The inmates have sought out the help of Teresa’s Real Housewife of New Jersey co-star and frenemy Jacqueline Laurita, who they believe can help make the book a reality.

Jacqueline promptly let all the other Housewives know that the inmates had contacted her, which led Teresa to a meltdown.

“This is why Teresa lost it on Friday during filming,” the source said. “Basically Jacqueline told the other cast members that the inmates have been contacting her and this caused Teresa to freak out.” 

Of course, a chipped nail causes Teresa to freak out, so it’s really not saying much.

Truthfully, this all smells like a bunch of cooked-up drama for some high-octane RHONJ scenes, but if the book ever gets written, we’ll download it on Kindle.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Matt Baier: Baby Mamas Team Up to Expose Deadbeat Dad!

We’ve known that Matt Baier is an incredibly sketchy dude for quite some time now, but somehow he keeps managing to find new and appalling ways to make us shake our heads in disbelief.

We first found that Matt is a deadbeat dad back in early February when Gary Shirley dropped the bombshell revelation that Baier may have seven kids he’s not supporting.

Shortly thereafter, a sixth alleged baby mama came forward claiming that Baier has eight children and has been running from his responsibilities for over a decade.

Did you think the accusations would stop there?

Yeah, so did we, to be honest, but earlier this week, a seventh baby mama claimed to be raising Baier’s ninth child!

Naturally, these women are not big fans of Matty B, and several have already filed lawsuits against the 44-year-old for undisclosed amounts in back child support.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Baier’s exes are planning to speak publicly about just how big of a scumbag this guy really is.

“He shouldn’t be allowed to run around and not face the consequences of his very calculated actions,” Kellie Nunn said in a recent interview with Radar Online.

Along with fellow Baier victims Judy Cornett and Jeanette Reedy, Nunn is hoping to give a televised interview to fill Teen Mom fans in on the jerk that Amber Portwood is planning to marry.

“He’s a pathological liar, a con man,” Nunn said, giving a preview of what’s to come.

Sadly, no deals have been reached yet, but the women say they’ve been approached by multiple TV shows.

We can’t wait. This is like Christmas, but instead of opening presents, we get to hear more about the wicked ways of the Douche King, Matt Baier.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to relive some of Matt’s douchiest hits.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Anonymous Threatens to Expose Ted Cruz Prostitution Scandal

For months now, establishment Republicans have fretted over the possibility of outsider candidates like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz winning their party’s nomination.

Now it looks like they may be receiving some help from a very unexpected source:

In case you’re not familiar, Anonymous is a leaderless, loosely associated global “hacktivist” network that periodically launches campaigns against those whom they believe to be enemies of the greater good.

In the past, they’ve targeted Kanye West in an effort to punish the rapper for his cyber-bullying ways, and they’ve even RickRolled ISIS as part of the world’s most hilariously satisfying anti-terrorism campaign. 

Now, they’ve set their sights on Ted Cruz, the Texas senator who’s currently in second place behind Trump in the race for the GOP presidential nomination.

If what the organization claims is true, Cruz is left with two very unappealing options: end a several-month, multi-million dollar campaign for the highest office in the land; or roll the dice with his reputation as an evangelical family man.

The group appears to have specifically taken issue with a tactic Cruz employed during the Iowa caucuses, during which his campaign staff falsely informed potential voters that his opponent Dr. Ben Carson had already decided to drop out of the race.

“You have committed voter fraud to steal votes that do not belong to you,” says the figure in the above video.

“The fraud you have committed against Mr. Carson will not be tolerated.”

Anonymous is very specific in its demands, and very clear about the consequences Cruz may face:

“Mr. Cruz, we are now demanding that you exit this race within 24 hours, or Anonymous will release all of the information we have found.

“It’s time that we tell America what’s hiding behind the curtain. Do you recall visiting prostitutes?”

Obviously, it’s too soon to tell if anything will come of the threat or if Cruz really has anything to hide.

Whatever the case, it’s yet another unexpected twist in the wildest primary season in recent memory.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Danielle Staub to Pen Memoir, Expose Secrets from The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Danielle Staub has announced plans to write a memoir.

In related news: Danielle Staub is a former Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member who worked as a stripper and made a sex tape and who once filed for bankruptcy and who allegedly used to snort cocaine while working as a prostitute.

We’re guessing she won’t be writing about most of these things in her upcoming book.

“I’m breaking my silence,” Staub Tweeted on Thursday night in confirming her future authorship.

“And writing my tell all including the ‘Reality of #RHONJ’ the impact on mine and my family’s life’s @Andy @bravotv.”

In other words: look out, Andy Cohen and ex-Real Housewives of New Jersey castmates. Staub is apparently planning to expose all your dirty lies and secrets.

Staub was infamously at the center of that viral “prostitution whore” 2009 table-flip scene with Teresa Giudice.

She has already written a book, 2010’s The Naked Truth, in which addressed her alleged criminal past that was discussed on the Bravo program.

A mother of two, Staub was good friends with Jacqueline Laurita when she first joined the series.

However, she quickly clashed with all the women and departed the franchise in 2012 after just two seasons, leaving many viewers with the memory of her getting her hair pulled out by Laurita’s daughter, Ashley.

“I’m way too good for this,” Staub told Us Weekly at the time of her exit. “They have used me about as much as I can be used.”

So now it’s time for Danielle Staub to use The Real Housewives of New Jersey, we guess.

Will you buy her book?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Blac Chyna to Expose Kylie Jenner"s Secrets in New Tell-All Book?

The Kardashian family probably breathed a sigh of relief when it was reported today that Blac Chyna and Amber Rose’s reality show won’t be happening.

From the moment the project was announced, it was reported that the Kardashians were trying to stop MTV from giving Amber and Blac a trash-talking platform.

Sources say Kylie Jenner was especially worried about the show, as her longstanding feud with Blac all but ensured that she would be the subject of frequent potshots.

Unfortunately for Kylizzle, it seems Blac is determined to tell her story, and Hollywood Life claims the model and web celeb is currently writing a book that could leave Kylie feeling very exposed.

It seems a big part of the problem is that Tyga remains in frequent contact with Blac (the exes have a 2-year-old son together) and Kylie is concerned that he shares details of her private life with his ex.

A source says Kylie constantly stresses over the thought of Blac “exposing what goes on behind closed doors with Kylie and Tyga.”

“She doesn’t trust Blac,” the insider says. “She feels that woman has some sort of spell over Tyga, especially since they’ve had a child together.”

As a result of her paranoia, Kylie has reportedly ordered Tyga to limit his interactions with his ex.

“She wants there to be little to no communication between those two,” says the insider. “And whenever Tyga has to drop off King at Blac’s house, Kylie will be right there.”

Bad move, Kylie. You’re only giving Blac more material for her book.