Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bill Cosby Admits to Sex With Teens; Comedian Will Be Forced to Stand Trial

After 18 months and dozens of shocking accusations, it now looks as though Bill Cosby will be forced to stand trial and answer for the claims of one of the many women who say they were sexually assaulted by the comedy legend.

Cosby was arrested in December after the Philadelphia DA determined that the 78-year-old was not protected by the statute of limitations in the case of Andrea Constand, a former Temple University employee who claims that Cosby attacked her in 2004.

Constand successfully sued Cosby in 2005, and the testimony given during the trial was recently unsealed – and it could land Cosby behind bars for up to ten years.

Records that were made public last year revealed that Cosby admitted to drugging women with the intention of having sex with them while they were unconscious.

He stopped just short of admitting that he proceeded to have sex with the women.

Now, TMZ has obtained additional documents that reveal that Cosby admitted to sexual contact with multiple teenagers during his civil trial testimony.

“She’s 17 and I believe throughout the time she knows you she becomes 18 or 19. On a later occasion you had her masturbate you with lotion. Did that ever happen?” attorneys for Constand asked at one point.

Cosby answered simply, “Yes.”

The woman was reportedly an escort that was sent to the set of the Cosby Show by the agency she worked for.

Cosby admitted to having sex with at least one other teen prostitute during the time that he starred on the beloved sitcom.

He says he paid the girl extra so that she would not tell his wife about his infidelity.

Now, District Judge Elizabeth McHugh has determined that the testimony gives probable cause that the sexual contact between Constand and Cosby constituted a criminal act.

Cosby has repeatedly claimed that all of his sexual activity with Constand was consensual.

At least 58 women have accused Cosby of some form of sexual impropriety, but thus far, only Constand’s accusations fall within the statute of limitations for such crimes.

Cosby is due back in court for an arraignment on July 20.