Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ben Affleck: I Don"t Want to Be Batman Anymore!

When it comes to Ben Affleck, you have to take the good with the bad.

The good would be his remarkable career as an multi-Oscar-winning screenwriter/director, coupled with the fact that he’s freakin’ Batman.

The bad would be that his reputation as something of a self-important d-bag seems to have a firm foundation – coupled with the fact that he’s aided and abetted Zach Snyder in somehow making Batman boring as hell.

Fortunately, Ben is more self-aware than your typical A-lister, and it seems that after spending several months in quiet contemplation (aka Sad Affleck mode) Ben has decided that it may be time to bring his caped crusadering career to a close.

Yes, while Ben’s buddy Tommy Touchdown might plan on winning Super Bowls into his early 70s, Ben is reportedly attempting to wriggle out of his contract with Warner Bros.

The rumors began when Ben decided to step down from directing a standalone DC flick – tentatively and supes imaginatively tilted The Batman – in which he would once again portray the title hero.

Now there are reports that he wants to step away from the franchise altogether. 

“Ben Affleck, make no mistake, he does want out. He doesn’t want to be Batman anymore,” says John Campea of Collider, noting that he’s spoken with “multiple sources” connected to Warners.

“I have been told that Affleck is talking with Warner Bros. in an attempt to get out of being Batman, and if they do not let him out of being Batman that the standalone Batman film that ultimately happens will be the last time we see Affleck as Batman.”

He added:

“Batman, Batman, Affleck, Batman.”

Yes, it sounds like the only way we’ll see Ben in a cape again is if WB basically tells him TS, you’re saving Gotham one more time, like it or not.

Affleck’s decision comes after the critical and commercial failure Live By Night, a Dennis Lehane adaptation that was supposed to assure the public that Ben’s capable of balancing his superhero and Serious Director duties.

Instead, it reportedly suffered as a result of Affleck frequently being called away from set to fulfill DC/Warner commitments.

No word on whether or not Ben’s giant phoenix tattoo played a role in all this.

It almost certainly didn’t, but we will take any opportunity to mention that for the rest of our days. 
