Showing posts with label Abandoning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abandoning. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Alaskan Bush People Fans: PISSED at Noah Brown for Abandoning Family!

For ages, it’s been looking like Season 7 of Alaskan Bush People would be the final chapter of the series. It appears, however, that Alaskan Bush People Season 8 will be a reality. Just … maybe not in Alaska.

At the moment, almost the entire Brown family is in Colorado, where they’ll build a new Browntown.

Almost the entire family, that is. Noah Brown is conspicuously absent, and was photographed elsewhere. And some fans of the show are pissed.

There’s Noah Brown with his fiancee, Rhain Alisha.

We’ve mentioned that there’s a Facebook page called Alaskan Bush People Exposed, that sometimes provides updates on the Brown family beyond what we see on Alaskan Bush People or even from the known social media of the Brown family.

They shared this photo of the two, identifying their location as a zoo in San Diego.

(There are multiple zoos in San Diego, so we don’t know if they were at the San Diego Zoo or what)

Now, it looks like they’re just a young engaged couple enjoying a trip to the zoo, but Noah’s absence from the family — especially during Ami’s cancer treatment — has some fans up in arms.

Comments on the photograph were negative enough that we hope that Noah and Rhain don’t see them.

“I can’t believe he’s not with the family since his mom’s dying of cancer.”

“Who cares about your mom, huh? What a douche.”

We can only assume that these commenters have never had a close relative battle with potentially terminal cancer.

People have to live their lives. You don’t walk around in all black with your own personal rain cloud while someone you love is receiving treatment.

We can’t imagine that Ami wants Noah to moan and wail and gnash his teeth around her when he and his fiancee could be spending time together.

(Ami has commented before that she wants to see her children have kids, so encouraging some alone time for this couple sounds right up her alley)

Noah and Rhain’s outing also received some support from fans, who said things like “Glad they’re having a great time,” and “Happy for them.”

Plus some more ambivalent comments:

“I like Noah a lot. But something seems off a bit his mother is struggling to live so we are told and he’s at the San Diego zoo. But good for Noah. Glad he is off making a life for himself if this is all true.”

The if this is all true line is important, because it’s always possible that someone sent in the photo with incorrect information.

We do our best to analyze information for you, but some things cannot yet be confirmed even though they seem tragically likely — like Ami Brown’s cancer update where her lung cancer appears to be stage 4 and in both lungs.

(That report came from Alaskan Bush People Exposed, but we would love for it to not be true)

There were also comments about whatever that is on Noah’s face (some think it’s a tattoo, others think it could be from face-painting, and everybody seemed to have an opinion).

Fans can connect the dots and guess that Noah may not be interested in appearing of Alaskan Bush People‘s reported eighth season.

That won’t sit well with some of them, either, since some fans railed at the Brown children for closing Browntown. The old Browntown, in Alaska.

But that’s Noah’s choice, you guys. He needs to live his life and pursue his happiness.

And Noah isn’t the only one who doesn’t seem to be down for continuing to live a post-apocalyptic lifestyle.

Gabe Brown, seen here in a throwback photo so old that it was taken on an actual camera (not a phone!), if you can imagine such a thing, is reportedly parting ways and not interested in Season 8.

You know what?

Good for him for making a choice.

Honestly, we’d have loved to watch a sequel series to Alaskan Bush People where, instead of repeating the past but in Colorado, they adjust to life in civilization.

We know that they haven’t been completely cut off or anything — they use technology and post stuff to Instagram all fo the time.

But living off the land and so remotely is very different from, say, living in a city and acclimating to that.

Maybe that’s too much for some of them and that’s why they’re carrying on with their homestead lifestyle.

Or maybe they’re just trying to keep Ami and Billy’s dream alive for a little longer.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Lena Dunham"s Dog-Trainer Defends Her Against Accusations of Lying, Abandoning Dog

Lena Dunham has been accused of craving negative attention and going out of her way to fish for it. If that really is the case, she’s getting her wish.

Remember how Lena Dunham may have abandoned her dog Lamby and lied about the reason, stirring up all sorts of ire from dog-lovers and decent human beings everywhere?

Well, she has at least one person defending her decision. Bear with us, but … there’s a chance that Lena did the right thing here. 

So, as you may recall, months after rehoming her dog, Lamby, Lena Dunham announced that she’d done it.

It’s hard to imagine rehoming a pet, because they’re part of your family.

Like, you don’t give up your kid for adoption when they’re 8.

(Not voluntarily, anyway)

But Lena gave a reason.

She claimed that Lamby had serious aggressive behavior.

Many adopted dogs don’t come from great backgrounds, so behavior can be an issue.

But Lena says that even after having Lamby for so long, the problem behaviors — which included biting — hadn’t gone away.

“Lamby suffered terrible abuse as a pup that made having him in a typical home environment dangerous to him and others — we needed to be responsible to ourselves, our neighbors, and especially our beloved boy.”

The thing is that the shelter from which Lena adopted Lamby said that Lamby wasn’t “crazy,” and also that he was put up for adoption because the previous owner “didn’t have enough time” for him.

That doesn’t preclude a history of being abused, but it doesn’t quite match her claims either, you know?

Matt Beisner, owner of the Zen Dog, is a dog-trainer whose help Lena sought.

And Lena Dunham’s dog-trainer is backing up her story.

Beisner described Lamby as “really aggressive” and not wanting to be touched.

“He didn’t want to be touched and he didn’t want to be handled.”

That part’s not so unusual for unfriendly dogs dealing with strangers, but it gets weirder.

“When he came to us, there were days where we had to carry his crate out to the yard and open it to let him come out because we couldn’t safely put our hands near him to get a leash on him to walk him.”

That’s unusual.

(Like, I was a dog-walker for some rescue dogs who had for sure had horrible backgrounds in a previous home, and that’s unusual)

Beisner was even able to specifically address the shelter’s claims that Lamby wasn’t “crazy.”

“The dog that we see in the shelter is often not the dog that we see in the home.”

That makes sense, of course.

Being in a shelter must be terrifying.

Being in a new home is strange and full of uncertainty, but that fear usually goes away with time.

“And often the dog in the home on day one is different than the dog that we see at the six-month mark.”

Unfortunately, that’s true.

Sometimes “getting comfortable” in a new environment means trying to exert dominance or whatever caused Lamby’s biting behavior.

Lena Dunham might actually be on the up-and-up with this one.

We’re not saying that we’d take Beisner’s word for it completely.

He is, after all, someone whom Lena once paid.

It’s no leap to suggest that he might have extra motives to remain in her good graces (plus he’s getting publicity).

But it’s hard to see him going to People and lying.

He has a professional reputation to maintain.

So, while maybe he might avoid blaming Lena for not being sufficiently accommodating or not coming to him earlier or whatever … if he says that Lamby was extraordinarily aggressive in a way that wasn’t going to be fixed living with Lena, we believe it.

If Lamby really is in such a great place now, maybe it’s for the best.

Some dogs need specialized environments and we guess that Lena was able to get him that.

We hope that this doesn’t discourage other people from adopting dogs.

Because dogs are wonderful.

And dogs in shelters don’t deserve to have to stay there when they could have loving homes and join someone’s family.

Sure, some might come with baggage — some don’t like men, for example.

(There are plenty of humans with that same baggage and it comes from experience in both cases)

But most of them adapt to their new homes and learn to trust their new humans.

It’s just that Lamby and Lena Dunham clearly weren’t meant to be.

Maybe now we can go back to worrying about Lena’s next huge tattoos or whatever else she does when she wants more attention.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Lena Dunham: Accused of Abandoning Dog, Lying About Reason Why

Another week, another random Lena Dunham-related controversy.

At this point, you Lena drama is as predictable as the tides, and it always seems that just as she’s putting one mini-scandal behind her, another rushes in.

Part of this is the Internet’s fault, as social media users routinely lose their minds over molehill-caliber stuff like not liking Lena’s latest tattoos.

But, of course, a big part of it is Lena’s fault, as she routinely courts controversy by saying and doing problematic sh-t, and then turning around and seeking sympathy from the ultra-PC recreational outrage crowd whenever it suits her.

It’ been going on for years, and lena is certainly not the first born-rich celebrity who can’t comprehend that the public will occasionally voice displeasure with her, and sometimes it’s best to just shrug it off, rather than making things worse with a lame explanation.

Particularly when that explanation contains statements that are easily exposed as lies, and may lead to a press investigation that will expose myriad other lies.

This one had to do with Lena’s former dog, Lamby.

We say former dog not because Lamby has died … though she’s hopefully gone to a better place.

You see, after four years of ownership and despite an income that allows for ample dog walkers, god psychologists, dog accupuncturists, and dog yoga instructors, Lena decided Lamby had become too much of a burden and gave Lamby away.

She explained the decision in a lengthy Instagram post in which she basically pinned the blame for her dog’s “aggressive behavior on previous, abusive owners that don’t exist … and the staff at one of the most highly-regarded anumal shelters in the country.

“After four years of challenging behavior and aggression that could not be treated with training or medication or consistent loving dog ownership, Lamby went to live at an amazing professional facility in Los Angeles,” Dunham wrote.

“Lamby suffered terrible abuse as a pup that made having him in a typical home environment dangerous to him and others- we needed to be responsible to ourselves, our neighbors and especially our beloved boy.”

Some have offered kudos to Lena for finding a professional facility to care for Lamby, instead of just returning him to the shelter, but she adopted from a no-kill shelter and promised to return the dog and not re-home it.

But even if you’re under the mistaken impression that Lena deserves praise for finding Lamby a new home, just about everything else that she wrote is suspect at best, slanderous at worst.

This is far from the first time that Dunham’s fitness to own a dog has been questioned, but this time the main source of controversy isn’t her lack of training ability but the fact that Lena appears to have flat-oit lied about Lamby’s history of abuse.

Not surprisingly, the shelter responded with a statement clarifiying that Lamby was not abused, did not have three additional owners, and had no history of aggressive behavior.

“We checked the records for Lamby,” said spokesman Robert Vazquez.

“He was ‘owner surrendered, not enough time,’ so we do not know where she got ‘multiple owners that abused the dog.’”

Vazquez continued:

“When she adopted the dog from us, it wasn’t crazy,” Vazquez continued.

“I have pictures of the dog loving on Lena and her mom, which is weird if the dog was abused. It wouldn’t be cuddling with her or be in the bed with her ‘boyfriend’ in the pages of Vogue.”

He also points out that Lamby frequently accompanied Lena at work and on film and talk show sets.

The Vogue comment refers to a 2013 issue of  the magazine, in which Lena can be seen lying in bed with Lamby. (Look at that adorable little psycho!)

In the same article accompanying the incriminating photo Lena made the apocryphal claim that Lamby had been passed around amongst multiple abusive owners:

Dunham claimed the dog had had “three other homes, three other names, but now he’s mine mine mine.”

Again, this appears to be a lie.

Naturally, Dunham took to Instagram to furhter explain the mess … and dug herself a deeper hole:

“It’s come to my attention that the staff at the shelter where I adopted Lamby have a very different account of his early life and behavioral issues than I do,” she wrote.

While I’m sorry to have disappointed them … I would never say an unkind word about the staff of BARC, what they do is amazing and life saving for these animals- but we have different accounts of Lamby’s behavior and they were not present in my home nor did they live with him for an extended period.”

In case you can’t stomach another long-winded excuse for sh-tty behavior, Lena basically said, “I’m not calling the shelter staff liars … but yeah, they’re totes lying.”

Proving that there’s no situation she can’t make worse, Dunham has since bought – not adopted – two young poodles.

We guess after spending so much time on set with his daughter, she decided to attend the Brian Williams School of Scandal Management.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tom Cruise: Abandoning Family to Become International Scientology Ambassador?

Yesterday, we reported on accusations about Tom Cruise’s bizarre justifications abandoning his daughter Suri.

Sources close to the actor have claimed that he hasn’t seen Suri in nearly three years and made no effort to contact the girl on her tenth birthday last month.

The alleged reason for Cruise completely cutting ties with his daughter and her mother, Katie Holmes, is unlikely to surprise those who are familiar with the details of the actor’s personal life.

Insiders claim that shortly after his divorce from Holmes, both she and Suri were branded as “Suppressive Persons” and “Potential Trouble Sources” by David Miscavige or some other high-ranking member of the Church of Scientology, and Cruise was encouraged to cut ties.

“Once you reach the mind-set where Tom is at, he doesn’t need much convincing. They believe the church is ultimately right, and abide by its demands,” says lapsed Scientologist and former friend of Cruise’s Gary Morehead.

“Miscavige would have hammered home to Tom that Suri has been infiltrated by a bad thetan,” he adds.

In this case, a thetan is a wayward soul that inhabits a human body and influences that person’s actions.

Several sources have claimed that Cruise wants to “cure” his daughter by enrolling her in a school for Scientologist children, but not surprisingly, Holmes is having none of that idea.

With that option cut off to him, it seems that Cruise may have decided to further cut ties with his family by basically living as a nomadic international ambassador for the the faith that’s played such an important role in his life.

According to TMZ Cruise has sold the mansion he once shared with Holmes for $ 40 million, and he seems to have no plans to buy a new home.

The site was unable to confirm that Cruise will be spending more time working with Miscavige and other CoS leaders, but all signs seem to point in that direction.

Cruise has been working less and less in Hollywood, and he already spends much of his time at Scientologist centers around the world. 

He’s the been the public face of the controversial religion for decades now, and Church leaders are likely thrilled by the possibility of the once-beloved actor making a full-time commitment to their cause (if that turns out to be the case).

And at this point, he’s been absent from Suri’s life for so long that she likely won’t realize anything has changed.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Tom Cruise: How Does He Justify Abandoning Suri?

Last month, it was widely reported that Tom Cruise hasn’t seen his daughter, Suri, in nearly 1,000 days.

The news was baffling, as Cruise clearly has the means to visit his Suri whenever he pleases, and he’s reportedly been an attentive father to his other two kids, whom he adopted during his first marriage.

(Though it’s worth noting that Cruise was not invited to the wedding of his eldest daughter, Isabella Cruise, when she got married last year.)

So why is it that Cruise would so callously distance himself from his youngest child, who just turned 10 in April?

Well, according to Gary Morehead, the former head of Cruise’s personal security team at the main Scientology headquarters near Hemet, California, it’s the actor’s devotion to his faith that’s to blame for his negligent parenting.

Morehead, who has spoken out against the Church in the past, says Cruise is completely under the control of Scientologist leader David Miscavige, who advised the actor to cut ties with his daughter and her mother, Katie Holmes:

“Miscavige would have hammered home to Tom that Suri has been infiltrated by a bad Thetan,” says Gary Morehead.

“Therefore, it’s easy for Tom to disconnect from her.”

Morehead adds that Cruise has been taking instructions from Miscavige for so long that it likely never occurs to him to question his advice:

“Once you reach the mind-set where Tom is at, he doesn’t need much convincing. They believe the church is ultimately right, and abide by its demands.”

Another former Scientologist, Jon Atack, believes that Cruise would’ve been ordered to sever ties with Suri and Holmes once they left the religion, in order to prevent him from questioning his own beliefs.

“It’s likely Tom reported feeling upset, and that’s when I think he may have been told to drop any connection to his daughter,” says Atack.

Sources say Katie and Suri would’ve both been branded Suppressive Persons (“SPs” in Scientologist jargon) as well as Potential Trouble Sources (“PTSs”).

Cruise reportedly hopes that he’ll one day be able to redeem Suri in the eyes of the Church, and therefore welcome her back into his life:

“A PTS can be reformed by discipline and training, and become a good Scientologist,” says Atack.

This would reportedly involve sending Suri to a special school for Scientologist children, an idea that Holmes has reportedly resisted.