Showing posts with label Pregnancies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancies. Show all posts

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Kris Jenner: Did She Just Confirm Kylie and Khloe"s Pregnancies?!

For several weeks now, we"ve been hearing all sorts of rumors about Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian and how they"re both pregnant right at this very moment.

At this point though, they"re not so much rumors as they are facts that are waiting to be officially revealed on the next season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

All sorts of reputable sources have confirmed the pregnancy news for both ladies, and Kris Jenner hasn"t sent her legal team after them — that"s how you know.

So at this point, we"re really just sitting back and waiting for that season premiere to confirm what we pretty much already know.

Except during an appearance on Ellen, Kris may have gone ahead and spilled the beans!

At one point in the interview, Ellen told Kris "You have lots of pregnant children right now."

Which, you know, is true.

"I can feel where this is going," Kris said. "She"s trying to trick me into confirming pregnancies."

Ellen said that she knew she was waiting for Keeping Up with the Kardashians to confirm the news, and Kris laughed "Well, you know I get 10%."

From there, Ellen brought up the new deal the family made with E! — $ 150 million for five more years of filming.

Kris explained that she and her children feel "blessed" to be able to do the show, and that they simply weren"t ready to stop filming when their old contract came to a close.

Plus, she teased, "You never know what"s going to happen on Keeping Up with the Kardashians! Season 15, we"re shooting right now."

"Which is when you announce who"s pregnant," Ellen interjected.

"Yeah," Kris confirmed.

And there you have it!

Sure, she didn"t come right out with a specific announcement like "My daughters Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian are both currently pregnant with human babies that they are carrying in their very own bodies."

But again, she"s being vague and cute, she"s not shutting down any and all pregnancy talk like she definitely would if there was nothing to the rumors.

This woman really knows how to pump up the excitement for her show, huh?

See Kris explain it all in the clip below:

Kris jenner did she just confirm kylie and khloes pregnancies

Monday, December 19, 2016

Counting On Season 3 Trailer: Pregnancies! Weddings! COURTING!

The trailer for Counting On Season 3 has been released by TLC, and it seems the Duggars are out to prove three things:

1. They still star in the most confusingly-titled reality show on television, and;

2. They still live to plan weddings, and stoke pregnancy rumors, and;

3. There are so many kids left to start courting!

Yes, despite cancelation rumors, the Duggars will be returning to TLC to further document the run-up to Jinger"s life as a married woman.

You may have thought you knew everything there is to know about the build-up to Jinger"s wedding event. Apparently, you were wrong!

Of course, that"s not the only thing going on the lives of reality TV"s largest family. Not by the longest of shots, ladies and gentlemen.

Coming in January, there"s a whole lot going on in Northwest Arkansas, and much (okay, all) of it centers around babies and weddings.

Jessa Duggar is pregnant with her second – and possibly third? – babies; Jessa, with help from Jill, loves to tease that it"s twins this time.

(It"s not, but hey).

Meanwhile, Joy-Anna Duggar is courting childhood friend Austin Forsyth, and may (okay, will) be next to walk down the aisle.

Also everyone is eating off of incredibly tiny plates at some sort of buffet! It"s almost too much for a single season on TLC.

Or, it"s just enough to stretch out into an entire season if you throw in 4-5 clip shows and other filler like recycling the courtship rules breakdown.

Yeah, more likely that.

Anyway, if this family has proven anything with its second TLC series, it"s that people will tune into watch the Duggars do literally anything.

These people could base an entire season around paying their taxes and they"d still have the highest rated show on TLC.

Well, at least until the Sister Wives leave Kody.

Or Kate Gosselin reaming out Jon, which is even more baffling because they got divorced like nine years ago and she is STILL ON THE AIR.

Anyway, check out the preview for Counting On!

Counting on season 3 trailer is jessa duggar having twins

Friday, October 21, 2016

13 Celebrity Pregnancies NO ONE Saw Coming!!

From Tori Spelling"s latest pregnancy to those pesky Teen Moms and all their babies … check out some of the most surprising celebrity pregnancies that absolutely no one – not even the celeb themselves! – saw coming. 

Check out the gallery below to see if your favorite shocking pregnancy made the cut. 

1. Megan Fox

Megan fox on the tonight show

Megan Fox got pregnant and had a baby in 2016. While that in itself isn’t shocking, because she already had two children prior to the third, the interesting part is that she had made a divorce announcement just months before falling pregnant with husband Brian Austin Green’s child, Journey River Green. She even kept the child’s last name the same as daddy’s. Looks like the divorce is off? For now?

2. Jessica Simpson

Jessica simpson side boob alert

She moved on from her relationship with Tony Romo with lightning speed, and soon after, began a relationship with the man who’s now her husband, Eric Johnson. Simpson was set to be spokesperson for Weight Watchers in ’13, but surprise! She was pregnant with her first child, Maxwell Drew Johnson, temporarily severing ties with the weight loss company. She gave birth to her second child, Ace Knute Johnson, just 13 months after giving birth to her first, which only left 3-4 months of down time, really.

3. Kerry Washington

Kerry washington excited

Few people realized that Washington was even dating the NFL’s Nnamdi Asomugha, and were even further shocked to find out that she was pregnant, just months after confirming the relationship. Kerry gave birth to Isabelle Amarachi Asomugha in April 2014, and in October 2016, birthed the couple’s second child, Caleb Kelechi Asomugha. What a gorgeous family! Things sure do move quickly in ol’ Hollywood!

4. Lil Kim

Lil kim growing up hip hop premiere party

Nobody but nobody could imagine Kim as a mom – not with her outlandish persona and explicit … well, everything. But alas, she got pregnant and gave birth in 2014, naming her daughter Royal Reign, who was fathered by Mr. Papers. Surprise? We sure were.

5. Britney Spears

Britney spears hairstyle

Britney’s wild rollercoaster ride of a marriage to Kevin Federline was hardly expected. But when she became pregnant with the couple’s first child in 2005, Sean Preston Federline, after being married for mere months, everybody was shocked. The only thing more shocking is that her second pregnancy began just three months after her first ended, and she later gave birth to Jayden James Federline in 2006. Two months after giving birth, Spears filed for divorce from her husband of two years, Kevin Federline.

6. Eva Mendes

Eva mendes smiles

Though she professed to be against having children well into her 40s, Mendes fell pregnant with Ryan Gosling’s baby in 2014. The couple, who has been together since 2011, have been notoriously private, not confirming … well, anything. Mendes gave surprise birth to her first child, Esmerelda Amada Gosling, in September 2014, and nobody even knew she was pregnant. She had their second child, Amada Lee Gosling, in April 2016 in the same covert fashion.

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13 Pregnancies NO ONE Saw Coming!


Monday, August 22, 2016

19 Ways TV Shows Have Hidden Pregnancies

While many shows take the plunge and write a pregnancy storyline into the show once an actress is pregnant in real life, others take a different route.

From hiding behind furniture and drastic wardrobe changes to creative new storylines, here are 19 ways TV shows have hidden pregnancies. 

1. Zooey Deschanel, New Girl

New girl

When Zooey Deschanel was pregnant during New Girl Season 5, they got really creative about hiding her baby bump. From a fall down some stairs to have her stuck in bed during the season premiere, to a scooter and sequestering her for jury duty, it made for a very different season for Jessica Day.

2. Ellen Pompeo, Grey’s Anatomy

Ellen pompeo greys anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy has had to deal with this a lot, you guys. While Jessica Capshaw’s Arizona went overseas during her pregnancy, the writers went in a different direction with the show’s titular character, coming up with a liver transplant storyline that kept Meredith Grey in bed and well-hidden.

3. Alyson Hannigan, How I Met Your Mother

How i met your mother

Mostly, Lily found herself hiding the bump in some obvious ways, but How I Met Your Mother did give her a reason to show off her bump more than once — only they showed it as a massive food baby instead!

4. Julie Bowen, Modern Family

Modern family

On Modern Family, Claire Dunphy was hiding behind throw pillows and counters to hide the fact that Julie Bowen was actually pregnant during filming.

5. Jane Krakowski, 30 Rock

30 rock

Yes, 30 Rock used things like big coats to hide Jane Krakowski’s pregnancy, but maybe the best choice was just putting her in a giant dog suit. Hilarious.

6. Kelly Rutherford, Gossip Girl

Kelly rutherford gossip girl

Big sweaters and giant handbags really are the go-to, aren’t they? Well, that worked for Kelly Rutherford when she was pregnant and filming Gossip Girl during Season 2.

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19 Ways TV Shows Have Hidden Pregnancies

While many shows take the plunge and write a pregnancy storyline into the show once an actress is pregnant in real life, others take a different route.

From hiding behind furniture and drastic wardrobe changes to creative new storylines, here are 19 ways TV shows have hidden pregnancies. 

1. Zooey Deschanel, New Girl

New girl

When Zooey Deschanel was pregnant during New Girl Season 5, they got really creative about hiding her baby bump. From a fall down some stairs to have her stuck in bed during the season premiere, to a scooter and sequestering her for jury duty, it made for a very different season for Jessica Day.

2. Ellen Pompeo, Grey’s Anatomy

Ellen pompeo greys anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy has had to deal with this a lot, you guys. While Jessica Capshaw’s Arizona went overseas during her pregnancy, the writers went in a different direction with the show’s titular character, coming up with a liver transplant storyline that kept Meredith Grey in bed and well-hidden.

3. Alyson Hannigan, How I Met Your Mother

How i met your mother

Mostly, Lily found herself hiding the bump in some obvious ways, but How I Met Your Mother did give her a reason to show off her bump more than once — only they showed it as a massive food baby instead!

4. Julie Bowen, Modern Family

Modern family

On Modern Family, Claire Dunphy was hiding behind throw pillows and counters to hide the fact that Julie Bowen was actually pregnant during filming.

5. Jane Krakowski, 30 Rock

30 rock

Yes, 30 Rock used things like big coats to hide Jane Krakowski’s pregnancy, but maybe the best choice was just putting her in a giant dog suit. Hilarious.

6. Kelly Rutherford, Gossip Girl

Kelly rutherford gossip girl

Big sweaters and giant handbags really are the go-to, aren’t they? Well, that worked for Kelly Rutherford when she was pregnant and filming Gossip Girl during Season 2.

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Teens Fake Pregnancies, Sneak Food Into Movie Theater

As we all know, it can be very expensive to purchase food at a movie theater.

Those establishments totally jack up the prices on drinks, popcorn and candy.

That’s why teenagers Priscilla Banuelos, Alyssa Lopez, Angie Silveira and Amador Costa decided to go a different route during an excursion to the Galaxy movie theater in Riverbank, California.

They snuck food into their film by hiding it under their shirts and pretending it was a baby bump.

Read below for a lot more. We"re not kidding…



They’re all expecting! Not really, but they successfully fooled plenty of fellow movie goers on this day.

2. The Preparation

The preparation

Priscilla took Twitter followers behind the scenes of her preparation for the fake pregnancy. This photo has been Liked over 36,000 times.

3. Watermelon Bellies!

Watermelon bellies

“I was getting so many stares, it was ridiculous,” Banuelos told BuzzFeed News. “Even some people came up to us and said, ‘Oh, what’s the gender."”

4. So… Much… Watermelon

So much watermelon

The girls ran into a slight issue when it was time to leave the theater, as Banuelos explains: “There weren’t any trash cans in the movie theater, and I wasn’t about to walk out with a huge watermelon.”

5. OOPS!


“We did not leave a sticky mess or anything like that,” Banuelos told BuzzFeed, although another Twitter user replied to Banuelos’ original thread and claimed he was one of the theater employees who had to clean the mess up.

6. Mixed Opinions

Mixed opinions

Some folks on Twitter took issue with the girls’ prank, mostly saying it was poor form to actually fake a pregnancy. But others, like the person featured here, had their back (and their bumps!).

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Jill & Jessa Duggar: Planning Pregnancies to Boost Ratings?!

Last week, a report that Jill and Jessa Duggar plan to get pregnant at the same time began to make its way around the Internet.

The ladies themselves did little to dispel this rumor.

For starters, they played a role in kicking off the speculation when they hinted at their future pregnancy plans in the baby-centric season finale of Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

The episode showed the sisters taking a trip to an orphanage in El Salvador.

Not surprisingly, the questions of when and if they planned to expand their own families eventually came up.

The ladies played it coy at first, but it’s clearly a topic they’ve spent a lot of time discussing.

When pressed about when they plan to bring more Dillards and Seewalds into the world, the girls exchanged a glance before Jessa offered a surprisingly specific response.

“I think we will probably be pregnant at the same time,” Jill stated. “But to say who will be first, well Israel is older… so we will see.”

Given how close Counting On came to get canceled during its first full season, perhaps it’s not surprising that there are rumors the girls plan to conveniently get knocked up right around the Season 2 begins filming.

Ratings for the show have been solid thus far, but multiple advertisers have pulled away from Counting On due to the lingering controversy surrounding the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

The ratings boost that dual pregnancies would provide may be just what the family needs in order to keep TLC interested in bankrolling future seasons.

The idea of coordinating two pregnancies so that they can be captured by reality show cameras may seem ridiculous, but if the alternative was getting a real job for the first time in your life, what would you do? 

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for more questionable decisions from TV’s most pious siblings.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Jill & Jessa Duggar: BOTH Delaying Pregnancies Due to Health Scare?!

Yesterday, we reported that Jill Duggar may be using birth control, despite the fact that contraceptives go against her religious beliefs.

We think even Jill’s ultra-conservative parents will forgive her in this case, however, as she and husband Derick Dillard are currently performing missionary work in El Salvador. 

The country is experiencing an outbreak of the mosquito-born Zika virus, which is known to cause severe birth defects in the children of infected mothers.

The government of El Salvador has issued a warning stating that residents should avoid getting pregnant until 2018 in order to effects of the illness.

Jill and Derick have already cut their missionary trip short once, thus forcing them to return an undisclosed amount in donations.

Obviously, the couple would like to avoid returning home ahead of schedule a second time, but a young, married woman going multiple years between pregnancies is virtually unheard of in Duggar Land.

Now, however, it looks as though the Dillards may as well stay put, as Zika has been detected in their home state of Arakansas as well.

Now the question is, will the virus prevent Jill’s sister Jessa from going forward with her second pregnancy?

As you probably know, Jessa gave birth to her first child back in November, and she’d reportedly been planning to try for a second child within the next six months.’

Now, it’s unclear if it will be safe for her to do so. 

Arkansas public health officials have not yet cautioned women against getting pregnant, but Zika has considerably increased the likelihood of birth defects in every other part of the world where it’s been detected.

Fortunately, Jessa has discussed her desire to adopt in the past, and it seems like that may be her safest option at the moment.

As for Jill and Derick, they may as well focus on their work in El Salvador, because it looks like their plans to expand their family will simply have to wait.