Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Bruce Wayne"s Penis on Display in New "Batman: Damned" Comic Series

Batman fans are getting a good hard look at Bruce Wayne like never before — ‘cause the Dark Knight’s manhood is on display in a new comic that’s definitely not for kids.  DC just added a new installment to their Black Label series with…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Yasiel Puig Drives Away In $400K Car, Has Been Batman All Along

Yasiel Puig just made a HUGE mistake, revealing his secret identity to TMZ Sports while leaving Delilah in Hollywood and the tip-off was the ridiculously hot car he was driving. Yasiel Puig, Dodgers star, is Batman. We know how it sounds, but…


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Joker Movie Announced: Batman Fans React in Shock, Anger!

The Joker has long been an iconic character in the Batman universe, so it comes as no surprise that fans are not impressed with the news that an origins movie is in development. 

On top of that, Hangover director Todd Philips is attached to co-writer and may even direct the flick. 

There is lots of skepticism when a bold move like this is announced, but the reactions so far seem very one-sided, and it will be a miracle if the film even gets made. 

Have a look below at the best internet reactions…

1. Trashing Everything In Sight

Joker movie reaction 1

Would nerds really go as far as trashing everything in sight? It would not be surprising.

2. Recycled Materials

Joker movie reaction 2

Would the budget really be so bad that Todd would use an old clown costume for the character?

3. Good Treatment

Joker movie reaction 3

Fans sure like to know that their favorite characters are treated well.

4. Heath Ledger FTW

Joker movie reaction 4

Heath Ledger’s performance is hands down the best iteration of the character.

5. Let’s Not Root For Him

Joker movie reaction 5

People prefer the Joker as a character who is not to be rooted for.

6. No Origins Movie, Please!

Joker movie reaction 6

Is it best to just let the origins idea die? We think so!

View Slideshow

Friday, July 21, 2017

Ben Affleck: FIRED as Batman?!

When Warner Bros. and DC announced that Ben Affleck had been cast as Batman for the character’s latest cinematic reboot, the cries of fanboy dismay could be heard from all corners of the globe.

That prickly Boston bro as the Dark Knight?! cried many of the same people who bitched about Heath Ledger being cast as the Joker, then later conceded it was the perfect choice.

It was impossible to imagine. 

At the time, Affleck had already establised himself as a director of note, but for many, his acting still left something to be desired, and handing him the reins to one of the most iconic characters in all of pop culture just felt wrong.

Then Zac Snyder’s Batman vs. Superman was released and the nay-saying social media trolls were … totally proven right for once.

The movie was not good, and Affleck was not good in it.

Sure, the film gave us the Sad Affleck meme and made a boatload of money for the studio, but it failed to generate the sort of critical buzz that successful, long-lasting franchises are built on.

The original plan was for Affleck to follow up BvS by writing, directing and starring in a standalone Batman flick, like some kind of black molded rubber-clad Orson Welles, which is a hilarious image that we suggest you pause and reflect on.

But now, it seems DC and Warners have abruptly changed course.

First, Affleck was fired as director (or he “stepped down,” depending who you ask).

Shortly thereafter, the new director, Matt Reeves, tossed his script in favor of an entirely new story.

Now, according to The Hollywood Reporter, Affleck will be hanging up his cowl and passing the Caped Crusader on to someone new.

The outlet claims that while the studio has yet to make an announcement, it currently seems very unlikely that Affleck will star in another Batman film.

Insiders say the main issue is timing.

DC has Shazam! and Suicide Squad 2 lined up as its next projects, which means The Batman (as the flick is tentatively titled) wouldn’t begin shooting until the final months of 2018 at the soonest.

And that’s if Affleck is available to shoot at that time.

Ben has a full dance card of his own these days, writing and directing the upcoming Agatha Christie adaptation Witness For the Prosecution and starring in a sequel to The Accountant, which is somehow a thing thats happening.

(To say nothing of his new relationship with Lindsay Shookus, which probably takes up a good deal of his time these days.)

All of this means that Affleck would likely be pushing 50 by the time the next Batman film hits theaters and on rare occasions, Hollywood dismisses men for their age, too.

So it looks like we’ve seen the last of the Batfleck.

He wasn’t the hero we deserved, but he was the hero who … eh, was fine considering the lack of better options, we guess.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Adam West Dies; TV"s Batman Was 88

Adam West, star of the 1960s Batman TV series, has passed away at the age of 88.

The news of his death was confirmed this morning in a statement from the actor’s reps.

West reportedly passed peacefully in his sleep following a short battle with Leukemia.

“Our dad always saw himself as The Bright Knight, and aspired to make a positive impact on his fans’ lives. He was and always will be our hero,” his family said in statement issued moments ago.

While West’s depiction of both Batman and his alter-ego Bruce Wayne helped him achieve instant fame with the show’s debut in 1966, he would later find himself constrained and typecast by the role.

The show’s candy-colored graphics and campy storylines made it synonymous with a particularly dated brand of ’60s kitsch.

It was a tone from which West struggled to separate himself, but he would find the greatest success of his later years when he embraced his role at the clown prince of a bygone era.

Demonstrating a self-referential and self-deprecating sense of humor few actors are capable of, West turned in memorably tongue-in-cheek performances as various versions of himself on shows like The Big Bang Theory and Family Guy.

In the latter, he became a beloved series regular, portraying a deranged mayor of the fictional Quahog, whose name happened to also be Adam West.

West was sometimes critical of the darker version of Batman presented by directors Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan.

Asked about his conflicting feelings toward the character that limited his career and which later made him something of a punchline for more “serious” superhero fans, West explained that he always endeavored to find the lighter side of the Dark Knight:

“I decided that since so many people love Batman, I might as well love it too,” West said.

“Why not? So I began to reengage myself with Batman. And I saw the comedy. I saw the love people had for it, and I just embraced it.”

While many actors have portrayed Batman over the years, West’s take on the iconic figure was inarguable unique.

So it’s fitting that in his later years, fans embraced West as a gifted comic actor who offered a distinctive, era-defining take on one of pop culture’s most beloved characters.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Ben Affleck Now Starring as Batman AND Soccer Dad (PHOTO)

Ben Affleck’s juggling a lot of roles these days, and his face looks like he got his 2 biggest ones confused Saturday at his daughter’s soccer game. Ben had his full Batman scowl going on the sidelines of Seraphina’s match. Maybe he was thinking…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Bob the Goon in "Batman" "Memba Him?!

Tracey Walter is best known for playing Joker’s go-to guy Bob the Goon — opposite Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton — in Tim Burton’s 1989 film ‘Batman.’ Guess what he looks like now!


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ben Affleck: I Don"t Want to Be Batman Anymore!

When it comes to Ben Affleck, you have to take the good with the bad.

The good would be his remarkable career as an multi-Oscar-winning screenwriter/director, coupled with the fact that he’s freakin’ Batman.

The bad would be that his reputation as something of a self-important d-bag seems to have a firm foundation – coupled with the fact that he’s aided and abetted Zach Snyder in somehow making Batman boring as hell.

Fortunately, Ben is more self-aware than your typical A-lister, and it seems that after spending several months in quiet contemplation (aka Sad Affleck mode) Ben has decided that it may be time to bring his caped crusadering career to a close.

Yes, while Ben’s buddy Tommy Touchdown might plan on winning Super Bowls into his early 70s, Ben is reportedly attempting to wriggle out of his contract with Warner Bros.

The rumors began when Ben decided to step down from directing a standalone DC flick – tentatively and supes imaginatively tilted The Batman – in which he would once again portray the title hero.

Now there are reports that he wants to step away from the franchise altogether. 

“Ben Affleck, make no mistake, he does want out. He doesn’t want to be Batman anymore,” says John Campea of Collider, noting that he’s spoken with “multiple sources” connected to Warners.

“I have been told that Affleck is talking with Warner Bros. in an attempt to get out of being Batman, and if they do not let him out of being Batman that the standalone Batman film that ultimately happens will be the last time we see Affleck as Batman.”

He added:

“Batman, Batman, Affleck, Batman.”

Yes, it sounds like the only way we’ll see Ben in a cape again is if WB basically tells him TS, you’re saving Gotham one more time, like it or not.

Affleck’s decision comes after the critical and commercial failure Live By Night, a Dennis Lehane adaptation that was supposed to assure the public that Ben’s capable of balancing his superhero and Serious Director duties.

Instead, it reportedly suffered as a result of Affleck frequently being called away from set to fulfill DC/Warner commitments.

No word on whether or not Ben’s giant phoenix tattoo played a role in all this.

It almost certainly didn’t, but we will take any opportunity to mention that for the rest of our days. 


Monday, January 16, 2017

Vintage Superman and Batman Movie Costumes on Auction (PHOTO GALLERY)

It’s time for fans to decide once and for all who tops in the DC superhero world … by bidding on vintage Batman and Superman movie costumes. Michael Keaton’s Batsuit from the 1992 sequel “Batman Returns” and Christopher Reeve’s…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Adam West"s Batman Art Could Fetch $70k (PHOTO GALLERY)

Turns out ex-Batman Adam West has very abstract interpretations of his old archenemies … and he could bring in more than $ 70k for ‘em. Adam’s taken up painting and his “Criminals on Canvas” exhibit is opening at the Gilman Contemporary…


Friday, March 25, 2016

Batman v Superman Gets Awful Reviews; Sad Ben Affleck Reacts in Hilarious Video

Unless you"ve spent the past year holed up in the Fortress of Solitude, you know that the awkwardly-titled, yet highly-anticipated Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice finally hit theaters last night.

The film"s marketing campaign is about the only thing that"s been going on longer than the current race for the White House. Unfortunately, according to the critics, the clash between the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel isn"t nearly as entertaining.

BvS currently holds a paltry 30% score on review aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes.

Some of the most memorable slams include:

"Everything is shrouded in a kind of black sludge, and frankly, it"s depressing." – Jeffrey M. Anderson, San Francisco Examiner

"I wouldn"t mind if these guys were dour depressives or psychopathic murderers as long as they didn"t spend ten minutes talking about it first." – Vince Mancini, Film Drunk

"There"s no joy here, no wonder or spectacle, just a relentlessly grim and intense grind that can"t stop reminding you how grim and intense it is." – Jules Boyle, Daily Record

"The sandbox they are given to romp around in is stupid, stupid, stupid." – Phil Villarreal, OK! magazine

Bad news if you"re a fan of comic book movies; great news if you love hilarious Internet videos making fun of Ben Affleck.

But hey don"t feel too bad for the dour Batfleck. The guy got to play one of the coolest roles in movie history and cuddle superhero puppies when he was done.

Oh, plus he"s a famous millionaire. But more importantly – superhero. Puppies.



Batman v superman gets awful reviews sad ben affleck reacts in h

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Batman v Superman Trailer Teaser Released: Watch!!

In July, after a few early snapshots of the film, a Batman v Superman teaser was screened at Comic-Con in San Diego.  Since then, fans have been impatiently waiting for more peeks at the upcoming movie.

Luckily, they finally got another, brief look at the highly anticipated movie starring Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill.

During Monday’s episode of Gotham, the latest teaser trailer for Batman v Superman aired.  And it appears that the audience is stoked.

Becauseo of a mutual audience, Fox’s show Gotham was selected to showcase the new sneak peek of the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Batman, played by Ben Affleck, is shown facing off with Henry Cavill’s Superman in the short version of the full trailer.  

While Batman is hanging by his bound wrists, Superman confronts him and rips off his mask, showing a brooding version of Affleck.

Just moments after the trailer dropped, fans began posting their comments online.

"Trailers for trailers are lame, but this #BatmanvSuperman sneak peek gets a pass. WOW!" said one Twitter user.

"This #BatmanvSuperman teaser trailer is FANTASTIC!" replied another.

Watch the trailer here and let us know what you think!!

Batman v superman trailer teaser released watch

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Happy Batman Day! Celebrate By Checking Out 11 Actors Who Have Played The Caped Crusader!

Today is Batman day — which honors one of the most popular and iconic super hero of all time!

We can’t wait to see Ben Affleck play the caped crusader when Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice hits theaters next year!

But the actor has a BIG cowl to fill — because Bruce Wayne has already been portrayed by several talented actors, each giving their own spin on the famous super hero!

Celebrate the holiday by taking a look back on all of those lucky enough to suit up as the Dark Knight — and we’re not just talking about on the big screen!

CLICK HERE to view “11 Actors Who Have Played Batman!”

CLICK HERE to view “11 Actors Who Have Played Batman!”

CLICK HERE to view “11 Actors Who Have Played Batman!”

CLICK HERE to view “11 Actors Who Have Played Batman!”

CLICK HERE to view “11 Actors Who Have Played Batman!”

[Image via Warner Bros..]

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wladimir Klitschko -- THREATENED BY BATMAN (Video)


0923-batman-klitschko-youtubeHilarious moment at a news conference for Wladimir Klitschko‘s next boxing match — when his opponent stormed the room in a Batman costume … and then beat up a guy dressed as the Joker. 

It all went down in London Wednesday — when Tyson Fury pulled up to the event in a sick yellow Lamborghini … in full Dark Knight gear.

Fury — who’s set to fight Hayden Panettiere’s baby daddy in October — ran around the media room like a lunatic … before issuing a threat to Wlad in his best Batman voice. 

Eat your heart out Ben Affleck. 

For more sports stories, check out!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Matt Damon Says Jason Bourne Could Beat Up Ben Affleck"s Batman! FRIENDSHIP OVER??

Na na na na na na na na… DAMON!

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck aren’t just Hollywood A-listers, they’re lifelong besties! But this bold statement could change all that!

Even though Matt claims he hasn’t asked Ben about Batman — or heard the Batman voice yet — he still has his own ideas about Ben’s upcoming Batman V Superman flick — specifically how tough Batman is!

[ Related: Batman Takes Over For Taylor Swift In HIGHlarious Music Video Parody! ]

The Bourne actor revealed in an interview that:

“Jason Bourne would kick the s**t out of Batman – absolutely!”

Whoa! Don’t get overconfident about your supremacy just yet! Matt did add:

“Batman’s gotta take on Superman first. If he could beat him then maybe he could take on Jason Bourne.”

Not that we TOTALLY agree with.

Damon has been playing Bourne for over 13 years now, so he might just have the upper hand against his friend and Good Will Hunting co-star — if they fought for real that is.

[ Related: Would Tom Hardy Return For More Batman Movies? ]

Damon was also asked about the possibility of signing on to a superhero flick, to which he responded:

“I think they’re kind of out of superheroes. Ben’s going to be like the sixth or seventh Batman, so I don’t think there’s really any left. So I’m good. Jason Bourne is my superhero.”

We’re not sure that Damon won’t become a superhero at some point down the road, but until then, we’ll TOTALLY settle for another Bourne movie — which happens to be due out July 29, 2016!

What do you think? Could Damon’s Bourne take Affleck’s Batman in a fight?


[Image via Twitter.]