Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Cathriona White Suicide: Not Her First Attempt, Sources Say

Jim Carrey’s on-and-off again girlfriend Cathriona White, who took her own life late last month, reportedly attempted to do so once before.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that Cathriona White tried ending her life back in 2012, following the death of her father that year.

A hateful message from her biological mother may have led to her suicide.

According to sources close to her, White’s friends told investigators that this came out of the blue, and may have taken the ultimate toll.

On Cathriona’s birthday, just days before her suicide, she got a message from her estranged biological mother who called her a “failure.”

White committed suicide on the third anniversary of her father’s death.

Her mother’s verbal attack, that sad anniversary and her breakup with Jim may have all formed a perfect storm in her fragile mind.

White, who was married to Mark Burton at the time of her demise, reportedly OD’d on prescription drugs prescribed to a Carrey alias.
