Showing posts with label Happens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happens. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Man Calls Out Mom for Breast-Feeding. Then THIS Happens.

The following video features one pretty awful man.

And a bunch of totally awesome Target employees.

It was filmed by a young mother in Connecticut named Jessie Maher, as she sat down in the store’s cafeteria to breast feed her one-year old daughter.

Quickly after she started to do so, a man blasted Maher as a “disgusting whore."

But Maher pulled out her cellphone and started to film the incident, later sharing it on her Facebook page.

To date, it has racked up over five million views.

“Anybody know this a**hole who verbally assaulted me in target this morning while I was breastfeeding my baby? (He’s wearing an Avon shirt)," Maher wrote as a message along with the footage.

She added:

"Before the video started rolling he looked at me and said (very angrily), “can’t you do that somewhere else?… That’s f***ing disgusting.. You are nasty” (he said a few other things under his breath).

"I responded with, “I am feeding my baby, and I have the right to do it here…walk the f*** away..leave me the f*** alone."

"He responded with, (as he’s walking closer and closer to me and getting louder) “you are f***ing disgusting…you are f***ing disgusting…you are f***ing disgusting…you whore” he said a bunch more bullshit that I can not remember ….

"by this point EVERYONE came to my defense! Target staff and shoppers… Then I started rolling the camera…."

An unidentified woman can be heard coming to Maher"s defense.

She makes sure the poor mother doesn"t feel ashamed over providing her child with sustenance.

“You shouldn’t be ashamed of feeding your baby,” she tells Maher.

“He can go the other way. This is a beautiful moment. If he doesn’t like it he can go.”

Then she addresses the man: “Don’t look, okay? I’m here to protect her.”

Pretty awesome, huh?

Check out the full video below:

Target employees stand up for breast feeding mother tell off des

Monday, June 6, 2016

Andy Cohen: Leaving Watch What Happens Live?

The late nights are taking a toll on TV’s most notorious sh**-stirrer.

Andy Cohen reportedly wants to exit Watch What Happens Live after six years.

“Andy is over [‘Watch What Happens Live’],” a source told Page Six

“He’s been doing that show forever. He wants to do other things. Taping every night at 11 p.m. is cramping his style.”

Cohen is producing a new show, Look Who’s Hosting Live, which other insiders claim is the perfect way for Cohen to make his exit and realize his dream of co-hosting Live! With Kelly alongside his good friend, Kelly Ripa.

Cohen’s plan, some speculate, is to find a replacement so he’s free to pursue other opportunities.

“This is untrue,” a Bravo spokesperson said in response to the rumor.

“‘Watch What Happens Live’ with Andy Cohen as host is continuing on the network and [was] recently renewed for another season.”

Look Who’s Hosting Live offers certain celebrities to take over Cohen’s job for one evening.  Those who have said they “envy” the position will have to write their show’s monologue, as well as pick sidekicks and guests.

Look Who’s Hosting, the spokesperson clarified, was designed “as a companion show to WWHL, not as a replacement.”

Early this morning, Cohen retweeted Entertainment Tonight’s story that he was not leaving WWHL.

Cohen recently slammed Michael Strahan’s decision to leave Live! With Michael and Kelly

“He [Michael] had this great relationship on TV and it was a big, bad breakup,” Cohen vented on his radio show.

“When I look at this whole situation, it’s worth noting that the two of them, Kelly and Michael, they had such great chemistry — such great chemistry.

“The thing that no one is talking about is to me, the job of cohosting Live is the greatest job in TV, and she’s so good at it and he was so good at it, but it’s a job that you take and you take it for life.

She’s been at that job for 15 years,” Cohen added.

“I can’t get over that he left Live where it was the best show … Live with Kelly and Michael — your name is in the freakin’ title. You can spend your life here,” he said, adding that the paycheck made things all the more enticing.

“You can spend 15 years here and make serious bank, by the way.”

This guy wants that co-hosting gig so badly.

Friday, February 26, 2016

This is What Happens When You Tell Starbucks Your Name is Beyonce

There is only one Queen Bey, people.

And there’s also one Starbucks barista out there who wants to make sure everyone knows this.

A Vine user named “JEWISHJEN” shared the above video online this week, saying that she recently stopped by this coffee chain and jokingly told the woman behind the counter that her name was Beyonce.

Why not, right?

We all know the trouble baristas have with first names. They’ll probably get it wrong anyway. So you might as well have some fun with the exercise.

Except JEWISHJEN apparently chose a barista who either has no sense of humor… or who has an awesome sense of humor. We can’t quite figure out which it is.

“I told the girl at Starbucks my name was Beyoncé, just, like, to be funny, and this is what she gave me,” says the user in the above video.

JEWISHJEN proceeded to hold up her Starbucks cup to the camera, revealing the barista had written “U WISH” on it. HA!

We love it.

Jen’s Vine has since gone viral on the social network with over three million loops.

Join in the movement and check it out above.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Will End When THIS Happens

As of January 29, The Vampire Diaries Season 7 is moving to Friday nights.

So this clearly means that the once-popular drama is on its way out, right? That The CW is essentially burning off the remaining episodes?

Not if creator Julie Plec has her way.

To be clear, the executive producer is prepared to wrap up The Vampire Diaries… but only on one condition.

“My end game needs to…  emotionally run parallel with the end game of [Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder] – more so than the network and the studio,” Plec told Variety this week of her show’s lead stars.

“When those boys decide that they’re done telling stories – which could be tomorrow and could be a year from now or two years from now or whatever – I need to be done. I feel like I owe them that and I owe the show that.

“It’s a collective decision. Right now, they’re in the driver’s seat of that and we’ll see how much longer they feel like they want to be doing this.”

Of course, it’s also a decision the network may make for Plec.

Ratings for The Vampire Diaries have plummeted over the last two seasons.

Will The CW actually give Plec (and Somerhalder… and Wesley) the chance to go out on their own terms?

Plec added that she was “sad” to see Nina Dobrev leave the series after Season 6 and that she would take the actress back in an “instant” if she wished to return as Elena Gilbert.

However, as those who watch The Vampire Diaries online or on television can confirm, the series has undergone somewhat of a creative renaissance her absence.

“It just feels good to be able to tell the story about two brothers who are more bonded and, as such, at odds more than ever before, and you’re writing this terrific relationship piece now about these two guys, and it’s just been so fun to write this year,” she says.

“The writers, we’re just enjoying the hell out of it… from a creative point of view, it’s been a real new infusion of creative fun [without Dobrev].”

Monday, December 7, 2015

NeNe Leakes Slams The View on Watch What Happens Live

Last month, Nene Leakes appeared on The View as part of her press tour for Chicago The Musical (Leakes currently plays Mama Morgan on the Broadway production).

It wasn"t the best time ever, though.  Leakes tweeted (then later deleted) that the group of women were a bunch of "mean girls turning up their noses, looking u up & down as if u don’t belong."

Last night, Leakes appeared on Watch What Happens Live, and Andy Cohen wanted to know exactly what went wrong.

"I didn"t see any of those ladies on the panel until I actually walked on the panel, and I felt like they weren"t kind to me," Leakes recalled.

Viewers noticed that Joy Behar was rather unpleasant when Leakes came onstage, accusing her of being too rough with her playful slaps and appearing visibly annoyed with Leakes didn"t want to talk much about her new home.

"It was more than Joy," Leakes explained. "Now, Joy definitely was throwing a lot of shade, but there was someone else on the panel that threw shade as well, as far as looking me up and down."


"Now we were live, so as far as what the cameras shot or [showed], I don"t know," Leakes said.  "It didn"t show everything, but I can tell you there were a couple of people on that panel who were very shady."

Again, WHO?!

Leakes alleged that Raven-Symone gave her "real nasty-like" looks.

"First of all, I was invited to their show. I was there to promote Chicago and other things. They asked me to bring pictures of my home there, and I brought the pictures they had asked me to bring," Leakes told Cohen.

"They just weren"t kind. They did not have nice manners."

Leakes has no time for you women. Go to a spa and chill the f— out immediately.

I know all of them are tired," Leakes said. "Their hairstyles are tired. Their makeup is tired. You know, whatever."

Nene leakes slams the view on watch what happens live

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Leah Remini Opens Up About Scientology on Watch What Happens Live!

Scientology has dominated some of Hollywood’s most elite players.  Though the “church” has been the subject of much speculation and criticism, it still draws in the attention (and money) of celebrities.

But not all celebrities are fans of Scientology.

Actress Leah Remini, who authored Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology, sat down with Andy Cohen on Wednesday’s episode of Watch What Happens Live to talk about life as a former Scientologist.

In her memoir, Remini details accounts of child abuse and sexual harassment within the “religion.” And after reading about her experiences as a Scientologist, Cohen followed up with questions from both himself and viewers.

“I have follow-up questions to the book,” Cohen told Remini on the set of WWHL. ”I read it and I’m fascinated, and I know the viewers have a lot of questions.”

The Bravo executive asked Remini “how much money” she deposited into The Church of Scientology throughout the years that she was affiliated with the organization.

The King of Queens star responded, claiming that she gave $ 3 million—at least!

Cohen then asked the 45-year-old actress to expound upon other celebrities/church members who try to maintain relationships with former members.

Referring to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ daughter Suri, Cohen said, ”For example, I’m fascinated by the Tom Cruise thing in terms of his daughter. If she allegedly left the church . . . If she’s no longer a Scientologist, then does that mean he can’t be in touch with her?”

Remini explained that the church refuses the right to maintain contact with former Scientologists.

“Well, she’s a baby. She’s a child,” Remini said about 9-year-old Suri. “She doesn’t have a choice.”

“No, but the policy of the church is you can’t be connected to someone who’s committed a suppressive act, which I have. Katie has, per church policy. You can’t be connected to that. You have to shun that particular person,” she continued.

In her book, Remini disclosed information about Cruise’s influence within Scientology.  Cohen commented that her account of how Cruise treats other was “utterly shocking.”

“He appeared to have an enormous amount of power within the church,” Remini explained.

Cohen also questioned Remini about Scientology’s other mega-celeb: John Travolta. “You didn’t mention [John] Travolta much,” he mentioned.

“He’s a very sweet man, and he loves the technology of Scientology,” Remini replied. “He’s been lovely.”

A caller during the after show asked Remini if she regrets subscribing to Scientology.

“Regrets? No, I’m here now,” she answered. “I wouldn’t be here in this moment between these two wonderful people. I’m happy that I’m here with experience.”

Leah Remini left Scientology in July 2013 because she was concerned its ideology would negatively influence her daughter.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dog is Fast Sleep... Until THIS Happens

You should let sleeping dogs lie. This is a saying we"ve heard many times over the years.

It"s fair. It makes a lot of sense. We"ve always followed it as a rule of pet ownership.

But it also raises a question. And that question is this, as much as we never expected to ask it:

What if that sleeping dog lets a GIANT fart rip and wakens himself from a slumber? What then?!?

Such is the situation we actually get to witness in the following video, which features exactly what we just described above: 

A dog is on the ground, fast asleep, dreaming of chasing mailmen and eating rawhide, we"d imagine.

But then he farts, sort of loudly the first time and really loudly the second time and – boom! HA! – it can"t remain asleep through that noise.

Or through that smell, most likely.

In the past, we"ve featured a bulldog who is utterly baffled by the rain. As well as a dog who can fetch a can of Miller Lite for his thirsty, football-watching owner.

But this is a first. This is the first time we"ve ever seen a dog wake himself up due to gastrointestinal issues.

His owners may want to take him for a walk as soon as possible. But that"s their problem.

We"re happy to let him fall back asleep and to see if this happens again. Because it"s downright hilarious.

See for yourself and prepare to cover your nose in 3… 2… 1…

Dog is fast sleep until this happens