Showing posts with label MINDBLOWING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MINDBLOWING. Show all posts

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Jay-Z Album Title 4:44 EXPLAINED by Mind-Blowing Fan Theory on Twitter!

We briefly wondered why Jay-Z’s album was titled 4:44. Like, is it a time of day? And then we were distracted by all of the major bombshells that the lyrics contained.

Well, one fan posted a theory with a photo that would absolutely explain it and its deep meaning.

Of all of the bonkers conspiracy theories that have ever surrounded Jay-Z and Beyonce, this is the most plausible.

Okay, so … you remember that elevator video of Solange Knowles attacking the f–k out of Jay-Z?

That question’s rhetorical, because we all remember.

Solange seemed to fly into a rage, leaping at and attacking Jay-Z in that elevator.

Well, the elevator was at a hotel called The Standard.

And one very observant fan had an epiphany, took a photo, and shared it to Twitter.

4:44 Theory

That’s amazing, right?

And it would basically confirm that Solange’s fury was about Jay-Z’s cheating and the stress from his cheating (possibly) causing Beyonce to have miscarriages.

(We kind of knew that after Lemonade dropped, to be honest)

If the address is 444, then 4:44 as an album title makes a lot of sense, right?

Except that the truth is … somewhat stranger.

See, 444 is the address of Le Bain, which is a rooftop bar above The Standard.

The Standard’s address is 848 Washington Street.

Now, Jay-Z and Beyonce and Solange were coming back from Le Bain when the incident occurred.

But they were in an elevator within The Standard, which does not have that address.

In case you think that we’re being nitpicky, Jay-Z has already explained the name of the album.

4:44, the album, is named after “4:44,” the song.

And “4:44” is so named because Jay-Z woke up at 4:44am (a much more reasonable time to go to bed than to wake up) and wrote the song, confessing to sabotaging his marriage to Beyonce with his compulsive cheating.

So … we’re thinking that the address of Le Bain is probably a huge coincidence.

No number of explanations are going to put at ease the conspiracy theorists out there.

Remember, we live in a world where there are real people who believe that NASA has a child sex slave colony on Mars and that there’s a cloning factory where replacement celebrities are grown.

Every year, you see another detailed analysis of the Superbowl’s Halftime Show.

In real life, the Halftime Show is just the only part of the sportsball game that’s actually interesting or worthwhile.

In the minds of conspiracy theorists, these performances are all elaborate Illuminati rituals that are also Satanist and also Masonic even though those are different things and one of those is made up. 

These conspiracy theories absolutely include Beyonce (who’s been part of a couple of Halftime Shows over the past several years) and Jay-Z. And even their children.

When Blue Ivy was born, the top trend on Twitter was a proposed acronym for Blue’s middle name: “Illuminati’s Very Youngest.”

While we admire such creativity, it’s worrisome that people actually believe any of these things.

So, yeah, anybody who believes this kind of stuff is probably going to believe literally whatever they want about Jay-Z’s album title.

But, let us assure you: it’s not that deep.


Thursday, February 2, 2017

"America"s Got Talent" 10-Year-Old Magician Performs Mind-Blowing Trick!!! (VIDEO)

Be prepared to have your mind blown by 10-year-old magician Kadan Bart Rockett and his little sister, Brooklyn. The “America’s Got Talent” semifinalists were at LAX Wednesday on their way to China … when they took our photog’s lunch money,…


Saturday, December 12, 2015

19 Stars We Can"t Believe Are the Same Age (#5 is Mind-Blowing)

Father Time is undefeated, as the old sports adage says. Accurately, too.

Sooner or later, every one of us gets older, right? Some of us just do it better than others. That"s putting it mildly, especially in Hollywood.

Case in point? These 19 famous people – or pairs of famous people, to be more accurate – who you won"t believe are the same age!

Then check in the mirror to see how gracefully you"re aging. Or don"t.

1. Lindsay Lohan and Dianna Agron

Lindsay lohan and dianna agron

Dianna Agron of Glee is 29. Lindsay Lohan is too. Only one of them is a first round draft pick in your office Celebrity Death Pool.

2. Kate Upton and Selena Gomez

Kate upton and selena gomez

Starting life as a Disney star might have done Selena Gomez good. She and Kate Upton are both 23 but one looks far older than the other.

3. Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Zolciak

Kourtney kardashian and kim zolciak

We’re stretching just a little with this one – Kim is 37, while Kourtney won’t be 37 until April – but still … Kim is 37?! Kourtney will be 37 in April?! With nine kids between them, we’re not sure which is the bigger shocker.

4. Jon Hamm and Jared Leto

Jon hamm and jared leto

Mad Men’s Jon Hamm and Dallas Buyer’s Club’s Jared Leto will both be 44 by the end of 2015. Maybe it’s the long hair that keeps Leto looking so Jordan Catalono-like.

5. June Shannon and Jennifer Love Hewitt

June shannon and jennifer love hewitt

June Shannon and Jennifer Love Hewitt are both 36 years old. Yes, Mama June from Honey Boo Boo is somehow only 36 … while we can’t believe our longtime crush JLH is 36 already. One feels like she’s 36 going on 56 and the other, 36 going on 26. Ah, life.

6. Tobey Maguire and Russell Brand

Tobey maguire and russell brand

Tobey Maguire and Russell Brand are both 40 years old. Which one surprises you more?

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Kardashian-Jenner Plastic Surgeries Highlighted in Mind-Blowing Instagram Videos

It’s no secret that the Kardashian-Jenner girls have had some work done.

Kim and kompany’s love of plastic surgery is so well known that doctors have complained of the “Kardashian effect” that’s led to unrealistic expectations and frequent requests for dangerous “enhancements.”

Now, a hero Instagram user named Saint Hoax is showing the world just how much the Kard clan has changed over the years with a series of brilliant videos highlighting the various nips and tucks that have created the faces we know today.

First there’s Kylie, who, for the longest time, wouldn’t even admit to getting lip injections

Kylie attributes her transformation to puberty. We’re saying Mama Kris signed off on a handful of procedures.

Next up is Khloe. The rumors that she’s had $ 3 million worth of work done may be (slightly) exaggerated, but there’s no denying that the girl’s bone structure has changed considerably over the years:

And, of course, we have Kim. The Lewis & Clark of facial reconstruction who blazed a trail for her sisters and lit the path to reality show stardom and heavily re-touched magazine photospreads:

We’re not here to shame anyone, and if all the folks who’ve had work done left Hollywood, there would be no one left in town, but as role models to millions of young girls, we wish Kylie, Khloe, Kim, etc. would be a bit more open about the amount of work they’ve had done.

As it is, they’re a set of living Barbie dolls – setting unrealistic expectations for a generation of impressionable girls, who may become insecure young women.