Monday, June 6, 2016

Andy Cohen: Leaving Watch What Happens Live?

The late nights are taking a toll on TV’s most notorious sh**-stirrer.

Andy Cohen reportedly wants to exit Watch What Happens Live after six years.

“Andy is over [‘Watch What Happens Live’],” a source told Page Six

“He’s been doing that show forever. He wants to do other things. Taping every night at 11 p.m. is cramping his style.”

Cohen is producing a new show, Look Who’s Hosting Live, which other insiders claim is the perfect way for Cohen to make his exit and realize his dream of co-hosting Live! With Kelly alongside his good friend, Kelly Ripa.

Cohen’s plan, some speculate, is to find a replacement so he’s free to pursue other opportunities.

“This is untrue,” a Bravo spokesperson said in response to the rumor.

“‘Watch What Happens Live’ with Andy Cohen as host is continuing on the network and [was] recently renewed for another season.”

Look Who’s Hosting Live offers certain celebrities to take over Cohen’s job for one evening.  Those who have said they “envy” the position will have to write their show’s monologue, as well as pick sidekicks and guests.

Look Who’s Hosting, the spokesperson clarified, was designed “as a companion show to WWHL, not as a replacement.”

Early this morning, Cohen retweeted Entertainment Tonight’s story that he was not leaving WWHL.

Cohen recently slammed Michael Strahan’s decision to leave Live! With Michael and Kelly

“He [Michael] had this great relationship on TV and it was a big, bad breakup,” Cohen vented on his radio show.

“When I look at this whole situation, it’s worth noting that the two of them, Kelly and Michael, they had such great chemistry — such great chemistry.

“The thing that no one is talking about is to me, the job of cohosting Live is the greatest job in TV, and she’s so good at it and he was so good at it, but it’s a job that you take and you take it for life.

She’s been at that job for 15 years,” Cohen added.

“I can’t get over that he left Live where it was the best show … Live with Kelly and Michael — your name is in the freakin’ title. You can spend your life here,” he said, adding that the paycheck made things all the more enticing.

“You can spend 15 years here and make serious bank, by the way.”

This guy wants that co-hosting gig so badly.