Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tom Cruise: Abandoning Family to Become International Scientology Ambassador?

Yesterday, we reported on accusations about Tom Cruise’s bizarre justifications abandoning his daughter Suri.

Sources close to the actor have claimed that he hasn’t seen Suri in nearly three years and made no effort to contact the girl on her tenth birthday last month.

The alleged reason for Cruise completely cutting ties with his daughter and her mother, Katie Holmes, is unlikely to surprise those who are familiar with the details of the actor’s personal life.

Insiders claim that shortly after his divorce from Holmes, both she and Suri were branded as “Suppressive Persons” and “Potential Trouble Sources” by David Miscavige or some other high-ranking member of the Church of Scientology, and Cruise was encouraged to cut ties.

“Once you reach the mind-set where Tom is at, he doesn’t need much convincing. They believe the church is ultimately right, and abide by its demands,” says lapsed Scientologist and former friend of Cruise’s Gary Morehead.

“Miscavige would have hammered home to Tom that Suri has been infiltrated by a bad thetan,” he adds.

In this case, a thetan is a wayward soul that inhabits a human body and influences that person’s actions.

Several sources have claimed that Cruise wants to “cure” his daughter by enrolling her in a school for Scientologist children, but not surprisingly, Holmes is having none of that idea.

With that option cut off to him, it seems that Cruise may have decided to further cut ties with his family by basically living as a nomadic international ambassador for the the faith that’s played such an important role in his life.

According to TMZ Cruise has sold the mansion he once shared with Holmes for $ 40 million, and he seems to have no plans to buy a new home.

The site was unable to confirm that Cruise will be spending more time working with Miscavige and other CoS leaders, but all signs seem to point in that direction.

Cruise has been working less and less in Hollywood, and he already spends much of his time at Scientologist centers around the world. 

He’s the been the public face of the controversial religion for decades now, and Church leaders are likely thrilled by the possibility of the once-beloved actor making a full-time commitment to their cause (if that turns out to be the case).

And at this point, he’s been absent from Suri’s life for so long that she likely won’t realize anything has changed.