Showing posts with label Becoming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Becoming. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Chad Ochocinco"s "Dead Ass" Serious About Becoming MLS Goalie

Chad Ochocinco’s first go-around with the MLS didn’t go so well … but he’s got a new plan to make the futbol league — telling TMZ Sports he’s coming back as a keeper!! And, yeah, he says he’s “dead ass” serious. Remember … Chad once tried out…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Khloe and Kim Fear the Worst: Is Kourtney Becoming Rob?!?

Keeping Up with the Kardashians may have taken a break from depicting the ugly (FAKE?) feud between sisters Kim, Khloe and Kourtney on last Sunday"s Kris-themed episode

… but make no mistake:

The rivalry will be revisted on the next all-new episode of Season 15.

In sneak peek at this Sunday"s Keeping Up with the Kardashians," Kim and Khloe sit down to talk about their ongoing beef with their older sibling.

For starters, Khloe recalls a vicious phone call she had with Kourtney, where Khloe claims the mom of three was "talking shit."

We don"t see this phone call, but we"re totally sure it happened and not that producers just told the cast members to make it up.

"She was like, "Me and Kendall were talking about you,"" Khloe says of this alleged call, explaining in more detail:

"She goes, "You"re really scared about how your life is gonna turn out." She thinks I"m scared, that"s why I"m "acting out," because I don"t want to let my old life go. What?"

(For contest, Khloe was pregnant when this episode was filmed back in December.)

"She"s so off," Kim says in response, adding that Kourtney is being a "freak."

After screaming at Kourtney earlier about how she"s been shirking her responsibilities to the family, Kim and Khloe decide to call Kendall in order to talk about how "absurd" this whole thing is.

"The fact that you even hang out with Kourtney, you"re such a f-cking freak," Kim jokes to Kendall. "I question your morals. I question your humanity."

But Kendall isn"t really in on the joke. She doesn"t get it.

"What? Why? Kourt is my best friend right now," Jenner says defensively, while also making the mistake of saying that Kourtney might not actually spend Christmas with her sisters.

What? HUH?!?!?

Could this be a "cry for help" from Kourtney, Kim wonders.

Maybe a "cry for attention," sort of like how black sheep brother Rob Kardashian does stupid stuff just to get noticed by his relatives or the public at large?

"Okay, that is crossing the line," Kendall replies hilariously, taking a major swipe at Rob in the process.

"Every time we talk about her I get more upset," Khloe tells Kim of Kourtney.

"She drives me so crazy, I just don"t even know what to do," Kim responds.

It"s pretty easy and obvious, really: Just read the script and do whatever it says to do next. D"uh!

Check out this intense clip now!

Khloe kardashian and kim fear the worst is kourtney becoming rob

Friday, July 20, 2018

Thomas Markle Jr: Meghan Is Becoming a Royal Zombie!!

With a family like this, who needs enemies?

Meghan Markle’s dad enjoys humiliating the royals — he said so himself. Meanwhile, her sister Samantha says it’s Meghan’s fault if their dad dies, somehow.

Now her brother is claiming that Meghan is being turned into a zombie by the Royal family — his words.

We already talked about how Thomas Markle Jr. sent a letter to the Queen in which he seemed to intimate that Meghan’s new royal life might lead to her premature death.

Now, RadarOnline got their hands on some more of Thomas Markle Jr.’s writing — to the Queen.

“Meghan & Harry look very much in love and happy together,” Thomas Jr. admits.

That’s better, at least, than what her dad says to any tabloid that will listen. He says that her smile is fake and hides some secret pain, blah blah blah.

Thomas Jr. ruins it immediately by saying: “although Meghan [is] living under your rules and Royal household regulations.”

Oh, of course.

This is where it gets worse.

“I think,” Thomas Jr. says. “Meg may feel like she’s being held prisoner.”

We know that being royalty is referred to as a gilded cage, but … this is absurd.

He writes that he worries that Meghan feels that she is both trapped “and turning into a zombie.”

That is not only totally unfounded — seemingly based upon his imagination and perhaps some very bad fanfiction — but totally over-the-top.

Speaking of totally unproven accusations, Thomas Jr. has more to say about what is allegedly making Meghan unhappy.

He writes that Meghan is afflicted by “the tension from Camila [sic] toward her.”

So now we’re to believe that she’s feuding with her stepmother-in-law?

“And,” Thomas Jr. writes. “Also being treated different than Kate.”

Kate is bearing offspring who are directly in line for the throne. Meghan knew that from the start. Most of these alleged conflicts seem to exist in Thomas Jr.’s mind.

“The pressure on Meg,” Thomas writes. “Has got to be overwhelming.”

You know what would really take some pressure off of Meghan’s shoulders?

If her entire shameful nightmare of a family would stop leaping at every opportunity to drag her through the mud.

These messages are, at least in part, a very clear cry for attention from their royal relative.

If they would, perhaps, shut the f–k up for a while, maybe Meghan would speak to them.

But if she never spoke to the people who seek to humiliate her and ruin her happiness again, we would very much understand it.

Now, Meghan Markle may break royal protocol from time to time. 

First of all, that’s normal. She’s still learning. She’s an American and very new to the royal lifestyle.

Second of all, there’s never been any confirmation of rumors that she’s hated. We talk about alleged feuds with Kate, but we haven’t seen proof.

In fact, by all accounts, it sounds like she really gets along well with the Queen. That’s no surprise — she’s married to the Queen’s grandson.

It’s fine for people to enjoy imagining an American woman marrying into the royal family and finding that it’s a nightmare. Write that down. Sell your script. Make a TV series.

But don’t try to sabotage your own sister’s (or daughter’s) happiness just because, after you’ve proven that you’re untrustworthy, she doesn’t return your calls.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Now I"m One Step Closer to Becoming First Lady!

Kim Kardashian undertook the unenviable task of meeting with Donald Trump in the Oval Office for a great cause.

But a report claims that Kim’s ambitions extend far beyond advocating for prison reform. She wants to be First Lady.

Kanye West’s First Lady, to be clear.

Though Kim had a very specific agenda in mind when she met with Trump, RadarOnline reports that Kim’s ulterior motive has to do with her own goals.

“Kim wants nothing more than to be First Lady when her husband Kanye West runs for President.”

While a lot of people have major ambitions in life, this could be a huge deal.

“Kim wants to show the world that she has what it takes to do this role.”

Kim knows how to play to cameras and speak to the people. She was making it clear that she knows how to make a political overture.

“And has a cause to champion that Americans can relate to.”

That cause is prison reform.

Kim’s official reason for visiting the Oval Office was to advocate for Alice Marie Johnson, a grandmother who is serving a life sentence for drug charges.

But the source wants to make it clear that Kim is sincere in her advocacy.

“She does believe in prison reform.”

Honestly, what people put into their bodies shouldn’t be anyone’s business until it endangers others. And that’s only one small part of what has made the U.S. prison system so badly in need of reform.

The source also says that Kim is thinking ahead.

“But not as much as she believes Kanye has a chance at winning the 2024 election!”

Oh boy.

Kanye has spoken about running for President before.

It has always been a laughable idea. But then, so was the idea of Donald Trump even winning his party’s nomination.

If enough people will vote for Trump, will just as many vote for Kanye?

Well … probably not. But it’s possible.

The Left is unlikely to vote for Kanye because he is an avowed Trump supporter.

Trump’s base is unlikely to vote for Kanye because … well … Kanye is not white. Trump’s support from white supremacists and his tacit support of them is not insignificant.

What many fear is that Kanye may run for President as an Independent, drawing throwaway “ironic” votes and votes from individuals who want to spite one or both parties.

(Plus, as Kanye’s newest album reminds us all, he has genuine fans who love his music. He’s not quite the only one who thinks that he’s a misunderstood genius)

In that way, Kanye could shape America’s future without garnering more than 2% of the vote.

As fans were reminded on Memorial Day weekend when Kim Kardashian feuded with Rhymefest, she will go to any length to defend or support her husband.

That may include, you know, leading to America’s further ruin.

Kim is, quite frankly, an enabler.

She defends Kanye’s outlandish statements and bad behavior because she loves him, and she stands by him no matter what.

This is why Snoop Dogg says that Kim is no good for Kanye. Snoop says that, if the late Dr. Donda West were still alive, she could talk some sense into her son.

Some point out that there’s nothing inherently wrong with the picture of Kim herself in the Oval Office.

We don’t always agree with Kim, but she has a good head on her shoulders.

As long as America is electing reality stars with zero political experience into the most powerful job that has ever existed in human history, some wonder if it might as well be Kim.

After all, unlike Trump, Kim is a savvy businesswoman who is not known for an infamous string of business failures. And she is not accused of mob ties.

But others suggest that perhaps people who are elected to office should be qualified for that office.

A radical idea, we know.


Monday, April 16, 2018

DJ Khaled"s Son Asahd Becoming His Own Brand Name

DJ Khaled’s 18-month-old son, Asahd, is gonna be throwing down stacks for mini cars with his name on ‘em before he learns how to sign his name … if all goes as planned. Khaled and his wife, Nicole Tuck, filed to trademark Asahd’s name on…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Lauryn Shannon: I Already Regret Becoming a Mom

In December, Lauryn Shannon gave birth to her baby, becoming a mother at 17.

Now, a few months later, she’s 18, and opening up about her experience with new motherhood.

As it turns out, she really, really wishes that she’d waited before having a child.

It should comes as no surprise to fans of From Not to Hot or of Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon herself that members of this family can be outspoken … and sometimes blunt.

Well, speaking on Gonzo Podcasts (no relation to the muppet character or the porn style), Lauryn says that she wishes that she had waited before becoming a mother.

Speaking frankly, she reveals something that she would change about her life:

“I would probably change how young I was when I had kids.”

That … makes sense.

Lauryn continues, explaining that she had never intended to become a teenage mother.

“Because my original plan when I decided that I was gonna have kids, like, when I was younger.”

In her youth, the 18-year-old says, she already had an age in mind — an exact number.

“I was like, ‘Alright, I’m gonna wait until I’m 24.”

But she was just 17 when Ella Grace Efird was born. Lauryn now regrets that.

“And I wish maybe sometimes I wish I would’ve been able to do that.”

Alas, you can’t change history.

And, some would say, perhaps you shouldn’t admit that you wish that you could while speaking on a podcast when you’re famous and this can absolutely get back to your daughter when she is older.

Lauryn elaborates, speaking about the difficulties of being a parent.

“It has its struggles because Josh has a full-time job now, and with it just being me here and Alana some of the time and maybe my mom, it is super hard.”

At least she has family to help, but … that can only do so much.

She says that her baby-daddy, Josh, is able to shoulder some of the burden, even though June Shannon doesn’t hesitate to trash the father of her granddaughter.

“But when he gets home, it’s not as complicated because he helps out a lot.”

Ultimately, though, Lauryn doesn’t sound bitter about her current life.

“Honestly, I’m glad I get to grow with my child.”

Lauryn talks about other things on the podcast, too. She answers a question from a nervous fan who wants to know if she and her family still eat like they did on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

Obviously, Mama June has dramatically changed her diet as part of her famous makeover that gave her her current insane figure.

But Lauryn says that aside from buttered “sketti,” the over-boiled spaghetti noodles mixed with margarine and sometimes ketchup that the family would eat, their diets haven’t really remained the same.

So it doesn’t sound like Lauryn is going to be feeding her daughter any, um, roadkill or sugared cranberry sauce any time soon.

Honestly, most people had probably assumed as much. The reason for the bizarre foods eaten on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo wasn’t a personal preference, it was born of a desire to feed a family living in extreme poverty.

Some would slam Lauryn for speaking about this. What if Ella grows up and hears this one day?

Others would say that this is an important warning for Ella — as well as for other young women.

Having a child when you’re not even old enough to vote isn’t the same thing as holding a cute baby. There’s a lot more to motherhood than cute little photoshoots of a peacefully sleeping baby.

In a world where Kylie Jenner is showing off the sexy side of young motherhood, it’s important for people to get a dose of reality from their reality stars.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Richard Sherman Missed Becoming Bitcoin Gazillionaire By Thiiis Much

Richard Sherman is a visionary … he was accepting Bitcoin on his website back in 2012 and 2013 — but there’s just one problem … HE CONVERTED IT ALL TO CASH BEFORE IT EXPLODED!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s…


Richard Sherman Missed Becoming Bitcoin Gazillionaire By Thiiis Much

Richard Sherman is a visionary … he was accepting Bitcoin on his website back in 2012 and 2013 — but there’s just one problem … HE CONVERTED IT ALL TO CASH BEFORE IT EXPLODED!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Amanda Stanton Talks Robby Hayes, Josh Murray, & Becoming the Bachelorette!

Amanda Stanton finished her latest tour of Bachelor in Paradise last fall, but fans have questions.

Has she spoken to that cheater Robby Hayes? For that matter, is she in touch with Josh Murray? Will she answer the hopes and dreams of countless fans by becoming the next leading lady of The Bachelorette?

Finally, Amanda is speaking out and, believe it or not, answering all of those questions.

Amanda Stanton won a lot of fans on the 20th season of The Bachelor, but it was Lauren Bushnell who won the heart of Ben Higgins.

You know, for a while.

Amanda then went on to Bachelor in Paradise, where she and Josh Murray became a couple. Unfortunately, their breakup was so dramatically unpleasant that police were called.


This last season of Bachelor on Paradise didn’t do her much good, either.

Not only did she have to defend herself against mom-shamers for appearing on the show, she didn’t exactly get a happy ending.

She became romantically entangled with Robby Hayes.

Unfortunately, he allegedly became “entangled” with someone else.

Amanda Stanton tweeted a photo of Robby’s cheating to prove it to the world.

A lot of nonsense goes on in Paradise; that’s basically the point of the show. But we should all be able to agree that Amanda deserves better.

Well, Amanda Stanton opened up to Us Weekly about the many topics that have aroused the curiosity of fans.

For starters, she is so not talking to Robby Hayes.

Josh Murray, despite the drama in their past, is another story.

“I talk to Josh here and there.”

She is, at first, cautious about talking about this. She doesn’t want to give false hope to shippers.

“I mean nothing more than a friendly conversation.”

But Amanda and Josh are on what we’d call unusually good terms for a pair of exes.

She acknowledges that things were bad when they ended things, but emphasizes that things are so much better, now.

“We had such a bad breakup, and so it’s nice to just not have that drama anymore and just be cool with each other.”

Gwen Stefani wrote a whole dang song about that. (“Cool” is, in fact, my favorite song of hers)

“Because he was around my kids and we did have a good relationship for the most part. So it’s good to be on good terms.”

In fact, she and said children (Kinsley and Charlie) apparently FaceTimed Josh Murray after her return from this past season in Paradise.

But then comes the big question. The one that matters.

Those men are in her past, but what lies in her future? Might she be The Bachelorette?

Amanda shatters the hearts of fans as she sounds very certain that she’ll no longer be looking for love on camera.

“I’m done for sure.”

Heartbreaking. But she makes it clear that this isn’t sour grapes speaking.

“I’m so grateful for the opportunity, and like overall I had such a good experience and don’t regret anything.”

Still, her air of finality remains.

“But I think I’m done.”

“I’ve had my fair share of chances.”

Does she really believe that she missed her chance to find love on screen? Or is she just sick of having her heartbreak broadcast to the world?

For the record, she spoke to Us Weekly at a speed dating event, so her brand is at least still tied to the quest for love.

But it sounds to us like Amanda was mostly just being dismissive of returning for yet another season of Bachelor in Paradise.

If she got an offer to become the Bachelorette … would she really turn that down?

We’re not so sure.


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Meghan Markle Wanted to be Willy Wonka Before Becoming a Royal

Meghan Markle’s on her way to joining the Royal Family, but before that, she had her sights set on becoming queen … of the lollipop biz. According to docs obtained by TMZ … Meghan and a friend filed trademark paperwork back in 2012 for the term…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Kylie Jenner: I"m Freaking Out About Becoming a Mom!

2017 is a wild ride. The perfidious predators in Hollywood are getting exposed, but we all live in perpetual anxiety that the world will be destroyed because of an impulsive lunatic. That’s … all kind of depressing.

But Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy, bizarre and unexpected though it may be, is a welcome distraction.

For us. Apparently, Kylie’s finally reached the point where the realities of her condition are starting to freak her out.

Though Kylie and her family are still, for reasons unknown and perhaps beyond the comprehension of us mere mortals, refusing to actually acknowledge it …

The whole world knows that Kylie is pregnant.

We can only assume that her comical efforts to hide her baby bump are a prelude to some “big reveal” that Kris Jenner dreamed up.

(That woman really knows how to turn any unfortunate situation into a huge source of success; in another life, Kris Jenner might have conquered the world by now)

Of course, some are paranoid that Kylie Jenner is faking her pregnancy. Her motives for that would be unclear. Maybe she’s trolling fans or trying to get revenge against the people who report on her life by stringing them along.

That said, people who’ve spotted Kylie Jenner say that she looks pregnant. As well she ought to — she’s reportedly due in just a few months.

And it looks like that looming due date, and the changes to her body, are finally getting to Kylie.

Remember, she’s only 20, and she got pregnant at 19 with a rebound guy she’d been seeing for maybe a month.

There’s a lot to freak out about.

A source tells RadarOnline that Kylie Jenner is over her pregnancy’s honeymoon phase.

“Honestly, Kylie is just an emotional wreck right now.”

Well, that sure isn’t mincing any words, is it?

“She does not know what to do or [whom] to trust, and she is just so vulnerable right now.”

Is the issue about worrying that a “friend” will snap a photo of her baby bump? that could keep her in isolation.

Or maybe Kylie’s having trouble confiding her feelings in people. That could be worse, and much more isolating.

“Her age is really starting to show.”

You know, it’s funny — usually, when we talk about someone’s age showing, we talk about a teacher talking about how handsome Errol Flynn was we talk about someone not knowing who Ariana Grande is.

In this case, it’s not old age that’s allegedly showing — it’s Kylie’s youth and immaturity. 

Sure, people have said “oh, she’ll make a great mom” and praised Kylie for being mature or whatever … but that’s just something that people say.

According to that same source, Kylie’s feeling scared at the moment.

“She does not know how to be an adult, let alone be a mother.”

Remember, Kylie is set to give birth well before she’s old enough to legally drink alcohol in the US.

Yeah, alcohol and pregnancy don’t mix, but the point is that Kylie is really young for someone who’s becoming a mother. And she’s basically never had responsibilities in her life aside from appearing on a reality series.

Other women become moms at her age, but most of those other women have had real jobs before and probably have more realistic ideas of what parenting entails.

But RadarOnline‘s source says that Kylie is feeling isolated.

“She’s feeling so alone!”

Now, all of that sounds believable.

But here’s where it starts to sounds like RadarOnline‘s source is reporting from a parallel universe where everything is all topsy-turvy:

“Kylie is trying to rely on Kris, but Kris has made it clear she simply does not have the time to deal with it.”

That … doesn’t sound like the Kris Jenner whom we have all come to know and love (and fear).

Kris Jenner ignoring her youngest daughter doesn’t sound plausible. Kris Jenner ignoring her pregnant daughter sounds like someone’s fever-dream.

There’s no way that Kris Jenner is unwilling to help Kylie through her pregnancy and her transition into motherhood.

But that doesn’t preclude Kylie from feeling like Kris doesn’t care. Feelings, strange as this may sound, are sometimes less than rational.

Kylie’s dealing with more right now than she’s ever dealt with before.

She has a huge support network available to her; we just hope that she takes advantage of it.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kylie Jenner: "Freaking Out" About Becoming a Mom, Sources Say

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child

Fans were stunned by the news, of course, and the Kardashian-Jenner family is said to be divided in its reaction.

Insiders say Caitlyn Jenner believes Kylie is too young to have a child.

Her sisters have reportedly been overwhelmingly supportive.

And Kris Jenner … well, Kris is trying to cash in on Kylie’s pregnancy because that’s what Kris does best.

We’re not even throwing shade there.

Were it not for Kris’ ability to turn her daughters’ personal lives into a lucrative commodity, Kylie would just be some random pregnant 20-year-old cursing her luck for not getting knocked up young enough to qualify for Teen Mom.

Which brings us to an interesting point.

For all the talk about the reactions to Kylie’s big news, we’ve heard very little about how Kylie feels about the fact that she’ll soon be a single mom at 20.

Now, it seems there may be a good reason for that.

According to Radar Online, the initial giddy thrill has worn off and Kylie is in full-blown panic mode these days.

“Sure, she talked a good game about wanting to have a baby, but now that it’s here, she’s all shades of freaked out,” an anonymous friend of Kylie’s tells the site.

Yes, it seems the reality of her situation hit Kylie all at once, and she’s suddenly terrified about the challenges that lay before her.

To make matters worse, it seems Kylie’s baby daddy isn’t providing much support.

“Travis doesn’t seem that excited to be a dad,” says the insider.

Of course, Kylie’s public image and web presence are essential to her career, and she really doesn’t have the option of staying off social media for a while.

Which is a shame, because it seems she’s really not liking what she’s been reading online lately.

“Kylie knows a lot of people don’t think she’s mom material, and she’s been devastated by all the online criticism,” says one source.

“She’s struggling to stay positive, is very light on sleep, and feels everyone is out to get her,” the insider adds.

Well, pregnancy is tough at any age, and we’re sure having the eyes of the world on you doesn’t help.

But it’s important to bear in mind that Kylie’s on pace to become a billionaire in a few years.

So, yeah … there are lots of single moms who are stressing much, much harder.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Selena Gomez: Becoming a Judge on American Idol?

Producers may have actually figured out a way to make people watch the American Idol revival that nobody asked for or needed.

Their reported solution? To hire on Selena Gomez to sit at the judges’ table.

… You know? That just might work.

American Idol is coming back.

Hundreds — probably thousands, honestly — of people are literally lining up for their shot at stardom.

Their excitement is understandable, since even people who don’t win can end up signing huge record deals and launching music careers that last for decades.

The question remains: will people actually watch it?

Like, plenty of people will check it out, sure. But are there enough grandmas and chorus nerds out there who are going to want to give the show a second chance?

Clearly, those behind the revival are hoping so.

They’ve already gambled a whopping $ 25 million that Katy Perry sitting at the judges’ table is going to draw in viewers by way of her fans.

(That just makes me think of the saying “every year we get older, but Katy Perry fans stay the same age,” which really rings true … because her demo is not the coveted 18-35 range)

Katy Perry’s recent, abysmal hosting of the VMAs has producers in a panic

They worry that they’re spending all of this money on her without having her audition, and that she’ll just be a flop as a judge.

Well, HollywoodLife reports that producers are preparing an offer for Selena Gomez to judge American Idol

“Producers think that Selena would be great to join the judging panel because she’d bring in a younger crowd for ratings, she’d be considered the nice judge, and they would love her to join because the impact she has with social media.”

Well, Selena would bring in a younger crowd than the default American Idol crowd.

She is nice. Like, she knows all about performing, but we feel like she’d offer up constructive criticism.

(Katy, in the mean time, is said to be planning to be the harsh one)

And Selena is the most-followed person on Instagram, currently and also ever.

“They are putting together a proposal for her and are hoping she will accept it and join the show.”

That’s the thing — just because they propose it doesn’t mean that she’ll accept the gig.

But they know that.

“It’s a long shot but they are taking the chance to get her. They’d love to have her signed up and all judges by mid October.”

Now, this isn’t confirmed — but it’s very believable that the producers would want Selena Gomez.

But, like, people in hell want icewater.

Selena Gomez’s career is still going strong, despite being delayed by her ongoing battle with Lupus.

Just this summer, Selena Gomez got a kidney transplant thanks to her friend generously offering up one of her own kidneys.

Between the damage that Lupus does directly and the ravages of chemo, Selena Gomez’s fight for her health and life takes up a lot of time.

Plus she has her own career. And a relationship with The Weeknd.

And, you know, the rest of her life to live.

So … we’ll see.

There’s a question of how much ABC could possibly afford to spend to hire an all-star judges’ panel.

Which would be worse — spending $ 50 million a year on just two judges or offering Selena Gomez less than they’re paying Katy Perry?

The first could be a ludicrous use for their budget.

The second would just be an insult.

But if they make the right choices and Selena Gomez signs up … well, that will capture my interest, at least.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chelsea Houska: See Her Tell Aubree She"s Becoming a Big Sister!

We"ve known for a good long while now that Chelsea Houska, the best Teen Mom out of all the Teen Moms, is pregnant with her second child.

She announced in July that she and her massively adorable boyfriend (now husband!!!), Cole DeBoer, were expecting their first kid together, and we couldn"t be more excited about a total stranger"s pregnancy.

(Oh, and hey, it feels important to note that while this new kid will be Cole"s first biological child, he"s made it clear that he considers himself a father to Chelsea"s older daughter, Aubree, too.)

In the months since, we"ve learned that the new baby will be a little boy, and that he"s due to enter the world on Valentine"s Day, February 14th.

We"ve kept up with Chelsea"s growing bump, we"ve seen all the photos from her baby shower, and it"s all been just grand.

But next Monday, on January 2nd, the new season of Teen Mom 2 premieres.

And we will get to see so much more of this magical journey.

Right now, we"ve got a brand new clip from the show, and if the rest of Chelsea"s role in this season is anything like this, it"s going to be painfully cute.

In the clip, Chelsea and Cole sit Aubree down to tell her all about the pregnancy — and about her upcoming role as a big sister!

See the seriously sweet video below:

Chelsea houska see her tell aubree shes becoming a big sister

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Kim Kardashian & Blac Chyna: Becoming Besties Again?!

Long before Blac Chyna got pregnant with Rob Kardashian’s baby, she was orbiting Planet Kardashian for a different reason.

Back when Kim was a B-lister at best and Blac was a relative nobody, the big-butted beauties were BFFs.

You may remember this famous butt selfie from a simpler time when Blac and Kim were just a pair of up-and-comers trying to get ultra-rich and famous without displaying any talent or doing any real work:

These days, Blac and Kim are far from besties.

In fact, if you watched last week’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, you know that Kim abruptly hung up when Rob unexpectedly put her on the phone with her former friend.

But whether they like it or not, Kim and Blac will soon by sisters-in-law.

Blac will soon be an aunt to Kim’s kids (and vice versa), and insiders say they’re doing their best to find some common ground before Chyna brings the newest Kardashian into the world.

“Blac Chyna and Kim are slowly rebuilding their friendship,” a source tells E! News. “They do hangout without Rob and talk about all different things.”

The source adds that pregnancy and motherhood are common topics of conversation.

One insider claims that the former friends have even spent some time picking out baby names.

Oh, how we would love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.

Fortunately, various members of the Kard clan will reportedly be making cameos in Rob and Blac’s reality show, so we’ll get to enjoy some seriously awkward interactions in the very near future.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Blac Chyna: I"ve Gained 20 Pounds Since Becoming Pregnant!!

We"ve only known about Blac Chyna"s pregnancy for a couple weeks, and now we know how much weight she"s gained.

The model announced this new development on Snapchat yesterday when she shared a video of herself stepping on a bathroom scale.

"Let"s see. Uh-oh… Mommy gained 20 pounds!" she exclaimed, as her three-year-old son King Cairo chattered away in the background.

When we first learned that Blac was having Rob Kardashian"s baby, sources revealed that she was "several months along" in the pregnancy, which would be less shocking if the couple had even been together for several months.

Rob and Blac have been dating since about January.

Given that expectant mothers typically don"t see that kind of weight gain until their second trimester, it"s fair to assume she got pregnant not long after they became a couple.

In a second video, little King snuggles up with his mom on the sofa.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" he asks.

"I don"t know, what do you want it to be?" Chyna responds.

As the toddler lies on her stomach, King then asks, "Am I squishing the baby?" 

"No, you"re not squishing the baby," his mom tells him.

Earlier this week, Blac shot back at body-shaming jerks who actually criticized her weight gain.

"To all you people out there with negative comments and insecure words (obviously because you have nothing else to do but criticize the next), I AM HAVING A BABY!" Chyna wrote.

"Exactly what do you expect to see?!"

People are the worst.

Blac chyna ive gained 20 pounds since becoming pregnant

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Teresa Giudice: I"m Becoming a YOGA Teacher!

When you think of zen, peace and tranquility, think of Teresa Giudice.

We know that last sentence likely threw you right out of your tree pose, but that is just what The Real Housewives of New Jersey star and recent jailbird would like you to believe.

Teresa recently told People she practiced yoga every morning during her taxing year-long stint in prison and now plans to become an accredited yoga instructor.

“I want to come out with my own yoga DVD tape, my own yoga line,” she told the magazine.

“I love yoga,” she added. “It really changed my life. It really got me through this whole ordeal – it really did – being there and everything. I can’t live without it now.”

It seems like just yesterday when the bombastic Housewife was flipping over tables and screaming obscenities on television, but now the Jersey native is turning to the Universe to guide her path.

“I read a lot of inspirational books in prison, like whatever you want, you can put it out there,” she said.

And what is it she wants?

“I want to make $ 40 million this year. I hope that happens – for real, I made a vision board.”

Now THERE’S the Teresa we know and love. Because no matter what Jessie J says, it’s all about the money, money, money.

We’ll keep an eye on whether she gets there between her burgeoning yoga empire and tell-all memoir, but we’ve got a feeling she won’t be getting her prana on with the Dalai Lama anytime soon.

Check out our gif collection featuring Teresa channeling her inner zen in the slideshow below. Namaste.