Showing posts with label Auto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Auto. Show all posts

Thursday, July 27, 2017

"Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" Makers Sued for Miss Cleo Look-alike Character, Auntie Poulet

There’s a fortune teller in “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City” that looks and sounds WAY too much like the late TV psychic Miss Cleo … at least according to Miss Cleo’s estate which just sued the game makers. Psychic Readers Network — which holds the…


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

BMW CEO Collapses During Auto Show Presentation (VIDEO)


BMW CEO Harald Krueger collapsed Tuesday while giving a presentation at a news conference at the Frankfurt International Motor Show.

Krueger was just beginning his remarks when he stumbled backwards a few steps before falling down.

A BMW spokesperson said Krueger was fine … he was simply under the weather from excessive traveling.