Showing posts with label Freaking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freaking. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Jinger Duggar Is Still Freaking Fans Out With Her Fashion Choices

It’s been a full year since Jinger Duggar started wearing pants in public, and naturally, that minor act of sartorial rebeliion doesn’t garner quite as much media attention as it used to.

Most fans have become accustomed to the sight of Jinger’s denim-clad appendages by this point, but it seems there are some who are still shocked – shocked! – by the sight of the 24-year-old in a pair of Levi’s.

“Beautiful. Wow she’s wearing pants I don’t think I’ve ever seen her wear pants,”

“Oh my goodness she is wearing pants.. Oh what is this coming to,” one fan wrote.

Granted, we follow the Duggars’ fashion choices much closer than most.

(And since you’re this deep into an article about Jinger wearing pants, you can probably say the same.)

But the idea that there are fans of the family who still had no idea that Jinger long ago cast of her skirt-shackles makes us feel like we’re taking crazy pills.

Thankfully, numerous Duggar obsessives played the “well, actually…” card for us and pointed out to their fellow Instagram users that 

“Silly people. Out of respect to her parents she followed their rules living at home. When you leave home, you choose your own path. Get over the negativity.”

Yeah, silly people! It’s time to get woke to Jinger’s defiant legwear.

This movement has gotten so big that other Duggar women are now wearing pants in direct defiance of the strct dress code with which they were raised.

Sure, it doesn’t really affect anyone outside of their niche religious tradition, but it marks the first time that Jim Bob and Michelle’s daughters went against the teachings of the controversial Institute in Basic Life Principles that inspired some of their parents’ most bonkers beliefs.

Sadly, they were only able to engage in this small insurrection because a man signed off on their efforts.

Jinger married Jeremy Vuolo back in November of 2016, and the young pastor was so firm in his belief that she should be permitted to wear pants that he addressed the topic in one of his semons:

“It is your liberty as to whether you dress modestly with a modest pair of pants, or with a skirt, or with a T-shirt, or with a blouse,” Vuolo reportedly told his congregation

Jinger Duggar: Ice Skating! In Pants!

“It is not your liberty, women, to wear sensual, seductive clothing that is designed to draw the attention of your brothers.”

Maybe someday the Duggar women will be allowed to make decisions for themselves without running it by their husbands first.

But for now, this is a step in the right direction.

A baby step in the right direction, but still …

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: My Home is INFESTED and I"m Freaking Out!

As Keeping Up With The Kardashians has taken us on a tour of the family"s drama. We"ve watched Scott Disick freak out over Younes Bendjima.

This time, however, it"s Kourtney"s turn to do the freaking out on camera. And no, it"s not over Sofia Richie.

Kourtney"s home is infested … with tarantulas. Watch her panic in the video below!

Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 3Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 2

It was supposed to just be a simple scene of Kourtney and Larsa Pippen chatting in Kourtney"s backyard in Calabasas.

They"d chat about stuff and maybe bring up a prearranged topic.

(Honestly, a huge part of the scene"s appeal was that they were both looking great in one-pieces, to no one"s surprise)

To start things off, they laid out some towels to enjoy that Southern Californian weather.

Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 1

They start talking about their nails, which is … not necessarily the most captivating conversation.

(But, for the record, Larsa is asking if her nail polish is too "stripper"-y, since she usually only goes with white or black but decided that, now that she"s moved to L.A. she wants to try some new things)

Their conversation takes an abrupt turn, however, when the two of them notice — with some possible "help" from a producer or camera operator — that there"s a spider near them.

Specifically, a very large tarantula.

Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 4

We don"t know what time of day it is, but the shadow from their chairs and bodies nearly reach the tarantula.

So it"s safe to say that this small friend got pretty darn close to the couple.

Who .. squeal and move a short distance away, letting out nervous giggles.

Once calmed, Kourtney talks about her "infestation" problem.

Kourtney kardashian on kuwtk 3

"I just don"t even know what to do," she laments.

Then, speaking alone with the camera, Kourtney says:

"I swear, we"re, like, outside, like, 50 percent of the time, and I"ve already had the exterminator come out and spray."

So it doesn"t sound like the tarantulas are going into her house. It sounds like they"re just … minding their own business outdoors.

(Obviously, people seldom want spiders inside of their home, and I get that — I don"t either. But tarantulas aren"t a threat to humans, so why is she spraying her backyard?)

Tarantula at kourtneys house

It sounds like Kourtney has a pretty serious case of arachnophobia, because it sounds like she"s obsessing over this.

"I just won"t be able to sleep at night. I just will not feel comfortable until these tarantulas are fully gone."

While on camera, she calls the exterminator who had apparently already been out there.

The exterminator says that tarantulas are likely more active and therefore more likely to be spotted now because it"s mating season.

That doesn"t exactly seem to calm Kourtney"s nerves. Or Larsa"s.

Larsa says: "I"m going to Beverly Hills. This wild, wild west is not for me!"

Kourtney kardashian speaks on kuwtk

Plenty of folks have ethical concerns about exterminating a non-dangerous species that"s also not in your house but just happens to be nearby.

Others worry about the larger environmental impact that can come from spraying poison all over a yard, and what might happen when other species eat the tarantulas that have been poisoned to death.

Not to mention concerns over how those poisons might impact Kourtney"s young children. Especially if they spend half of their time outside, which sounds awful. (I don"t care where you live; the great outdoors are never going to be a match for the great indoors)

Watch the video below and decide for yourself if Kourtney and Larsa are overreacting.

Be ready to hear some squealing!

Kourtney kardashian my home is infested and im freaking out

Friday, November 10, 2017

Kylie Jenner: I"m Freaking Out About Becoming a Mom!

2017 is a wild ride. The perfidious predators in Hollywood are getting exposed, but we all live in perpetual anxiety that the world will be destroyed because of an impulsive lunatic. That’s … all kind of depressing.

But Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy, bizarre and unexpected though it may be, is a welcome distraction.

For us. Apparently, Kylie’s finally reached the point where the realities of her condition are starting to freak her out.

Though Kylie and her family are still, for reasons unknown and perhaps beyond the comprehension of us mere mortals, refusing to actually acknowledge it …

The whole world knows that Kylie is pregnant.

We can only assume that her comical efforts to hide her baby bump are a prelude to some “big reveal” that Kris Jenner dreamed up.

(That woman really knows how to turn any unfortunate situation into a huge source of success; in another life, Kris Jenner might have conquered the world by now)

Of course, some are paranoid that Kylie Jenner is faking her pregnancy. Her motives for that would be unclear. Maybe she’s trolling fans or trying to get revenge against the people who report on her life by stringing them along.

That said, people who’ve spotted Kylie Jenner say that she looks pregnant. As well she ought to — she’s reportedly due in just a few months.

And it looks like that looming due date, and the changes to her body, are finally getting to Kylie.

Remember, she’s only 20, and she got pregnant at 19 with a rebound guy she’d been seeing for maybe a month.

There’s a lot to freak out about.

A source tells RadarOnline that Kylie Jenner is over her pregnancy’s honeymoon phase.

“Honestly, Kylie is just an emotional wreck right now.”

Well, that sure isn’t mincing any words, is it?

“She does not know what to do or [whom] to trust, and she is just so vulnerable right now.”

Is the issue about worrying that a “friend” will snap a photo of her baby bump? that could keep her in isolation.

Or maybe Kylie’s having trouble confiding her feelings in people. That could be worse, and much more isolating.

“Her age is really starting to show.”

You know, it’s funny — usually, when we talk about someone’s age showing, we talk about a teacher talking about how handsome Errol Flynn was we talk about someone not knowing who Ariana Grande is.

In this case, it’s not old age that’s allegedly showing — it’s Kylie’s youth and immaturity. 

Sure, people have said “oh, she’ll make a great mom” and praised Kylie for being mature or whatever … but that’s just something that people say.

According to that same source, Kylie’s feeling scared at the moment.

“She does not know how to be an adult, let alone be a mother.”

Remember, Kylie is set to give birth well before she’s old enough to legally drink alcohol in the US.

Yeah, alcohol and pregnancy don’t mix, but the point is that Kylie is really young for someone who’s becoming a mother. And she’s basically never had responsibilities in her life aside from appearing on a reality series.

Other women become moms at her age, but most of those other women have had real jobs before and probably have more realistic ideas of what parenting entails.

But RadarOnline‘s source says that Kylie is feeling isolated.

“She’s feeling so alone!”

Now, all of that sounds believable.

But here’s where it starts to sounds like RadarOnline‘s source is reporting from a parallel universe where everything is all topsy-turvy:

“Kylie is trying to rely on Kris, but Kris has made it clear she simply does not have the time to deal with it.”

That … doesn’t sound like the Kris Jenner whom we have all come to know and love (and fear).

Kris Jenner ignoring her youngest daughter doesn’t sound plausible. Kris Jenner ignoring her pregnant daughter sounds like someone’s fever-dream.

There’s no way that Kris Jenner is unwilling to help Kylie through her pregnancy and her transition into motherhood.

But that doesn’t preclude Kylie from feeling like Kris doesn’t care. Feelings, strange as this may sound, are sometimes less than rational.

Kylie’s dealing with more right now than she’s ever dealt with before.

She has a huge support network available to her; we just hope that she takes advantage of it.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kylie Jenner: "Freaking Out" About Becoming a Mom, Sources Say

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child

Fans were stunned by the news, of course, and the Kardashian-Jenner family is said to be divided in its reaction.

Insiders say Caitlyn Jenner believes Kylie is too young to have a child.

Her sisters have reportedly been overwhelmingly supportive.

And Kris Jenner … well, Kris is trying to cash in on Kylie’s pregnancy because that’s what Kris does best.

We’re not even throwing shade there.

Were it not for Kris’ ability to turn her daughters’ personal lives into a lucrative commodity, Kylie would just be some random pregnant 20-year-old cursing her luck for not getting knocked up young enough to qualify for Teen Mom.

Which brings us to an interesting point.

For all the talk about the reactions to Kylie’s big news, we’ve heard very little about how Kylie feels about the fact that she’ll soon be a single mom at 20.

Now, it seems there may be a good reason for that.

According to Radar Online, the initial giddy thrill has worn off and Kylie is in full-blown panic mode these days.

“Sure, she talked a good game about wanting to have a baby, but now that it’s here, she’s all shades of freaked out,” an anonymous friend of Kylie’s tells the site.

Yes, it seems the reality of her situation hit Kylie all at once, and she’s suddenly terrified about the challenges that lay before her.

To make matters worse, it seems Kylie’s baby daddy isn’t providing much support.

“Travis doesn’t seem that excited to be a dad,” says the insider.

Of course, Kylie’s public image and web presence are essential to her career, and she really doesn’t have the option of staying off social media for a while.

Which is a shame, because it seems she’s really not liking what she’s been reading online lately.

“Kylie knows a lot of people don’t think she’s mom material, and she’s been devastated by all the online criticism,” says one source.

“She’s struggling to stay positive, is very light on sleep, and feels everyone is out to get her,” the insider adds.

Well, pregnancy is tough at any age, and we’re sure having the eyes of the world on you doesn’t help.

But it’s important to bear in mind that Kylie’s on pace to become a billionaire in a few years.

So, yeah … there are lots of single moms who are stressing much, much harder.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Kanye West: Freaking Out at Fashion Week?

Kanye West is at New York Fashion Week today and naturally, he’s hosting a big event for his line of sweatshirts stolen from church donation boxes.

Following reports that Kanye and Kim Kardashian spent Valentine’s Day apart due to some sort of disagreement, the couple has reportedly made a point of sticking close to one another at events in order to send a message that all is well in Kimye Land.

Reports about the cause of their spat vary, but most accounts concur that it had something to do with this evening’s big Yeezus show.

The most popular explanation seems to be that Kim feels Kanye isn’t emotionally stable enough for such a major undertaking.

Back in November, West was hospitalized following a psychiatric breakdown, and he’s reportedly still undergoing daily treatment.

His wife is reportedly (and understandably) concerned that if the show doesn’t go well, it could send the rapper into a serious downward spiral.

Now, it seems her worst fears are coming to life, as Kanye is reportedly losing control of his emotions in the tense final hours before his highly-anticipated event.

“Kanye has been acting like a madman because he does not seem to think he is entirely prepared for this show,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

Kim, who was reportedly not initially planning to spend the entire week in New York, has been doing damage control to prevent another public meltdown.

“She went there to make sure that it all goes smoothly, but she is in over her head and her family is convinced that this is going to be a total bomb,” says the insider.

The source claims that Kim is at the end of her wits, and has even taken to suggesting to Kanye that perhaps he should stick to music:

“Kim told Kanye that if this is a total failure that he just really needs to stop doing fashion and focus on something else,” says the insider.

As with last year’s Yeezy Season 3 show, most of the Kardashian clan will reportedly be in attendance – but not necessarily by choice:

“They are going to Kanye’s show because they have to, not because they want to,” the source says.

It will reportedly only be a partial crew this time, as “not all of the family agreed to go.”

No word on whether or not Kanye is once again going to desperate measures to fill all the seats, but we get the feeling he should have an easier time drumming up interest this year.

After all, who doesn’t want a frontrow seat for a potential trainwreck?


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Morena Baccarin -- My Ex Is Freaking Over Zika, Blocking Our Son"s Trip to Brazil

Morena Baccarin is fighting her ex-husband, mosquitoes and a ticking clock … all to get her son to Brazil to visit her dying grandmother. The “Gotham” star’s asking the court to force her ex-husband, Austin Chick, to let her take their…


Friday, August 5, 2016

Dude Waits 10 Days in Freaking Airport For Woman He Met Online

They say patience is a virtue, but even virtues have limits.

A Dutch man spent 10 days at an airport waiting for a woman he met online, but ended up dateless – and hospitalized – after all that.

According to media reports, Alexander Pieter Cirk, 41, arrived at Changsha"s Huanghua International Airport in July looking for love.

It was there he hoped to meet a 26-year-old woman surnamed Zhang, whose acquaintance he had apparently made over the Internet.

Alas, he was stood up. For a freaking week and a half.

After eight days in the terminal, he told Hunan ETV that he had met her online in May and would not leave until his "girlfriend" arrived.

Zhang, somewhat incredibly, is a person who exists.

However, she told the same broadcaster by phone that she had not expected Cirk to actually come to Changsha and couldn"t make it.

Want to guess the incredibly important reason?

She recently had cosmetic surgery which made it "inconvenient" for her to step outside, she said … though she does feel kinda bad.

"I was really shocked. When we started, we were aiming towards (marriage), but he slowly became a bit indifferent towards me," she said.

"But when we started we were both on good terms," Zhang added, reiterating that she really was surprised to hear he came to China.

When she found out is far from clear, but it"s little consolation to Cirk, who had to be taken to the hospital after becoming malnourished.

After 10 days of waiting with little to eat or drink but instant noodles and soft drinks, he was taken to receive treatment via a wheelchair.

Wow. Seriously, talk about adding injury to insult.

Even still, he vowed to see this romantic journey through and "have a good talk with the woman I love, (and bring her) back to my hometown."

Finally, the cold, hard reality sank in however.

Cink returned to the Netherlands, minus a few belt notches instead of adding one (sorry), and without ever having set eyes on Zhang.

Hopefully he"s back on Tinder by now?

Dutch man waits 10 days in airport waiting for woman he met onli

Dude Waits 10 Days in Freaking Airport For Woman He Met Online

They say patience is a virtue, but even virtues have limits.

A Dutch man spent 10 days at an airport waiting for a woman he met online, but ended up dateless – and hospitalized – after all that.

According to media reports, Alexander Pieter Cirk, 41, arrived at Changsha"s Huanghua International Airport in July looking for love.

It was there he hoped to meet a 26-year-old woman surnamed Zhang, whose acquaintance he had apparently made over the Internet.

Alas, he was stood up. For a freaking week and a half.

After eight days in the terminal, he told Hunan ETV that he had met her online in May and would not leave until his "girlfriend" arrived.

Zhang, somewhat incredibly, is a person who exists.

However, she told the same broadcaster by phone that she had not expected Cirk to actually come to Changsha and couldn"t make it.

Want to guess the incredibly important reason?

She recently had cosmetic surgery which made it "inconvenient" for her to step outside, she said … though she does feel kinda bad.

"I was really shocked. When we started, we were aiming towards (marriage), but he slowly became a bit indifferent towards me," she said.

"But when we started we were both on good terms," Zhang added, reiterating that she really was surprised to hear he came to China.

When she found out is far from clear, but it"s little consolation to Cirk, who had to be taken to the hospital after becoming malnourished.

After 10 days of waiting with little to eat or drink but instant noodles and soft drinks, he was taken to receive treatment via a wheelchair.

Wow. Seriously, talk about adding injury to insult.

Even still, he vowed to see this romantic journey through and "have a good talk with the woman I love, (and bring her) back to my hometown."

Finally, the cold, hard reality sank in however.

Cink returned to the Netherlands, minus a few belt notches instead of adding one (sorry), and without ever having set eyes on Zhang.

Hopefully he"s back on Tinder by now?

Dutch man waits 10 days in airport waiting for woman he met onli

Monday, July 25, 2016

Suri Cruise: Ready For Stardom! Katie Holmes Freaking Out!

It was only a matter of time before she decided to go into the family business.

OK! Magazine reports that Suri Cruise wants to be an actress.  At first, it looked like Holmes was none too pleased that the youth wanted to follow in her parents’ footsteps.

“Katie was worried that Suri was becoming a bit insular due to intense spotlight that’s always on them, and she thought classes would help,” a source told the publication.

“Now she’s nosing around for a small role to help Suri to get her feet wet.”

Holmes recently shared an Instagram of Suri on the Toronto set of The Kennedys After Camelot, and having grown up with two famous parents, this is not her first rodeo.

At first, though, Holmes was said to have serious reservations of letting Suri get into show business, reportedly because Suri is brilliant.

“This is Katie’s worst nightmare, but she knew it was coming,” the source said.

“Katie would never get in the way of Suri’s ambitions, but she’s actually a very intelligent little girl who could do anything she wanted – doctor, lawyer, anything – so it’s somewhat heartbreaking for Katie to hear Suri dream of a career on the big screen.”

Something tells me Holmes let’s Suri run shop.

“She’s a very head-strong little girl and Katie’s running out of excuses to delay her dreams of stardom.”

Here’s a thought – tell Suri she can’t go into show business until she’s at least graduated high schoo.  

Another thought would be to expose her to other jobs aside from show business.  

Then again, the heart wants what the heart wants, so if Suri wants to film back-to-back movies and avoid her offspring like a certain someone allegedly does, then so be it.

Suri is reportedly enamored with the “glitz and glamor of showbiz,” which Holmes will have to expose as smoke and mirrors at some point.

Don’t most kids that age want to be a vet?

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Freaking Out Over Wildfire in Calabasas!

A wildfire struck the community of Calabasas, California yesterday, and Kylie Jenner was right in the thick of it.

In a series of Snapchat posts, the young Jenner appeared to be terrified about the fire.

"There"s a fire next to my house!" she exclaims in the background of the first snap, depicting a rising cloud of smoke behind her home.

Kylie just moved into a new $ 6 million mansion in the Hidden Hills, adjacent Calabasas and down the street from mom Kris Jenner and sister Kim Kardashian.

In a second snap, she asks whether she will have to evacuate her home.

The fire, which has torched more than 500 acres so far, has forced the evacuation of about 3,700 homes in the area, according to CNN.

Kylie"s sister Khloe Kardashian saw the post and replied with a snap of her own, featuring a close-up view of the smoke from her own house.

"No, Kylie, you won"t have to evacuate, because it"s closer to my house than yours, sadly," said Khloe. "So let"s pray nobody has to evacuate."

Kylie continued to share videos of the billowing smoke as she grew increasingly more nervous.

"This is our city. We were born and raised in Calabasas," she told fans. "This can not go down!"

The affluent region of Los Angeles county is home to a number of celebrities, including Jessica Simpson, Katie Holmes and Justin Bieber.

Yesterday, Ellen DeGeneres Instagrammed a photo of a firefighter, her wife Portia de Rossi"s brother, thanking the team for their work.

"Sending thanks to Portia"s brother, Michael and all the firefighters & rescue workers on the scene of this dangerous fire in Calabasas," she wrote.

Kris Jenner reposted the pic, thanking the firefighters for keeping them safe.

See Kylie"s snaps in the video captured by HollywoodLife below:


Kylie jenner freaking out over wildfire in calabasas

Monday, May 9, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Actually Looks Normal and Happy and It"s Freaking Us Out

Lindsay Lohan may or may not be engaged to Egor Tarbasov.

The couple has been dating for five months and things are clearly going well, though reports over their official status remain conflicted.

But even if Egor is yet to put a ring on it, the guy is clearly doing something right as far as Lohan is concerned.

The VERY troubled actress shared a couple selfies on Instagram over the weekend, making the basis for her bliss as clear as can be via the caption to one of the images.

“Time flies when you’re having fun and happy in love #supersaturdays,” she wrote.

Seriously, have you ever seen Lindsay Lohan look so happy? Look so… normal?!?

Earlier in her Instagram sharing binge, Lohan wrote that “true love is possible.”

We’ll be honest: we never dreamed it would be for her.

Tarabasov is seven years younger than Lohan and reportedly moved in with the star in March.

Lindsay’s rep has denied that any life-altering questions have been popped, but the Lohan has been spotted wearing a sparkling emerald band on her ring finger.

And also wearing the biggest smile we’ve ever seen from her on her face.

About a year ago, Lohan came off probation for the first time in seven years.

She has since remained mostly under the radar, actually sticking to the salient words she wrote on Twitter last May.

“Clean slate. Fresh start…hard work pays off. Thank you to all those that allowed me to volunteer while in nyc. God bless you all. Amen.”

Along with the pair of pictures above, Lohan posted a photo of a beautiful beach sunrise with a familiar looking-cloud.

This is what she wrote as a caption to it:

If you look to the right in this photo. You will notice the figure of a hat.

I took this as I was playing a #michaeljackson remix with #prince & it’s almost as if they are watching over us all and sharing their peace with us.. #cincodemayo #onelove

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

This Cat Looks JUST LIKE Adam Driver and We"re FREAKING OUT!

Congratulations, Adam Driver. 

You’ve finally made it.

Granted, you starred on the smash HBO hit Girls for a number of years.

And, yes, you are the key villain in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a small little movie that has gone on to gross more money than any film in the history of the world.

Those are wonderful. They’re great. Your parents should be very proud of those nice accomplishments and everything.

But now you’ve finally garnered true viral fame. And you owe it all to a cat named Corey.

Corey was just hanging out at the Monmouth County SPCA on Friday, hoping to land a forever home, when a Twitter user named Maci Robin changed the feline’s life.

“Tell me this cat at @TheMCSPCA doesn’t look like Adam Driver,” Robin wrote.

And that’s all it took for everyone from The Huffington Post to MSN to My Fanatic to pick up on the story and for the photo of Corey to make it way all around the Internet.

Sadly, however, if you were hoping to add a pet to your collection who resembles the most recent host of Saturday Night Live… well… we have some bad news for you.

Corey has been adopted.

This is terrific news for Corey, of course.

“Corey aka #kyloren has been adopted! Thanks for all of the shares! #adamdriver #kylorencat @MarciRobin,” the Monmouth County SPCA wrote as a caption to the above image.

Good. It’s about time you did something positive for humanity, Adam Driver!

(That’s a Kylo Ren joke. We’re just kidding, man. We know it was just a role you played.)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Kardashian Family: FREAKING OUT Over Khloe"s Staph Infection!

Earlier this week Khloe Kardashian canceled her book tour due to unspecified health issues.

We later learned that Khloe was suffering from a staph infection, which she probably contracted during her many hours at Lamar Odom’s hospital bedside.

When caught early and treated properly, staph infections usually aren’t life-threatening, but Khloe’s loved ones are reportedly freaking out over her condition, and given her family history, it’s hard to blame them.

According to TMZ, Kris Jenner’s father died from a hospital-borne staph infection that he contracted while recuperating from a car accident in 1975.

Sources say Kris went into a full-blown panic upon hearing about Khloe’s infection.

To make matters worse, doctors have reportedly ordered Khloe to keep her distance from 8-months pregnant Kim Kardashian

It’s just a precaution to ensure that she doesn’t pass the infection along to her very pregnant sis, but it makes Khloe’s condition seem like it’s something to be afraid of, which has reportedly raised the level of concern amongst her siblings.

Fortunately, Khloe’s young, and we’re sure she’s receiving the best medical care money can buy.

We can understand why her family is concerned, but we’re sure Khloe will be back to giving interviews about her butt in not time. 

It’s what she was born to do. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tom Cruise: Freaking Out Over Leah Remini"s Scientology Book

Leah Remini had to assume that the publishing of her book, Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology would create a a sh*t storm of Sea Org proportions.

After her 20/20 interview aired, viewers waited for Tom Cruise’s camp to release a statement in response to her stories about spending time with him and his now ex-wife, Katie Holmes.

A source tells Us Weekly that Cruise considers the book “a major betrayal” and is “freaking out.”

Cruise, however, won’t be speaking out about Remini. Ever.

“Leah is what the church calls a ‘suppressive person,’ so she’s evil in his mind,” the source explained. “He wipes the memory of any SP out of his life. He’s letting the Scientology people discredit her.”

Remini bombshell interview prompted the organization to post a response to her book release.

“Sadly, bitterness and anger are common threads through Ms. Remini’s life,” they wrote.  “Rather than take responsibility for self-inflicted problems, she is quick to blame others,” 

“Her repeated ethical lapses and callous treatment of others led to an ecclesiastical review which resulted in her being expelled. She now regurgitates the tired myths the Church has repeatedly debunked, circulated by the same tiny clique of expelled former staffers bitter at having lost the positions they enjoyed before their malfeasance and unethical conduct were uncovered.”

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

33 Celebrities with Some Pretty Freaking Large Breasts

From Christina Hendricks to Kim Kardashian, these celebrities have giant boobs. There"s no denying it. So we might as well appreciate it!

1. Sofia Vergara

Sofia vergara at the emmys

We can actually see Sofia Vergara’s boobs in this photo. Settle down, guys.

2. Heidi Montag

Heidi montag plastic surgery photo

These breasts are VERY fake. But at least Heidi Montag got her money’s worth.

3. Katy Perry

Hot hot katy

Katy Perry owes a large part of her success to her breasts. Not all of it, as she has some catchy songs and is a fun performer. But a large part.

4. Jessica Simpson

Jessica simpson post baby body photo

A montage of Jessica Simpson’s breasts. You are welcome, fellas. You are welcome.

5. Courtney Stodden

Doug hutchison and courtney stodden paparazzi pic

Courtney Stodden’s famous assets need no introduction. Nor does her relationship with Doug Hutchison. Guy is so old he looks like he’s about to take a nap on those pillows.

6. Christina Hendricks

Christina hendricks at the emmys

Mad Men? We’re mad about the knockers on Christina Hendricks!

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