Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tristan Thompson: Did He Tweet About Khloe"s Pregnancy, or What?

2018 is going to witness the birth of three new Kardashians. Kim is pregnant via surrogate. Kylie is going to become a mom at 20 thanks a her rebound boyfriend.

Oh, and Khloe Kardashian is pregnant. Finally.

But when it comes to Tristan Thompson’s perceived reaction to this news going public, not everything is quite as it seemed.

We’ve been hearing increasing chatter about Khloe and Tristan for a while now.

It wasn’t long ago at all that we mentioned that Khloe was trying to have Tristan’s baby.

And now it’s finally happening.

That’s sweet news, though … Khloe is only “tall” in a family of particularly tiny people. She’s 5-foot-10.

(The last time that I was that height was 8th grade, but it’s a fairly normal adult height and slightly on the tall side for women)

So she’s going to be an average-sized woman from a tiny family who’s going to carry and give birth to a Tristan Thompson-sized baby.

That’s gonna be fun.

When the news broke yesterday evening, everyone was talking about it.

Particularly on Twitter.

Khloe didn’t come out and confirm it — clearly she’s taking her cues from Kylie or, more likely, from Kris.

But many saw Tristan Thompson’s enigmatic tweet as a response.

The basketball star tweeted two pairs of large eyes (in emoji form, of course) without immediately apparent context.

Not necessarily as a confirmation, but … you could read it as a pretty epic subtweet.

He could have meant it as a nod towards the news and how he and Khloe had first reacted.

Or he could have been expressing (or feigning) surprise, either casting doubt on the story or acting as if he’d somehow been out of the loop.

Not so fast, though.

Less than an hour later, Tristan tweeted his excitement about sportsball.

“Can’t wait for the season to start!!!”

(He followed that with a purple devil emoji)

Now, I personally don’t know a football home run from a basketball hole-in-one, but even I know that he’s a basketball player.

And, thanks to all of the press coverage and “controversy,” I know that football season has already begun.

With those facts in mind, Tristan Thompson was very probably talking about the NBA.

Almost certainly about his own team, the Cavaliers.

Dwayne Wade was reportedly signed with the Cavaliers, and Tristan was likely excited to welcome a new teammate … but since it was just a report and not an official announcement, he didn’t want to be the one to confirm the news.

Tristan must have been in an awkward situation, having two huge stories break that both relate to him — yet not be in a position to confirm either one.

But, hey, he got a new teammate!

And, we’re betting more significantly on every level, he and Khloe are going to have a baby!

Even with Kylie’s pregnancy likely to overshadow Khloe’s for a host of reasons, Khloe’s pregnancy is going to make headlines and, very likely, outshine Kim.

(Because Kim is pregnant via surrogate, really — you can’t get excited over seeing someone’s baby bump if it’s all happening in someone else’s uterus)

Tristan Thompson is used to headlines — he’s a famous athlete and he’s dating a Kardashian.

But juggling work secrets and home secrets must be interesting.

And we’re betting that this isn’t the first time that one of his vague tweets is going to leave us wondering what he means.
