Thursday, October 22, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Nude on New Book Cover!

Khloe Kardashian isn’t just getting back together with Lamar Odom.

She’s also getting down to business on the cover of her upcoming book. NAKED BUSINESS, that is!

The 31-year old reality star takes a page (literally! Sort of!) from sister Kim Kardashian on the cover of “Strong Looks Better Naked,” an upcoming memoir that features Khloe lying in a seductive pose.

She’s not wearing a shred of clothing in the image.

As for what a reader can expect once he or she gets past this snapshot of Khloe Kardashian nude?

The book will be comprised of how-to advice; lifestyle tips; and personal stories from Khloe, whose struggle to lose weight has been well-documented.

It will also delve into her relationship history, though these chapters are already outdated, considering Kardashian spent the last week by the side of her sick estranged husband.

She then broke up with boyfriend James Harden… and then agreed to give her marriage to Lamar Odom another shot after he swore off drugs forever.

“I am so excited about sharing my philosophy on how I live and the power of strength,” Khloé said via statement when the book was first announced.

“I hope to be an inspiration to readers everywhere on how they can create their own true strength and beauty inside and out.”

Khloe’s memoir will come out on November 3.

She previously co-released/co-authored the 2010 tome Kardashian Konfidential, along with the 2012 novel Dollhouse with her sisters Kim and Kourtney Kardashian.