Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Chelsea Houska: See Her Tell Aubree She"s Becoming a Big Sister!

We"ve known for a good long while now that Chelsea Houska, the best Teen Mom out of all the Teen Moms, is pregnant with her second child.

She announced in July that she and her massively adorable boyfriend (now husband!!!), Cole DeBoer, were expecting their first kid together, and we couldn"t be more excited about a total stranger"s pregnancy.

(Oh, and hey, it feels important to note that while this new kid will be Cole"s first biological child, he"s made it clear that he considers himself a father to Chelsea"s older daughter, Aubree, too.)

In the months since, we"ve learned that the new baby will be a little boy, and that he"s due to enter the world on Valentine"s Day, February 14th.

We"ve kept up with Chelsea"s growing bump, we"ve seen all the photos from her baby shower, and it"s all been just grand.

But next Monday, on January 2nd, the new season of Teen Mom 2 premieres.

And we will get to see so much more of this magical journey.

Right now, we"ve got a brand new clip from the show, and if the rest of Chelsea"s role in this season is anything like this, it"s going to be painfully cute.

In the clip, Chelsea and Cole sit Aubree down to tell her all about the pregnancy — and about her upcoming role as a big sister!

See the seriously sweet video below:

Chelsea houska see her tell aubree shes becoming a big sister