Showing posts with label 'Mistresses'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Mistresses'. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Still Banging Mistresses Behind Khloe"s Back?!

It’s been two months since Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian, but remarkably, he has yet to be kicked to the curb.

Yes, by all accounts, Tristan and Khloe have really committed themselves to making this relationship work — or at least Khloe has, anyway.

According to a new report from Radar Online, Tristan hasn’t learned his lesson about sleeping around behind Khloe’s back.

And it seems there’s one mistress in particular that Thompson just can’t get off his mind.

Tristan allegedly hooked up with Lani Blair while he was in D.C. with the Cleveland Cavs.

We know that Thompson has been in contact with Blair recently, but we assumed he was smart enough to at least keep the relationship platonic.

Turns out, we were wrong.

“Tristan’s so sneaky,” says one insider.

“He wants Khloe to have a break from motherhood and go back to LA for a week or two to be with her family. He’s telling her she deserves some girl time with her sisters, cocktails in the sun and the warm LA weather.”

First of all — warm LA weather?! C’mon, source!

Last we checked, it’s June everywhere and Lake Erie isn’t north of the Wall.

Anyway, what really matters here is not the insider’s knowledge of meteorology, but their claims about Tristan’s ulterior motives:

“The truth is, Tristan wants some time away from Khloe so he can be with Lani,” the informant claims.

“He told Khloe he’ll take care of all her expenses and take care of baby True in Cleveland and wants to put Khloe on the next private jet to L.A.”

Yes, apparently Tristan still has “serious feelings” for Blair, and he just doesn’t know how to quit his stripper side-piece.

“He misses those fun times and Lani makes him feels so good. He wants that type of comfort right now, especially since he just lost the finals,” the insider says.

“He’s not ready or in the mood to deal with Khloe, hear her run her mouth or work on their relationship just yet.”

Oh, man.

Hopefully, he doesn’t use the phrase “run her mouth” within earshot of Khloe.

We’re pretty if you talk about a woman in those terms just weeks after you cheated on her while she was pregnant with your baby, she’s legally allowed to murder you.

Tristan’s on the thinnest ice known to man and dude just tried on a pair of concrete boots.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Drake"s Alleged Baby Mama Was Featured on "Real Mistresses of Atlanta"

Drake knows how to pick ‘em — the mother of his alleged son starred on a reality show … about professional side chicks. We dug up an old trailer for a 2012 show called “Real Mistresses of Atlanta,” in which Sophie Brussaux — who used her…


Thursday, June 22, 2017

"Mistresses" Star Jes Macallan Divorcing "Monk" Actor Jason Gray-Stanford

Jes Macallan from ABC’s “Mistresses” is no longer willing to co-star with Jason Gray-Stanford … she’s filed to divorce her husband. Jes filed divorce docs Tuesday, citing irreconcilable differences. They’ve been married since March 2012, but…
