Showing posts with label Surgeries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surgeries. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2018

Woman Undergoes 200 Surgeries to Resemble Cartoon Character

Botched is back for Season 5. And ridiculous video like what you"re about to see is why it"s already greenlit for a Season 6.

Pixee Fox is no stranger to the show. She has had over 200 cosmetic procedures to look like a "cartoon woman."

She stops by to update the doctors on what she"s had done. Among other things, she now has a "doll p–sy."

Pixee fox returns to botched 05

Pixee Fox has a shockingly narrow waist and a substantial bust, but her inhuman silhouette is just the tip of the iceberg with her.

In the video that we"ve included with this post, she boasts on Botched about how many procedures she"s had.

"Since last time I was here, I had more than 20 plastic surgery procedures," Pixee brags.

She says that this is all "for my quest to look like a living cartoon."

Pixee admits that she has had "surgeries that I know that Dr. Nassif and Dr. Dubrow would never, ever perform on me."

"This time, maybe, they can try to open up," she hopes. "And see a little bit of my vision of my life."

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"I used to be more of a tomboy," Pixee claims.

"I used to be an electrician — I used to only do guy stuff," she characterizes. "And now I’m transforming myself from a normal girl to a living cartoon."

That is one hell of a personal transformation, we"ll give her that much.

"I never really felt human," she explains.

Pixee explains: "I always felt more like a pixie, fantasy creature."

Well, at the end of that day, it"s her business.

But some of what she"s done to herself raises eyebrows for a good reason.

Pixee fox returns to botched 03

"Just in the last year," she boasts. "I have been all over the world. I’ve been to Iran, I’ve been to India, I’ve been to Istanbul."

Her litany continues: "I’ve been to Korea, I’ve been in Dubai, I’ve been in Sweden, I’ve been all around America."

"Anything you can or can’t think of in plastic surgery; I’ve done it,” she says.

“I’ve had more than 200 plastic surgery procedures," she shares. "I have invented my own procedures."

She"s not kidding, folks.

"So," she says to name an example. "I’m the only girl in the world to do an eyelash transplant with my pubic hairs."

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"I want to look like a cartoon pixie character, so pointy nose, pointy ears," she shares.

She has had an ear reduction. In Iran, she received her current nose.

It is when she talks about her "doll p–sy" that the doctors are really concerned.

Mostly, like normal people who know that most dolls do not have genitalia, they wondered what in the hell she meant.

This results in Dr. Dubrow saying: "Your vagina looks like a baby flower?"

We don"t know what that means and, to be entirely honest, we"re perfectly comfortable not knowing.

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Doctors Dubrow and Nassif never really know what they"re in for on Botched.

Sometimes, someone went through a simple or even necessary cosmetic procedure that some monstrously incompetent doctor ruined.

At other times, however, they deal with people who have more money than sense, and seem to be addicted to cosmetic surgery.

These people become celebrities by virtue of their curious and increasingly warped appearances.

While it is totally within Pixee Fox"s rights to transform her body however she likes, a lot of doctors would say "no" to her requests.

Some doctors do not hold those ethical concerns, however.

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From the clips that we"ve seen so far, it is not clear why Pixee Fox is appearing on the show.

Aside from her desire to flaunt the changes that she"s made and elicit a reaction from the doctors, that is.

We"ll have to wait a while to find out, because it"s just over a month until Season 5 begins.

Botched premieres on December 6 at 10pm on E!

Pixee fox returns to botched boasts new procedures and doll p y

Thursday, September 6, 2018

"Gilligan"s Island" Star Dawn Wells Suffering Financially After Surgeries

“Gilligan’s Island” star Dawn Wells is severely down on her luck — nearly $ 200k in the red — and she’s seeking financial aid from Gilligan fans … TMZ has learned. Dawn famously played Mary Ann Summers on the iconic TV sitcom, but according to a…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Matt Roloff Opens Up About Challenging Childhood (He Underwent HOW Many Surgeries?!?)

We interrupt our typical forcasting of Matt Roloff’s future to delve a bit into Matt Roloff’s past.

Over the past several weeks, we’ve wondered whether Roloff will remain on Little People, Big World, considering he’s moved part-time to Arizona and has also admitted that he’s maybe growing sick and tired of running the farm.

Not to mention… will he soon get engaged to Caryn Chandler?

Those topics can be put on hold for a moment, however.

Because Roloff was a guest on the podcast “Reality Life with Kate Casey” this week and opened up like never before about his unique and challenging childhood.

Did you know, for example, that the reality star underwent 15 surgeries as a child?!?

Yes, 15 surgeries.

They all related to Matt being born with Achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism that causes problems in one’s shoulders, legs, hips, knees and arms.

But we’ll let Roloff talk about this a bit more in-depth.

“As they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” Matt said during this interview, explaining that he would play chess, checkers and Legos to keep his mind focused during these challenging times.

“I had a rough childhood,” he added.

“Not from a family perspective but just from orthopedic surgery, spending long periods of time – sometimes months – in a hospital with very limited access to your parents.

“It was just the way they did it back in those days and going through some very painful operations.

“So I do think all of that sort of built up a muscle of resiliency and gave me a sense of can-do and tenacity.”

Times have changed, of course. Technology has advanced.

It’s very possible that someone born these days with Roloff’s condition could avoid many of these procedures.

But Matt’s brother, Josh, passed away from severe heart and lung problems many years ago.

“When Joshua was born – about two weeks before Christmas in 1964 when I was over two years old – my parents faced more childbirth trauma,” Matt wrote in his memoir, Against Tall Odds: Being A David In A Goliath World.

“Only this time it was the uncertainty over whether their new baby would ever make it out of the hospital alive.

“Not long after the delivery, the doctors diagnosed Josh as having severe heart and lung problems they thought would probably take his life before he was a day old.”

For those unaware, Both of Matt’s parents are of average size, as is his sister.

However, his brother, Sam, has the same form of degenerative dwarfism as Matt.

Matt did note on the podcast, though, that he doesn’t want any sympathy.

He knows that everyone has struggles.

“Life is tough,” he says. “Everyone goes through different adversity, but it’s how you react to it and what it makes out of you.”

This is a noble thing for Matt to say, but let’s be honest: he went through more than most people ever do. All in the course of a couple years. All as a child.

Roloff spent over 700 days in hospitals back then, undergoing various corrective surgeries and procedures.

To this day, he still can’t stand up straight or walk without the help of his crutches.

In 2016, he underwent a neck surgery that could have left him paralyzed.

Thankfully, he came out of that procedure strong and, as anyone knows who visits his Instagram page on a regular basis, feels spry enough these days to try and keep up with his adorable grandkids, Ember and Jackson.

Way to go, Matt.

We admire your attitude and persistance.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Congressman Steve Scalise"s Condition Still Critical, More Surgeries Needed

GOP House Whip Steve Scalise is still in critical condition at the hospital after being shot by James T. Hodgkinson during the congressional baseball practice. Scalise suffered a single rifle shot to his left hip, but the bullet traveled across his…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Manchester Arena Explosion Victims Offered Free Surgeries by Beverly Hills Doctors (PHOTO GALLERY)

The surviving victims of the Manchester Arena explosion have a new ally … 5,000 miles from the UK. Face Forward — a Beverly Hills-based non-profit that helps survivors of violent and disfiguring crimes — has sprung into action after the nail…


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This Guy Underwent 23 Surgeries to Look Like Superman

Move over, human Barbie.

Take a seat, human Ken.

It"s time to meet human Superman.

His name is Herbert Chavez, he grew up in poverty in the Philippines… and he has spent tons of money to look like the Man of Steel, having undergone 23 plastic surgeries with this goal in mind.

It"s a bird down below. It"s a plane. In actuality, it"s a guy who likely has a few mental issues unfortunately.

1. Back in the Day…

Back in the day

Chavez’s 23 surgeries have spanned nearly 18 years. It’s a lifelong hobby. This photo was snapped back in 2013, prior to him truly taking a few final steps on his journey to Superman.

2. An Appearace on Botched

An appearace on botched

Chavez sought the assistance of the doctors on Botched for his cause. They were only too happy to oblige, of course.

3. He’s Had His Skin Whitened

Hes had his skin whitened

Because every actor who has played Superman has been white.

4. He’s Had Multiple Nose Jobs

Hes had multiple nose jobs

You can see the changes, right?

5. He’s Had Liposuction

Hes had liposuction

The Man of Steel applies to the superhero’s strength… and abs, of course.

6. He’s Had Jaw Realignment

Hes had jaw realignment

We didn’t even know that was really a thing.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Kardashian-Jenner Plastic Surgeries Highlighted in Mind-Blowing Instagram Videos

It’s no secret that the Kardashian-Jenner girls have had some work done.

Kim and kompany’s love of plastic surgery is so well known that doctors have complained of the “Kardashian effect” that’s led to unrealistic expectations and frequent requests for dangerous “enhancements.”

Now, a hero Instagram user named Saint Hoax is showing the world just how much the Kard clan has changed over the years with a series of brilliant videos highlighting the various nips and tucks that have created the faces we know today.

First there’s Kylie, who, for the longest time, wouldn’t even admit to getting lip injections

Kylie attributes her transformation to puberty. We’re saying Mama Kris signed off on a handful of procedures.

Next up is Khloe. The rumors that she’s had $ 3 million worth of work done may be (slightly) exaggerated, but there’s no denying that the girl’s bone structure has changed considerably over the years:

And, of course, we have Kim. The Lewis & Clark of facial reconstruction who blazed a trail for her sisters and lit the path to reality show stardom and heavily re-touched magazine photospreads:

We’re not here to shame anyone, and if all the folks who’ve had work done left Hollywood, there would be no one left in town, but as role models to millions of young girls, we wish Kylie, Khloe, Kim, etc. would be a bit more open about the amount of work they’ve had done.

As it is, they’re a set of living Barbie dolls – setting unrealistic expectations for a generation of impressionable girls, who may become insecure young women.