Showing posts with label Sober. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sober. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Luann de Lesseps: I"m 100 Days Sober & Making a Comeback!!

Money can’t buy you class, but some help and some hard work can get you your sobriety — and a comeback.

After missing last season’s reunion while in rehab, Luann is back.

Not only is she filming scenes for the new season, she’s celebrating 100 days of being sober.

Luann de Lesseps is back at it!

By it, we mean filming. She is still very much not drinking, thankfully.

TMZ reports that Countess Luann recently celebrated 100 days of sobriety.

As of Wednesday, November 14, it has been 121 days since we reported that she was returning to rehab.

(It may be that her celebration wasn’t so recent, or it may be that she’s not counting her time in rehab where there’s no temptation)

According to TMZ, her extended sobriety has resulted in a “domino effect” across multiple areas of her personal life.

And that positive spin has also extended to her professional life.

Luann has returned as a Full Housewife for the new season of The Real Housewives of New York City.

(We know that it was always expected, but there were people who thought that she’d quit or even get fired not so long ago)

In fact, TMZ reports that the Countess is already filming scenes for the new season.

After she missed the reunion taping last July, she had to play catch-up with Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live.

Recovering from a relapse can be rough, but hopefully, she won’t have to miss any filming this year.

She’s definitley closing 2018 on a more positive beat than she did the year before.

It’s been almost 11 months since Luann’s arrest in Florida in late 2017.

At the time, what could have been an awkward incident — or, at worst, a trespassing charge — turned into a scandal.

Luann apparently resisted arrest and even kicked an officer.

It’s an understatement to say that she was under the influence of alcohol at the time.

Though some have cynically suggested that she cleaned up her act as a ploy to avoid prison time, the arrest was a real wakeup call for Luann.

Luann entered rehab and returned to her life.

Everything seemed to go well for her … until this summer.

After receiving some upsetting news — that her ex was suing her — she ended up relapsing.

As is so often the case for people who abuse any kind of substance, she used the alcohol to self-medicate.

Luann drank an unbelievable amount at that time and realized that she had let her guard down.

So she returned to rehab, even though it mean missing the reunion special.

Her health was worth it.

Now, Luann has been sober for months.

And she aims to stay that way.

Some went so far as to suggest that Luann would no longer be “interesting” as a Housewife if she isn’t drinking.

That is ridiculous, of course.

Not everyone “needs” to drink in order to be fun or interesting.

Without alcohol, Luann is healthier and happier and able to be more present.

Good for her.


Monday, November 12, 2018

Ashley Jacobs: Kathryn Dennis is LYING About Being Sober!

One woman’s redemption arc is another woman’s villain origin story — but is everything as it appears?

Former Southern Charm villain Ashley Jacobs says that she never wanted to be Kathryn Dennis’ enemy.

But Ashley also says that Kathryn isn’t sober and has never been sober, and that her trip to rehab was a publicity stunt.

Ashley Jacobs took to Instagram to chat with fans … and she began by sharing that she was asked to return to Southern Charm.

(Others, including Patricia Altschul, have suggested that Ashley was never invited back)

“They wanted me to film with Eliza Limehouse and one other cast member,” Ashley claims.

Ashley even furnishes additional details, writing: “They asked us to film while getting our nails done.”

“Kathryn and Eliza do not get along,” Ashley shares. “So it felt like a setup.”

Ashley and Kathryn’s feud was a major storyline last season.

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 01

“My intent is not to hurt her,” Ashley says.

Contrary to how it has appeared, Ashley writes: “I have no animosity towards her.”

You know how sometimes a discussion seems settled, and then someone texts I just think it’s funny that

That’s what Ashley does here.

“But I think it’s wrong to pretend you are sober and to use it as a platform if it’s not true,” Ashley writes.

Ashley explains that she objects to Kathryn’s alleged lies because they’re an insult to real sober folks.

“There are people that are truly trying to turn their lives around,” Ashley says.

She insists that: “It’s not something you lie about.”

Ashley, we should probably note, is a registered nurse.

People in the medical profession can be particularly sensitive to what addiction can do to people.

“Considering [Kathryn]was seen at [Vintage Lounge] and several [other] bars on Saturday night drinking… I think it’s pretty clear,” Ashley concludes.

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 02

Ashley then doubles down on her insistence that Ashley is not and has not been sober.

“She was never sober,” Ashley insists. “Rehab was paid for by Bravo.”

“She didn’t complete the program,” Ashley claims. “It was a publicity stunt.”

“As soon as she came back to Charleston she was seen drinking at Halls, Vintage, Deco, Republic… the list goes on,” Ashley reports.

“She doesn’t try to hide it,” Ashley adds.

“In Charleston everyone is aware,” she says to explain that she’s not starting this rumor. “I’m not broadcasting it.”

“In Charleston everyone knows,” Ashley repeats. “She just hides it well on social media.”

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 03

Despite having just put Kathryn on blast and accusing her of being a lying hypocrite as well as an addict, Ashley laments that they’re not friends.

“The interesting thing is,” Ashley points out. “She was painted as the villain for several seasons.”

Yep. And then, very notably, Kathryn became a much more chill person.

“I know she understands what I am going through,” Ashley says.

“I wish we could have used the common ground as a foundation for a positive relationship,” Ashley says.

Ashley Jacobs exposes Kathryn Dennis on IG 04

If Ashley really did hope to become friends with Kathryn, these comments are not the way to do it.

Perhaps she just figures that it’s too late anyway.

We have to say that dating Kathryn’s ex who is also her baby daddy was probably not the best way to make a good first impression.

Also, no amount of “editing” could make their on-camera interactions last season seem anything but hostile.

We know that Ashley has admitted that she did not respond well to being on a realtiy show.

(We are also fully aware of the way that Thomas would bait her into getting upset, as was pointed out by the other stars)

But ultimately, Ashley chose to have an adversarial relationship with Kathryn.

As for Ashley’s accusation against Kathryn … we obviously can’t vouch for them.

We can confirm that Ashley tested positive for marijuana (who cares) and cocaine (okay that one’s not ideal) in her system.

It was because of that drug test that Thomas got custody of their children. Only this summer did Kathryn start fighting back.

While Kathryn has spoken about her sobriety, that word can mean different things to different people.

Some people get sober from hard drugs but continue to use marijuana, often as a medicine.

Others might do the same but continue to drink alcohol, especially socially.

That said, we’re not saying that this is what Kathryn is doing.

We’re inclined to take Ashley’s statements with a grain of salt.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Matt Brown Checks Out of Rehab, Vows to Remain Sober

Back in September, Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown checked himself into rehab after a family intervention.

Now there is some very promising news that is sure to please the entire Brown family.

Matt is out of rehab!

RadarOnline reports that Matt Brown is freshly out of rehab, which he had entered to get a handle on his drinking.

“Matt voluntarily checked himself out of rehab in late October,” reveals an insider close to the Brown family.

“And,” the source shares. “He is continuing outpatient treatment at a nearby facility.”

That is very good to know — sometimes, a relapse right after leaving rehab is a risk.

Outpatient treatments can help provide continued support.

“He is doing really good right now,” the insider says.

“And,” the source elaborates. “He is committed to his sobriety.”

“His family is very proud of him,” the insider adds.

That is no surprise. Sobriety can be difficult to achieve.

The Brown family loves and supports Matt and they know how difficult it can be to overcome a substance abuse issue.

There’s more to leaving rehab than the support of your family — though that, of course, is important.

“Matt has been attending recovery meetings,” the source says.

The insider says that Matt has used these peer groups “and has been working with a sober coach.”

We previously reported that Matt would hire a sober coach, even when he was still in rehab.

A sobriety coach can provide one-on-one assistance that a support group often cannot.

The source says that Matt is doing all of this “as well as going to therapy and counseling to battle his addictions.”

It’s great that Matt is recovering and is on a path to avoid a relapse.

The reason that he (once again) struggled with alcohol abuse was, as is usually the case, self-medication.

It was explained that he started drinking as a “way to deal with his mother Ami’s cancer diagnosis.”

There were times last year when everyone — including the Brown family — believed that Ami would die from lung cancer.

The odds were stacked against her, but she defied all expectations.

But the stress of her cancer battle — and the health scares that followed — exacted a toll on her loved ones, including Matt.

Alaskan Bush People - Matt Brown Hammers

As we previously reported, Matt Brown was feeling “ready to leave” after only a few weeks of rehab.

“Matt thinks that he is ready to leave after 30 days and everyone is urging him to stay in,” a worried source revealed at the time.

“He says that he is almost ready and can handle this on his own now,” that insider added.

According to reports, he wisely remained until he had completed his 30-day stint.

He was also sure to line up all of these safeguards so that he could continue to maintain his health.

This was Matt’s second time having to fight an uphill battle to regain his sobriety.

The first time was in 2016.

At that time, he became more withdrawn and realized that his behavior and drinking were caught in a downward spiral.

Fortunately, Matt has a very supportive family — and the resources to afford first-rate care and counseling to tackle this issue head-on.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Demi Lovato Hanging Out Again, Getting Coffee With Sober Buddy Henry Levy

Demi Lovato has what appears to be a constant companion, and he has a few things in common with her that are now the centerpiece of her life — addiction and sobriety.  We just got these photos of Demi and clothing guru Henry…


Friday, October 19, 2018

Matt Brown: Hiring a Sober Coach After Rehab

Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown was forced into rehab following a family intervention.

After about 30 days of treatment, he reportedly feels like he has things under control and is ready to leave rehab.

But his family has serious concerns that if he halts treatment now, he could relapse again.

Matt Brown checked into rehab in September. it has now been about a month.

And RadarOnline reports that Matt is itching to leave treatment and return home, believing that he is now well enough to do so.

An insider says that Billy and Ami are talking Matt into “hiring a sober coach to work with him on the outside.

That way, Matt can continue to work on this “after he gets out of rehab.”

“His family has been visiting him,” the source reports.

“And,” the insider reveals. “He is doing great.”

Doing well in rehab does not always translate to having made a full recovery and being ready to go out into the world.

“But,” the source says. “Matt thinks that he is ready to leave after 30 days.”

His family has some serious concerns that he might be jumping the gun a little.

The Browns have their doubts, the insider shares, “and everyone is urging him to stay in.”

“He says that he is almost ready,” the source reveals. “And can handle this on his own now.”

His confidence is certainly encouraging, but sometimes staying with a program for a little longer can do a world of good.

You can love and trust someone while also encouraging them to keep getting help.

“While his father and mother are fully supportive of him,” the insider begins.

The source continues: “they are really hoping that Matt stay focused on his sobriety when he is out of rehab.”

“And,” the insider adds, Billy and Ami hope and pray “that he continues going to meetings.”

The source also says that Mat’s parents would like for Matt to keep up with meetings “and seeing a therapist.”

This is not Matt Brown’s first time in rehab.

After his previous stint getting help with his alcohol consumption in 2016, Matt was very frank with fans.

“I could see myself spiraling,” he told his fans and followers.

“I was more withdrawn,” Matt continued. “I was slower.”

He also shared that “Things did not excite me the way that they used to.”

While a lot of that may sound like depression symptoms, remember that alcohol is an intensely addictive depressant.

Alaskan Bush People - Matt Brown Hammers

Matt also spoke to People about his decision to again go to rehab.

“I struggle with substance abuse,” Matt said in a straightforward manner.

“And after a year of ups and downs,” Matt continued. “I decided to return to treatment.”

Reports say that it was during the worst moments of his mother’s cancer battle that Matt began drinking again.

“I am really grateful for everyone’s support,” he shared.

“And,” Matt concluded, he has “hope to have my life back on track soon.”

As we reported earlier this month, Alaskan Bush People was renewed for Season 9.

Apparently part of this upcoming season will focus upon Matt’s struggles with alcohol addiction and his journey back to sobriety.

It takes a lot of bravery to admit that you have a problem and to seek help with it.

Good for Matt for not only doing so, but agreeing to share his story with fans and viewers.

He may inspire others to transform their own lives.


Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Situation: I"ve Been Sober for Almost Three Years!

Remember back in the old days of Jersey Shore, before any of the cast members had kids and they were just out there, living their messiest lives?

Those were wild times, right?

And, looking back, they were actually kind of sad times, too.

While Ronnie and Sam’s terrible relationship made for some fantastic reality television, it was also pretty remarkably unhealthy.

Since Ronnie’s in another remarkably unhealthy relationship these days, complete with domestic violence charges, things obviously haven’t changed too much for him.

Snooki and JWoww are both married with kids, and Deena is married and pregnant.

Sammi is trying to lead a more private life now with her boyfriend, and Pauly D and Vinny both seem happy with the lives they’ve made for themselves.

As for Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino … boy, he sure was a piece of work, huh?

He partied as much as the rest of his co-stars back in the day, maybe even more.

After all, he did go to rehab in 2012 to get help for an addiction to pills.

In 2015, he suffered an injury at the gym, and his doctor prescribed him painkillers, which led to a relapse.

He went to rehab again after that, and as he announced in a new post on Instagram, he’s been clean ever since!

In his post, he shared two photos — one of him in the neck brace he wore in season four after he ran headfirst into a wall during an argument with Ronnie, and one of him proposing to his now-fiancée, Lauren Pesce.

“33 Months Clean & Sober,” he wrote for his caption.

“Went from Running into a Wall to Down on One Knee. We do recover.”

It has been a pretty amazing transformation, honestly.

And most of his fellow Jersey Shore cast members have taken the time to praise him for his hard work.

“Proud of u my bro,” Pauly D wrote in a comment on Mike’s post.

“Love you Mike!!!!!” Deena told him. “So proud of you brother.”

Snooki said “I am legit crying im so proud of you,” which is really sweet.

Even Angelina popped in with a simple comment of “resilience,” and how crazy is that?

Besides the Jersey Shore crew, tons and tons of his followers flooded the comments to tell him how proud they were of him, what a great role model he’s become, that sort of thing.

And those people are right — he really has turned his life around in a major way.

Back in the day, he was really just a seriously obnoxious douchebag who got arrested and sued pretty regularly, and he even thought it was a good idea to commit tax fraud.

Just take a look at the top portion of that “then and now” photo he shared: that’s a photo of a guy who got into a dumb argument with his roommate and decided to ram his head directly into the wall for reasons that we still can’t quite understand.

But now, he’s settled down, he’s pretty likable, he’s getting his legal issues sorted (even if that means spending some serious time in prison).

He’s even getting married.

So good on you, The Situation. Good on you.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Justin Bieber Stunned by Demi Lovato"s OD, "I Thought She was Sober"

Demi Lovato’s overdose after an all-night party has been a sad shock to her fans and friends … including her old friend, Justin Bieber. JB was out in Beverly Hills Wednesday when a photog asked him if he’s spoken to Demi yet … he says he…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott: Getting Sober to Save Their Marriage?!

Even though that their marriage seems to be one long rough patch, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are still together after 12 years.

This despite the fact that Dean’s been caught cheating on multiple occasions and the two of them don’t even really seem to like each other.

Lately, it’s Tori and Dean’s money troubles that have grabbed them the most tabloid headlines, and it’s not hard to see why.

After all, these aren’t typical celebrity money problems like when Johnny Depp was forced to sell his yacht.

No, this is coupon-clipping, mayonnaise sandwich-eating, regular folk poverty.

Last year alone, Tori and Dean were sued twice by American Express for separate outstanding debts totaling $ 87,595 and $ 37,981, respectively.

Add to that the couple’s two federal tax liens for  $ 707,487 and $ 184,390, and it’s plain to see that Tori and Dean are pretty screwed.

Last year, Spelling and McDermott sold their mansion in posh Calabasas and relocated to the considerably less-posh Encino.

But apparently, that wasn’t enough to pull them out of the hole they’re in.

Even after taking several severe austerity measures, McDermott was nearly imprisoned for unpaid child support.

It’s enough to make outsiders wonder what the hell Tori and Dean are doing wrong.

In all likelihood, a combination of factors and circumstances have landed the couple in their current predicament, but those who know them best say the McDermotts’ substance abuse certainly isn’t helping their situation.

It’s sort of a chicken-and-egg situation, as Tori’s pill-popping has reportedly worsened in response to her financial woes, but the consensus seems to be that both she and Dean need to sober up before it’s too late.

“They know their lives and the lives of their kids are hanging in the balance,” a source close to the pair tells Radar Online.

“They have to pull it together before it’s too late.”

Being born extremely wealthy is objectively good in most respects, but it doesn’t prepare you for financial difficulties later in life.

And it seems Tori is beginning to crack under the pressure.

“Tori is losing it, mentally and physically. She’s been depressed, anxious and behaving erratically,” says the source.

“She is crying to anyone who will listen that she feels backed up on a ledge.”

The insider adds that Tori was prescribed various anti-anxiety medications by her doctor, and has since become addicted to the pills:

“Tori has been dependent on the meds,” the informant says.

“They were affecting her behavior. She and Dean decided it would be best for her to wean herself off the pills, so she could be 100 percent present for her husband and her children.”

For his part, McDermott sobered up in 2014 after decades of alcoholism, but he’s reportedly fallen off the wagon in recent months.

“Dean’s drinking led to him cheating on Tori in December 2013,” says the source. 

“And this only added to Tori’s stress.”

The insider claims that neither Tori and Dean are completely sober yet, but both have taken steps to curtail their substance intake.

“Once Tori began to get her meds under control, Dean decided to get sober, too,” said the source.

“They know it’s their last chance.”

Yeesh. Look, we might make fun of Tori and Dean a lot here, but it sounds like these two are in desperate need of serious help, and we certainly hope they get it.

It’s not fun to rip on them unless they have their sh-t at least partially together.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Demi Lovato Seems to Reveal She"s "Not Sober Anymore" in New Song

It appears Demi Lovato has relapsed after 6 years of sobriety … at least based on the lyrics in her new single.  The singer — who struggled with bouts of cocaine addiction — dropped the surprise track, “Sober” Thursday and sings,…


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Eminem: I"m Ten Years Sober!

Big news for Eminem this weekend …

He just announced that Friday marked ten whole years of being clean and sober!

“Celebrated my 10 years yesterday,” he wrote on Instagram, along with a photo of his ten-year chip from his recovery program.

And really, isn’t this just amazing?

Eminem doesn’t do too many interviews, but in an old one from 2011, he explained just how bad things got before he was able to get clean.

Apparently his drug problem began back in 2002, when he was filming 8 Mile.

He said that the days were very long, and he was only able to sleep at certain times, so to help him out, someone gave him an Ambien.

He enjoyed it and got a prescription, and after building a tolerance, he slowly began taking more than he was supposed to take at a time.

“Then,” he said, “when I got off probation for my felonies and I didn’t have to drop urine anymore, the reins came off,” and when he went on tour in 2005, “I was f-cked up every night.”

After that, Em said that he felt like he needed to take pills to “feel normal,” and to get high he had to take “a ridiculous amount.”

“I want to say in a day I could consume anywhere from 40 to 60 Valium. And Vicodin … maybe 20, 30? I don’t know. I was taking a lot of sh-t.”

See what we mean about how amazing it is that he’s 10 years clean now?

But even though his addiction was clearly terrible then, things got even worse in 2006 when his friend and fellow rapper Proof was killed.

“I remember days I spent just f-cking taking pills and crying,” he recounted in the interview.

“It creeps me out sometimes to think of the person I was. I was a terrible person. I was mean to people. I treated people around me sh-tty.”

In December of 2007, he overdosed on methadone — he’d begun taking it because he was told it was similar to Vicodin.

He doesn’t remember much about the overdose, but he recalled collapsing in his bathroom and then waking up in the hospital. Doctors told him that he was “about two hours from dying.”

After a week in the hospital, he went home, but he hadn’t fully detoxed. He said that he was very weak, and he somehow tore the cartilage in his knee and required surgery.

But since he still had the methadone in his system, he had a seizure and had to go back to the hospital for a third time.

Remarkably, after surviving all that, he relapsed again a few weeks after being released, and he said that’s when he knew that “I either get help, or I am going to die.”

And apparently, judging by his new Instagram post, he finally became clean on April 20th, 2008!

As you probably know, Eminem has many, many diehard fans, so he received a whole, whole bunch of support after sharing this milestone.

So many people congratulated him on his achievement, and others shared that he had inspired them to get clean as well.

A few people suggested that this chip proves that he’s a member of the Illuminati, because you know there’s always some of those fools out there.

To celebrate his anniversary — or maybe not to celebrate, but hey, it’s happening — Eminem will be performing tonight at Coachella.

If you’re out there and happen to see him, be sure to applaud him for this!


Friday, April 13, 2018

Ryan Edwards: I Can"t Get Sober, I"m Too Famous!

If you’d been told a few years ago that Ryan Edwards would end up having possibly the saddest, most disturbing story out of all the Teen Mom crew, would you have believed it?

Maybe, maybe not.

Ryan’s always been a jackass and a deadbeat dad, but unfortunately that’s not so uncommon when it comes to this show.

He’s rarely shown interest in his son Bentley, and Maci Bookout has always had a hard time trying to co-parent with him.

The whole cat-killing fiasco was definitely terrifying — remember, Ryan bragged about killing a bunch of feral cats after luring them onto his property back in 2016?

But last year when it was revealed that he’d developed a heroin addiction and that he’d been shooting up and driving around town, well …

Way to reach Jenelle levels of horrifying, Ryan.

He married Mackenzie Standifer last May, and as we saw on the show, he was nodding off while driving to the ceremony.

Shortly after the wedding he ended up in rehab, but he left early, and when he came back home, he seemed to replace heroin with booze.

He was so drunk at his second wedding that he was slurring his words, and he barely seemed like he understood what was going on.

Things became worse and worse as time went on, to the point where many fans suspect he was high during this week’s season finale.

It looked like he was nodding off again, and at times it looked like he was starting to go through withdrawals.

It’s all bad, it’s all terrible, and since last month he was arrested for violating his probation then received restraining orders from Maci and her family after threatening them, things have certainly gotten worse.

But, as Ryan explains to Dr. Drew in next week’s reunion special, he can’t get help for any of these issues.

“Why’s that?” you might be wondering. “Surely he can afford another go at rehab, or at least a therapist. If not, meetings are free!”

Those are valid things to wonder, but the thing is, Ryan is famous. And so he simply can’t do these things.

It doesn’t make any sense at all, but let’s just hear him out, all right?

In the sneak peek, Dr. Drew asks him how he’s doing, and he says he’s doing good, and the good doctor asks him about what he’s doing to stay clean.

“I still talk to my therapist that was in treatment with me,” Ryan says. “I’ll call him up every once in a while now, it used to be a lot more, now it’s every once in a while.”

“But I have Mackenzie and my mom and dad, you know?”

Dr. Drew isn’t having it, and he tells him that he’s sure he’s been advised to get more help than that.

“Yeah,” Ryan admits. “We went through that counseling, it’s honestly hard to find a counselor ‘cause of this TV show.”

Mackenzie backs him up, but again, Dr. Drew isn’t having it — maybe because he used to have a show that was completely centered on helping addicts on TV.

Ryan claims that therapists have told him that they wouldn’t see him “because I don’t think the TV show and you are a good idea.”

Drew tries to be nice about it and advises him to find someone else because “that’s a very strange move, at the very least you could commit to them, you wouldn’t bring cameras in.”

Because obviously the issue the counselor had was Ryan filming therapy, not him getting therapy at all.

But Mackenzie circled back, saying that it was “really hard” because “they just said addicts are selfish and Ryan is selfish and this show makes him selfish and so he couldn’t be a part of the group unless he quit his job, which, whatever.”

Yeah, that 100% never happened.

It really sounds like Ryan did try to go to therapy but was told that his sessions couldn’t be filmed and that it would be a good idea for his sobriety if he got off the show altogether, which is probably true.

And then, of course, he and Mackenzie are twisting it to make it sound like people on TV shows can’t get help, which is obviously very, very untrue.

As a sad little bonus, Dr. Drew suggests a 12-step program, to which Ryan replies “I just don’t, I mean, I …”

Drew tells him that it’s free and available everywhere, and he says “I guess it is.”

No, buddy, it definitely is.

At the end, Dr. Drew lays it out for him by saying that he personally knows tons and tons of people on TV shows and in movies that were able to get treatment.

But Ryan really is not interested.

It’s sad that he and Mackenzie are trying to say that he’s not able to get help when it’s so obviously not the case.

On Teen Mom OG, every single mom has gotten therapy at one point or another, and it’s even been filmed — Maci, Amber, Farrah, and Catelynn have all managed to find someone to work with them.

It’s a ridiculous excuse Ryan’s come up with here, and it really seems to suggest that he’s not sober and has no intentions of getting that way anytime soon.


Monday, April 9, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: I"m Finally Sober!

Catelynn Lowell has made no secret of her struggles with mental illness and addiction in recent years.

While critics have called Catelynn a drug addict and attempted to stigmatize her battle with PTSD, the Teen Mom OG star has continued to serve as a reminder that those who face their demons should be applauded, not condemned.

No doubt many young moms in Lowell’s position would to to great lengths to hide their diagnoses for fear of public judgement.

But Cate has remained refreshingly candid every step of the way and has no doubt earned quite a few new fans in th process.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, Catelynn made a major revelation about her sobriety over the weekend after a fan accused her of being an addict.

“Been sober for five months,” Lowell revealed.

Cate has stated in the past that her main addiction was to marijuana, and she says she now takes great pride in the fact that she hasn’t smoked in several months.

While marijuana is not the first substance that springs to mind when one thinks of a drug dependency, Catelynn’s course of treatment required her to free herself from all chemicals that she had been using as psychological crutches.

Lowell says that during her first stint in rehab, she became aware that she’s more dependent on pot than she had previously realized.

“She detoxed from marijuana while in treatment in which she admittedly used as a crutch for her anxiety,” an insider reportedly told Radar in January.

“She’s sober from alcohol too.”

Lowell made a previous attempt to quit smoking, but her mother-in-law Kim famously called her out in a 2016 episode of TMOG.

That same year, Catelynn was shown smoking pot while driving, which caused many fans to criticize her on social media.

Cate says she spent several years under the impression that marijuana was helping to reduce her anxiety and depression but now realizes it was simply making her emotional state even worse.

Now it seems quitting weed is another step in a long process that recently involved some major changes in her medication regimen:

“I feel way better,” Cate recently said on Kail Lowry‘s Coffee Convos podcast.

“I did a whole med switch and genetic testing. 

“I found out that the medication I was on for five years doesn’t even work for me,” she added.

“They put me on different medications and they seem to be working really well. It all stems from the trauma of my past so I’m going to have to keep digging into that.”

We wish Ms. Lowell all the best in her continued journey toward greater mental health.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more of Cate’s courageous struggle.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Recap: Sex Doll Sammi & the Sober Situation

Jersey Shore Family Vacation made its long-awaited debut on MTV last night, and the consensus among viewers seems to be that while the guidos and guidettes didn’t quite deliver the same bonkers energy and smush-room shenanigans of their initial run, it was nice to check in with TV’s most heavily spray-tanned cast.

Of course, not everyone was able to make it to South Beach to enjoy all the fist-pumping and facial fillers.

Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola was sadly absent from the reunion for reasons that weren’t made entirely clear in last night’s episode.

(In a recent Instagram post, Sammi explained that she’s in a “completely different place” in her life these days, and she wants to avoid potentially “TOXIC SITUATIONS,” which most interpreted as a jab at her ex, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.)

But that doesn’t mean Sammi was forgotten.

No, the cast paid tribute to Giancola with a sex doll forged in her image.

The disturbing doppelganger even sported a t-shirt reading “I’m in a really good place right now” and spouted pre-recorded snippets of dialogue, most notably, “Roooon, stahhhhp!”

And with that appropriately tawdry blast from the past (and the help of a few dozen liters of wine) the initial awkwardness of reuniting comes to an end and the cast is officially ready to make Miami a much greasier place.

Of course, a lot has changed since the guidos parted ways in Seaside Heights way back in 2011.

Snooki, JWoww and Pauly D all have kids now. Ronnie’s girlfriend is seven months pregnant. Vinny is so committed to his keto diet he won’t even dog a slice of pizza while thoroughly hammered.

And of course, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino might soon be imprisoned for tax evasion.

Sorrentino’s legal entanglements very nearly prevented him from making the trip, but when he did finally meet up with his former roommates, we learned that he’s matured into a very different Sitch.

The Situation is sober and in a relationship now, which should put him in a prime position to be incredibly bored and mildly irritated for the remainder of the season.

Of course, these days, Mike is actually well-liked by the rest of the cast (with the apparent exception of Ronnie), which means he’ll likely receive plenty of support from people who want to make sure he stays on the wagon and out of prison.

Frankly, we have mixed feelings about Sorrentino’s current … situation.

Yes, it’s nice that he’s grown into a better person, but will a sober, non-confrontational Sitch bring much to the table in terms of entertainment value?

And we won’t even get into the ethical questions about tossing a recently-convicted felon and a recovering addict into a lion’s den of temptation.

The premiere episode concluded with blackouts of both the electrical and drunken variety, as well as the decision to toss Sex Doll Sammi into the pool.

This led to Snooki losing her wedding rings, which in turn, led her to drunkenly arriving at the decision to go home.

Obviously, she’s not really gonna leave, and considering her earnings have been in the seven-figure range for nearly a decade now, it’s hard to get too concerned about her lost diamonds.

Ultimately, the final scene served to remind us that while Family Vacation may be entertaining at times, the cast will never be able to recapture the lightning in a bottle that was their first run on MTV.

While episodes used to conclude with barroom brawls, now we have concocted drama over lost jewelry.

All-in-all, it was a step up from the abysmally lame Jersey Shore reunion special that aired last year, but these guidos will need to step their game up if they want to continue leading fans into the smush room.
