Monday, October 5, 2015

Taylor Swift "Burn Book" Slams Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Rihanna?

Taylor Swift has mastered the art of presenting herself as the sweet and innocent girl next door, but rumors about the singer’s darker side have emerged from several different sources in the past few months.

While fans remain convinced that Taylor is the most selfless mega-star on the planet, Swift’s feud with Katy Perry showed the world that she can be relentlessly brutal when when asserting her dominance over a rival.

Now, insiders are claiming that Taylor’s wrath isn’t just reserved only for Katy, and when it comes to tearing down foes with her famous squad, Swift takes her queen bee cues from the most notorious Mean Girl of all, Regina George.

Yes, the beloved Tina Fey-Lindsay Lohan comedy is reportedly a favorite of Taylor’s, and sources tell the National Enquirer that Taylor slams her enemies in a “burn book” that’s every bit as savage as the one in the movie.

“Katy Perry Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Justin Bieber – they’re all in there,” says one insider. “So are people from her school days, along with a teacher who told her she couldn’t sing, and a woman in a restaurant who was rude to her!

“She might change as she gets older, but for now she is the most malicious person you will ever meet, and she is constantly scheming over ways to have the final say.

“Ever since the success of ‘Bad Blood,’ Taylor has quit caring about trying to come across as sweet or sincere.”

This may not come as a huge surprise to some, as Taylor has been compared to Regina George in the past (most memorably in a passive-aggressive tweet fired off by Katy Perry).

Taylor’s squad rules are rumored to be as strict as Regina’s, and she’s repeatedly proven that she’ll do what it takes in order to come out on top in a feud.

It’s extremely unlikely that the contents of Taylor’s will ever come to light, but it’s not hard to believe that it really exists. 

Clearly, when it comes to conflict resolution, Taylor’s behavior is often decidedly un-fetch.