Showing posts with label Cathriona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cathriona. Show all posts

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Jim Carrey: Cathriona White Wrongful Death Suit Dismissed

In September of 2015, Jim Carrey’s girlfriend Cathriona White committed suicide. It was tragic. And the tragedy was only compounded afterwards.

Accusing Jim Carrey of a slew of misdeeds, from allegedly surprising White with three different STDs to, per these accusations, being responsible for furnishing the drugs that led to her death.

Jim Carrey was being sued by White’s mother and by her estranged ex-husband. We say was being sued, because Carrey reportedly no longer faces these suits.

Jim Carrey and Cathriona White met in 2012, and from then on had an on-again, off-again relationship.

Tragically, in 2015, Cathriona took her own life in late September. In her suicide note, she mentioned that she and Carrey had broken up just days earlier.

What was already a sad story of a 28-year-old woman lost to suicide became even sadder when Cathriona’s estranged ex-husband, Mark Burton, brought a wrongful death suit against Jim Carrey.

The suit alleged that Jim Carrey had provided Cathriona with the drugs while knowing that she was prone to depression and might be at risk for suicidal behavior.

Brigid Sweetman, Cathriona White’s own mother, became part of Jim Carrey’s legal battle.

It was also alleged that Carrey had knowingly passed three STDs on to Cathriona White without warning her.

Jim Carrey slammed Cathriona’s estranged ex with a tasteful statement explaining that he intended to fight the allegations against him.

“What a terrible shame. It would be easy for me to get in a back room with this man’s lawyer and make this go away, but there are some moments in life when you have to stand up and defend your honor against the evil in this world.”

A lot of people might try to sue celebrities, hoping for a quick payout. Clearly, that wasn’t going to happen here.

“I will not tolerate this heartless attempt to exploit me or the woman I loved. Cat’s troubles were born long before I met her and sadly her tragic end was beyond anyone’s control.”

More than anything, Jim Carrey hoped for the legal struggle to end.

“I really hope that some day soon people will stop trying to profit from this and let her rest in peace.”

Jim Carrey filed countersuit in 2017.

In the suit, Jim Carrey’s legal team addressed the STD claims in particular.

According to their documents, filed in L.A., it appeared that Cathriona White had used her old STD panel results as well as a friend’s to fabricate a counterfit STD panel showing that she was clean.

In reality, it appears that she had hepatisis A, herpes, and Chlamydia.

(One has to question why her loved ones would want to call attention to her STD status with a lawsuit)

Apparently, Jim Carrey’s legal team did their work well.

People now reports that the lawsuit against Jim Carrey has been dismissed.

Which means that Jim Carrey no longer faces a civil trial over Cathriona White’s death.

This is a tragic situation, but whether it was grief or greed that fueled the legal action against him, the court sided with Carrey.

After Cathriona’s tragic passing, Jim Carrey was a pallbearer at her funeral in her native Ireland.

He also put out this statement, which is a much better way to remember her than the unflattering details of any lawsuits.

Carrey said:

“She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled.”

Beautiful words.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Cathriona White Death: Jim Carrey Finally Breaks His Silence

Up until now, Jim Carrey has remained silent about his ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, who committed suicide in September 2015.

Now, Carrey is ready to speak.  Today, he issued a statement condemning the press, according to People Magazine.

“When I came to Hollywood to make it as a comedian, I soon learned that the details of my private life would be handed out to the media like free dinner vouchers,” the statement read.

“I never dreamed that the people I love most in the world would also be on the menu. What a shame.”

White’s autopsy reveals that the 30-year-old overdosed on prescription pills, including including propranolol, the sleep aid zolpidem, oxycodone and oxymorphone.

On Tuesday, details of White’s suicide note (initially found by police) were made public, which included an apology to Carrey, whom she split up with just a few days before her death.  

Carrey and White dated on and off since 2012, after meeting on a film set.

“I’ve spent 3 days now in disbelief that you’re not here. I can go on brokenhearted and try to put the pieces back. I could, I just don’t have the will this time,” White wrote.

“I’m sorry you felt I wasn’t there for you. I tried to give you my best part.”

As for her funeral, White left instructions to the Ace Ventura star.

“I don’t really know about burial or that sort of thing. You are my family so whatever you choose will be fine.”

“Please forgive me,” she wrote.”I’m just not for this world.”

Carrey did release a statement following her death, stating that he was “deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona.

“She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled.”

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Cathriona White Suicide Note: New Details Revealed

Nearly a year after Cathriona White committed suicide, new details have emerged of the note she left prior to taking her own life.

White was the longtime girlfriend of actor Jim Carrey.

She and the former Ace Ventura star had dated on and off for several years, breaking up just a week prior to White killing herself last fall at the age of 28.

According to newly released autopsy and toxicology reports, White – who fatally overdosed on prescription medication in – was found with a suicide note actually addressed to Carrey.

“I’ve spent 3 days now in disbelief that you’re not here,” it reads. “I can go on brokenhearted and try to put the pieces back. I could, I just don’t have the will this time.”

The letter was discovered by the police, but only just now made public.

It continued: “I’m sorry you felt I wasn’t there for you. I tried to give you my best part.”

In the letter, White also mentions plans for her funeral, writing:

“I don’t really know about burial or that sort of thing. You are my family so whatever you choose will be fine.”

She went on to request that her possessions be sold and given to her family.

“Please forgive me. I’m just not for this world,” the letter concluded, prior to White signing off with “Dewdrop,” presumably a nickname Carrey had for her. 

White, a native of Ireland, met Carrey in 2012.

The toxicology report confirms that her death was a suicide and that White had a number of prescription pills in her system at the time of her death, including:

Propranolol (a beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure), zolpidem (a sleep aid sold as Ambien), and painkillers oxycodone and oxymorphone.

Shortly after White’s passing, Carrey released a statement that read:

I am shocked and deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona. She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled

My heart goes out to her family and friends and to everyone who loved and cared about her. We have all been hit with a lightning bolt.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Cathriona White Suicide: Not Her First Attempt, Sources Say

Jim Carrey’s on-and-off again girlfriend Cathriona White, who took her own life late last month, reportedly attempted to do so once before.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that Cathriona White tried ending her life back in 2012, following the death of her father that year.

A hateful message from her biological mother may have led to her suicide.

According to sources close to her, White’s friends told investigators that this came out of the blue, and may have taken the ultimate toll.

On Cathriona’s birthday, just days before her suicide, she got a message from her estranged biological mother who called her a “failure.”

White committed suicide on the third anniversary of her father’s death.

Her mother’s verbal attack, that sad anniversary and her breakup with Jim may have all formed a perfect storm in her fragile mind.

White, who was married to Mark Burton at the time of her demise, reportedly OD’d on prescription drugs prescribed to a Carrey alias.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mark Burton: Cathriona White Husband Identified

Cathriona White’s body has been released from the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office, with her newly-identified husband Mark Burton in control.

“Cathriona White’s body was released Monday,” a Medical Examiner’s office official said of Jim Carrey’s on-off girlfriend, who died last week.

The 30-year-old White’s family arrived stateside last week in order make arrangements to bring her body back to her native Ireland.

However, news of her body’s release comes one day after it was discovered that Cathriona White had a husband listed as a next of kin.

According to Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter, her husband, Burton, and would have to sign over control in order for her family to take it.

“The next of kin has to relinquish the body to her family,” says Winter, who would not comment further on this “private family matter.”

While little is known about Burton and White’s marriage, a source confirmed that they were in fact separated at the time of her death.

“She was going to start divorce proceedings in December,” says the source, noting that Carrey would not publicly date her otherwise.

Sources in her home town of Cappawhite, Ireland, say few in the town were aware she was married, however, including some relatives.

Burton, 51, currently lives in L.A., and both he and White worked in the entertainment industry, crossing paths on several projects.

White, a makeup artist, is believed to have committed suicide at home, with four prescription drugs under a Carrey alias at the scene.

“There were four prescriptions: Ambien, Percocet, Propranolol and Zofran … [they] were not [written] in her name,” Winter revealed.

A source adds that Carrey had no idea the medication was missing:

“[Cathriona] took them from his house. He had no idea. He wasn’t actively using them and therefore had no idea they were even missing.”

“There is no criminal investigation on him,” the insider says of the grieving actor, “and he has already spoken to authorities.”

Cathriona White: Married, in Possession of Drugs Under Jim Carrey"s Alias Before Suicide

Jim Carrey’s girlfriend, Cathriona White, who died of suspected suicide last month, was married to another man, according to a new report.

Also, she had drugs in her possession prescribed to a Carrey alias.

“She had a husband and they were separated,” Ed Winter of the L.A. County Medical Examiner’s office said. “He is the legal next of kin.”

According to Winter, the makeup artist had been separated from the unidentified man for five months and planned to divorce him.

Carrey and White dated on and off, last splitting up September 24.

Cathriona committed suicide, it is widely believed, just days later.

“As far as Jim was concerned, [she was separated,” a source said.

“She was going to start divorce proceedings. There is no way Jim Carrey would have taken her out to public places if he thought she was married.”

Her marriage date, husband and location have not been released.

The coroner’s office confirmed that several different prescription pill bottles were found next to White’s body shortly after her demise.

“There were four bottles found, three of them with a name on it and they weren’t hers,” the coroner’s office explained to the media.

“We confirmed with the pharmacy it was an alias for Carrey. The prescriptions were Ambien, Percocet, Propranolol and Zofran.”

“[They were all in the name of Jim’s alias] except for the Zofran,” the corner’s office added. “There was no name on the [Zofran].”

White, 30, took the pills unbeknownst to Carrey, who is not a person of interest, despite Internet anti-vaxx conspiracy theories.

“Jim didn’t even realize until a couple days later because it’s not something that he took on a regular basis,” the insider explained.

The coroner’s office also previously confirmed that a note addressed to Carrey was found by her body; its contents are unclear.

Reports that White was involved in Scientology have also surfaced, though it’s not certain how deeply Cathriona was immersed.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Cathriona White: Studying Scientology Prior to Suicide?!

The questions and mysteries surrounding Cathriona White’s untimely death continue with perhaps the most headline-making report yet:

Jim Carrey’s girlfriend was reportedly studying and practicing Scientology, the controversial religion, before her suicide earlier this week.

Speculation surfaced after Scientology journalist Tony Ortega published an article claiming that she was a “member” prior to her demise.

Ortega writes White was completing the “Survival Rundown,” a requirememt for all members on their way up the Bridge to Total Freedom.

A spokesperson from the church responded to Ortega’s article, and was far from pleased with the assertion that the journalist makes.

The allusion Ortega draws in the story, the church says is “like saying a person who had previously studied the Bible committed suicide.”

“It is sad and reprehensible that a paid anti-Scientologist like Tony Ortega is exploiting this terrible tragedy involving a young woman.”

“it’s a sign of outright bigotry.”

The spokesperson did not clarify whether or not Cathriona White, who took her own life just a few days ago, was a member of the church.

White, Ortega claims, “originally got involved in Scientology about 4-5 years ago through members of musician Beck’s circle of friends.”

He continues to note that Cathriona’s friends say they were concerned about her dating Jim Carrey again, after they had broken up.

However, “they were assured by Scientologists they knew that Cat was emotionally prepared for the challenge of dating Carrey.”

Because, they said, she had just completed the Purif – short for the “Purification Rundown,” a process invented by Scientology.

According to founder L. Ron Hubbard, only this could “detoxify” the body via daily sauna sessions and massive doses of niacin.

Ortega’s sources also shared that “they were stunned to learn that she had killed herself,” he wrote.

Following the tragic news of her passing, White’s family has released a heartbreaking statement and Carrey met with local police.

He was also the subject of a bizarre anti-vax conspiracy theory, which may prove that the Internet has officially lost its collective mind.

White, 28, was pronounced dead in her home of a possible overdose. Pills were found next to her and there was a note left behind.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Jim Carrey -- Girlfriend Cathriona White Commits Suicide



0929-carrey-cathorina-fame-02update_graphic_red_bar9:43 AM PT — Jim Carrey released a statement — “I am shocked and deeply saddened by the passing of my sweet Cathriona. She was a truly kind and delicate Irish flower, too sensitive for this soil, to whom loving and being loved was all that sparkled. My heart goes out to her family and friends and to everyone who loved and cared about her. We have all been hit with a lightning bolt.”update_grey_gray_barJim Carrey‘s on-again/off-again 28-year-old girlfriend has committed suicide … TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement tells TMZ, LAPD responded to a call in the L.A. area Monday night. We’re told they went to a residence and found the body of Cathriona White

Our sources say White left a suicide note addressed to Carrey which references their break up on Sept. 24. Cathriona tweeted on the 24th … “Signing off Twitter, I hope I have been a light to my nearest and dearest.”

Law enforcement tells us they believe she died from an overdose of drugs — pills were next to her body. We’re told 2 friends found Cathriona last night when they went to check on her.

53-year-old Carrey and White met in 2012, dated a few months and then split. They rekindled their relationship in May.
