Sunday, July 17, 2016

Florida Man Shoots At Teens Playing Pokemon Go: Find Out Why!

Pokemon Go is a craze that seems to be taking over the world. 

It’s crazy to think that before the app launched, Nintendo was pretty doomed. 

Now, with one app that allows players to go on the hunt for Pokemon, they’re becoming relevant again. 

Who’d have thought it? Not us. 

There are some major drawbacks to the game. You need to walk around in real time and that sort of means that the players aren’t paying attention to their surroundings. 

It’s getting people in a LOT of trouble. 

Just this weekend, a 37-year-old man shot at two teenagers outside his home in Florida. 

They were trying to catch some Pokemon. 

The man woke up at around 1:30 a.m and grabbed his gun. He headed outside to see what was going on. 

He was shocked to hear one of two teenagers saying, “Did you get anything?”

This probed the man to shoot at the teenagers because he thought they were robbing him. 

A mother of one of the teens grew concerned when she saw bullet holes in the car and contacted the police. 

She explained that the kids were playing Pokemon Go, but she obviously didn’t seem to understand that the man thought he was being robbed. 

Surely anyone would think they were being robbed if people rocked up to their property in the middle of the night and said what one of the teens said.

This really goes to show just how crazy the obsession with this app has become. 

To date, players of the game have found two dead bodies on their travels.

There was even a man who went under a train to catch one of the characters. 

Will this ever stop?

What do you think about Pokemon Go?

Is it time to rest the app?

Hit the comments!