Showing posts with label Khloe's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khloe's. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Still Banging Mistresses Behind Khloe"s Back?!

It’s been two months since Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian, but remarkably, he has yet to be kicked to the curb.

Yes, by all accounts, Tristan and Khloe have really committed themselves to making this relationship work — or at least Khloe has, anyway.

According to a new report from Radar Online, Tristan hasn’t learned his lesson about sleeping around behind Khloe’s back.

And it seems there’s one mistress in particular that Thompson just can’t get off his mind.

Tristan allegedly hooked up with Lani Blair while he was in D.C. with the Cleveland Cavs.

We know that Thompson has been in contact with Blair recently, but we assumed he was smart enough to at least keep the relationship platonic.

Turns out, we were wrong.

“Tristan’s so sneaky,” says one insider.

“He wants Khloe to have a break from motherhood and go back to LA for a week or two to be with her family. He’s telling her she deserves some girl time with her sisters, cocktails in the sun and the warm LA weather.”

First of all — warm LA weather?! C’mon, source!

Last we checked, it’s June everywhere and Lake Erie isn’t north of the Wall.

Anyway, what really matters here is not the insider’s knowledge of meteorology, but their claims about Tristan’s ulterior motives:

“The truth is, Tristan wants some time away from Khloe so he can be with Lani,” the informant claims.

“He told Khloe he’ll take care of all her expenses and take care of baby True in Cleveland and wants to put Khloe on the next private jet to L.A.”

Yes, apparently Tristan still has “serious feelings” for Blair, and he just doesn’t know how to quit his stripper side-piece.

“He misses those fun times and Lani makes him feels so good. He wants that type of comfort right now, especially since he just lost the finals,” the insider says.

“He’s not ready or in the mood to deal with Khloe, hear her run her mouth or work on their relationship just yet.”

Oh, man.

Hopefully, he doesn’t use the phrase “run her mouth” within earshot of Khloe.

We’re pretty if you talk about a woman in those terms just weeks after you cheated on her while she was pregnant with your baby, she’s legally allowed to murder you.

Tristan’s on the thinnest ice known to man and dude just tried on a pair of concrete boots.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Rooted for Khloe"s Ex-BF at Rockets Game

Is it weird to root for your sister’s ex-boyfriend?  That’s what Kylie Jenner did Monday night — sitting courtside at the Houston Rockets playoff game … cheering on James Harden. Kylie was at the Houston Toyota Center with her…


Saturday, May 12, 2018

True Thompson: She"s Here! For Real! Meet Khloe"s Daughter!

Go ahead and say whatever you want about Tristan Thompson.

The guy most certainly deserves it.

But he also deserves credit for doing at least one thing right: he has created an extremely cute little girl with Khloe Kardashian.

After doing so, Thompson cheated on Khloe all over the country, of course.

But the long-time reality star has celebrated her daughter"s one-month birthday by sharing the first legitimate and clear picture of baby True…

… and she is such a cutie pie.

Don"t just take our word for it, however.

Meet Khloe"s baby girl below!

1. This is True

True thompson

No, literally. This is True Thompson. Her mom shared a video of her child, from which we took this screen shot, in mid-May of 2018 and wrote as a caption: “Happy One Month True.”

2. Haven’t We Seen True Before?

True and khloe

Kind of. Sort of. Barely. Khloe did share this selfie, which included a close-up of her face and the tiniest glimpse of her daughter’s arm.

3. The Reactions


It’s safe to say we aren’t the only ones who think True is a cutie patootie, huh? The positive responses to this reveal continue to pour in.

4. True This

Khloe kardashian complains

“Baby True is going to be a month old!” Khloe wrote on her app a little while ago, giving fans the following update: “So far, she’s so incredibly sweet and patient – really not fussy at all. I can tell she’s going to be super athletic and incredibly strong! She’s very calm, peaceful and loves to cuddle with her parents.”

5. The Announcement

True announce

True was born on April 11, 2018. She weighed 6 pounds and 13 ounce and her parents were described as “proud,” despite the tension that existed between them at the time.

6. The Statement

Khloe kardashian and tristan thompson on snapchat

Despite questions over their status, Tristan and Khloe released a joint statement shortly after becoming parent. It read: “Our little girl, True Thompson, has completely stolen our hearts and we are overwhelmed with LOVE. Such a blessing to welcome this angel into the family! Mommy and Daddy loooooove you True!”

View Slideshow

Friday, March 23, 2018

Lamar Odom Chatted Up Khloe"s Sisters, Kendall, Kylie and Kourtney at Dinner

Lamar Odom didn’t bolt in the other direction when he ended up face-to-face with Khloe Kardashian’s sisters — he actually went out of his way to have a convo with them … TMZ has learned. We broke the story … Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

O.J. Simpson Addresses Khloe"s Pregnancy: Is He the Grandfather?!

For years, people have speculated that Khloe Kardashian might be O.J. Simpson’s daughter. With O.J.’s release from prison, the topic’s come up more and more recently.

Now that Khloe Kardashian has confirmed her pregnancy, some of those same people believe that O.J. may be the grandfather.

O.J. is finally speaking up. What does he believe?

The O.J. Simpson trial was one of the most infamously divisive trials in the history of the US.

But there are people who believe that O.J. is responsible for more than a couple of alleged murders, an armed robbery, and a series of brutal domestic assaults against his late ex-wife during their relationship.

Quite a number of people believe the conspiracy theory that O.J. Simpson is responsible for Khloe Kardashian.

In that these people believe that Kris Jenner cheated on Robert Kardashian with O.J. Simpson back when they were all friends. They believe that Kris then got pregnant and passed off Khloe as Robert’s daughter.

It might be absurd. It might also be a veiled insult against Khloe for being “bigger” than her sisters (she’s only 5-foot-10, folks; that’s not actually tall; call me when she hits her head on a regular doorframe while walking without heels).

Khloe Kardashian is pregnant with Tristan Thompson’s baby, and the couple is delighted.

Well, okay. Khloe is tired of unsolicited advice from her sisters.

She’s also pretty tired from concern-trolling on social media about things that she continues to do, like exercise.

She’s said that her doctor told her that she should keep doing whatever she’s been doing before she became pregnant.

And, despite the claims of mom-shamers everywhere, people who exercise in a healthy manner while pregnant aren’t endangering their babies.

But is O.J. Simpson going to ruin her party by publicly announcing that he’s excited about “his” grandchild?

TMZ caught up with O.J. and asked him what he thought about Khloe’s pregnancy, using language that clearly suggested the possibility that Khloe is his secret daughter.

He says that congratulations are in order.

“Well, for Bob, God bless his soul, yeah.”

It will always be sad that Robert Kardashian died knowing that he’d been part of keeping O.J. out of prison.

“I don’t know for me.”

Wait … is he saying that he doesn’t know if he’s Khloe’s dad?

“I don’t think for me I have nothing to do with it.”

He then pivots to talking about Kris’ daughters in general.

“Khloe and the girls are all terrific girls … I think today they’re still nice and terrific.”

Remember, folks, that he knew those girls as they were growing up.

He also comments on their sex appeal that they have going now, which is gross to the max.

Finally, he commends Khloe and Tristan on their impending parenthood.

“I’m happy for them. Congratulations to her.”

And then denies that this will be his grandchild.

“But, trust me, I had nothing to do with it. I would be proud if I’d had anything to do with it.”

One, trust me is not a great choice of words here, my guy.

Two, he would be proud if he’d slept with his best friend’s wife?



O.J. Simpson: I"m Not Khloe"s Dad, "Trust Me"

O.J. Simpson seems pretty convinced he’s NOT Khloe Kardashian’s real father — and he’s banking on you buying those two magic words … “Trust me.” Juice finally addressed the conspiracy theory that’s been floating around for decades … that…


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Kris Jenner: Did She Just Confirm Kylie and Khloe"s Pregnancies?!

For several weeks now, we"ve been hearing all sorts of rumors about Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian and how they"re both pregnant right at this very moment.

At this point though, they"re not so much rumors as they are facts that are waiting to be officially revealed on the next season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

All sorts of reputable sources have confirmed the pregnancy news for both ladies, and Kris Jenner hasn"t sent her legal team after them — that"s how you know.

So at this point, we"re really just sitting back and waiting for that season premiere to confirm what we pretty much already know.

Except during an appearance on Ellen, Kris may have gone ahead and spilled the beans!

At one point in the interview, Ellen told Kris "You have lots of pregnant children right now."

Which, you know, is true.

"I can feel where this is going," Kris said. "She"s trying to trick me into confirming pregnancies."

Ellen said that she knew she was waiting for Keeping Up with the Kardashians to confirm the news, and Kris laughed "Well, you know I get 10%."

From there, Ellen brought up the new deal the family made with E! — $ 150 million for five more years of filming.

Kris explained that she and her children feel "blessed" to be able to do the show, and that they simply weren"t ready to stop filming when their old contract came to a close.

Plus, she teased, "You never know what"s going to happen on Keeping Up with the Kardashians! Season 15, we"re shooting right now."

"Which is when you announce who"s pregnant," Ellen interjected.

"Yeah," Kris confirmed.

And there you have it!

Sure, she didn"t come right out with a specific announcement like "My daughters Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian are both currently pregnant with human babies that they are carrying in their very own bodies."

But again, she"s being vague and cute, she"s not shutting down any and all pregnancy talk like she definitely would if there was nothing to the rumors.

This woman really knows how to pump up the excitement for her show, huh?

See Kris explain it all in the clip below:

Kris jenner did she just confirm kylie and khloes pregnancies

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tristan Thompson: Did He Tweet About Khloe"s Pregnancy, or What?

2018 is going to witness the birth of three new Kardashians. Kim is pregnant via surrogate. Kylie is going to become a mom at 20 thanks a her rebound boyfriend.

Oh, and Khloe Kardashian is pregnant. Finally.

But when it comes to Tristan Thompson’s perceived reaction to this news going public, not everything is quite as it seemed.

We’ve been hearing increasing chatter about Khloe and Tristan for a while now.

It wasn’t long ago at all that we mentioned that Khloe was trying to have Tristan’s baby.

And now it’s finally happening.

That’s sweet news, though … Khloe is only “tall” in a family of particularly tiny people. She’s 5-foot-10.

(The last time that I was that height was 8th grade, but it’s a fairly normal adult height and slightly on the tall side for women)

So she’s going to be an average-sized woman from a tiny family who’s going to carry and give birth to a Tristan Thompson-sized baby.

That’s gonna be fun.

When the news broke yesterday evening, everyone was talking about it.

Particularly on Twitter.

Khloe didn’t come out and confirm it — clearly she’s taking her cues from Kylie or, more likely, from Kris.

But many saw Tristan Thompson’s enigmatic tweet as a response.

The basketball star tweeted two pairs of large eyes (in emoji form, of course) without immediately apparent context.

Not necessarily as a confirmation, but … you could read it as a pretty epic subtweet.

He could have meant it as a nod towards the news and how he and Khloe had first reacted.

Or he could have been expressing (or feigning) surprise, either casting doubt on the story or acting as if he’d somehow been out of the loop.

Not so fast, though.

Less than an hour later, Tristan tweeted his excitement about sportsball.

“Can’t wait for the season to start!!!”

(He followed that with a purple devil emoji)

Now, I personally don’t know a football home run from a basketball hole-in-one, but even I know that he’s a basketball player.

And, thanks to all of the press coverage and “controversy,” I know that football season has already begun.

With those facts in mind, Tristan Thompson was very probably talking about the NBA.

Almost certainly about his own team, the Cavaliers.

Dwayne Wade was reportedly signed with the Cavaliers, and Tristan was likely excited to welcome a new teammate … but since it was just a report and not an official announcement, he didn’t want to be the one to confirm the news.

Tristan must have been in an awkward situation, having two huge stories break that both relate to him — yet not be in a position to confirm either one.

But, hey, he got a new teammate!

And, we’re betting more significantly on every level, he and Khloe are going to have a baby!

Even with Kylie’s pregnancy likely to overshadow Khloe’s for a host of reasons, Khloe’s pregnancy is going to make headlines and, very likely, outshine Kim.

(Because Kim is pregnant via surrogate, really — you can’t get excited over seeing someone’s baby bump if it’s all happening in someone else’s uterus)

Tristan Thompson is used to headlines — he’s a famous athlete and he’s dating a Kardashian.

But juggling work secrets and home secrets must be interesting.

And we’re betting that this isn’t the first time that one of his vague tweets is going to leave us wondering what he means.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Conor McGregor: I Was COMPLIMENTING Khloe"s Ass ... But Floyd"s Still a Bitch (VIDEO)

Conor McGregor wants to set 2 things straight — he LOVES Khloe Kardashian’s “big fat ass” … and thinks Floyd Mayweather RAN SCARED during a recent trip to Las Vegas.  We got the UFC superstar leaving Mastros Steakhouse in Bev Hills last…


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Kardashian Family: FREAKING OUT Over Khloe"s Staph Infection!

Earlier this week Khloe Kardashian canceled her book tour due to unspecified health issues.

We later learned that Khloe was suffering from a staph infection, which she probably contracted during her many hours at Lamar Odom’s hospital bedside.

When caught early and treated properly, staph infections usually aren’t life-threatening, but Khloe’s loved ones are reportedly freaking out over her condition, and given her family history, it’s hard to blame them.

According to TMZ, Kris Jenner’s father died from a hospital-borne staph infection that he contracted while recuperating from a car accident in 1975.

Sources say Kris went into a full-blown panic upon hearing about Khloe’s infection.

To make matters worse, doctors have reportedly ordered Khloe to keep her distance from 8-months pregnant Kim Kardashian

It’s just a precaution to ensure that she doesn’t pass the infection along to her very pregnant sis, but it makes Khloe’s condition seem like it’s something to be afraid of, which has reportedly raised the level of concern amongst her siblings.

Fortunately, Khloe’s young, and we’re sure she’s receiving the best medical care money can buy.

We can understand why her family is concerned, but we’re sure Khloe will be back to giving interviews about her butt in not time. 

It’s what she was born to do.