Showing posts with label #BurritoRat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #BurritoRat. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

#BurritoRat Drags Mexican Meal Into Subway Lair

Sit down, Pizza Rat. Back away for a moment, Milkshake Squirrel.

It"s time for users of the Internet to be introduced to Burrito Rat!

Keeping up with one of the stranger, more unexpected viral traditions that has broken out over the past several weeks, a New York City resident has captured footage of a rat dragging a giant piece of Mexican food deep into the depths of the subway system.

It’s unclear what sort of burrito is featured here (chicken? Steak? Did the animal pay extra for guacamole?), but it"s very clear that the rat can"t wait to go scarf it down away from the chaos of the train platform.

And this much is also clear: we are NOT following this rat down there to watch any further. Gross.

Number burritorat drags mexican meal into subway lair