Showing posts with label Oswald. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oswald. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2017

"Veep" Star Diedrich Bader Says Oswald Acted Alone in Kennedy Assassination

“Veep” star Diedrich Bader thinks the thousands of soon-to-be-released secret documents relating to the Kennedy assassination will not change the government’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Diedrich — who played Rex Kwando in…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Lee Harvey Oswald -- Slap on the Assassin"s Handcuffs ... for At Least a Quarter Mil (PHOTOS)

The handcuffs used to arrest Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas can now be on your own wrists — or you could buy a decent home in Dallas. The cuffs that were slapped onto Oswald a little more than an hour after President Kennedy was assassinated are…
