Showing posts with label Duff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duff. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

Hilary Duff Spotted Out with Baby Banks and Baby Daddy Matthew Koma

Hilary Duff and baby daddy Matthew Koma are quickly getting their newborn daughter adjusted to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The pair was spotted out in Studio City Friday with their baby, Banks Violet Koma, running a couple of errands.…


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Hilary Duff Asks Suspicious Man to Stop Following Her, Making Her "Uncomfortable"

Hilary Duff had to repeatedly ask a man to stop stalking her all day trying to snap photos … and the whole situation is very creepy. Hilary just posted a video of herself asking the guy, who’s sitting in his car, to stop following her around…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Hilary Duff Shows Off Baby Bump in Bikini During Malibu Beach Day with BF

Hilary Duff’s baby bump is growing by the minute, but that doesn’t mean her summer beach days are behind her … far from it, in fact. Hilary and her boyfriend, Matthew Koma, hit up a beach in Malibu Tuesday for a little R&R as they await the…


Friday, June 8, 2018

Hilary Duff Having a Baby Girl with Boyfriend, Matthew Koma

Hilary Duff is adding to her family — she’s pregnant with her second child … and this time it’s a girl. Hilary just announced her pregnancy, saying she and her bf — musician and songwriter Matthew Koma — “made a little princess of our own and…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Hilary Duff Blasts Pot-Smoking Neighbor: Stop Ruining My Life!!

Hilary Duff is coming clean … about her loathing for a certain thoughtless neighbor of hers.

She’s slammed people before, she’s taken to social media to call out this guy, by name. It sounds like he’s kind of ruining her life.

Well, Hilary is prepared to ruin his right back.

Taking to her Instagram stories, Hilary Duff has a lot to say about her neighbor, whom she identifies as Dieter Addison.

“Calling all New Yorkers with a–hole neighbors, really open to any advice you have.”

Here is her complaint.

“My neighbor smokes cigarettes and weed all night long.”

Unlike other health concerns that busybodies might have, smoking things impacts others.

“My apartment reeks.”

You would have to be catastrophically awful at, say, drinking soda or eating doughnuts for that simple activity to impact your neighbors.

Hilary reveals that she is at a loss.

“Seriously, what do I do?”

Hilary Duff ig story 01

She calls out Dieter directly, saying:

“We know your parents pay your rent, we know you’ve never worked a day in your life.”

She, on the other hand, has worked since childhood to amass her fortune.

“Must be nice.”

It sure must be.

“Have some respect for your neighbors who work hard to live in that building.”

Even if the guy were a self-made billionaire, it wouldn’t be cool to essentially flood his neighbor’s home with smoke.

“Don’t be a dick, dude. And put your trash down the chute.”

Hilary Duff ig story 02

Hilary continues, and explains why she is so irate.

“Slept 0 minutes last night because of Dieter the [eggplant emoji].”

Unlike how she supposes that he lives, she works. Hard.

“Worked 15 hours yesterday and back at work at 5:30am.”

She believes that he is so thoughtless because he does not understand what it is like to have actual responsibilities.

“This is the real world Dieter the [eggplant emoji]”

Note that she’s not including the eggplant emoji to indicate that he has a large penis or anything else of a sexual nature.

She’s just calling him a dick.

She continues to address him, saying:

“Your smoking ain’t delicious.”

It seems clear that, up to a point, she wishes him ill.

“I really hope your hangover hurts.”

Then her accusations take a much more serious turn.

“And another thing … stop breaking all your furniture when you fight with your girlfriend or boyfriend… it scares me and my kid.”

She has a 6-year-old son named Luca. But, to be clear, you don’t need a child to find that kind of thing frightening.

“Therapy is cheaper.”

She concludes it with the advice that many people were probably thinking that he should take.

“Get a vape.”

Vape pens, of course, are much less of an assault upon the noses of people nearby.

(Please do not use them in restaurants, however — this is not The Purge)

Though possession of small amounts of marijuana has been decriminalized in New York, it is a wonder that Hilary has not called the police during one of those fights.

Not just because it would be a convenient way to disrupt his life as he is disrupting hers, but because breaking furniture is alarming and toxic behavior and perhaps the police should be involved.

Maybe this callout post will shame this neighbor into behaving.

But we wouldn’t suggest that Hilary hold her breath. Except, of course, to avoid inhaling the smoke.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Johnny Depp Jams With Joe Perry, Slash & Duff McKagan

Q: What’s better than Johnny Depp and Joe Perry jamming onstage together? A: Depp, Perry, Slash AND Duff McKagan shredding on stage together! It happened Tuesday night at the Roxy on Sunset, where Perry was holding a release…


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Hilary Duff Back Together and Making Out with Boyfriend Matthew Koma

Hilary Duff’s rekindled an old flame … and sealed her reconciled relationship with a kiss. It’s back on again for Hilary and Matthew Koma, her music producer boyfriend she split with back in March. The 2 were seen looking lovey-dovey after a…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Hilary Duff Reunites with Mike Comrie for Beach Day with Son

Hilary Duff celebrated Labor Day with her son at the beach, and buried any ill will for her ex-husband in the sand … all in the name of co-parenting. Hilary and her ex, Mike Comrie, spent Monday in Malibu with their 5-year-old son, Luca. Hil…


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hilary Duff: Kiss My Ass, Body Shamers!

Hilary Duff is one of those celebrities who is usually pretty great, but you never really get a chance to think about it because she’s not a gigantic star or a gigantic mess.

She’s adorable, talented, she brought so much joy to our childhoods with her remarkable work as Lizzie McGuire … what’s not to love?

Amazingly, it turns out that there’s more to love than we ever even imagined.

See, Hilary has always been beautiful, and for the past little while it seems like she’s been getting a little thicker, too.

She looks absolutely gorgeous, with or without the extra little bit of weight — make no mistake, she’s lovely no matter what.

But the point is that people have been noticing her changing appearance, which means that chances are she’s been noticing the kinds of comments her new look has been getting, too.

And while it seems like she’s fine with all the “damn, girl, you thicker than a bowl of oatmeal” comments, she’s got no time for the body shamers.

Last night, she shared this photo on Instagram:

That’s Hilary on vacation with her son, Luca, wearing a cute swimsuit and looking cute in general.

But the message she shared along with the photo … that’s where the magic is.

“I am posting this on behalf of young girls, women, and mothers of all ages,” she began.

“I’m enjoying a vacation with my son after a long season of shooting and being away from him for weeks at a time over those months.”

She wrote that “Since websites and magazines love to share ‘celeb flaws’ — well I have them!”

“My body has given me the greatest gift of my life: Luca, 5 years ago. I’m turning 30 in September and my body is healthy and gets me where I need to go.”

“Ladies, let’s be proud of what we’ve got and stop wasting precious time in the day wishing we were different, better, and unflawed,” she urged.

To her critics, she wrote “You guys (you know who you are!) already know how to ruin a good time, and now you are body shamers as well.”

And, to end her incredible tirade, she added the hashtag “Kiss my ass.”

See what we mean about how amazing she is?


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Hilary Duff Robbed In Jewelry Heist, Oh Canada!!!

Hilary Duff just learned the hard way about the danger of posting vacation pics on Instagram — it sets up her empty crib as an easy target for crooks on the hunt for high-end jewelry.  We’re told someone broke into Hilary’s Bev Hills pad…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hilary Duff Busts Out the Talking Points for Becky G"s Gay Character in "Power Rangers" (VIDEO)

Hilary Duff thinks it’s great there’s a gay character in the new “Power Rangers” movie … but when asked to elaborate on its meaning, she resorted to talking points. We got Hilary on Melrose Ave. Tuesday, and she seemed genuinely surprised…


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

TMZ Live: Hilary Duff: Ex-Husband Investigated For Rape

ON TODAY’S SHOW Ryan Seacrest And Simon Cowell Back Together? Harrison Ford Avoids Another Plane Accident The Weeknd Releases Bieber Diss Track? Kim & Kanye: V-Day Stampede


Friday, January 20, 2017

Hiary Duff & Mattew Koma: Dating!

Clearly, Hilary Duff is not one to wallow in heartbreak for very long.

Just a few months after her divorce from Mike Comrie, the actress moved on with a new man.

Duff began dating Jason Walsh back in October, but now it looks as though that relationship has already fizzled.

Now, Hilary has moved on yet again, this time with singer Matthew Koma.

Koma and Duff were spotted on a coffee date in Century City

Koma is a solo artist with a decent-ish Twitter following (146,000 – sure to spike once news of his new relationship spreads), but his Wikipedia page reveals some puzzling gaps in his resume.

The 29-year-old has yet to release his debut album, but he has two EPs to his name.

The strange thing is that the most recent came out almost four years ago.

In the meantime, Koma appears to have written songs for other artists, including an ode to Taylor Swift recorded by a band called The Knocks that praises Swift as “a boss and so legit.”

No, we haven’t listened to it, but with lyrics like that, we kinda feel like we don’t have to, ya know?

Anyway, we’re not saying Koma is using Duff to give his career a boost, we just hope she’s generally on the look out for that sort of thing.

As long as she’s been in the industry, we’re guessing she can spot a coattail rider a mile away.

There’s no word on just how serious Hilary and Matt are, but onlookers say they made no effort to hide the fact that they were on a date.

No word on whether or not any full-blown canoodling took place.

Ironically, when Hilary comments on her love life, it’s usually to claim that she’s a bit of a loner, who enjoys the single life.

“I’ve never been a good dater,” Duff told Cosmo earlier this month.

“I meet, like, one person a year that I’m maybe attracted to. I never want to be that girl who’s desperate to find a mate.”

We guess Matt’s the guy for 2017.

Make the most of it, you lucky SOB!


Monday, November 14, 2016

Hilary Duff -- My Sunday Funday ... His Muscles, My Ass (PHOTO GALLERY)

Hilary Duff and her BF did some hardcore beach combing down in Mexico … with minimal clothing, muchas gracias. In case you forgot … Jason Walsh made sure everyone in Puerto Vallarta knew he’s a personal trainer by flexing through their day…


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hilary Duff and Jason Walsh SLAMMED for Offensive Halloween Costumes!

OK, so this is kind of a “good news, bad news” situation.

The good news: Hilary Duff and her personal trainer/boyfriend, Jason Walsh, made their very first public appearance last night!

The bad news: the appearance was at a Halloween party and their costumes were, to many, many people, horrifically offensive and wrong.

Heaven help us all.

So that’s Hilary dressed up as a sexy pilgrim and Jason dressed up as an angry Native American.

And to say that people didn’t like the costumes would pretty much be the understatement of the year.

One person advised Hilary that “When you’re thinking of what you should be for Halloween the answer should never be #CulturalAppropriation. That was terrible.”

“In 2016,” another wrote, “you and your boyfriend don’t know how inappropriate it is to dress up that way? I guess it’s always fun to show how racist you are.”

One fan pointed out that “Your boyfriend’s Native ‘costume’ is racist. Learn your history, Native Americans have endured genocide and broken treaties and still face racism every day.”

“This costume is not ok. The pilgrims came over and massacred an entire population of native people. This costume is ignorant and not appropriate.”

“How did either of you think wearing that was appropriate? there’s new excuse to remain ignorant about this, so you both had to know how incredible offensive it would be. You just DGAF, I guess. I’m just so disgusted.”

“Girl … this was ignorance, plain and simple.”

And, well, these people aren’t wrong.

People are also pointing out that this is an incredibly insensitive time to put on these atrocious costumes, considering the ongoing protests concerning the Dakota Access Pipeline.

“Horrible choice, especially with all that is going on,” one follower told her, adding a “No DAPL” hashtag.

Still others took issue with this photo that Hilary shared on Instagram:

“Sooooo the fake gun for my pilgrim costume came,” she captioned it. “Don’t think it’s quite big enough.”

Apparently some people think that guns should have no part at all in Halloween costumes, no matter how fake or small they may be.

“Fake GUN?!” someone wrote. “U shouldn’t include GUNS with ur costume even if it’s FAKE.”

Hilary just can’t win for losing, huh?


Monday, October 17, 2016

Hilary Duff: I"m Definitely Dating Jason Walsh!

We have some pretty major news when it comes to Hilary.

Not, not that Hillary. Not the one running to be President of the United States.

But the other Hilary, the one with just a single “L” in her first name… whose romantic status is no longer single.

Our rambling introduction is a long way of saying that Hilary Duff is now dating Jason Walsh.

The Younger actress and her personal trainer had reportedly been enjoying each other’s company for a lengthy period of time, but it wasn’t until Sunday morning that the star confirmed the two were actually in relationship.

And she didn’t leave any doubt in the process, not unless Duff is known for playing tonsil hockey with guys who are not her boyfriend.

That’s right: Duff and Walsh confirmed their romance via a steamy photo of the twosome kissing.

“Date night with J,” Duff wrote as a caption, just in case anyone somehow thought this to be a friendly smooch.

Back in June, E! News reported Duff and Walsh were “casually dating.”

But it sure looks like things have heated up between the two, even as the temperature outside has dropped.

“We’ve known each other for a really long time and he’s a great guy and we have a lot of fun together,” Duff said in September on Good Day New York of Walsh, adding:

“It’s nice to have that excitement in my life.”

Duff, of course, made headlines in the past for her personal life after she filed for divorce from Mike Comrie.

The two originally split way back in January of 2014, but the official paperwork was not completed until February of this year.

During that time, there were plenty of rumors about Duff and Comrie getting back together.

But there was also a rumor that Comrie paid a waitress to have sex with him, which we doubt sat very well with his wife.

According to TMZ, Duff and Comrie (a former NHL player who retired from hockey in 2012), have agreed to a joint custody arrangement when it comes to four-year old daughter Luca.

While neither half of the ex-couple will receive spousal support, the celebrity gossip website added this winter that Duff was forced to shell out a one-time payment of $ 2,408,786 to Comrie in order to cover the financial side of their split.

But it doesn’t seem as if Duff is harping on the past.

She’s focused on the future.

And she has a new handsome man on her arm (and on her mouth) to help her look forward.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Hilary Duff Spotted Kissing Ex Mike Comrie: Back Together?

People divorce and get back together all the time.

This could totally be the case for Hilary Duff and her ex-husband, Mike Comrie, even though they finalized their divorce on January 28th (Duff filed two years prior).

Us Weekly has a photo from May 15th, which shows Comrie leaning into Duff’s Mercedes to give her a kiss in Beverly Hills.

The exes share joint custody of their four-year-old son, Luca, and have been known to spend a lot of time together in the past.

Days after the ink dried on their divorce papers, Duff and Comrie took Luca to Hawaii.

When Duff appeared on Ellen, she told the talk show host that they still like hanging out, even though they aren’t technically together.

“We’re good friends and we laugh a lot,” Duff explained.

“And we have a great communication and we share pictures when one is not with Luca.

He’s great, we are great, and we keep on trucking.  Whave such a great kid. And we’re both so obsessed with him.”

Duff was required by the court to pay Comrie $ 2.5 million, reportedly to keep their former Beverly Hills home.  This is strange, since Comrie’s family is very wealthy.

She was able to keep that, as well as a second home.  Comrie got two luxury cars and jewelry, according to reports.

What prompted Duff to finally file was an incident that took place at Mastro’s Steakhouse in LA.

Comrie had downed shots of tequila, then tried to proposition a waitress for sex.

The incident was printed, which must have been humiliating for Duff.

“I have to say, as the server who saw all of this, I feel bad for Hilary,” a source at the restaurant said, according to the Daily Mail.

“I know that she and Mike are separated but I’d heard that they’ve been trying to reconcile for the sake of their little boy.”

Love is a battlefield.

Hilary Duff Spotted Kissing Ex Mike Comrie: Back Together?

People divorce and get back together all the time.

This could totally be the case for Hilary Duff and her ex-husband, Mike Comrie, even though they finalized their divorce on January 28th (Duff filed two years prior).

Us Weekly has a photo from May 15th, which shows Comrie leaning into Duff’s Mercedes to give her a kiss in Beverly Hills.

The exes share joint custody of their four-year-old son, Luca, and have been known to spend a lot of time together in the past.

Days after the ink dried on their divorce papers, Duff and Comrie took Luca to Hawaii.

When Duff appeared on Ellen, she told the talk show host that they still like hanging out, even though they aren’t technically together.

“We’re good friends and we laugh a lot,” Duff explained.

“And we have a great communication and we share pictures when one is not with Luca.

He’s great, we are great, and we keep on trucking.  Whave such a great kid. And we’re both so obsessed with him.”

Duff was required by the court to pay Comrie $ 2.5 million, reportedly to keep their former Beverly Hills home.  This is strange, since Comrie’s family is very wealthy.

She was able to keep that, as well as a second home.  Comrie got two luxury cars and jewelry, according to reports.

What prompted Duff to finally file was an incident that took place at Mastro’s Steakhouse in LA.

Comrie had downed shots of tequila, then tried to proposition a waitress for sex.

The incident was printed, which must have been humiliating for Duff.

“I have to say, as the server who saw all of this, I feel bad for Hilary,” a source at the restaurant said, according to the Daily Mail.

“I know that she and Mike are separated but I’d heard that they’ve been trying to reconcile for the sake of their little boy.”

Love is a battlefield.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hilary Duff & Mike Comrie: Divorced!

It’s official: Hilary Duff is single!

Yes, almost a year Hilary filed for divorce from Mike Comrie, the ex-couple has finally reached an agreement and legally ended their marriage.

Apparently, the main sticking point was custody of Hilary and Mike’s 3-year-old son, Luca.

According to TMZ, Duff and Comrie (a former NHL player who retired from hockey in 2012), have agreed to a joint custody arrangement.

While neither party will receive spousal support, the website adds that Duff was forced to shell out a one-time payment of $ 2,408,786 to Comrie in order to cover the financial side of their split.

There’s still no word on what caused Hilary and Mike to go their separate ways, but insiders have claimed that the split started out amicably, but quickly became acrimonious.

Shortly before the legal separation there were reports that Comrie offered a waitress money for sex while he was drunk at an LA restaurant.

However, several sources have claimed that he and Duff had already reached the decision to end their marriage at that time. 

We may never know exactly what caused these two to call it quits, but let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth.

Sorry, Mike, but your loss is the rest of the world’s gain!