Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Batman v Superman Trailer Teaser Released: Watch!!

In July, after a few early snapshots of the film, a Batman v Superman teaser was screened at Comic-Con in San Diego.  Since then, fans have been impatiently waiting for more peeks at the upcoming movie.

Luckily, they finally got another, brief look at the highly anticipated movie starring Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill.

During Monday’s episode of Gotham, the latest teaser trailer for Batman v Superman aired.  And it appears that the audience is stoked.

Becauseo of a mutual audience, Fox’s show Gotham was selected to showcase the new sneak peek of the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Batman, played by Ben Affleck, is shown facing off with Henry Cavill’s Superman in the short version of the full trailer.  

While Batman is hanging by his bound wrists, Superman confronts him and rips off his mask, showing a brooding version of Affleck.

Just moments after the trailer dropped, fans began posting their comments online.

"Trailers for trailers are lame, but this #BatmanvSuperman sneak peek gets a pass. WOW!" said one Twitter user.

"This #BatmanvSuperman teaser trailer is FANTASTIC!" replied another.

Watch the trailer here and let us know what you think!!

Batman v superman trailer teaser released watch