Showing posts with label Grata. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grata. Show all posts

Thursday, July 27, 2017

OJ Simpson Is Killer Non Grata At USC

USC just delivered a pretty ferocious stiff arm to O.J. Simpson.  With the ex-Trojans running back expected to be released from prison in October, USC football coach Clay Helton was asked Thursday if the Heisman Trophy winner would be welcomed…


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Rick Caruso -- Donald Trump is Persona Non Grata at The Grove (VIDEO)

One of the titans of business in L.A. threw shade on his New York counterpart, telling us Donald Trump is an angry man who is not welcome at the West Coast’s premiere shopping mall. Rick Caruso was leaving Craig’s Monday night when our photog asked…


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Josh Duggar: Persona Non Grata on "Jill & Jessa: Counting On"!

What does a six-month-plus stint in sex addiction rehab actually entail? We have no effing clue, but it wasn’t enough to get Josh Duggar back on TV.

As we previously reported, Josh is finally out of rehab and back in Arkansas after being shipped off to Illinois in the middle of last year.

He’s keeping a very low profile, however, and that will extend to the Duggar family’s TV ventures, including Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

While we know he will be a hot topic on this season – the family speaks about forgiving, but not trusting Josh – he won’t appear on it.

Sources connected to the Duggars say TLC will NOT feature Josh on his own show, on family specials, or on his sisters’ new series.

It should come as no surprise that the famous family is focused on rebuilding their brand after his epic molestation and cheating scandals.

Trying to move forward without rehashing the sordid past is a tall order, and it’s not like they can ignore the elephant in the room altogether.

Just don’t expect to see him on camera anytime soon. Or at all.

Not everyone associated with him is persona non grata, however. Josh’s long-suffering wife Anna will be on Jill & Jessa: Counting On.

Anna and Josh’s children are actively involved with the family’s story lines, too, so it appears his (much, much) better half is being embraced.

The Duggars said in a statement that Josh has left rehab for undisclosed therapy, where he will continue counseling and focus on rebuilding.

Life, relationships … you name it. There’s a lot to rebuild.

As for what Duggar plans to do for work, the once promising D.C. lobbyist is obviously in need of a new career path at this juncture.

With “TV personality” and “conservative political figure” off the table, what is disgraced dude to do? Join a new family business, natch! 

Insiders say Josh plans to join a family venture that his brothers are starting, remodeling homes, and buying/selling used cars at auction.

If that sounds like a contrived excuse to give the Duggar guys something to do in front of TLC camera crews … it probably is just that.

But at least it’ll keep Josh busy and off Ashley Madison, and they can always edit him out of the footage and pretend he wasn’t there.

Not like that’d be unprecedented. They did it to Jana Duggar when she tagged along with Anna and Josh on their big RV trip. Just saying.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Duggar Family Members RANKED: Who"s #1? Who"s Persona Non Grata?

Who"s your favorite Duggar family member? We all have our opinions, but we"ve ranked them all – including in-laws – from top to bottom.

Behold, the first-ever edition of THG"s official Duggar Power Rankings, with our consensus, #1 Duggar draft pick leading off at the top.

At the bottom? You can probably guess … 

1. Jana


Always a bridesmaid, never a bride. That old cliche is destined to apply literally to Jana Duggar, 26, the eldest daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle and one dubbed “Cinderella” due to her natural beauty, loving personality, and perpetual servitude. While her other siblings marry and have kids of their own, Jana is essentially forced to stay home and take care of her siblings … and nieces and nephews. And yet, she does it with a smile on her face, a sense of humor and the patience of a saint. No wonder she’s said to be prominently featured in new TLC footage featuring the famous family. #FreeJana!

2. Jinger

Jinger duggar image

The spelling of her name is cause for major side-eye, but if you can get past that, what’s not to love about Jinger Duggar? Silly, sassy and (relatively) independent, she’s been a fan favorite for years, and if there were ever a Duggar set to break the mold, Jinger seems like the most likely candidate.

3. Amy

Amy duggar people magazine cover

Cousin Amy Duggar – the daughter of Jim Bob’s sister – is only rebellious by Duggar standards. In any other family she would have this #badass label she possesses. Still, the fact that Amy D. isn’t brainwashed, and is actually her own person who speaks her mind gives her automatic entry into the top tier.

4. Joy-Anna

Joy anna

She’s smart. She’s well-rounded. She can dead lift her own weight. She wears shorts (yes, actual shorts)! She’s a well-rounded young woman with a bright future … or at least she could be if she were truly allowed to spread her wings. We’re still holding out home for that (along with Jinger and Joy-Anna).

5. John David

Jana and john david duggar

John David, the twin brother of Jana (pictured), is a firefighter and pilot. Also single, he earned major points for disavowing Josh’s actions on Jill & Jessa: Counting On. He’s been in charge of transporting Anna back and forth to see him in rehab, as well.

6. Joseph

Joseph duggar

Joseph Duggar, 20, is now a student at Crown Bible College in Knoxville, Tennessee. He has also been tied to one of the Bates girls from Bringing Up Bates. Seems like a nice fella.

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