Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Little Girl Tries to Scam Mother Into Revealing Surprise Gift


They’re the best, aren’t they?

Except for when they’re vomiting all over themselves in the backseat of your car, perhaps.

But Imgur user FunkyFunkyJones is here to remind us why kids can be so gosh darn adorable.

In the above example, FunkyFunkyJones gives us a look at how the daughter of his friend attempted to get to the bottom of a surprise present by impersonating her father via handwritten note.

How did the young girl’s mom know that it was her daughter, and not her husband, who wrote her the letter?

The opening of “Dear Wife” was a pretty clear giveaway.

The rest of the hilarious note reads as follows:

Dear Wife what Did you get Lily for a suprise again. I forgot. Love: Don.

Lily was apparently hoping that her mom would respond (via her own note? Just left out on the open?) with the answer of what surprise Lily was about to receive.

“Seems legit,” FunkyFunkyJones wrote of the picture.

We love it.

And we’ve gone ahead and added Lily’s precious note to the following examples of kids being too cute for words.