Showing posts with label Book'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book'. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2016

Kris Jenner: SUING Caitlyn Jenner Over Tell-All Book?!

Looks like an old rivalry is about to be re-ignited in a big way.

You may remember that shortly after Caitlyn Jenner “came out” on the cover of Vanity Fair last year, rumors that she wasn’t getting along with ex-wife Kris Jenner began to circulate online.

In fact, there was talk of a full-blown feud between Caitlyn and Kris, as the latter Jenner claimed she was lied to for years about her then-husband’s desire to transition. 

After a months-long truce, the between the exes started up again back in early June after Caitlyn claimed that Kris forbade her to dress as a woman during their marriage.

Now, it looks as though the Battle of the Jenners may soon land Kris and Caitlyn in court:

According to Radar Online, Kris is outraged over reports that Caitlyn is planning to write a tell-all book.

“The sh-t has already hit the fan over this book and it isn’t even being written yet!” says one insider.

“Kris is telling people she wants to fire off a preemptive cease and desist letter to Caitlyn over this, and she’s insisting that she get first read before it is published.”

We figured it was only a matter of time before we’d see a memoir from Caitlyn, but it seems that if Kris has her way, the book will never see the light of the day.

If there’s any truth to this rumor, the situation could get ugly in a hurry.

Obviously, Caitlyn is unlikely to back down without a fight.

And the press will probably be brutal to Kris if she really tries to block a memoir from the world’s most famous trans woman.

Looks like Keeping Up With the Kardashians might actually get interesting again!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Andi Dorfman SLAMS The Bachelor, Juan Pablo in Tell-All Book

Last month, Andi Dorfman blasted The Bachelor as “the stupidest thing I’ve ever been a part of.”

Now, the former contestant is going on record describing just how stupid – and toxic – her time on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette really was.

And wait till you hear what she says about the dudes she dated.

In her new tell-all book It’s Not Okay, she dishes all about her experiences on the shows, and it gets good.

She says the BS started from the initial casting call, which took place in a bar.

“Flash after flash, I stood stoically as I posed by for my ‘mug shot’ before finally I was allowed to pass Go, collect $ 200, and enter the bar,” she wrote.

“Look to your right – those girls slamming shots are the ‘party’ girls and are already sloshed. To your left is the ‘pretty prissy girls’ conversing with each other.”

She was then given 72 hours to complete 50 pages of forms, in which she was required to disclose everything from her dating history to her tax records.

Eventually she was selected and appeared on The Bachelor vying for the final rose of notorious d-bag Juan Pablo Galavis, conversations with whom she described as “dull.”

“Unfortunately, he also had the a**hole gene and in my opinion was one of the more narcissistic humans I had ever met,” she said of Juan Pablo.

“Narcissistic and ungrateful,” she continued. “He was honest to the point of offensive, entitled to the point of elitism and pompous to the point of disgust.”

She also revealed what happened on her date with him in the fantasy suite, and what prompted her to ditch him shortly thereafter.

“He blasted Ray Jay and R. Kelly all night long and showed me dozens of videos of his old soccer highlights on YouTube,” she said.

“All there was was the realization that I was nothing more than a pretty object he had no intentions of liking, let alone loving, and thus no amount of free travel was enticing enough to stay any longer.”

Oh, but she wasn’t finished.

Dorfman also had a few choice words about The Bachelorette runner-up, Nick Viall.

During their evening in the fantasy suite, Nick asked her if she’d rather “make love or f**k,” before admitting his own preference.

“Well, If I had four times, I’d like to f**k the first three times and make love the fourth,” he told her.


Although Dorman referred to it as “ladyboner killing.”

I like this woman. But I doubt ABC feels the same.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Prison Inmates Planning TELL-ALL Book to Expose Her!

Teresa Giudice has been out of prison for a few months now, but her legacy in the big house promises to live on.

The inmates at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut are allegedly planning to write a tell-all book about the Real Housewife, and it’s gonna be juicy.

“Teresa’s former inmates are threatening to write a book about Teresa’s lies and want to expose all of them,” a source told Radar Online. 

The inmates are reportedly enraged with the way they were portrayed in Teresa’s book, Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again, which revealed some of her shocking experiences while in the slammer.

“She basically ratted on her inmates in the book about them having sex and doing other stuff they shouldn’t be doing,” the source explained. “The inmates are saying Teresa lied in her book.” 

But the best part? 

The inmates have sought out the help of Teresa’s Real Housewife of New Jersey co-star and frenemy Jacqueline Laurita, who they believe can help make the book a reality.

Jacqueline promptly let all the other Housewives know that the inmates had contacted her, which led Teresa to a meltdown.

“This is why Teresa lost it on Friday during filming,” the source said. “Basically Jacqueline told the other cast members that the inmates have been contacting her and this caused Teresa to freak out.” 

Of course, a chipped nail causes Teresa to freak out, so it’s really not saying much.

Truthfully, this all smells like a bunch of cooked-up drama for some high-octane RHONJ scenes, but if the book ever gets written, we’ll download it on Kindle.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ted Cruz Prostitution Scandal: Was Senator"s Name Found in Dead Madam"s Black Book?

Last week, the National Enquirer published a report claiming that Ted Cruz had been involved in five extra-marital affairs during his time in the U.S. Senate.

Now the tabloid is claiming to have uncovered evidence of Cruz’s involvement in a Washington, D.C. prostitution ring, just in time for today’s critical Wisconsin primary.

D.C. attorney Montgomery Blair Sibley has filed a motion to publish the contents of a “black book” kept by his former client, deceased madam Deborah Palfrey.

Sibley has urged the court to decide the matter quickly, as he says the information contained in the book is “relevant to voters before they cast their ballot.”

Obviously, the contents pertain to today’s primary, which narrows down the possibilities.

Cruz likely would’ve been the prime suspect for most voters even if no further information was offered, but the publishers of the Enquirer and notorious porn magnate Larry Flynt went the extra mile by hiring a team of investigators to try and determine whose famous name is found in the pages of Palfrey’s book. 

“If Montgomery Sibley has what he says he has, it has to be Cruz,” investigator Wayne Madsen tells the tabloid.

“Going on what I know about the other male candidates still in the race, it isn’t any of them, and Palfrey didn’t provide call boys, so it wasn’t Hillary.”

Thus far, Sibley’s efforts to obtain permission to release the records have been frustrated, but that may not stop him from proceeding with his plan to torpedo the Cruz campaign:

“If I do not get the right to file my request to modify the restraining order and if I do not get an expedited hearing, I’m going to publicly release those records and see what happens,” Sibley said in a recent interview.

“If they want to hold me in contempt of court for violating an order they will not give me a hearing on, I think they lose the right to enforce that order.”

Palfrey, 52, was found dead of an apparent suicide in her mother’s garage in Florida in 2008.

Sibley has stated on several occasions that he believes foul play was involved.

The Cruz campaign has yet to comment on the allegations of the recent claims that the Texas senator slept with former Donald Trump staffer Katrina Pierson.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Kanye West: New Book Details How He Saved The Kardashian Brand

Well, this is interesting.

Celebrity journalist Ian Halperin has penned several “bombshell” books revealing the secrets behind his subject’s relationships, rise to fame and more.

Halperin’s latest book, Kardashian Dynasty (Simon & Schuster) reveals how Kris Jenner went into crisis mode after Kim Kardashian filed for divorce from Kris Humphries in 2011.

“Kim’s marriage to Kris Humphries had collapsed after just 72 days and with the media claiming their relationship was just a publicity stunt, there were debates going on behind the scenes about whether the show was toast,” a source at the publisher told Radar Online

“There was a real danger that the plug was going to be pulled on them.”

At the time, Kardashian told the media that she took a little time away from the spotlight to deal with the split.  Meanwhile, Jenner put plans into motion to keep her brand relevant.

“Halperin says he discovered that Kris Jenner called a crisis meeting and came up with the idea of moving the plot forward by having Kim date someone else who was fashionable and ideally of African American descent,” the source added.

“In the end, Halperin says the list included one Caucasian, Justin Bieber, as well as Kanye [West], Nick Young, of the LA Lakers, and Matt Kemp, of the LA Dodgers, who once dated Rihanna.”

The world of celebrity was Kardashian’s for the taking really.

“Kim settled on Kanye, though at first she thought he was too short for her.”

West accepted her proposal, totally cool with the details of the arrangement.

“Halperin says that Kris was upfront with Kanye about this being a set up and he agreed because he thought his star as well as Kim’s would be augmented.”


“It became friends with benefits and Kim got pregnant and they really did fall for each other.”

Kardashian and West do look like smitten kittens, and have since they started “hanging out.”  In February 2012, Kardashian attended Paris Fashion Week with West, and sported a pair of $ 6,000 Giuseppi Zanotti heels designed by him at a few shows.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Buy My Book So I Can Pay the Feds!

It’s only been three weeks since Teresa Giudice was released from prison, but the troubled Jersey Housewife is already plotting her career comeback.

Unfortunately, Teresa is on house arrest at the moment, so her options are limited, but according to Radar Online, Tre is already planning to take the Big Apple by storm once she loses the ankle bracelet.

The release of Teresa’s memoir – Turning the Tables: From Inmate to Housewife and Back Again – has been timed to coincide with the end of her house arrest sentence.

Teresa will be a free woman on February 5, the book hits stores February 9, and the Mrs. Giudice already has several book signings and promotional events lined up in Manhattan.

“Teresa is so excited to promote the book and leave the state of New Jersey!” a source close to the Giudice family tells Radar.

“She hasn’t been to New York City in over a year and misses it…She will be doing a full promotional tour for the memoir, which she wrote while behind bars.

“Expect to see Teresa on GMA, Bravo, and other media. There also will be book signings scheduled at all the hottest spots. More than anything, Teresa is so grateful for this second chance and to interact with her fans.”

Teresa still has a dark cloud hanging over her head, as Joe Giudice will begin his 41-month sentence sometime in the next two months, but sources say for right now, her primary concern is making money.

And it’s a good thing, because while she was locked it, Joe’s first priority was spending it!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Teresa Giudice Wrote A Book, Not Even Out Of Jail Yet

Her release from federal prison is scheduled for December 23rd, but Teresa Giudice is already promoting her memoir, Turning The Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again (Gallery Books).

The book’s release date is February 9th, 2016 comes about a month before Joe Giudice begins serving his 41-month sentence.

According to Radar Online, the press release for Giudice’s books promises a “behind-the-scenes look at life in prison, her marriage, her rise to fame, the importance of her family, and the reality TV franchise that made her a household name in her explosive and ultimately uplifting first-ever memoir.”

Giudice has kept a diary of her time in prison specifically for this reason.  Back in July, excerpts from her diary were featured in Us Weekly.

“It’s going to be about growing up from humble beginnings,” Giudice’s lawyer, James J. Leonard Jr., told the magazine about the memoir.

“She will also tell the story everyone is dying to know: what life is like behind bars.”

Giudice recorded everything about her time in prison, from the mundane (pilates, 9pm head count) to the slightly terrifying.

“There is a lady in here, she hit her roommate,” Giudice wrote in her diary.  

“The officers are up here now to evaluate the situation. She is a crazy lady who fights with everyone.”

Giudice promised fans a glimpse into the life she’s always led. 

“The world will see a new Teresa. A different Teresa.

Well, actually, the Teresa I always was.”

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Tyga to Reveal Kylie Jenner"s Plastic Surgery Secrets in Tell-All Book?!

As we reported yesterday, Kylie Jenner and Tyga have broken up after more than a year of dating.

There are conflicting reports about why Kylie and Tyga called it quits, but a few things seem certain: Tyga is newly single, short on cash, and armed with secrets about Kylie and her family that some folks would pay a lot of money for.

According to Radar Online, the rapper is planning to take revenge on Kylie and earn some major bucks by penning a tell-all book about the Instagram queen and her A-list sisters.

“Tyga did NOT sign a confidentiality agreement of any sorts because he has been a close friend of Kylie’s for a very long time and everyone just assumed that he was on their team,” says one insider.

“But Tyga knows more about that family that almost anyone alive.”

Yes, it’s not just Kylie whose reputation is at risk, as Tyga became close with the entire Kard clan over the course of his relationship with the family’s youngest sibling.

“Tyga knows more about Kim and Kanye from working with Kanye on music,” the source claims. “He has enough on them to write two books!

“Kris’s concern about all of this is that he is going to expose them for the frauds they are.”

But while the entire family is likely to be called out in Tyga’s tell-all, it’s Kylie who has the most to lose. 

The source says the family’s biggest worry is that Tyga’s book will include details about Kylie’s many plastic surgeries.

Kylie has repeatedly claimed that she’s had no cosmetic work done outside of temporary lip fillers.

Many fans believe that she’s lying, and if her ex proves them right, it might prove seriously damaging to her reputation, particularly since Kylie has attempted to re-brand herself as an advocate of body positivity and self-acceptance in recent months.

Unfortunately for her, sources say Tyga is broke and willing to do whatever it takes to line his pockets.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Why Did She REALLY Cancel Her Book Tour?

Khloe Kardashian has put the kibosh on her book tour.

The reality star made this announcement herself on Wednesday afternoon, Tweeting that she’s sick and under doctor’s orders to take it easy.

“I’ll be going for more testing today. I’m very sorry again,” Khloe wrote.

“Stress can run our bodies down so please everyone take care of yourselves.”

She’s right. Stress can definitely play a role in one’s health. She isn’t lying, either: According to multiple sources, Kardashian really is sick.

But there’s a bit more to the story.

TMZ reports that Kardashian contracted a staph infection as a result of being so often by Lamar Odom’s bedside at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

The former basketball star has been a patient there for over a month now, ever since he fell unconscious at a brothel in Las Vegas.

Khloe has essentially dropped everything to be there for her estranged husband.

However, Khloe’s memoir (“Strong Looks Better Naked”) came out on November 6 and she had agreed to go on a book tour as part of its promotion.

But TMZ says this is no longer possible because Khloe has a painful lesion on her leg. She has also developed a high fever and swollen glands.

“It’s so scary. She’s so sick,” a source tells the website.

However, a rep for the star tells Gossip Cop that things are not nearly this dire:

“She is getting treatment and will be OK,” says this spokesperson, adding that Khloe “just needs to rest and get it treated.”

Let’s hope this doesn’t have a negative effect on the round butt Khloe has worked so hard to get. 

We kid. We really do hope she’s feeling better soon.

Khloe Kardashian Cancels Book Tour: "Stress Can Run Our Bodies Down"

GURL, take care of yourself.

Khloe Kardashian was forced to pull out of book signings for Strong Looks Better Naked, citing a mystery illness that doctors are looking into.

It’s no secret that Kardashian has had a very stressful fall having to care for estranged husband Lamar Odom after he was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel on October 13th.  

Add that to Kardashian’s demanding press tour filled with questions about her relationship status, and you’ve got yourself a rundown Khloe.

“Dolls! So sorry I needed 2 re schedule my book signing. I’m sick &dr’s orders are that I need to lay low until we narrow down what’s wrong,” Kardashian tweeted to fans earlier today.

“ll be going for more testing today. I’m very sorry again.

“Stress can run our bodies down so please everyone take care of yourselves.”

I have to hand it to Kardashian for handling both the book tour and her personal life like a champion.  She’s been asked several times whether or not she still loves Odom, how his recovery is going, and if she’s still dating James Harden.

Oh, and this summer she had a difficult time coming to grips with Caitlyn Jenner‘s transition.

All in all, I think Kardashian deserves a week-long spa visit where electronics are banned, and quiet time is mandatory.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Marjorie Jackson to Publish Book About Split From Josiah Duggar

Back in August, Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson broke up after just a few weeks of “courting.”

Shortly thereafter, we learned that  Marjorie was planning to write a tell-all about her brief involvement with the 19 Kids and Counting clan.

Naturally, family patriarch Jim Bob Duggar was none too pleased by the prospect of having his family’s secrets exposed by an ambitious teen, and we’re sure he was thrilled when Marjorie and Josiah got back together last month.

(There were rumors that Jim Bob engineered the reconciliation to shut Marjorie up, but that’s a conversation for another time.)

Now, however, Radar Online is reporting that Marjorie’s book deal is still a go, and the Duggars might still be running scared. 

The book has been re-imagined as guide to romance for Christian teens, but that doesn’t mean the finished product will be entirely Duggar-friendly.

Fans of the show know that the Duggars’ courtship rules are incredibly harsh, and if Marjorie writes about so much as kissing Josiah, it could be seriously humiliating for the family that popularized the “side-hug.”

“Romantic sparks are fickle and unreliable—here one day, faded the next,” Marjorie recently wrote in a blog post about the project.

Based on that description, it sounds as though young Marjorie is 1. a student of the Stephenie Meyer school of romance writing, and 2. planning to cash in on the ups and downs of her relationship with Josiah.

It might be time to worry, Jim Bob.

Tom Cruise: Freaking Out Over Leah Remini"s Scientology Book

Leah Remini had to assume that the publishing of her book, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology would create a a sh*t storm of Sea Org proportions.

After her 20/20 interview aired, viewers waited for Tom Cruise’s camp to release a statement in response to her stories about spending time with him and his now ex-wife, Katie Holmes.

A source tells Us Weekly that Cruise considers the book “a major betrayal” and is “freaking out.”

Cruise, however, won’t be speaking out about Remini. Ever.

“Leah is what the church calls a ‘suppressive person,’ so she’s evil in his mind,” the source explained. “He wipes the memory of any SP out of his life. He’s letting the Scientology people discredit her.”

Remini bombshell interview prompted the organization to post a response to her book release.

“Sadly, bitterness and anger are common threads through Ms. Remini’s life,” they wrote.  “Rather than take responsibility for self-inflicted problems, she is quick to blame others,” 

“Her repeated ethical lapses and callous treatment of others led to an ecclesiastical review which resulted in her being expelled. She now regurgitates the tired myths the Church has repeatedly debunked, circulated by the same tiny clique of expelled former staffers bitter at having lost the positions they enjoyed before their malfeasance and unethical conduct were uncovered.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Walking Dead Casts Iconic Comic Book Villain

The Walking Dead has found an actor to come on board in the iconic role of Negan.

And it’s a face with which television fans are very familiar.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan – who rose to small screen prominence as Denny Duquette on Grey’s Anatomy and also as John Winchester on Supernaturual – has been cast as the villainous character made famous in the Robert Kirkman comic book series.

He will guest star on The Walking Dead Season 6 finale and then be upgraded to series regular status on The Walking Dead Season 7, which has already been ordered by AMC.

According to the comics on which this smash hit is based, Negan is the leader of the Saviors, a ruthless group of survivors.

He actually kills Glenn with his barbed wire-covered baseball bat (named Lucille), which is an interesting note because viewers are currently wondering whether Glenn is already dead, following his fall into a pit of Walkers two weeks ago.

The Hollywood Reporter states that Matt Dillon and Timothy Olyphant were also under consideration for the role.

Morgan, meanwhile, is currently stealing every single scene on The Good Wife Season 7.

He’s been sizzling up that CBS drama as private investigator Jason Crause, though this AMC booking means he’s unlikely to return for Season 8.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Book Promotion BACK ON!

It was only supposed to be about a book.

Unfortunately, Khloe Kardashian is a trending topic right now, mainly because her estranged husband, Lamar Odom was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel in mid-October.  

Since then, Kardashian has rarely left Odom’s bedside, even though she had committed to a press tour for her new book, Strong Looks Better Naked.

Many are accusing Kardashian of using Lamar’s condition to self-promote, which makes the reality star irate.  

So irate that she’s taken to Twitter several times in order to explain that one has nothing to do with the other.

“I keep getting asked why I cancelled my NYC signings. I will reschedule them but4 the time being I have to stay in LA for personal reasons,” Kardashian tweeted today.

Kardashian was excited to tell fans that she’d be signing copies of her book at Barnes & Noble in Los Angeles this coming Monday (November 9th) at 7pm.

“LA!!!!! The Grove!!!!! My first signing for my book.I’m staying and signing EVERY single book!! Monday its a date,” Kardashian tweeted earlier today.  “More cities will be added for sure my loves! I just have to feel comfortable to leave for a few days.  thank you for understanding.”

Kardashian’s other project is a talk show on FYI, Kocktails with Khloe, which was originally slated for a December premiere.  

The network announced January 20th, 2016 as a new premiere date for the show, which will feature an “intimate home” setting in which Kardashian and her guests will chat while playing games, cooking and/or enjoying a cocktail.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Tiger Woods: SLAMMED By Former Caddy in New Tell-All Book

After Tiger Woods was busted cheating on his wife, it didn’t long for his reputation to become permanently damaged.

And now that his former caddy is opening up about Tiger in a new tell-all book, Out Of the Rough, the golfer will likely become even more hated.

Steve Williams, Tiger’s caddy, worked with the golf-pro for 13 years.  Considering the length of their working relationship, Williams and Woods were close friends.

But when Woods began cheating on his then-wife Elin Nordegren, Williams was shocked.  However, he wanted to remain friends with Woods.

He stated, “[Tiger] was still a friend in trouble and I was going to stick by him. I did that even though people were accusing me of being an enabler, an accomplice, saying I was lying when I stated clearly that I knew nothing about this.”

But in the midst of Tiger’s drama, Williams became a subject of speculation.  He claimed he became “absolutely miserable” when others refused to believe that he didn’t know about the affair.

“People in my local community would front up to me at the shops and call me a liar to my face, and ask `what are you doing with him?’” Williams wrote in his new book.

“I repeatedly asked for Tiger’s management to release a statement that would clear me of any involvement in this lurid news,” he continued.

However, Tiger’s management refused his requests for a statement.  He claimed, “They simply wouldn’t do it because there were others in his group who knew exactly what was going on and management felt they couldn’t single out one person as innocent.”

“Angry, frustrated and hung out to dry, I was also in limbo about when I would next work.”

After admitting he had a sex addiction, Tiger entered a rehab facility.  While in treatment, Woods finally apologized to Williams for inadvertently getting him involved in the scandal.

“Tiger finally rang me on March 23 (2010). He had already sent me an apologetic email when he was in rehab.”

He added, “It was heartfelt and meaningful; he was open, honest and remorseful and it reinforced my thinking that because I was so straight up and had such strong values, he felt he couldn’t tell me what was going on with his affairs.”

But Williams wasn’t going to let Woods off the hook so easily.  The golf caddy demanded that Woods prove he had changed. “I wanted him to prove to me he could change his behavior and show me — and the game of golf — more respect,” he wrote.

Williams and Woods weren’t able to mend their friendship though.  Often, the caddy felt mistreated by Woods when he would “flippantly toss a club in the general direction of the bag, expecting me to go over and pick it up.”

And besides, Tiger just sucks.  Who would want to be his friend anyway?

Two years ago, Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn began dating. In May of this year, Woods and Vonn split.  Though they claim it was a mutual break up, most of the world is wondering who Tiger cheated with this time.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Cancels Book Tour Due to Lamar Odom Health Scare

Khloe Kardashian refuses to leave Lamar Odom’s bedside.

Even for an opportunity to make lots of money.

Sources have confirmed that the reality star has canceled her upcoming book tour because she’s too concerned about Odom’s health status.

Kardashian’s estranged husband is recovering in Los Angeles after having been transferred from a hospital in Las Vegas.

But he remains in bad condition due to what insiders now say was a suffering of 12 strokes.

Khloe flew on a private jet to be there for Odom on the night he was fell unconscious at a Nevada brothel and was taken by ambulance to be under doctor’s supervision.

He spent multiple days in a coma, but showed signs of life over last weekend.

Still, soon after Lamar was transported to California, he underwent two procedures on his chest. The troubled star has a very long way to go.

Therefore, Khloe will no longer be touring the country in promotion of “Strong Looks Better Naked,” a memoir/self-help book that will be available to purchase on November 3.

Earlier this week, the racy cover hit the Internet, as fan were treated to the sight of Khloe Kardashian naked.

According to the official synopsis of the book, Khloe will share “her secrets for finding strength of body, heart, mind, and soul with inspirational, revealing stories of her own struggles with weight, relationships, and her self-image.”

She has agreed, of course, not to divorce Lamar after all.

But this decision arrived far too late to be included in the book.

We continue to send our best wishes and our thoughts to Khloe and Lamar during this difficult time.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Nude on New Book Cover!

Khloe Kardashian isn’t just getting back together with Lamar Odom.

She’s also getting down to business on the cover of her upcoming book. NAKED BUSINESS, that is!

The 31-year old reality star takes a page (literally! Sort of!) from sister Kim Kardashian on the cover of “Strong Looks Better Naked,” an upcoming memoir that features Khloe lying in a seductive pose.

She’s not wearing a shred of clothing in the image.

As for what a reader can expect once he or she gets past this snapshot of Khloe Kardashian nude?

The book will be comprised of how-to advice; lifestyle tips; and personal stories from Khloe, whose struggle to lose weight has been well-documented.

It will also delve into her relationship history, though these chapters are already outdated, considering Kardashian spent the last week by the side of her sick estranged husband.

She then broke up with boyfriend James Harden… and then agreed to give her marriage to Lamar Odom another shot after he swore off drugs forever.

“I am so excited about sharing my philosophy on how I live and the power of strength,” Khloé said via statement when the book was first announced.

“I hope to be an inspiration to readers everywhere on how they can create their own true strength and beauty inside and out.”

Khloe’s memoir will come out on November 3.

She previously co-released/co-authored the 2010 tome Kardashian Konfidential, along with the 2012 novel Dollhouse with her sisters Kim and Kourtney Kardashian.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Blac Chyna to Expose Kylie Jenner"s Secrets in New Tell-All Book?

The Kardashian family probably breathed a sigh of relief when it was reported today that Blac Chyna and Amber Rose’s reality show won’t be happening.

From the moment the project was announced, it was reported that the Kardashians were trying to stop MTV from giving Amber and Blac a trash-talking platform.

Sources say Kylie Jenner was especially worried about the show, as her longstanding feud with Blac all but ensured that she would be the subject of frequent potshots.

Unfortunately for Kylizzle, it seems Blac is determined to tell her story, and Hollywood Life claims the model and web celeb is currently writing a book that could leave Kylie feeling very exposed.

It seems a big part of the problem is that Tyga remains in frequent contact with Blac (the exes have a 2-year-old son together) and Kylie is concerned that he shares details of her private life with his ex.

A source says Kylie constantly stresses over the thought of Blac “exposing what goes on behind closed doors with Kylie and Tyga.”

“She doesn’t trust Blac,” the insider says. “She feels that woman has some sort of spell over Tyga, especially since they’ve had a child together.”

As a result of her paranoia, Kylie has reportedly ordered Tyga to limit his interactions with his ex.

“She wants there to be little to no communication between those two,” says the insider. “And whenever Tyga has to drop off King at Blac’s house, Kylie will be right there.”

Bad move, Kylie. You’re only giving Blac more material for her book. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Taylor Swift "Burn Book" Slams Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Rihanna?

Taylor Swift has mastered the art of presenting herself as the sweet and innocent girl next door, but rumors about the singer’s darker side have emerged from several different sources in the past few months.

While fans remain convinced that Taylor is the most selfless mega-star on the planet, Swift’s feud with Katy Perry showed the world that she can be relentlessly brutal when when asserting her dominance over a rival.

Now, insiders are claiming that Taylor’s wrath isn’t just reserved only for Katy, and when it comes to tearing down foes with her famous squad, Swift takes her queen bee cues from the most notorious Mean Girl of all, Regina George.

Yes, the beloved Tina Fey-Lindsay Lohan comedy is reportedly a favorite of Taylor’s, and sources tell the National Enquirer that Taylor slams her enemies in a “burn book” that’s every bit as savage as the one in the movie.

“Katy Perry Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Justin Bieber – they’re all in there,” says one insider. “So are people from her school days, along with a teacher who told her she couldn’t sing, and a woman in a restaurant who was rude to her!

“She might change as she gets older, but for now she is the most malicious person you will ever meet, and she is constantly scheming over ways to have the final say.

“Ever since the success of ‘Bad Blood,’ Taylor has quit caring about trying to come across as sweet or sincere.”

This may not come as a huge surprise to some, as Taylor has been compared to Regina George in the past (most memorably in a passive-aggressive tweet fired off by Katy Perry).

Taylor’s squad rules are rumored to be as strict as Regina’s, and she’s repeatedly proven that she’ll do what it takes in order to come out on top in a feud.

It’s extremely unlikely that the contents of Taylor’s will ever come to light, but it’s not hard to believe that it really exists. 

Clearly, when it comes to conflict resolution, Taylor’s behavior is often decidedly un-fetch.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bill Cosby Had Son Killed to Hide Sex Crimes, Scandalous New Book Claims

Over the past year, Bill Cosby has gone from one of the most beloved and respected stars in the history of television to a publicly reviled sexual predator, accused of victimizing more than 50 women over the course of his career.

According to recent reports Cosby might finally face rape charges, even though it initially looked as though he would be protected from prosecution due to the fact that each alleged incident fell outside of the statute of limitations.

Now, a new allegation is surfacing that could have Cosby answering for a crime even more serious than the many vile acts of which he’s already been accused.

Fans of the legendary comic may have forgotten that infidelity accusations about Cosby have been circulating for decades, and a woman named Autumn Jackson claimed in 1997 that she was Cosby’s illegitimate child.

Cosby eventually admitted to having an affair with Jackson’s mother, Shawn Thompson Upshaw, but insisted that he is not her father. Upshaw claims Jackson was conceived when Cosby drugged and raped her in 1974. 

A paternity test was never performed, but Cosby bought Jackson a car, paid for her college tuition and maintained contact with her throughout her adolescence.

Their relationship soured when Jackson went public with claims that Cosby was her father, and she was eventually arrested for extortion.

Now, The National Enquirer reports that Jackson’s aunt, Jewel Star, has written a book entitled Bill Cosby’s Love Child that she’s currently shopping to publishers.

The book makes the shocking claim that Cosby orchestrated the murder of his son Ennis as part of his attempt to bury the allegations made by Upshaw. 

Jackson was arrested just two days after Ennis was murdered by a Ukrainian immigrant with no ties to the 27-year-old.

In the book, Star quotes Jackson as saying, “Cosby might have had Ennis murdered because he had found out about me.”

Star says she believes that Cosby sent “a hitman” to murder her as well, but settled for simply having her arrested and imprisoned.

Obviously, the claims made by Star and Jackson are wild and seem rather far-fetched, but then again, there was a time when it would have been very difficult to believe that Bill Cosby could possibly be guilty of sexually assaulting more than 50 women.