Showing posts with label Ashamed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ashamed. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Matt Lauer: "Broken and Ashamed," Friend Claims

After decades as a familiar face and NBC host, Matt Lauer was fired for sexual misconduct as multiple people bravely came forward and reported his bad behavior. Among the accusations against him were allegations of rape.

One of Lauer’s colleagues and friends is describing Lauer’s current state of mind.

Lauer is, by this friend’s own words, “broken and ashamed.”

Matt Lauer was a staple of television news for ages. Some characterized him as “America’s dad.”

Behind the scenes, as we are now learning, he was allegedly a serial sexual harasser — and worse.

From the allegations of numerous women who worked for NBC, Matt Lauer was wildly inappropriate with his female colleagues.

From inappropriate gifts (complete with creepy details of how he’d use them on the recipient) to exposing his penis at work to treating NBC working trips as his own personal hunting ground for young women whom he could invite or lure to his hotel room …

… Well, none of this paints a pretty picture, even before we heard the allegation that he had committed straight-up sexual assault.

Matt Lauer’s career — unless he decides to run as a Republican politician, given that alleged sexual predator Roy Moore has his party’s financial and vocal support — is over. And his wife has fled the country.

What’s Matt Lauer even doing now?

Speaking to People, an unnamed former Today show colleague describes Matt Lauer’s current state:

“He is weak and broken and ashamed by his own admission.”

Matt Lauer did apologize, in one of those vague ways that doesn’t amount to a real admission of guilt.

“He is my friend.”

Interesting that this colleague says that in the present tense, not the past. The reasoning behind that will become clear.

“He is human, and he is flawed.”

That has never been more obvious.

“But is he going to use his power to be a predator on women?”

Despite it sounding like this person is asking if Matt Lauer intends to continue his bad behavior, this colleague is expressing disbelief that he ever did so at all.

“Until I see solid evidence of that, I just can’t believe it.”

We’ve heard from how many women, now? Does Lauer’s friend need video tape?

Very few sexual predators record evidence of their assaults and show them to their friends.

“We don’t know the details.”

That line is, well, just not true.

We do, in fact, know the details of the allegations against Matt Lauer.

Lauer is accused of pants dropping, unsolicited sex toy gifting, and more

In fact, let’s go through the details contained within the allegations:

Inviting someone into his office, dropping his pants so that she saw his penis, and then later scolding her for having been horrified when, in his mind, she should have performed a sex act on him.

Giving a colleague a sex toy without clearing it with her first. Oh, and including a note describing, in detail, exactly how he’d like to use it on her.

Singling out young, ambitious women who worked for NBC and would be easier to convince to come to his hotel room.

(Hey, we’re not against sleeping to get ahead, but the boss making overtures of that nature is something very different. Oh, and on at least one occasion, it’s alleged that he invited a woman to his hotel room on false pretenses — asking her to bring him a pillow)

And then, again, there was apparently a pattern of sexual harassment against one woman in particular that began at the Sochi Olympics in 2014. It was for the eventual alleged sexual assault that Matt Lauer was fired.

Still, the colleague who still identifies Lauer as a “friend” says this:

“All of us are career women, and not one of us would have put up with an environment that’s as distasteful as has been described.”

This sounds a little like the argument made boy Roy Moore’s supporters right now, that the existence of women whom Roy Moore never molested somehow proves that he’s innocent.

Or perhaps this is the argument of a privileged woman who already had authority at NBC and therefore wasn’t targeted by Matt Lauer.

“There was never anything I was offended by on any level. I wouldn’t have put up with it. Neither would any of us.”

That’s a huge generalization to make. Especially when it means that you’re calling a number of women — also colleagues, present and former — liars.

Some people are unwilling to see their friends for who they really are.

That’s part of how we got to where we are today.

By the way, in case the sad portrait that this unnamed colleague paints is tugging at your heartstrings, let’s keep things in perspective.

Matt Lauer lost his job, sure.

How many women’s careers were interrupted or discouraged by Lauer’s antics? We may never know.

What’s more is that Matt Lauer, “broken and ashamed” though he may be, has a net worth of at least $ 60 million.

That’s not what we’d call a sob story.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Matt Lauer Embarrassed, Ashamed and "Repairing the Damage"

Matt Lauer has a new job — cleaning up the mess he’s created in his personal and professional lives. The fired “Today” show co-host says he’s “embarrassed and ashamed” … but also claimed that some of the allegations against him are “untrue or…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Ashamed of Weight Gain? Planning Emergency Surgery?!?

Kylie Jenner has scarcely been seen in public since numerous outlets confirmed she’s pregnant.

The reality star has shared the occasional photo on social media, but rarely of her belly.

And she certainly hasn’t confirmed the VERY strong rumor at any point, either.

Will we even see Kylie again before she gives birth to her first child?

One would have to imagine so, although recent reports have suggested Jenner really is going to lay as low as possible until she becomes a mother.

“Kylie wants to disappear and be out of the spotlight and focus on her health and happiness,” an insider recently told People Magazine, claiming Jenner won’t even “address her pregnancy” until it’s over with.

For what reason?

Multiple sources have said Kylie thinks she’s an ugly pregnant person.

Considering she’s sky-rocketed to Instagram fame largely due to her revealing pictures, it’s not hard to understand why a new, significantly larger figure may be difficult for the star to digest.

This is why Kylie supposedly has a master plan to get rid of said figure as quickly as she can.

According to Radar Online, the 20-year old is “very insecure with her weight gain” and, as a result, her loved ones are “trying to make her feel better.”

But to no avail.

The pregnant star has been asking “if it’s possible get [liposuction] immediately” after giving birth, this same report alleges.

This, of course, is frowned upon in the United States. Or in nearly any first world country, really.

It’s dangerous to go under the knife after your body goes through some as traumatic as squeezing a human being out of your vagina.

Having had her request denied, Radar writes that Kylie “asked if she could to another country” for the weight loss procedure.

Thankfully, there are apparently a few voices of reason here.

For all the issues one could understandably take with Kim, Khloe or Kim Kardashian, this Radar source says the sisters advised Kylie against such a terrible idea.

They told her she would have to shed the weight “naturally,” as Kim blogged about non-stop shortly after giving birth to her two kids.

Why cutting pounds so darn important to this family?

We wish we knew.

The sisters are setting a pretty terrible example by so constantly bringing up their bodies and their work out routines and their supposed need to weigh a certain amount.

We mean…come on now!

Kylie Jenner is about to be a mother!

She ought to be excited about the bundle of joy that’s about to enter her life, not what she looks like when she steps in front of a mirror.


Friday, October 20, 2017

Gabrielle Union: Don"t Be Ashamed to Eat Butt

“So, how old were you when you first ate a butt?” That’s a real question Sway asked Gabrielle Union during his radio show in a conversation about sexual reciprocity … a conversation that has everyone grabbing some Scope.  Gabby appeared on…


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Aaron Carter Comes Out: I"m Bisexual and I"m Not Ashamed!

Aaron Carter is not holding back.

Not that he ever has, right?

Aaron’s always been exceedingly open about his experiences and his emotions — almost to a fault.

Remember a few years ago when he refused to stop talking about his teenage romance with Hilary Duff and how much he still loved her after all this time?

More recently, he’s been vocal about his health problems, including a hernia that he says makes it very hard for him to put on any weight.

He’s also said that he suffers from an eating disorder, and that he hates what he sees when he looks in the mirror.

On top of all that, he was arrested last month in Georgia for a DUI — or technically for refusing to submit to testing for a DUI.

He insists that he’s innocent, and that any reckless driving was due to the tires on his car being messed up, but the arrest didn’t help rumors that his thin appearance is due to a drug addiction.

Basically, it’s been a tough few years for Aaron, but he’s still ticking.

And last night, he felt moved to make yet another revelation.

In a note he posted to Twitter, he wrote “To start off, I would like to say that I love each and EVERY ONE of my fans.”

“There’s something I’d like to say that I feel is important for myself and my identity that has been weighing on my chest for nearly half of my life.”

“This doesn’t bring my shame,” he explained, “just a weight and burden I have held onto for a long time that I would like lifted off me.”

“I grew up in this entertainment industry at a very young age and when I was around 13-years-old I started to find boys and girls attractive.”

“There were years that went by that I thought about,” he continued, “but it wasn’t until I was 17-years-old, after a few relationships with girls, I had an experience with a male that I had an attraction to who I also worked with and grew up with.”

And so there you have it — Aaron is bisexual, and he wants us all to know.

Good for him, right?

“To me music has always been my temple,” he concluded his statement. “Music will ALWAYS be what transcends us and myself. The studio has always been my safe haven.”

“But the ultimate goal for me is to be satisfied. I never want to be a figure of disappointment.”

He added a Boy George quote he said he felt summed it all up the best: “I’ve never felt as though I didn’t belong, I just acted as though I did.”

It’s unclear if Aaron thinks this new information will disappoint his fans or if he’s speaking more broadly about his life, but of course the majority of people won’t look down on him for this.

In fact, we feel pretty comfortable saying that each and every one of his fans would want him to do whatever it is that makes him happy — especially since he’s seemed so very, very sad lately.

Just be happy, Aaron.


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Bella Thorne: Embarrassed and Ashamed of Scott Disick Fling?

Hey, remember when Scott Disick and Bella Thorne were a thing?

Their relationship just ended yesterday, and it only began a few days before that, but you may have trouble remembering it due to the large amount of ladies Scott has been seen with recently.

Anyway, the point is that Bella was one of the most recent stops on Scott’s latest downward spiral.

It was revealed last week that they’d been on a couple of dates, and this week he took her to Cannes, where they were photographed cuddling in swimwear.

But Bella wasn’t the only girl receiving some scantily clad snuggles from Scott — he was also seen with his old flame Chloe Bartoli, along with a couple of other women.

After those new photos started making the rounds, Bella promptly left Cannes, claiming that the “fancy life” wasn’t for her, and that she wasn’t doing anything with Scott.

And thanks to some insiders who spoke with Hollywood Life, we might know why she’s playing off her fling with The Lord.

Hint: it’s because the girl is downright traumatized.

“Bella is still young and pretty inexperienced,” one source explains, “so many people warned her and she didn’t listen.”

“She thought she could handle Scott, but she’s just not as grown up as she likes to think. She wants to forget she ever even met him.”

In fact, “He’s hurt her so much that she’s swearing off dating.”

Another source adds that “Bella had one of the worst dating experiences ever and it was a million times worse because the whole world was watching.”

“She cares a lot about what people think, she’s sensitive. She feels very judged and she’s embarrassed.”

Poor Bella is “trying to act like she doesn’t care but this has really thrown her, she’s been crying on and off since it happened.”

“She’s kicking herself now for getting sucked in by Scott,” the source claims. “So many people warned her, even Kylie but she didn’t listen.”

“She regrets not taking their advice, he’s just as awful as everyone said.”

What a nightmare.

Think about it: Bella is 19 years old, and she’s dated a few guys, but nothing really serious. She’s a hot teenager acting like a hot teenager.

Meanwhile, Scott is 34-year-old father of three who is also a self-proclaimed alcoholic and sex addict.

This was never going to end well.

We can see Bella being a little cocky, thinking she can handle it, but maybe she doesn’t watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians or read the tabloids.

If she did, she’d have seen that Scott seems to be in a very, very bad place right now — so bad that friends are allegedly concerned he’ll drink himself to death.

Consider this a lesson learned, Bella.

And maybe next time just go after Bieber or something.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Donald Trump"s Lawyer Says Snoop Should Be Ashamed (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s personal lawyer says Snoop crossed the line in a big way by mocking the president with a gun. Michael Cohen went on “TMZ Live” Tuesday and was indignant over Snoop’s “Lavender” video, in which a Trump character in clown face is…


Friday, January 27, 2017

Gina Carano Says Daniel Cormier Should Be "Ashamed" Of Trash Talk

MMA legend Gina Carano is firing back at Daniel Cormier after D.C. went on TV and blasted her for giving career advice to Ronda Rousey … saying the UFC star should be “ashamed.” It all started when Carano — an MMA superstar who quit fighting to…


Gina Carano Says Daniel Cormier Should Be "Ashamed" Of Trash Talk

MMA legend Gina Carano is firing back at Daniel Cormier after D.C. went on TV and blasted her for giving career advice to Ronda Rousey … saying the UFC star should be “ashamed.” It all started when Carano — an MMA superstar who quit fighting to…


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Engaged and Ashamed?!

So this is one of those classic “good news, bad news” situations.

It’s good news for Kylie and Tyga, and bad news for literally everybody else.

See, Kylie and Tyga are engaged. Allegedly. Again.

This is hardly the first time we’ve heard engagement rumors about these two — in fact, we hear engagement rumors so often that we’re kind of getting scared we’re stuck in some kind of Twilight Zone time loop.

That, or hell.

But this time, the engagement rumor is special, because, according to a report from OK! magazine, Tyga proposed on his birthday last week.


(That’s not like an “awww, so sweet!”, by the way, it’s more like “awww, I just had lunch and now it’s coming right back up.”)

As the story goes, “Kylie asked Tyga what he wanted for his birthday, and he said ‘I want you and no one else.’ And then he asked her to be his wife!”

We know, we know, it’s so hard to imagine Tyga being asked what he wants for his birthday and responding with anything other than “I don’t know, man, a leopard or some sh-t,” but let’s just go with it.

“Kylie was just blown away,” the source claims. “She absolutely adores Tyga and wants nothing more than to build a life with him.”

“She always felt they were soul mates. So of course she said yes.”

Unfortunately, nobody else would be quite so excited about a Kyga engagement.

“Kylie knows she’ll have an uphill battle persuading her family that it’s the right time to marry Tyga,” the source says.

“But they’ll have to accept it if they truly care about her. This is what she wants; she’s so happy with him.”


If this news has any little bit of truth in it, it’s pretty depressing for a number of reasons.

One, Tyga started hanging around Kylie when she was 14 years old. She was 14, he was about 22 — that’s disgusting.

They’ve always been kind of vague about when they actually started dating, but it was definitely before she turned 18. Any way you slice it, it’s creepy. It just is.

Two, Kylie’s only 19 years old now. She’s not a Duggar, she can take a few more years to live her life before she permanently ties it to someone else’s.

Three, if Kylie’s entire family thinks it’s a bad idea to marry Tyga right now, then maybe there’s a possibility that there’s something to that.

Maybe, just maybe, her mother and her siblings have a little more life and love experience than she does.

It’s sad to think that she’d put her relationships with her family members under such stress for some guy — for some Tyga — but it wouldn’t be unheard of for Kylie to show zero evidence of possessing any sense.

What a mess.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Kristen Bell Opens Up About Depression & Anxiety Struggles: I"m Not Ashamed

Bless you, Kristen Bell.

The actress, known for her perky personality and roles in comedies such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall and The Boss, reveals that she has struggled with depression and anxiety for years.

"I"m extremely codependent," she confessed during an interview with Off Camera.

"I shatter a little bit when I think people don"t like me," she continued. "That"s part of why I lead with kindness and I compensate by being very bubbly all the time, because it really hurts my feelings when I know I"m not liked." 

"And I know that"s not very healthy, and I fight it all the time."

Bell revealed that anxiety and depression runs in her family, and that her mother and maternal grandmother suffered as well.

"There is a serotonin imbalance in our family line," she explained.

She went on to disclose that her grandmother was one of the first to receive electroshock therapy for the condition.

"She would lock herself in her bedroom and drink for two days and they would slide food under the door," she said. "It was rough."

Bell said she was diagnosed when she was young, and while she puts on a cheery facade, she does a lot of work internally and takes prescription medication.

"I check in with myself and I need to exercise," she said.

"I got on a prescription when I was really young to help with my anxiety and depression, and I still take it today," added the actress.

While she admits that the public may scrutinize those who suffer, she feels no shame.

Instead, she likens depression and anxiety to any other disease that should be treated medically.

"The world wants to shame you for that, but in the medical community, you would never deny a diabetic his insulin.”


Kristen bell opens up about depression and anxiety struggles im

Friday, September 18, 2015

11 Times Kris Jenner Should Have Been Ashamed of Herself

Kris Jenner is unfamiliar with the concept of shame.

She cheated on her husband. She helped sell the Kim Kardashian sex tape. She puts profits ahead of her children"s well-being.

Here are numerous examples of why we"re glad we are not Kris Jenner…

1. She cheated on Robert Kardashian

She cheated on robert kardashian

Yes, that would be bad enough on its own. But the man Jenner slept with while married to Robert Kardashian, Tom Waterman, actually appeared on Keeping Up with the Kardashians in 2012 as a ratings ploy.

2. She peddled the Kim Kardashian sex tape

She peddled the kim kardashian sex tape

Anyone who thinks Kim Kardashian wasn’t well aware of what she was doing when she banged Ray J on tape is fooling himself. And anyone who thinks Kris wasn’t encouraging her daughter to sell a sex tape in order to get famous is fooling himself even harder.

3. She won’t refer to Bruce Jenner as "Caitlyn"

She wont refer to bruce jenner as caitlyn

Kris admitted in a chat with Access Hollywood that she just calls her ex-husband “Jenner,” despite the widespread acceptance of his new gender identity.

4. She wrote In the Kitchen with Kris

Kris jenner cookbook

Look, if there’s a market, one should try to take advantage of it and make some money off those silly enough to buy a cookbook written by Kris Jenner. We get it. But still… come on! Must you really insult housewives who really cook by pretending as if you’ve ever turned a stove on, Kris?

5. She wanted to change her last name

Kris jenner red carpet photo

Being married to Bruce Jenner for over 22 years was apparently not enough for Kris. She wanted to change her last name BACK to Kardashian at one point, admitting this was for branding and marketing reasons.

6. This response to Rob

Kris jenner on a yacht

This report is unsubstantiated. But after Rob Kardashian gained a ton of weight, sources claim Kris gave her son a deadline by which he had to lose 70 pounds because he was hurting the family’s reputation. How sweet, huh?

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