Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Big Bang Theory: The 19 Best Episodes of All Time!

The Big Bang Theory may be coming to an end after 12 seasons, but the record-smashing and also controversial comedy series will leave fans with countless episodes to watch and rewatch.

But which episodes are the very best?

Everyone has their own opinions on which episodes are the best, but we took a look at how the episodes are rated on IMDB to figure out which are the most beloved by fans.

There are a lot of holiday episodes.

Also, a lot of episodes with the word "excitation" in the title. Mere correlation or is there a causal factor?

Take a look at 19 of the very best episodes of this legendary series — and get excited about your next rewatch!

19. The Bath Gift Hypothesis

Bbt 01 the bath gift hypothesis

Season 2, Episode 11 — a Christmas episode and also the highest-rated episode. While Sheldon agonizes over what to get for Penny, because he wants to match her thoughtfulness instead of going overboard or giving her less than she deserves, Leonard is preoccupied. See, his buddy David has taken an instant shine to Penny and Leonard is having all kinds of feelings about it.

18. The Opening Night Excitation

Bbt 02 the opening night excitation

Season 9, Episode 11 — in a truly preposterous turn of events, Sheldon has only just now realized that Amy’s birthday is on the same day as the Star Wars premiere, as if everyone doesn’t spend the three months before any new Star Wars film worrying and stressing over it. Sheldon does confide in Penny and Bernadette that he’s ready to get physical with Amy.

17. The Staircase Implementation

Bbt 03 the staircase implementation

Season 3, Episode 22 — honestly, this one is a lot of people’s all-time favorite episodes. Leonard tells the story of how he ended up living with Sheldon and while he overlooked Sheldon’s personality quirks, as if Sheldon’s friendship weren’t an absolute gift. Also, fans finally learn why the elevator doesn’t work.

16. The Adhesive Duck Deficiency

Bbt 04 the adhesive duck deficiency

Season 3, Episode 8 — Leonard is with Raj and Woolowitz in the desert to witness a meteor shower. Sheldon stays home, but ends up bonding with Penny, who is sick. He accidentally touches her in a way that neither of them had intended. This was all leading up to fanservice, however, because he sings a new version of “Soft Kitty” to her.

15. The Maternal Capacitance

Bbt 05 the maternal capacitance

Season 2, Episode 15 — Christine Baranski is love, Christine Baranski is life, and she play’s Leonard’s mom. You know how you sometimes really bond with a friend’s parent? That happens with her and Sheldon, while she’s very critical of Leonard … and just about everyone else. Leonard and Penny get a little closer as a result of her visit, though.

14. The Thanksgiving Decoupling

Bbt 06 the thanksgiving decoupling

Season 7, Episode 9 — in yet another holiday episode on this list, awkwardness abounds at Thanksgiving. Sheldon is awkward around Bernadette, but her dad takes to Sheldon (and not to Howard Woolowitz) right away). In the mean time, Leonard does not love learning that Penny accidentally married her beautiful idiot boyfriend Zack years ago in Vegas. Whoops.

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