Showing posts with label Quarter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quarter. Show all posts

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Former Celtic Glen "Big Baby" Davis Arrested with Quarter Pound of Weed, $92k in Cash

Former NBA player Glen “Big Baby” Davis — known for his role on the 2008 Boston Celtics team that won the championship — was reportedly arrested last month on 7 counts of drug possession and distribution. Davis — who last played in the league…


Monday, June 19, 2017

Rich the Kid Celebrates Interscope Deal by Dropping Nearly Quarter Million on New Ice

Rich the Kid has lived up to his name after a huge payday from his new record label, so he can afford to crank up his bling game. The rapper hit up NYC Luxury for some fresh ice the day after signing his $ 2.5 million deal with Interscope. We’re…


Rich the Kid Celebrates Interscope Deal by Dropping Nearly Quarter Million on New Ice

Rich the Kid has lived up to his name after a huge payday from his new record label, so he can afford to crank up his bling game. The rapper hit up NYC Luxury for some fresh ice the day after signing his $ 2.5 million deal with Interscope. We’re…


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Falcons Coach Dan Quinn ... Why Did You Pass in the 4th Quarter?! (VIDEO)

Why did the Falcons call PASSING PLAYS in the final minutes of the Super Bowl instead of running the ball and kicking a FG that would have put the game out of reach?!?!  That’s exactly what we asked ATL head coach Dan Quinn.  Coach Quinn…


Falcons Coach Dan Quinn ... Why Did You Pass in the 4th Quarter?! (VIDEO)

Why did the Falcons call PASSING PLAYS in the final minutes of the Super Bowl instead of running the ball and kicking a FG that would have put the game out of reach?!?!  That’s exactly what we asked ATL head coach Dan Quinn.  Coach Quinn…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Charles Oakley Hauled Out By Security in 1st Quarter of Knicks Game, Reportedly Arrested (VIDEO)

Charles Oakley got into an ugly altercation in the stands during the first quarter of Wednesday night’s Knicks game … and appeared to strike members of security. The Knicks legend was hauled out and eventually arrested … according to the Knicks…


Charles Oakley Hauled Out By Security in 1st Quarter of Knicks Game, Reportedly Arrested (VIDEO)

Charles Oakley got into an ugly altercation in the stands during the first quarter of Wednesday night’s Knicks game … and appeared to strike members of security. The Knicks legend was hauled out and eventually arrested … according to the Knicks…


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Kailyn Lowry: I"m Having a Quarter Life Crisis!

It"s not exactly a secret that Kailyn Lowry has been having a tough year. Or a tough couple of years.

Really, poor ol" girl"s just had a tough life, but we don"t have time to go through all that sadness right now. So let"s just focus on 2016 and how it sincerely tried to destroy her.

At the beginning of the year, and all throughout the year, we"re sure, Kailyn was reeling after suffering a miscarriage.

The miscarriage, she"s said, contributed to to her divorce from husband Javi Marroquin, and that"s the thing that"s really thrown her for a loop for the past several months.

She"s been consistently making cryptic, worrisome posts on her various social media accounts, she"s gotten what seems like a significant amount of plastic surgery, she"s declared that she"ll never get married again.

Kailyn has also made statements that made it seem like her time with Teen Mom 2 is drawing to a close.

But, thank goodness, that time is not now.

Our girl here is back for the new season of the show, the one that premieres on Monday night, and we have a new clip from the first episode.

In this clip, Kailyn is dealing with what she calls a "quarter life crisis."

See the dramatic footage below:

Kailyn lowry im having a quarter life crisis

Monday, November 14, 2016

Lee Harvey Oswald -- Slap on the Assassin"s Handcuffs ... for At Least a Quarter Mil (PHOTOS)

The handcuffs used to arrest Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas can now be on your own wrists — or you could buy a decent home in Dallas. The cuffs that were slapped onto Oswald a little more than an hour after President Kennedy was assassinated are…
