Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Bachelorette 2016 Season Preview: So Many Villains!

While The Bachelorette spoilers have already hinted at this season"s winner, last night was our first actual glimpse of the new season.

Moreover, a dramatic four-minute trailer aired at the tail end of JoJo Fletcher"s two-hour The Bachelorette season premiere and it. Is. Epic.

JoJo is already down to "only" 20 men after nixing six on The Bachelorette season premiere, but it looks like a summer full of drama ahead.

Obviously, we see glimpses of swoon-worthy dates, hardcore kissing, exotic adventures and a ton of guys telling Fletcher they love her.

That doesn"t mean there won"t be drama, controversy and borderline bedlam as we get closer to finding out who JoJo Fletcher picks.

Jordan Rodgers, the retired NFL player and brother of Aaron Rodgers, promptly becomes the envy of everyone else in the mansion.

The guys obviously question is intentions – especially when he starts saying "smooth operator stuff" – and making people wonder if he"s …


Likewise, there"s Robbie Hayes, who may or may not have a girlfriend back home … and then there"s Chad Thedford. Oh, Chad Thedford.

Perhaps the ultimate villain of the three, he "has an ability to morph when he"s with JoJo," according to one prescient observer"s voiceover.

He is also seen threatening some guys.

"You think I won"t go out of my way to come to your house?" Chad says, punching a f–king door and earning a rebuke from Chris Harrison.

"There"s been some violence, some threats of violence, guys are scared for their lives," the venerable host-pimp calmly tells a shirtless Chad.

James Taylor, not to be confused with the famous singer-songwriter, but also a singer-songwriter because obviously, is then seen bleeding.

We"re talking like covered in blood, with an ambulance being dispatched to the scene of the pandemonium and fair JoJo crying hysterically.

It"s gonna be a great season!!! Watch:

The bachelorette 2016 season preview so many villains