Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Kim Kardashian Reveals Second Pregnancy Weight Gain

Here is something you don’t see or hear about very often:

Kim Kardashian talking about her weight gain, as opposed to focusing on her desired weight loss.

Just a few days after saying she misses her skinny days, however, the pregnant reality star has taken to Twitter and made it clear:

For the moment, at least, they are VERY far behind her.

“Ok I’m 52 lbs up today….and I still have 6 weeks to go! I got my work cut out for me!!!!” the Keeping up with the Kardashians star tweeted yesterday, once again proving to be a terrible role model.

No, Kim, you do not have any work cut out for you.

You’re about to have your second child. Your body will likely never be the same… and that’s okay!

Why must you publicize a return to your former figure as some kind of grand goal?

It’s fine if you wish to work out and lose some pounds again after giving birth, but you set a very poor example by constantly touching on this issue, making other recent moms feel badly about their figure in the process.

Okay, there. Sorry. We can get off our soapbox now.

Kardashian, of course, is already mother to two-year-old North West.

She’s expecting a son in December and admitted last month that she loved motherhood… but not necessarily the path to motherhood.

“I’m gonna keep it real: For me, pregnancy is the worst experience of my life! LOL,” the 35-year-old wrote on her website and app.

“I just always feel like I’m not in my own skin.”

Well… soon enough, you’ll have some smooth newborn skin to make you feel better about life. Hang in there, Kim.