Showing posts with label Teens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teens. Show all posts

Monday, August 22, 2016

Teens Fake Pregnancies, Sneak Food Into Movie Theater

As we all know, it can be very expensive to purchase food at a movie theater.

Those establishments totally jack up the prices on drinks, popcorn and candy.

That’s why teenagers Priscilla Banuelos, Alyssa Lopez, Angie Silveira and Amador Costa decided to go a different route during an excursion to the Galaxy movie theater in Riverbank, California.

They snuck food into their film by hiding it under their shirts and pretending it was a baby bump.

Read below for a lot more. We"re not kidding…



They’re all expecting! Not really, but they successfully fooled plenty of fellow movie goers on this day.

2. The Preparation

The preparation

Priscilla took Twitter followers behind the scenes of her preparation for the fake pregnancy. This photo has been Liked over 36,000 times.

3. Watermelon Bellies!

Watermelon bellies

“I was getting so many stares, it was ridiculous,” Banuelos told BuzzFeed News. “Even some people came up to us and said, ‘Oh, what’s the gender."”

4. So… Much… Watermelon

So much watermelon

The girls ran into a slight issue when it was time to leave the theater, as Banuelos explains: “There weren’t any trash cans in the movie theater, and I wasn’t about to walk out with a huge watermelon.”

5. OOPS!


“We did not leave a sticky mess or anything like that,” Banuelos told BuzzFeed, although another Twitter user replied to Banuelos’ original thread and claimed he was one of the theater employees who had to clean the mess up.

6. Mixed Opinions

Mixed opinions

Some folks on Twitter took issue with the girls’ prank, mostly saying it was poor form to actually fake a pregnancy. But others, like the person featured here, had their back (and their bumps!).

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Florida Man Shoots At Teens Playing Pokemon Go: Find Out Why!

Pokemon Go is a craze that seems to be taking over the world. 

It’s crazy to think that before the app launched, Nintendo was pretty doomed. 

Now, with one app that allows players to go on the hunt for Pokemon, they’re becoming relevant again. 

Who’d have thought it? Not us. 

There are some major drawbacks to the game. You need to walk around in real time and that sort of means that the players aren’t paying attention to their surroundings. 

It’s getting people in a LOT of trouble. 

Just this weekend, a 37-year-old man shot at two teenagers outside his home in Florida. 

They were trying to catch some Pokemon. 

The man woke up at around 1:30 a.m and grabbed his gun. He headed outside to see what was going on. 

He was shocked to hear one of two teenagers saying, “Did you get anything?”

This probed the man to shoot at the teenagers because he thought they were robbing him. 

A mother of one of the teens grew concerned when she saw bullet holes in the car and contacted the police. 

She explained that the kids were playing Pokemon Go, but she obviously didn’t seem to understand that the man thought he was being robbed. 

Surely anyone would think they were being robbed if people rocked up to their property in the middle of the night and said what one of the teens said.

This really goes to show just how crazy the obsession with this app has become. 

To date, players of the game have found two dead bodies on their travels.

There was even a man who went under a train to catch one of the characters. 

Will this ever stop?

What do you think about Pokemon Go?

Is it time to rest the app?

Hit the comments!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bill Cosby Admits to Sex With Teens; Comedian Will Be Forced to Stand Trial

After 18 months and dozens of shocking accusations, it now looks as though Bill Cosby will be forced to stand trial and answer for the claims of one of the many women who say they were sexually assaulted by the comedy legend.

Cosby was arrested in December after the Philadelphia DA determined that the 78-year-old was not protected by the statute of limitations in the case of Andrea Constand, a former Temple University employee who claims that Cosby attacked her in 2004.

Constand successfully sued Cosby in 2005, and the testimony given during the trial was recently unsealed – and it could land Cosby behind bars for up to ten years.

Records that were made public last year revealed that Cosby admitted to drugging women with the intention of having sex with them while they were unconscious.

He stopped just short of admitting that he proceeded to have sex with the women.

Now, TMZ has obtained additional documents that reveal that Cosby admitted to sexual contact with multiple teenagers during his civil trial testimony.

“She’s 17 and I believe throughout the time she knows you she becomes 18 or 19. On a later occasion you had her masturbate you with lotion. Did that ever happen?” attorneys for Constand asked at one point.

Cosby answered simply, “Yes.”

The woman was reportedly an escort that was sent to the set of the Cosby Show by the agency she worked for.

Cosby admitted to having sex with at least one other teen prostitute during the time that he starred on the beloved sitcom.

He says he paid the girl extra so that she would not tell his wife about his infidelity.

Now, District Judge Elizabeth McHugh has determined that the testimony gives probable cause that the sexual contact between Constand and Cosby constituted a criminal act.

Cosby has repeatedly claimed that all of his sexual activity with Constand was consensual.

At least 58 women have accused Cosby of some form of sexual impropriety, but thus far, only Constand’s accusations fall within the statute of limitations for such crimes.

Cosby is due back in court for an arraignment on July 20.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kylie and Kendall Jenner Land on Time"s List of Most Influential teens AGAIN!

Say what you will about Kylie and Kendall Jenner  – there’s no denying that for better or worse, the youngest Kardashian-Jenner siblings have had a tremendous amount of impact on an entire generation of young people.

So it’s not surprising that for the second year in a row, Kylie and Kendall have landed on Time’s list of the most influential teens, alongside such social media nobodies as Malala Yousafzai and Malia Obama, who, like, totally don’t even have Instagram pages.

“Everything I do, I always start these huge trends,” Kylie told Time. “I just want to inspire my fans to be whoever they want to be, because that’s what I’ve always done.”

It helps if whoever you want to be is someone with gigantic lips. That’s an easy ideal to achieve to when you’ve got Kylie’s cash.

In their profile of Kylie’s older sis, the magazine talked about how Kendall has the most-liked pic on Instagram, with an astonishing 3.1 million people tapping the heart on a single photo.

We’re not sure how that makes her influential exactly, but you know how obsessed teens are with popularity.

It remains to be seen what sort of lasting impact Kylie and Kendall will have on our culture or what they’ll do with their tremendous influence, but if the alarming success of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has taught us anything, it’s that it no longer matters what you say, so long as a large enough audience likes to hear you say it.