Showing posts with label Senator's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senator's. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ted Cruz Prostitution Scandal: Was Senator"s Name Found in Dead Madam"s Black Book?

Last week, the National Enquirer published a report claiming that Ted Cruz had been involved in five extra-marital affairs during his time in the U.S. Senate.

Now the tabloid is claiming to have uncovered evidence of Cruz’s involvement in a Washington, D.C. prostitution ring, just in time for today’s critical Wisconsin primary.

D.C. attorney Montgomery Blair Sibley has filed a motion to publish the contents of a “black book” kept by his former client, deceased madam Deborah Palfrey.

Sibley has urged the court to decide the matter quickly, as he says the information contained in the book is “relevant to voters before they cast their ballot.”

Obviously, the contents pertain to today’s primary, which narrows down the possibilities.

Cruz likely would’ve been the prime suspect for most voters even if no further information was offered, but the publishers of the Enquirer and notorious porn magnate Larry Flynt went the extra mile by hiring a team of investigators to try and determine whose famous name is found in the pages of Palfrey’s book. 

“If Montgomery Sibley has what he says he has, it has to be Cruz,” investigator Wayne Madsen tells the tabloid.

“Going on what I know about the other male candidates still in the race, it isn’t any of them, and Palfrey didn’t provide call boys, so it wasn’t Hillary.”

Thus far, Sibley’s efforts to obtain permission to release the records have been frustrated, but that may not stop him from proceeding with his plan to torpedo the Cruz campaign:

“If I do not get the right to file my request to modify the restraining order and if I do not get an expedited hearing, I’m going to publicly release those records and see what happens,” Sibley said in a recent interview.

“If they want to hold me in contempt of court for violating an order they will not give me a hearing on, I think they lose the right to enforce that order.”

Palfrey, 52, was found dead of an apparent suicide in her mother’s garage in Florida in 2008.

Sibley has stated on several occasions that he believes foul play was involved.

The Cruz campaign has yet to comment on the allegations of the recent claims that the Texas senator slept with former Donald Trump staffer Katrina Pierson.