Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dog is Fast Sleep... Until THIS Happens

You should let sleeping dogs lie. This is a saying we"ve heard many times over the years.

It"s fair. It makes a lot of sense. We"ve always followed it as a rule of pet ownership.

But it also raises a question. And that question is this, as much as we never expected to ask it:

What if that sleeping dog lets a GIANT fart rip and wakens himself from a slumber? What then?!?

Such is the situation we actually get to witness in the following video, which features exactly what we just described above: 

A dog is on the ground, fast asleep, dreaming of chasing mailmen and eating rawhide, we"d imagine.

But then he farts, sort of loudly the first time and really loudly the second time and – boom! HA! – it can"t remain asleep through that noise.

Or through that smell, most likely.

In the past, we"ve featured a bulldog who is utterly baffled by the rain. As well as a dog who can fetch a can of Miller Lite for his thirsty, football-watching owner.

But this is a first. This is the first time we"ve ever seen a dog wake himself up due to gastrointestinal issues.

His owners may want to take him for a walk as soon as possible. But that"s their problem.

We"re happy to let him fall back asleep and to see if this happens again. Because it"s downright hilarious.

See for yourself and prepare to cover your nose in 3… 2… 1…

Dog is fast sleep until this happens