Showing posts with label Situation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Situation. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino Gets Surrender Date for Prison

For a guy who’s going to prison, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s got a lot to smile about because he won’t be locked up until next year … TMZ has learned. According to docs filed Monday … Sitch must surrender to the Bureau of Prisons no sooner…


Friday, October 12, 2018

Ron Howard Calls for Law Enforcement to Probe President Trump"s Tax Situation

The American people deserve an FBI investigation into President Trump’s taxes because where there’s smoke, there’s often fire … according to Ron Howard, who says there’s only one reason it hasn’t happened yet. The beloved director,…


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Star The Situation Planning For Life of Luxury After Prison

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is planning on a life of luxury when he gets home from prison … Exhibit A — his wedding registry.  The Situation is marrying college sweetheart Lauren Pesce, November 1 (he has 60 days to turn himself in)…


Saturday, October 6, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Cast Visits The Situation Day After He Receives Prison Sentence

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s pals from ‘Jersey Shore’ aren’t going to leave him hanging now that he’s been sentenced to hard time. JWoww, Pauly D, Ronnie, Vinnie, Angelina, Deena and Snooki all showed up at Sitch’s apartment in Long Branch, NJ…


The Situation: Sentenced to 8 Months in Prison!

Forgive the most obvious pun in the history of writing, but it simply must be done.

And here it goes:

Mike Sorrentino officially finds himself in a bad situation.

As sorry as we are for going there, we’re guessing this Jersey Shore mainstay is even more sorry at the moment for having not paid his taxes back in the day.

He has been sentenced to eight months in jail as a result.

The MTV personality and his brother Marc were indicted in September 2014.

Then, in January of this year, they pleaded guilty to one count of tax evasion and actually faced a five-year prison sentence. (Marc was sentenced to 24 months in prison on Friday.)

Fast forward seven days to this morning and The Situation was accompanied to the courthouse by fiancee Lauren Pesce.

All the familiar Jersey Shore names — Jenni “JWoww” Farley, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, Deena Cortese, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, Vinny Guadagnino, Pauly “DJ Pauly D” DelVecchio and Angelina Pivarnick — were all spotted on the scene as well.

So Sorrentino at least had plenty of support when he learned his fate.

On top of the eight-month prison sentence, Mike must also complete 500 hours of community service and was given $ 123,913 in restitution already paid, plus a fine of $ 10,000 that must be paid within 30 days.

The day before the sentencing, Snooki told Us Weekly that the cast was “hoping for the best,” adding of The Situation:

“He’s just such a good person. He changed for the better. He’s a totally different person. He doesn’t deserve this right now, but obviously you gotta get that done.”

Sorrentio and Pesce are allegedly planning a prison wedding at some point within the next year, as Mike tries to give himself something positive to look forward to in light of this news.

In pre-sentencing memos obtained by the Associated Press yesterday, Sorrentino’s lawyer argued he should receive probation, stating that the MTV star played a minimal role in the supposed financial conspiracy …

… and has worked diligently to overcome substance abuse in the time since his arrest.

Conversely, prosecutors asked for a jail sentence of 14 months, arguing that such time would send the message that “tax fraud will be met with real punishment.”

They also noted that Sorrentino’s substance addiction didn’t stop him from structuring cash deposits to avoid government scrutiny.

Sorrentino has been to rehab on two occasions to try and overcome this addiction.

Earlier this year, he told People Magazine that he has “worked so hard to turn my life around and be the best person I can be,” adding the following of appearing on Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2.

“I had a very strong foundation for my recovery with over two years [sober] when I entered the house.

“But I did have to challenge myself to go out and film a whole season of Jersey Shore and have fun without alcohol — to show the youth out there that it is possible.”

The Situation’s status for Season 3 of this reality show revival is unknown right now.

But it isn’t looking good.


Friday, October 5, 2018

"Jersey Shore" Cast Shows Up to Support The Situation for Tax Evasion Sentencing

It’s D-Day for Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino – who just arrived at federal court in Newark, NJ to find out if he’s going to prison for evading his taxes — and he’s got the whole ‘Jersey Shore’ crew with him. The ‘Jersey Shore’ star is…


Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Situation: I"ve Been Sober for Almost Three Years!

Remember back in the old days of Jersey Shore, before any of the cast members had kids and they were just out there, living their messiest lives?

Those were wild times, right?

And, looking back, they were actually kind of sad times, too.

While Ronnie and Sam’s terrible relationship made for some fantastic reality television, it was also pretty remarkably unhealthy.

Since Ronnie’s in another remarkably unhealthy relationship these days, complete with domestic violence charges, things obviously haven’t changed too much for him.

Snooki and JWoww are both married with kids, and Deena is married and pregnant.

Sammi is trying to lead a more private life now with her boyfriend, and Pauly D and Vinny both seem happy with the lives they’ve made for themselves.

As for Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino … boy, he sure was a piece of work, huh?

He partied as much as the rest of his co-stars back in the day, maybe even more.

After all, he did go to rehab in 2012 to get help for an addiction to pills.

In 2015, he suffered an injury at the gym, and his doctor prescribed him painkillers, which led to a relapse.

He went to rehab again after that, and as he announced in a new post on Instagram, he’s been clean ever since!

In his post, he shared two photos — one of him in the neck brace he wore in season four after he ran headfirst into a wall during an argument with Ronnie, and one of him proposing to his now-fiancée, Lauren Pesce.

“33 Months Clean & Sober,” he wrote for his caption.

“Went from Running into a Wall to Down on One Knee. We do recover.”

It has been a pretty amazing transformation, honestly.

And most of his fellow Jersey Shore cast members have taken the time to praise him for his hard work.

“Proud of u my bro,” Pauly D wrote in a comment on Mike’s post.

“Love you Mike!!!!!” Deena told him. “So proud of you brother.”

Snooki said “I am legit crying im so proud of you,” which is really sweet.

Even Angelina popped in with a simple comment of “resilience,” and how crazy is that?

Besides the Jersey Shore crew, tons and tons of his followers flooded the comments to tell him how proud they were of him, what a great role model he’s become, that sort of thing.

And those people are right — he really has turned his life around in a major way.

Back in the day, he was really just a seriously obnoxious douchebag who got arrested and sued pretty regularly, and he even thought it was a good idea to commit tax fraud.

Just take a look at the top portion of that “then and now” photo he shared: that’s a photo of a guy who got into a dumb argument with his roommate and decided to ram his head directly into the wall for reasons that we still can’t quite understand.

But now, he’s settled down, he’s pretty likable, he’s getting his legal issues sorted (even if that means spending some serious time in prison).

He’s even getting married.

So good on you, The Situation. Good on you.


Friday, June 15, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: A Proposal Situation

The problem with reality television in the age of social media is that real-time spoilers are pretty much unavoidable.

For example, we’ve known for months that Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is engaged to Lauren Pesce, so any suspense on last night’s Jersey Shore Family Vacation regarding whether or not JWoww will ruin his proposal because Mike threatened to throw a pie in her face (?!?!?) didn’t really have us chewing our cuticles with anticipation.

But before the guidos could make way for Lauren, they had to say goodbye to Vinny’s mother, Paula, and his uncle Nino.

There’s a strong possibility that Vin’s uncle is named Nino Guadagnino, but that doesn’t even crack the top ten on the list of funniest things about the guy.

So it makes sense that Vinny and company would decide to hit him with an old-fashioned roasting as a parting gift.

Unfortunately, Nino’s neurons have been pounded flat like a cutlet from five decades of constant chianti consumption, and he now only speaks a language of his own invention, a la Nell.

Meanwhile, Paula advises Ronnie that he should hold off on marrying Jen if he’s not certain that he loves her.

Yes, folks, it was bound to happen eventually — someone finally issued good advice on an episode of Jersey Shore.

As we mentioned earlier, there’s a subplot in which Jenni indignantly adjusts her old lady glasses while threatening to mess up Mike’s proposal to Lauren, but we’re almost certain nothing is gonna come of it.

And thus, as has so often been the case this season, the episode really belongs to Ronnie.

In a surprising conversation with the girls, Ron reveals that Jen cheated on him in the past:

“I want to be with her, I love her, I just don’t know where her heart is,” Ronnie says.

“Truthfully, I just don’t trust her.

“Nobody’s perfect. I did my dirt too so I can just say, like, ‘It was her.’ But everything I did was a reaction to her actions,” he continues.

“I’m also not used to being with someone like myself. Like, I met my match.”

Jeez, she’s been pregnant the whole time they’ve been together! Where did she even find the time?!

The sad confessions continue — appropriately enough — in the confessional room, where Ron breaks down in tears after confessing that he’s jealous of Mike’s, ahem, situation.

“I want a family, I want to be happy, I want to be in Mike’s shoes. I want to propose. I want to have the feeling of more than just, ‘We’re together and we have a kid.’ I want more than that,” says a tearful Ronnie.

“Everyone else goes and lives their lives, and they’re f—king happy and I don’t have all the s—t they have. It’s just me. Who the f—k is the right person at this point?”

We’d like to say there’s a happy ending to this situation, but — spoiler alert! — Ronnie and Jen are still fighting nonstop and making each other miserable.

In fact, just yesterday, filming on a second season of Family Vacation was halted due to the fact that the season was to take place in Vegas — where Ronnie and Jen live — and their relationship drama was so intense that the production had to be moved to Jersey.

When reality television producers are like, “Whoa, this is all way too intense,” you know things have gotten out of hand.

Watch Jersey Shore online to relive the many trials of Ron.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Ex-"Bachelorette" Star Robby Hayes Says Producers Screwed Up Lincoln Adim Situation

JoJo Fletcher’s runner-up on her season of “The Bachelorette” can’t figure out how Lincoln Adim got on the show, because the screening process probes for past crimes. We got Robby Hayes Wednesday in Venice and asked if ‘Bachelorette’…


Friday, May 4, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: Ronnie"s French Fry Situation Gets Greasy

Rahn, stahp!

Those are the words that viewers might find themselves shouting at their screens throughout the study in arrested development that is Jersey Shore Family Vacation.

Several members of the guido squadron have matured in surprising and satisfying ways, but as Pauly D so eloquently observed, Ronnie-Ortiz Magro remains the president for life of the IFF (the esteemed I’m F–ked Foundation).

This week’s episode saw Ronnie making a brave and foolish gambit by sticking to his “deny everything” credo.

(To his credit, we suppose it takes balls to go on TV and admit that the guiding motto of your life is “lie all the time.”)

Just last month, Ronnie welcomed his first child, but at the time JSFV was filmed, his then-girlfriend, Jen Harley, was pregnant with Magro’s baby.

Needless to say, really adds an additional layer of awfulness to his decision to cheat on Jen with a European club-goer who was unfortunately dubbed “French Fry” by Ron’s roommates.

But did Ron really cheat – or did he just take flirting several steps too far?

We may never know for sure thanks to that damn “automatic door-closer” (Ron’s lies have been more amusing than Pauly’s catchphrases this season, which is really saying something.), but frankly, it doesn’t look good.

“She’s building it all up in her head from [videos] of me twirling a girl,” Ron opined after bizarrely ratting himself out in a conversation with Jen.

“It’s not like the girl was grinding on me or was bent over,” he added.

When Vinny Guadagnino aptly points out that French Fry did, in fact, grind on Ron’s junk. the famous agro Magro ‘roid rage rears its ugly head.

“I did not close the door, and you know what, I didn’t know that the f—king door had an ‘automatic closer’ out of nowhere,” Ronnie argued as a flashback clip of him closing the door to “see if it works” appeared on our screens.”

“So the door shut, so it looked worse than what it really was. I did not shut the door.”

The episode concluded with Jen actually showing up at the house and the question of how long it will take The Situation to blow up Ron’s spot lingered over the ostensibly happy scene.

These days, of course, reality TV shows are multimedia affairs.

We watch the events of several months ago unfold on our TV screens, and then we get real-time updates on social media.

So while last night’s episode may have ended with a cliffhanger, we know exactly how the Ronnie-Jen situation plays out – in a word, horribly.

Just last week, Ronnie called Jen a “c-m dumpster” in a bizarre Instagram rant in which he also accused her of refusing to delete sex tapes she made with her ex.

Now, Ronnie is rumored to be dating Scheana Marie of Vanderpump Rules, which is likely to result in a bi-coastal mess.

It may be painful to watch at times, but the guidos should be insanely grateful for Ron’s drama, as it allows them to bitch about botched haircuts for comic relief while their boy delivers the fireworks that keep people tuning in.

Watch Jersey Shore online to relive all the years of beach-adjacent madness.


Friday, April 27, 2018

The Situation: ENGAGED to Lauren Pesce!

If you’ve been watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation, you may have found that you barely recognize the closest thing the show had to a villain in its initial iteration.

We’re talking, of course, about Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino.

When the guidos and guidettes first descended upon Seaside Heights, New Jersey back in 2009, the Sitch represented the very worst of what they had to offer.

A creature of pure ego and appetite, Sorrentino provided a lot of ammo for critics of the show’s perceived negative impact on our culture.

While his roommates certainly liked to drink, party and hookup, Mike took all of those behaviors to their most harmful extremes by being disrespectful toward women and descending into addiction.

These days Sorrentino is facing jail time for tax evasion, but the silver lining to his – ahem – situation is that 

Mike is now two years sober, and as we learned following last night’s episode of Shore, he recently got engaged to longtime girlfriend Lauren Pesce.

The 35-year-old posted the above photo to his Instagram page Thursday night, along with a caption reading (of course):


Say what you will about the man, he’s certainly not letting go of those catchphrases.

It’s obviously an exciting time for Mike and Lauren, but there are some dark clouds looming on the horizon.

Sorrentino has yet to be sentenced for allegedly failing to pay taxes on millions in earnings.

Which means, of course, that he and Lauren might have to either push their big day back a couple years, or begin their time as husband and wife in two very different living situations.

Whatever happens, fans are obviously very happy for Mike and in perhaps the most testament to the fact that the man really has changed, is roommates are thrilled for the Sitch as well.

Jenni “JWoww” Farley, who’s been Mike’s most frequent companion on JSFV, has described him as a changed man “and the best version of himself.”

From JWoww’s lips to the sentencing judge’s ears.

Our sincere congrats go out to Mike and Lauren, and we wish them both all the best going forward.

Watch Jersey Shore online for more on the evolution of the Situation.


Friday, April 6, 2018

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Recap: Sex Doll Sammi & the Sober Situation

Jersey Shore Family Vacation made its long-awaited debut on MTV last night, and the consensus among viewers seems to be that while the guidos and guidettes didn’t quite deliver the same bonkers energy and smush-room shenanigans of their initial run, it was nice to check in with TV’s most heavily spray-tanned cast.

Of course, not everyone was able to make it to South Beach to enjoy all the fist-pumping and facial fillers.

Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola was sadly absent from the reunion for reasons that weren’t made entirely clear in last night’s episode.

(In a recent Instagram post, Sammi explained that she’s in a “completely different place” in her life these days, and she wants to avoid potentially “TOXIC SITUATIONS,” which most interpreted as a jab at her ex, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.)

But that doesn’t mean Sammi was forgotten.

No, the cast paid tribute to Giancola with a sex doll forged in her image.

The disturbing doppelganger even sported a t-shirt reading “I’m in a really good place right now” and spouted pre-recorded snippets of dialogue, most notably, “Roooon, stahhhhp!”

And with that appropriately tawdry blast from the past (and the help of a few dozen liters of wine) the initial awkwardness of reuniting comes to an end and the cast is officially ready to make Miami a much greasier place.

Of course, a lot has changed since the guidos parted ways in Seaside Heights way back in 2011.

Snooki, JWoww and Pauly D all have kids now. Ronnie’s girlfriend is seven months pregnant. Vinny is so committed to his keto diet he won’t even dog a slice of pizza while thoroughly hammered.

And of course, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino might soon be imprisoned for tax evasion.

Sorrentino’s legal entanglements very nearly prevented him from making the trip, but when he did finally meet up with his former roommates, we learned that he’s matured into a very different Sitch.

The Situation is sober and in a relationship now, which should put him in a prime position to be incredibly bored and mildly irritated for the remainder of the season.

Of course, these days, Mike is actually well-liked by the rest of the cast (with the apparent exception of Ronnie), which means he’ll likely receive plenty of support from people who want to make sure he stays on the wagon and out of prison.

Frankly, we have mixed feelings about Sorrentino’s current … situation.

Yes, it’s nice that he’s grown into a better person, but will a sober, non-confrontational Sitch bring much to the table in terms of entertainment value?

And we won’t even get into the ethical questions about tossing a recently-convicted felon and a recovering addict into a lion’s den of temptation.

The premiere episode concluded with blackouts of both the electrical and drunken variety, as well as the decision to toss Sex Doll Sammi into the pool.

This led to Snooki losing her wedding rings, which in turn, led her to drunkenly arriving at the decision to go home.

Obviously, she’s not really gonna leave, and considering her earnings have been in the seven-figure range for nearly a decade now, it’s hard to get too concerned about her lost diamonds.

Ultimately, the final scene served to remind us that while Family Vacation may be entertaining at times, the cast will never be able to recapture the lightning in a bottle that was their first run on MTV.

While episodes used to conclude with barroom brawls, now we have concocted drama over lost jewelry.

All-in-all, it was a step up from the abysmally lame Jersey Shore reunion special that aired last year, but these guidos will need to step their game up if they want to continue leading fans into the smush room.


Friday, March 30, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino"s Lawyer Wants to Postpone Sentencing, Due to Tax Season

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino got burned for not paying taxes, but now it might be tax season that buys him more time as a free man.  Mike’s facing up to 5 years in prison for tax evasion charges after pleading guilty in…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Bills Coach Sean McDermott Calls Zay Jones" Naked Arrest "Unfortunate Situation"

Buffalo Bills head coach Sean McDermott is finally addressing Zay Jones’ bizarre penthouse arrest … saying it’s an “unfortunate situation” … but hopes it can be a learning experience for the young player. We broke the story … Zay was arrested…


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino Exotic Car Shopping with Ronnie, Vinny and Pauly D

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino’s in a dancing mood checking out luxury whips … probably because he doesn’t have to stress about dropping cash on one of them. The Sitch was with his ‘Jersey Shore’ pals Ronnie, Vinny and Pauly D Monday in…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Shuns Alcohol in "Jersey Shore" Reunion"s First Night Out

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino went booze-less during the “Jersey Shore” cast’s first official night out. Paps got Mike out Tuesday night with the rest of his GTL crew at a South Beach club, and he was clutching a Red Bull can the entire time.…


Monday, January 22, 2018

The Situation Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud, Braces For Prison

Last week, we learned that Jersey Shore star Mike Sorrentino’s tax fraud case has turned into quite the situation.

(Sorry, but one of the many downsides of giving yourself a dumb nickname in your twenties is that people will throw it in your face for the remainder of your days.) 

We’ve known for several months that The Situation might be facing jail time in connection with trying to hide approximately $ 9 million in earnings from the IRS.

But now, things are really coming to a head, as Sorrentino has pled guilty to charges that could land him behind bars for up to 15 years.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reports, Mike was in court on Friday entering his plea.

His attorney issued a statement in which he pled for clemency from the judge:

“The plea terms call for a balance between punishing the wrong committed and conditions that facilitate Mike living a productive, law-abiding life moving forward,” the statement reads.

“Following through on this plea agreement, Michael intends to pay restitution before sentencing.”

We’re not sure what the taxes on $ 9 million in earnings are like, but we’re guessing it amounts to a hell of a lot more than the freakin’ Situation is able to come up with on short notice.

Mike’s situation scenario is dire, but it could be a lot worse.

For example, his brother, who allegedly masterminded the tax evasion is facing a whopping 25 years in the slammer!

And don’t worry Shore fanatics–Mike has obtained permission to temporarily relocate to Miami in order to participate in the show’s reunion, which is currently filming.

We don’t know about you, but this story is causing us some seriously mixed emotions.

On the one hand, the fact that The Sitch earned so much money that he thought he’d be able to hide $ 9 million makes us want to bang our heads into the wall until we stop feeling feelings.

On the other hand, his effort to bilk Uncle Sam proved woefully unsuccessful, which kind of reaffirms our faith in both the justice system and karma.

(Dude was often on colossal d-bag on Shore.)

On the … third hand (?) Mike has provided us with hours of entertainment over the years, and the thought of dude spending a decade and a half behind bars is undeniably a bummer.

This is real human drama here, folks.

Frankly, we’re starting to think MTV should Jersey Shore: Family Vacation on hold so they can start production on an 18-hour docu-drama about the story of the Sitch.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Prosecutors Ask Judge to Go Easy on Him

More good news for Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino – prosecutors in his tax evasion case are pushing for the judge to give him a lighter sentence. As we reported … Mike entered a guilty plea as expected Friday, and the judge okay’d him to…


Mike "The Situation" Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud, Judge OKs trip to Florida for "Jersey Shore"

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino just entered a guilty plea in his tax evasion case … but this situation ain’t ALL bad news. The “Jersey Shore” star — flanked by his girlfriend Lauren Pesce — entered his plea in federal court Friday in…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud, Faces 15 Years Behind Bars

We’ve got quite a situation here, folks.

Just as the Jersey Shore cast is reuniting for a second shot at reality TV stardom, one of the show’s most infamous figures may be headed to jail for a very long time.

But hey, at least he’ll have plenty of time to work on those famous abs.

Back in April of 2017, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino was charged with tax fraud alongside his brother and business partner, Marc Sorrentino.

According to court documents obtained by Page Six, The Sitch has pled guilty “not paying all federal income tax owed on approximately $ 8.9 million … earned between 2010 and 2012.”

And it seems that Mike didn’t simply forget to dot the I’s and cross the T’s on his 1040:

“They also stand accused of commingling their business and personal bank accounts so that they could get away with spending the money on ‘high-end luxury vehicles and clothing,’” a source close to the case claims.

Mike also stands accused of making “multiple cash deposits on the same day in amounts less than $ 10,000, into different bank accounts that he controlled” in an effort to avoid reporting his earnings to the IRS.

Mike and Marc were first offered the plea deal on December 19 but rejected it due to the lengthy amount of time they might spend behind bars.

It seems Mike is facing 15 years in prison, while his brother might be put away for a whopping 25 years.

Legal experts say it’s unlikely that they’ll receive the maximum sentence, but note that some jail time seems inevitable.

Last year, the Sorrentinos appeared on Marriage Boot Camp (they really need to fix that title), where they discussed the charges against them and admitted to being fearful of going to prison.

Interestingly, Mike is not the first Garden State-based reality star to be convicted of tax fraud in recent years.

Real Housewives of New Jersey regular Teresa Giudice served 15 months in prison on similar charges back in 2015.

Her husband, Joe Giudice, is currently serving 4 years behind bars.

There’s no word yet on whether or not Mike will be able to appear in the upcoming Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

Which is a shame, because it certainly sounds like he could use the cash!
