Showing posts with label Scientology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scientology. Show all posts

Monday, February 5, 2018

Leah Remini Slams Scientology Super Bowl Ad: This Is Not a Religion!

Watching the Philadelphia Eagles pull out a nail-biter victory over Tom Brady and the New England Patriots is enough to make anyone consider the possibility that a benevolent higher power is pulling the strings of our universe and hates Bill Belichick just as much as the rest of us.

And the fine folks at the Church of Scientology would like you to consider the possibility that that godlike being is a spaceman who wants to help you rid yourself of all the pesky alien parasites that have been infecting your body since birth.

Yes, amidst all of the anticipated dilly dillies and Dortito-hawking celebs came an unexpected spot extolling the virtues of the world’s most controversial “religion.”

Sadly, David Harbour didn’t pop up and reveal it to be a Tide ad.

Really a missed opportunity…

Scientology commercials have become something of an annual tradition, and this is the sixth straight year that the CoS has shelled out the $ 5 million for a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl.

And, just as in years past, fans reacted with a mixture of confusion and consternation.

For some, there were questions as to how a non-profit enterprise can afford such an exorbitant fee.

Others wondered why such a shady organization is allowed to continue operating in the United States, virtually free of government interference.

Hell, were it not for Leah Remini we might forget that the likes Tom Cruise and Elisabeth Moss have been sucked in and reprogrammed by an organization that’s been accused of human trafficking, targeted harassment campaigns, and systematic sexual abuse.

Fortunately, Leah’s war against Scientology wages on, and the actress was quick to offer her two cents on last night’s jarring Super Bowl ad:

“Yet again Scientology spends millions to buy #SuperBowl ads. Scientology continues to behave as a for-profit company rather than a tax-exempt religion. #NotCurious,” Leah tweeted last night.

And it seems she wasn’t alone in her lack of curiosity regarding just what the Cult of Xenu has to offer:

“WHOA…. @Scientology took all the money they scam from poor, vulnerable people and spent it on a Super Bowl ad try to convince people they’re totally normal. What a way to spend your tithes,” tweeted one viewer.

“A Scientology ad?!!!” wrote another. “I knew the Super Bowl would be boring but I was not expecting SCARY.”

Yes, it seems the folks who run Scientology’s massive marketing and recruitment division forgot the key tenets of Super Bowl advertising:

Keep it simple; make us laugh; and whenever possible, get Peter Dinklage to lip-sync to Busta Rhymes.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Tom Cruise: Will He Leave Scientology for Suri?!?

Tom Cruise has what appears to be a pretty clear mission in front of him.

But will he choose to accept it?

That’s the question.

For months now, it’s been well-documented that the A-List actor has not seen his daughter in five years.


Tom Cruise has not seen Suri Cruise in five frickin years.

It’s hard to believe, but this has been written numerous times by numerous sites and no one from Cruise’s camp has disputed the allegation.

Moreover, go ahead and rack your brain: When was the last time you saw a photo of famous father and daughter together?

This past November, rumors circulated that Cruise had no interest in ever seeing Suri again – which is positively heartbreaking if true.

However, the latest issue of Star Magazine claims this is not the case.

It screams on its cover, in fact, that Cruise is set to leave Scientology in order to reconnect with his daughter.

“If he wants her back, he’ll have to walk away from the church, which has been a huge part of his life, to say the least,” a source tells this tabloid, adding:

“Leaving Scientology would be the toughest decision he’ll ever have to make.”

We’ll ignore the mixed up tenses used in that sentence and focus instead on the question at the core of this debate:

Will Cruise actually leave the religion he’s helped make into a household name? Will he ditch the very obvious cult for the sake of his relationship with Suri?

“It’s an unspoken threat, but Tom has to be aware that the church would do everything in its power to keep him from leaving,” claims this same insider, emphasizing the notoriously shady nature of the Church of Scientology.

Star writes that deal may be cut between Cruise and religion leads “where he would be left in peace as long as he doesn’t speak out against Scientology. That way, both sides win.”

Including Suri, of course.

Assuming, that is, she wants to be reunited with her dad.

Cruise has been a Scientology member for over three decades.

He swears by the institution (“Without it, I wouldn’t be where I am. I’m incredibly proud,” the star recently said), but others say the church’s influence has changed Cruise.

For the much worse.

He is “diabolical,” ex-Scientology member Leah Remini has said of Cruise, who she also says is a total phony.

None of this changes the only issue that matters: Will Cruise drop the religion for the sake of his young loved ones?

Don’t count on it, Gossip Cop states.

The Internet authority alleges that the entire Star Magazine cover story cited above simply isn’t true:

Cruise isn’t going anywhere.

It’s very sad, really.

Forget what you think of Scientology. Forget judging anyone associated with the church.

It’s very sad that a father hasn’t seen his child in five years. Period. Full stop.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Scientology Calls A&E "Hypocrites" for Cancelling "KKK" Show

The Church of Scientology has gone on the attack against A&E, alleging a glaring double standard by cancelling “Generation KKK” but touting its Leah Remini anti-Scientology program. TMZ obtained a letter Scientology’s lawyer fired off to…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Leah Remini: Scientology Church is Full of Rape, Forced Abortions!

Leah Remini is about to unleash Scientology bombshells that will shake the very foundations of the controversial church. 

And naturally, you know, we can’t wait. 

In her new series, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, debuts on November 29th on A&E, and the trailer for the series is as about compelling as it gets. 

The feature showcases Remini and other former Scientologists discussing their experiences, and some of these stories are downright harrowing. 

In the clip, one of the interviewees talks about Scientology rape and forced abortions. 

Another person talks about being “beaten” by the “Pope” of Scientology. 

Further, a man addresses being beaten by Scientology’s CEO, David Miscavige

“David Miscavige took a hammer to my face,” the scarred man claimed. 

Remini’s end goal for the show is to “fight for your family,” she said.

“Fight for your sons, your daughters,” alluding to her own long and arduous break from Scientology, which almost consumed her family life. 

Leah says, “My whole life, I was a very dedicated Scientologist.” 

“I didn’t want to find out what I’d done was a lie.” 

“Something inside of me was saying ‘Get them out of this thing,’ ” she revealed about her family’s ties to the CoS. 

Another woman explained, “I was 14 when I started in Scientology.” 

“I had a boss who was 35 years old and we had sex.” 

“The organization,” she revealed, “did not tell my mother, did not tell the police, they’re gonna sweep it under the carpet, and it’ll all be over with.” 

Remini also talks about abuse and abortions within the Church. 

In a report by Radar Online, it was mentioned that Remini was even followed by those believed to be part of the organization while she filmed the aforementioned documentary. 

Remini reportedly revealed, “I was having dinner with [friends], and I noticed two cars parked across the street in an empty lot.

“I asked [one of the friends], do you think we’re being followed?”

“They weren’t doing a very good job of being inconspicuous,” she was said to claim. “I think they wanted to be seen.”

“I was with Mike Rinder [former senior executive of the Church of Scientology International and Sea Org] and it became obvious that they were spying on us,” she admitted. 

“I’m used to people following me,” she conceded, “but I’m used to them being paparazzi.”

“They’re people who have cameras in their hands, and you know what they want. I’ve never been a fan of the paparazzi.”

“But this was different,” she continued.

“I want to expose the private investigators that Scientology is sending to follow people like me.”

“This causes me some concern,” she added. “I have a child.”  

We don’t know about y’all, but we sure can’t wait to sink our teeth into some juicy SP dirt later this month. 

Meanwhile, be easy, Remini – and careful, too. 


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tom Cruise Breaks Scientology Silence After Shocking Tell-All Documentary

Tom Cruise, the Master of Scientology, has broken his silence and talked about Scientology for the first time … 

Well, in a long time. 

Like, a really long time – a couch-jumping kind of long time, honestly. 

Cruise opened up in an interview during the promotion of his new film, Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back, and had a fair amount to say about the controversial cult religion organization. 

When a reporter surprised him and dared to ask what he thought about the anti-Scientology propaganda films that have emerged over the last few years, Tom, ever the PR-pro, spun it and said, “It’s something that has helped me incredibly in my life.” 

“I’ve been a Scientologist for over 30 years,” he continued, essentially avoiding the question altogether. 

“It’s something, you know, without it, I wouldn’t be where I am.” 

No doubt, son. 

“So it’s a beautiful religion,” Tom continued. 

“I’m incredibly proud.” 

He’s got a pretty valid point when he says that he “wouldn’t be” where he is today if it weren’t for Scientology, because all of the CoS leg-breakers back him in whatever he does. 

Yeah, Jack Reacher isn’t exactly Mission Impossible (except for that it really is, just with less hot women and a different name than Ethan Hunt) or even Top Gun … 

But this old man’s still getting roles upon roles heaped upon his pile so much, that his alien cup runneth over. 

Basically, Cruise gets away with whatever he wants.

Then, of course, there’s his obvious exoneration from having to care for his daughter, Suri Cruise, since she’s affiliated with her SP mother, Katie Holmes. 

We’d say it’s a safe bet to make that he wouldn’t get away with half of the stuff that he does now if it weren’t for his “religion.” 

When you’re Tom Cruise, though, you can do all sorts of wonky things like audition girlfriends and put years-long gag orders on your ex-wives to prevent them from making money off of your neuroses.  

It must be hell for those you leave in your wake of terror, but jeez.

When you don’t have any responsibilities to anyone or anything other than a Thetan spaceship, there’s a lot of free time on your hands in which you can learn the art of mastering manipulation. 

Life’s good when you’re a top-ranking member of Scientology, yeah? 


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tom Cruise: Abandoning Family to Become International Scientology Ambassador?

Yesterday, we reported on accusations about Tom Cruise’s bizarre justifications abandoning his daughter Suri.

Sources close to the actor have claimed that he hasn’t seen Suri in nearly three years and made no effort to contact the girl on her tenth birthday last month.

The alleged reason for Cruise completely cutting ties with his daughter and her mother, Katie Holmes, is unlikely to surprise those who are familiar with the details of the actor’s personal life.

Insiders claim that shortly after his divorce from Holmes, both she and Suri were branded as “Suppressive Persons” and “Potential Trouble Sources” by David Miscavige or some other high-ranking member of the Church of Scientology, and Cruise was encouraged to cut ties.

“Once you reach the mind-set where Tom is at, he doesn’t need much convincing. They believe the church is ultimately right, and abide by its demands,” says lapsed Scientologist and former friend of Cruise’s Gary Morehead.

“Miscavige would have hammered home to Tom that Suri has been infiltrated by a bad thetan,” he adds.

In this case, a thetan is a wayward soul that inhabits a human body and influences that person’s actions.

Several sources have claimed that Cruise wants to “cure” his daughter by enrolling her in a school for Scientologist children, but not surprisingly, Holmes is having none of that idea.

With that option cut off to him, it seems that Cruise may have decided to further cut ties with his family by basically living as a nomadic international ambassador for the the faith that’s played such an important role in his life.

According to TMZ Cruise has sold the mansion he once shared with Holmes for $ 40 million, and he seems to have no plans to buy a new home.

The site was unable to confirm that Cruise will be spending more time working with Miscavige and other CoS leaders, but all signs seem to point in that direction.

Cruise has been working less and less in Hollywood, and he already spends much of his time at Scientologist centers around the world. 

He’s the been the public face of the controversial religion for decades now, and Church leaders are likely thrilled by the possibility of the once-beloved actor making a full-time commitment to their cause (if that turns out to be the case).

And at this point, he’s been absent from Suri’s life for so long that she likely won’t realize anything has changed.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tom Cruise: Freaking Out Over Leah Remini"s Scientology Book

Leah Remini had to assume that the publishing of her book, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology would create a a sh*t storm of Sea Org proportions.

After her 20/20 interview aired, viewers waited for Tom Cruise’s camp to release a statement in response to her stories about spending time with him and his now ex-wife, Katie Holmes.

A source tells Us Weekly that Cruise considers the book “a major betrayal” and is “freaking out.”

Cruise, however, won’t be speaking out about Remini. Ever.

“Leah is what the church calls a ‘suppressive person,’ so she’s evil in his mind,” the source explained. “He wipes the memory of any SP out of his life. He’s letting the Scientology people discredit her.”

Remini bombshell interview prompted the organization to post a response to her book release.

“Sadly, bitterness and anger are common threads through Ms. Remini’s life,” they wrote.  “Rather than take responsibility for self-inflicted problems, she is quick to blame others,” 

“Her repeated ethical lapses and callous treatment of others led to an ecclesiastical review which resulted in her being expelled. She now regurgitates the tired myths the Church has repeatedly debunked, circulated by the same tiny clique of expelled former staffers bitter at having lost the positions they enjoyed before their malfeasance and unethical conduct were uncovered.”

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Leah Remini Opens Up About Scientology on Watch What Happens Live!

Scientology has dominated some of Hollywood’s most elite players.  Though the “church” has been the subject of much speculation and criticism, it still draws in the attention (and money) of celebrities.

But not all celebrities are fans of Scientology.

Actress Leah Remini, who authored Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology, sat down with Andy Cohen on Wednesday’s episode of Watch What Happens Live to talk about life as a former Scientologist.

In her memoir, Remini details accounts of child abuse and sexual harassment within the “religion.” And after reading about her experiences as a Scientologist, Cohen followed up with questions from both himself and viewers.

“I have follow-up questions to the book,” Cohen told Remini on the set of WWHL. ”I read it and I’m fascinated, and I know the viewers have a lot of questions.”

The Bravo executive asked Remini “how much money” she deposited into The Church of Scientology throughout the years that she was affiliated with the organization.

The King of Queens star responded, claiming that she gave $ 3 million—at least!

Cohen then asked the 45-year-old actress to expound upon other celebrities/church members who try to maintain relationships with former members.

Referring to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ daughter Suri, Cohen said, ”For example, I’m fascinated by the Tom Cruise thing in terms of his daughter. If she allegedly left the church . . . If she’s no longer a Scientologist, then does that mean he can’t be in touch with her?”

Remini explained that the church refuses the right to maintain contact with former Scientologists.

“Well, she’s a baby. She’s a child,” Remini said about 9-year-old Suri. “She doesn’t have a choice.”

“No, but the policy of the church is you can’t be connected to someone who’s committed a suppressive act, which I have. Katie has, per church policy. You can’t be connected to that. You have to shun that particular person,” she continued.

In her book, Remini disclosed information about Cruise’s influence within Scientology.  Cohen commented that her account of how Cruise treats other was “utterly shocking.”

“He appeared to have an enormous amount of power within the church,” Remini explained.

Cohen also questioned Remini about Scientology’s other mega-celeb: John Travolta. “You didn’t mention [John] Travolta much,” he mentioned.

“He’s a very sweet man, and he loves the technology of Scientology,” Remini replied. “He’s been lovely.”

A caller during the after show asked Remini if she regrets subscribing to Scientology.

“Regrets? No, I’m here now,” she answered. “I wouldn’t be here in this moment between these two wonderful people. I’m happy that I’m here with experience.”

Leah Remini left Scientology in July 2013 because she was concerned its ideology would negatively influence her daughter.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Leah Remini Details Child Abuse, Sexual Harassment Rampant in Scientology

Earlier this week, Leah Remini opened up about why she left the Church of Scientology in the sort of scathing interview that’s now common amongst CoS defectors.

Today, new excerpts from Remini’s memoir were released, and they offer even more shocking details about the actress’ involvement with America’s most controversial religious organization.

In the book – entitled Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and ScientologyRemini recalls being forced to do hard labor starting at age 13.

She says she and dozens of other children would put in 12 hour days  “pulling up tree roots with our bare hands, working heavy machinery [and] cleaning bathrooms and hotel rooms.”

Remini claims the children were barely fed and only received $ 15 a week for their work. She says she often got so hungry that she would steal food from the hotel rooms she was cleaning.

She adds that church officials thought nothing of making crude sexual remarks to the children, and that one high-ranking elder remarked to her 13-year-old sister, “You have big t-ts for such a young girl.”

Remini also says she was once forced to “physically act out the sexual policy” of the church by “rubbing together” items found in an office.

Even more shocking is Remini’s claim that infants with Scientologist parents are often abused and neglected by members of the church who are supposed to be looking after them:

“[One room] was filled with cribs of crying, neglected babies, flies, and the smell of dirty diapers,” she writes. “The only ventilation came from a huge fan by the window. The neglect was overwhelming.”

Remini has confirmed claims that Tom Cruise has been brainwashed by Scientology and that church members are forbidden to speak ill of the actor.

Though Cruise is the church’s most famous member, Remini says so many Hollywood bigwigs are devout Scientologists that she believed coming out against the faith would mean the end of her career.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Leah Remini Speaks on Scientology: Why Did She Leave?

Leah Remini is no longer a member of The Church of Scientology.

And while the actress has explained her split from the religion in the past, she opens up again this week in an interview with 20/20.

Remini (who rose to fame as the wife of Kevin James on King of Queens) says she joined the church as an impressionable youth and that the experience shaped her formative years.

"Because Scientologists view children as spiritual beings, you"re not treated as a kid," she said in a clip that first aired on Good Morning America Thursday.

"So you"re given a lot of responsibility. Your ego becomes extremely inflated." 

The 45-year old said on her reality program (Leah Remini: It"s All Relative) earlier this year that she left Scientology due to her daughter, who is being raised Catholic.

In this 20/20 clip, from a Q&A that will air in full on October 30, Remini says her mother brought her into the church as a kid; after joining, she was immediately brought "on course."

This means one learns how to apply the Scientology teachings to oneself and also to others and that the goal is, simply to "save the planet."

The star left for good in 2013 and has written a book titled “Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology” about the experience.

"The decision to leave is your giving up everything you have ever known and everything you have worked for your whole life," she says.

"I feel that people need to understand this has been my whole life. I want people to understand how it happens."

Check out the interview snippet below and then follow the proceeding link to see just how many famous Scientologists are out there.

Leah remini speaks on scientology why did she leave

Friday, October 2, 2015

Cathriona White: Studying Scientology Prior to Suicide?!

The questions and mysteries surrounding Cathriona White’s untimely death continue with perhaps the most headline-making report yet:

Jim Carrey’s girlfriend was reportedly studying and practicing Scientology, the controversial religion, before her suicide earlier this week.

Speculation surfaced after Scientology journalist Tony Ortega published an article claiming that she was a “member” prior to her demise.

Ortega writes White was completing the “Survival Rundown,” a requirememt for all members on their way up the Bridge to Total Freedom.

A spokesperson from the church responded to Ortega’s article, and was far from pleased with the assertion that the journalist makes.

The allusion Ortega draws in the story, the church says is “like saying a person who had previously studied the Bible committed suicide.”

“It is sad and reprehensible that a paid anti-Scientologist like Tony Ortega is exploiting this terrible tragedy involving a young woman.”

“it’s a sign of outright bigotry.”

The spokesperson did not clarify whether or not Cathriona White, who took her own life just a few days ago, was a member of the church.

White, Ortega claims, “originally got involved in Scientology about 4-5 years ago through members of musician Beck’s circle of friends.”

He continues to note that Cathriona’s friends say they were concerned about her dating Jim Carrey again, after they had broken up.

However, “they were assured by Scientologists they knew that Cat was emotionally prepared for the challenge of dating Carrey.”

Because, they said, she had just completed the Purif – short for the “Purification Rundown,” a process invented by Scientology.

According to founder L. Ron Hubbard, only this could “detoxify” the body via daily sauna sessions and massive doses of niacin.

Ortega’s sources also shared that “they were stunned to learn that she had killed herself,” he wrote.

Following the tragic news of her passing, White’s family has released a heartbreaking statement and Carrey met with local police.

He was also the subject of a bizarre anti-vax conspiracy theory, which may prove that the Internet has officially lost its collective mind.

White, 28, was pronounced dead in her home of a possible overdose. Pills were found next to her and there was a note left behind.