Showing posts with label 'Joker'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Joker'. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Extras On "Joker" Movie Locked in Subway Train and Forced to Pee On Tracks

Things got nasty on the set of the upcoming “Joker” movie over the weekend … we’re told extras were locked on a subway car for more than 3 hours, and it got so bad some people started peeing on the tracks.  Sources on set tell TMZ … extras…


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Joaquin Phoenix All Smiles as The Joker in Action

Joaquin Phoenix keeps giving us a little more as The Joker — this time he’s in full costume as The Jester of Genocide … and he’s all smiles about it. Check it out — it’s the first look at Phoenix in makeup on set as the notorious villain of…


Joaquin Phoenix in Full Makeup, Meet the New Joker

Joaquin Phoenix is gonna make you remember — if you’d even forgot — why clowns are so damn creepy … by revealing the new big screen Joker. Filming for “Joker” just got started this month and Warner Bros. just pulled back the curtain on Joaquin…


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Joaquin Phoenix Seen in Character as The Joker for First Time

Joaquin Phoenix is taking a stab at playing the Clown Prince of Gotham — and he seems to be doing a damn good job at it so far … even without any makeup on. The actor was on set Sunday filming a scene from the forthcoming Joker origin movie…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Joker Movie Announced: Batman Fans React in Shock, Anger!

The Joker has long been an iconic character in the Batman universe, so it comes as no surprise that fans are not impressed with the news that an origins movie is in development. 

On top of that, Hangover director Todd Philips is attached to co-writer and may even direct the flick. 

There is lots of skepticism when a bold move like this is announced, but the reactions so far seem very one-sided, and it will be a miracle if the film even gets made. 

Have a look below at the best internet reactions…

1. Trashing Everything In Sight

Joker movie reaction 1

Would nerds really go as far as trashing everything in sight? It would not be surprising.

2. Recycled Materials

Joker movie reaction 2

Would the budget really be so bad that Todd would use an old clown costume for the character?

3. Good Treatment

Joker movie reaction 3

Fans sure like to know that their favorite characters are treated well.

4. Heath Ledger FTW

Joker movie reaction 4

Heath Ledger’s performance is hands down the best iteration of the character.

5. Let’s Not Root For Him

Joker movie reaction 5

People prefer the Joker as a character who is not to be rooted for.

6. No Origins Movie, Please!

Joker movie reaction 6

Is it best to just let the origins idea die? We think so!

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Florida Man With Joker Face Tattoos Arrested For Good of Society

“Why so serious?” 29-year-old Lawrence Patrick Sullivan might have asked police when they slapped the cuffs on him Tuesday night.

We’re sure the Jared Leto Joker, whom he’s clearly meant to resemble, also has some sort of catchphrase, but we’re not googling “Suicide Squad dialogue,” and you can’t make us.

Anyway, it’s not illegal to spend your life looking like Hot Topic merchandise come to life (yet), so what exactly was Sullivan arrested for?

Brandishing a gun at a group of strangers, which seems decidedly un-Joker-like.

Like, the Joker is a nihilistic agent of chaos and a criminal mastermind.

According to an arrest affidavit, Sullivan was taken into custody after waving a loaded Smith & Wesson outside the West Kendall apartment complex near Miami.

“I have a gun in my pocket,” Sullivan told arresting officers.

Asked if he had a concealed weapons permit, Sullivan replied that the application process is too expensive.

Frankly, we think the self-described male model would be more convincing as the world’s first meth-fueled supervillain, The Smoker.

Sullivan is reportedly free and awaiting trial after posting $ 5,000 bail.

To the surprise of not a single person on the planet, court documents reveal that he lives with his mother.

Thankfully, no one got hurt, which means the story of Batman’s lamest adversary is the rare non-tragic piece of gun-related national news.

But does the Broke Joker deserve a spot in our prestigious Florida Man Hall of Fame?

Is his story up there with the guy who tried to cash a $ 368 billion check to finance his underwater restaurant?

Or the Sunshine State gent who attacked a cop with his own badge after he was busted having sex with trees?

Probably not, in terms of sheer entertainment value, but there are many varieties of crazy in the land of citrus, and we like to take time to appreciate the subtler flavors.

And besides, this dude is gonna walk around looking like that for the rest of his life, which is pretty damn bonkers.

And so, Lawrence Patrick Sullivan of Miami, we hereby induct you into the prestigious Florida Man Hall of Fame.

If you want, we can send you a certificate that your mom can put on the fridge next to your newspaper clippings.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Joker Look-Alike Arrested After Allegedly Pointing Loaded Gun at Drivers (MUG SHOT)

The Joker has been arrested … again … this time well outside the Gotham City limits. 29-year-old Lawrence Patrick Sullivan — whose face is tatted up like Batman’s archenemy — was busted in Miami Tuesday after allegedly pointing a loaded…


Saturday, March 25, 2017

"Joker" Impersonator Arrested for Concealing True Identity

A man dressed as The Joker was just arrested for the crime of wearing a mask in public … and it’s not just a crime — it’s a FELONY! 31-year-old Jeremy Putman was walking along a street in Windchester, VA, Friday, in full joker face paint.  …
