Showing posts with label Character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Character. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2018

Woman Undergoes 200 Surgeries to Resemble Cartoon Character

Botched is back for Season 5. And ridiculous video like what you"re about to see is why it"s already greenlit for a Season 6.

Pixee Fox is no stranger to the show. She has had over 200 cosmetic procedures to look like a "cartoon woman."

She stops by to update the doctors on what she"s had done. Among other things, she now has a "doll p–sy."

Pixee fox returns to botched 05

Pixee Fox has a shockingly narrow waist and a substantial bust, but her inhuman silhouette is just the tip of the iceberg with her.

In the video that we"ve included with this post, she boasts on Botched about how many procedures she"s had.

"Since last time I was here, I had more than 20 plastic surgery procedures," Pixee brags.

She says that this is all "for my quest to look like a living cartoon."

Pixee admits that she has had "surgeries that I know that Dr. Nassif and Dr. Dubrow would never, ever perform on me."

"This time, maybe, they can try to open up," she hopes. "And see a little bit of my vision of my life."

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"I used to be more of a tomboy," Pixee claims.

"I used to be an electrician — I used to only do guy stuff," she characterizes. "And now I’m transforming myself from a normal girl to a living cartoon."

That is one hell of a personal transformation, we"ll give her that much.

"I never really felt human," she explains.

Pixee explains: "I always felt more like a pixie, fantasy creature."

Well, at the end of that day, it"s her business.

But some of what she"s done to herself raises eyebrows for a good reason.

Pixee fox returns to botched 03

"Just in the last year," she boasts. "I have been all over the world. I’ve been to Iran, I’ve been to India, I’ve been to Istanbul."

Her litany continues: "I’ve been to Korea, I’ve been in Dubai, I’ve been in Sweden, I’ve been all around America."

"Anything you can or can’t think of in plastic surgery; I’ve done it,” she says.

“I’ve had more than 200 plastic surgery procedures," she shares. "I have invented my own procedures."

She"s not kidding, folks.

"So," she says to name an example. "I’m the only girl in the world to do an eyelash transplant with my pubic hairs."

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"I want to look like a cartoon pixie character, so pointy nose, pointy ears," she shares.

She has had an ear reduction. In Iran, she received her current nose.

It is when she talks about her "doll p–sy" that the doctors are really concerned.

Mostly, like normal people who know that most dolls do not have genitalia, they wondered what in the hell she meant.

This results in Dr. Dubrow saying: "Your vagina looks like a baby flower?"

We don"t know what that means and, to be entirely honest, we"re perfectly comfortable not knowing.

Pixee fox returns to botched 01

Doctors Dubrow and Nassif never really know what they"re in for on Botched.

Sometimes, someone went through a simple or even necessary cosmetic procedure that some monstrously incompetent doctor ruined.

At other times, however, they deal with people who have more money than sense, and seem to be addicted to cosmetic surgery.

These people become celebrities by virtue of their curious and increasingly warped appearances.

While it is totally within Pixee Fox"s rights to transform her body however she likes, a lot of doctors would say "no" to her requests.

Some doctors do not hold those ethical concerns, however.

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From the clips that we"ve seen so far, it is not clear why Pixee Fox is appearing on the show.

Aside from her desire to flaunt the changes that she"s made and elicit a reaction from the doctors, that is.

We"ll have to wait a while to find out, because it"s just over a month until Season 5 begins.

Botched premieres on December 6 at 10pm on E!

Pixee fox returns to botched boasts new procedures and doll p y

Friday, October 26, 2018

Megyn Kelly"s Character in Roger Ailes Movie Will Not Be Rewritten After NBC Firing

Megyn Kelly’s spectacular fall at NBC will NOT affect the movie about Roger Ailes that features her … because we’re told her character as written is “very flawed” and consistent with what people know. Sources connected with the production tell…


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Modern Family Kills Off "Major Character" and Fans Are Outraged

Fair warning: this post contains a Modern Family spoiler.

Whether or not it"s a major spoiler is a matter of some debate.

Modern Family"s co-creator promised that, in Season 10, a character of significance would die.

On Wednesday night"s episode, that happened … sort of.

See (and here"s the spoiler), the "major character death" was DeDe, Jack"s ex-wife, the mother of both Mitchell and Claire.

DeDe is not a main character — she"s just related to a bunch of them.

She did not appear in even a guest role in Season 3, Season 5, or Season 6.

Modern Family fans took to Twitter to express their outrage over all of that hype having been built up for nothing.

1. Modern Family killed a character

Modern family generic cover image

Don’t worry — it’s not anyone you know. It’s DeDe.

2. Here is DeDe, in case you forgot

Dede with son and sil

Here she stands beside her son and her son-in-law

3. People did a double take

Modern family death reaction tweet 01

When you hear “major character death,” you expect to AT LEAST recognize the name immediately

4. Fans called bull

Modern family death reaction tweet 02

Of course, we’re glad that the lead actors kept their jobs, but still …

5. This is a great reaction image

Modern family death reaction tweet 05

Nobody has time to get worked up over an occasional guest character’s death

6. This person warned their own followers

Modern family death reaction tweet 03

That’s a spoiler, but maybe not the kind that people cared about

View Slideshow

"Modern Family" Kills off Significant Character on Halloween Episode

“Modern Family” fans wondering who the “significant” character was to be killed off this season finally had their question answered Wednesday night. SPOILER AHEAD!!! The ABC sitcom’s co-creator Christopher Lloyd revealed one of the series’ familiar…


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Here"s How Roseanne Barr"s Character on "The Conners" Dies

Spoiler alert … Roseanne Barr’s character on “The Conners” was killed off by an opioid overdose.  The series premiere of the ‘Roseanne’ spin-off jumped right into Barr’s death … with writers wrapping up her storyline a…


Sunday, September 23, 2018

NFL Fans Get In Character For Start Of Season

There’s nothing like the start of the NFL season that transforms people into freaks … and TMZ Sports has the pics that give you a firsthand look at all that!! Check out the female Bengal, the goat Jet and the Joker Saint … proving NFL Sundays…


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Joaquin Phoenix Seen in Character as The Joker for First Time

Joaquin Phoenix is taking a stab at playing the Clown Prince of Gotham — and he seems to be doing a damn good job at it so far … even without any makeup on. The actor was on set Sunday filming a scene from the forthcoming Joker origin movie…


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

50 Cent Dishes on Life After "Power" Now That His Character is Dead

50 Cent will only be showing up on “Power” from here on out in flashbacks — if at all — but don’t think that’s got the guy down … he’s still reaping what the series sows. We got Fiddy on the streets of NYC — where his own character Kanan…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Lil Tay Will Come Back as a New Character, Says Family Consultant

Lil Tay going off the radar after being exposed as an exploited child star is only temporary — ‘cause she’s got another persona cooking in the kitchen … so says a family friend. We got Alex Gelbard — who used to help manage Tay when she was hot…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"Spy Kids: Mission Critical" Star Travis Turner Defends Voicing Black Character

One of the stars of Netflix’s new animated ‘Spy Kids’ show says it’s fine that he’s a white dude voicing a black character … in part because he’s lived in motels and raps a lot. We got Travis Turner Tuesday night at Craig’s in WeHo and asked if…


Friday, March 30, 2018

Arrow Season 6 Episode 16 Recap: An Original Character Exits!

Nyssa al Ghul’s return was always going to come with a multitude of drawbacks. 

When Arrow Season 6 Episode 16 got underway, members of the League of Assassins debated who should replace Malcolm Merlyn who died on Lian Yu. 

That’s when Nyssa appeared on the scene with an army of her own and started to fight with the League. But Nyssa did not manage to stop them going after their next target: Thea. 

When she and Roy were in the car, they were attacked, and Nyssa showed up to save them from near certain death. 

Back at the lair, Nyssa told Oliver and company that Malcolm had been recruiting an army at the time of his death and that Athena and the others thought Thea had a map they were looking for. 

As such, they wanted to kill her and take the map. But Thea did not even know anything about the map, so she decided to join forces with Nyssa to retrieve the map. 

Just when it seemed like Nyssa and Thea were getting somewhere, Athena closed in on them in a warehouse in which they found the map, but it was in a safe. 

Thea tried to make a getaway with the safe, but Athena appeared out of nowhere and shot her. Team Arrow paid the villain back by shooting her, and everyone managed to escape. 

Just as Nyssa told Oliver all about what she was getting up to since their last meeting, Felicity appeared with some great news: She cracked the safe. 

But the map had no ink whatsoever on it, so it seemed like a complete waste of time. Oliver then realized that Thea was not happy in Star City and that she should make a getaway with Roy and live a happy life. 

The entire group went to take down Athena, but she revealed that the map’s ink only becomes viewable to the human eye when it comes into contact with blood. 

A fight broke out once again, and Roy saved everyone when it emerged that the building was rigged with bombs. Thea and Athena battled it out, and Thea’s blood winded up on the map. 

The map revealed there were three Lazarus pits and Thea wanted to destroy them all before a bunch of old villains started to return from the dead. 

Nyssa annulled her marriage to Oliver and set off on a mission with Thea and Roy. That was the conclusion of Thea’s arc on Arrow. 

Willa Holland’s exit from the series was pretty darn obvious when you consider the fact that her presence on the show has diminished over the last few years. 

What do you think of the big exit?

Hit the comments below!

You can watch Arrow online right here.

Arrow continues Thursdays on The CW!


Friday, October 20, 2017

"Trailer Park Boys" Won"t Recast Mr. Lahey Character After John Dunsworth Death

Jim Lahey will return to Sunnyvale Trailer Park in the upcoming season of “Trailer Park Boys” — but the character won’t be back after that … TMZ has learned. Sources involved in the production tell us John Dunsworth’s character will not be recast…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Anna Duggar: Austin Forsyth is Arrogant, Immature and Lacks Character!

Joy-Anna Duggar’s pregnancy is, well, a joyous event – but not everyone in her family is particularly thrilled about it, a new report indicates.

While rumors of Joy-Anna’s shotgun wedding have run rampant in the past week, those closest to her may not be shocked as you think.

Family insiders say that some Duggar family members “can’t stand” Joy-Anna’s husband Austin Forsyth and have never been fans.

The reason: His questionable character!

“There has been a lot of talk about the character of her new husband Austin,” the source said, adding that there have been reservations.

“He was more of a rebel child.”

The insider continued that Joy’s sister-in-law Anna in particular, has been especially “disappointed in his character” from the get-go.

Josh Duggar’s long-suffering wife felt that the young man courting Joy is “immature, arrogant and lacked experience,” the insider revealed.

Anna certainly knows from experience about marrying a man with suspect character, but it’s still surprising that she’s spoken up about it.

Joy-Anna and Austin first sparked shotgun wedding rumors when the duo quietly moved up their wedding from October 28 to May 26.

The fact that her pregnancy was announced almost exactly three months later – and she’s clearly showing – only fueled this speculation.

While no one knows for sure if Joy-Anna got pregnant before marriage, many feel that photo is more in line with second trimester shots.

Moreover, it’s consistent with reports of the couple fast-tracking their romance and breaking courtship rules – sometimes even on camera.

Austin touching his then-girlfriend’s hand while renovating a home this year may not seem like a big deal, but to some, it was telling.

The frowned-upon PDA continued when Joy-Anna hugged Austin – FULL-FRONTAL STYLE – after accepting his marriage proposal.

She even playfully sat on his lap in one scene from Counting On that struck fans as something they’d never seen a Duggar do before.

Only side hugs are permitted pre-marriage, and their blatant disregard for rules led many to criticize Joy and Austin’s “obscene” PDA.

Austin, 23, even confessed that he and his teenage bride, 19, had real trouble following the strict rules at certain points in their courtship.

“We’re humans and sometimes we don’t always abide perfectly by our rules,” he said during a Counting On reunion special. “We try.”

“That was a real hard try.”

Something was real hard alright. Sorry. Disregard that statement. The point is, to Anna Duggar and others, this is not all that surprising.

Having seen men woo Josh’s sisters before, there’s something different about Austin than Derick Dillard, Ben Seewald or Jeremy Vuolo.

Joy’s youth – even by Duggar standards – when entering into this courtship and Forsyth’s possessive ways gave a lot of fans pause.

Looks like Anna shared that assessment.

The family insider speculates that Austin’s quiet rebellious streak, coupled with the strict nature of the Duggars in general, led to this.

“The pregnancy was very fast,” the source admitted. “I don’t see it being far fetched when you have such strict rules before marriage.”

As for whether she could be 4-5 months along? “There is always a chance. I can’t give you a definite answer, but why not?” the source asked.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kevin Can Wait to Kill Off Lead Character

During its first season on the air, Kevin Can Wait was known as yet another horribly unfunny CBS sitcom that featured obvious jokes and a cliche-ridden set-up:

An overweight main male character was married to a gorgeous wife and generally acted like a stereotypical buffoon.

Cue the laughs? We guess?

For season two, however, the producers have ensured that at least one of these premises will no longer hold true.

Because Erinn Hayes is about be killed off.

In June, it was announced that the actress would NOT be reprising her role on Donna this fall on the sitcom, which centers on Kevin James as a retired police officer with three kids.

Hayes had portrayed the character’s wife last year.

“True, I’ve been let go from the show,” Hayes wrote on Twitter earlier this summer, adding back on June 3:

“Very sad, I had a great experience season 1. Thank you for all the support from our wonderful fans.”

It was also confirmed during this cast shake-up that Leah Remini – who guest-starred on the spring finale and who appeared opposite James for seven years on the series King of Queens – would be added as a series regular for Season 2.

She’d basically be taking Hayes’ spot.

“Dreams do come true,” wrote the actress on Instagram in response to the news, adding the hashtags “#blessed #grateful.”

But the question still remained:

When the program returns, how would Kevin Can Wait explain that its lead character’s wife was now out of the picture?

We now have the answer.

“[Donna] will have passed away, and we will be moving forward in time,” CBS programming chief Thom Sherman told reporters Tuesday at the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour.

Added CBS president Kelly Kahl: “It will be treated with dignity and respect, something that will have taken place in the past.”

Look for the sitcom to jump ahead about a year when it premieres on September 25.

James and Remini’s character won’t be love interests initially, either. That isn’t the plan.

Instead, in the new season, James’ character will join a new security firm run by Remini’s Vanessa.

“I think when everybody collectively saw how Leah and Kevin were together in those last couple of episodes, there was an undeniable spark there,” Kahl told reporters, adding: 

“I think Leah and the studio and network got together and we wanted to keep that magic together.”

To be clear, Kevin Can Wait is a terrible TV show.

But you don’t see sitcoms kill off a lead character very often; hence the attention this decision has generated.

“The discussions went on,” Sherman said of why the show will go in this direction.

“We talked about other things. Ultimately, this what was decided with the producers that this was the best way to move forward.”

It’s certainly earned Kevin Can Wait headlines over the summer that it never would have received before.

Perhaps we’ll even tune in for Season 2 premiere in order to find out just how the series handles such an unusual situation.

And then as soon as Kevin James makes a quip about being fat, we’ll tune right out again.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" Makers Sued for Miss Cleo Look-alike Character, Auntie Poulet

There’s a fortune teller in “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City” that looks and sounds WAY too much like the late TV psychic Miss Cleo … at least according to Miss Cleo’s estate which just sued the game makers. Psychic Readers Network — which holds the…


Monday, May 22, 2017

James Cameron Sued by Man Claiming Leo"s "Titanic" Character Based On Him

James Cameron stole the life story of a Florida man who worked in the yacht industry and used it for the lead character of “Titanic” … according to his lawsuit. Stephen Cummings claims he’s the inspiration for Jack Dawson — played by Leo…


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

"Last Jedi" Director Rian Johnson Says He Has a Favorite Character (VIDEO)

Rian Johnson is now one of a few lucky directors to get behind the camera for a ‘Star Wars’ flick … and he spent some time telling us how he’s dealing with the fame … and BONUS — he tells us his favorite character. Johnson is suddenly…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Lena Dunham Loses Weight While Her "Girls" Character is Pregnant (PHOTOS)

Lena Dunham is not pregnant, certainly by recent appearances, despite her character on “Girls” showing her super preggo. We got this pic of Lena walking an L.A. street Thursday, and if anything she looks like she dropped a lot of weight. She…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Stephen King Sued for Ripping Off "The Dark Tower" Character from a Comic Book

Stephen King stole the idea for his main man in “The Dark Tower” series from a famous comic book character also known as a gunslinger … according to a new suit. The creator of “The Rook” comics claims King’s protagonist, Roland Deschain, is based…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hilary Duff Busts Out the Talking Points for Becky G"s Gay Character in "Power Rangers" (VIDEO)

Hilary Duff thinks it’s great there’s a gay character in the new “Power Rangers” movie … but when asked to elaborate on its meaning, she resorted to talking points. We got Hilary on Melrose Ave. Tuesday, and she seemed genuinely surprised…
