Showing posts with label Ronnie's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ronnie's. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Pauly D: Aubrey O"Day Is Almost as Crazy as Ronnie"s Baby Mama!

It’s nice to have Jersey Shore back, isn’t it?

Sure the show has changed a bit, in that it’s roughly 95 percent Ronnie baby mama drama, but we can always rely on old DJ Pauly D to bring some levity to the proceedings with his signature wit and quotable catchphrases.

Of course, if you prefer to think of Pauly as a lovable smartass with hilarious hair, it’s best if you stick to Jersey Shore and avoid Marriage Boot Camp like the plague.

Over on that series, Pauly’s life involves less fist-pumping and more head-butting as he continues to lock horns with ex-girlfriend Aubrey O’Day.

Pauly and Aubrey dated in 2016, and even though they’ve been broken up for quite some time, didn’t even date for that long, and have no real ties to one another, they’re still working on their “relationship” on MBC because money.

On Friday’s episode of the show, the always-melodramatic O’Day described her time with Pauly D as “torturous.”

Not surprisingly, Rhode Island’s premiere party-rocker took umbrage with that description.

“I was very shocked,” Pauly told Page Six on Monday.

“I’m like, ‘Oh wow, this was a bit dramatic. Torturous’? That’s an interesting word. If it was tortuous, why would you stay in a torturous relationship?’

“And I’m the one that left her,” he added.

“I think that’s a little bit fabricated but if that’s the way she feels, it’s a good thing we’re not together anymore.”

And Pauly’s not the only one who feels that way.

His Shore castmates have been quite outspoken about their distaste for O’Day, with Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino being particularly critical of the Making the Band alum:

“He always has my back as my brother, and he sees that she’s not the right one for me,” Pauly said of Mike’s concerns.

“I truly felt like I was involved in a situation that was extremely toxic and I did not understand why or how to get out of it,” he adds.

O’Day, meanwhile, is defending her use of such a hyperbolic term to describe her relationship with Pauly:

“I felt like that was the right term to use and it’s my journey and that’s the best term that I could think of to describe what I went through for two years,” she tells Page Six.

Something tells us Pauly is happier than ever to be out of that relationship and back with his one true love — Vinny Guadagnino.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: Ronnie"s Baby Mama Talks Trash; Vinny Grabs Some Ass

Last night’s episode of Jersey Shore Family Vacation began with a bit of a cliffhanger resolution.

The previous week’s installment ended with Ronnie’s baby mama, Jen Harley, arriving at the South Beach house, the threat of Mke ruining her visit with a well-timed French Fry revelation looming like a dark cloud.

These days, Ronnie and Jen are broken up following a seriously ugly tiff that played out on social media.

But during his time in Miami, they were still trying to make things work, largely for the sake of their then-unborn daughter.

Of course, their efforts were complicated by the fact that Ronnie cheated with the notorious French Fry during one of his first nights of vacation.

Further complicating the situation was the Situation, who made no secret of the fact that he was enjoying watching Ronnie sweat.

In all likelihood, Mike wouldn’t have sunk so low as to intentionally torpedo Ronnie’s relationship, but minutes into her visit, Jen did something truly astonishing.

Demonstrating all the social graces of a more vindictive George Costanza, Jen overstepped her bounds by referring to Mike as “the Incarceration.”

The comment astonished housemates and viewers alike.

For one thing – this woman needs to learn how to read the room.

You can’t meet a long-established group of friends for the first time and just assume it’s cool to start roasting the low man on totem pole, especially about something that serious.

This wasn’t some “haha, I heard you snore and your socks smell”-type stuff.

No, this was Jen poking fun at the fact that Mike is facing hard time in a federal prison.

It’s the sort of thing the Sitch is probably capable of laughing off when it one of his housemates doing the roasting, but not when it’s coming from a stranger he JUST met.

Not surprisingly, Mike responded with a subtle French Fry reference.

For once in his life, the man showed an admirable amount of restraint, as we doubt anyone would’ve blamed if he had just gone ahead and called Ronnie out for cheating in that moment.

Fortunately for Ronnie’s sake, the situation – and the Situation – didn’t go any further.

Speaking of the famed I’m F–ked Foundation – whose membership seems to grow by the week – last night it was Vinny’s turn to disrespect his relationship and then rat himself out.

To be fair, Vin’s infraction really wasn’t that bad:

He picked up a stripper as a joke, and it seems he immediately felt bad about it.

He then rang up his girl on the duck phone in order to confess, leading to a serious roasting from Pauly D.

“Don’t ever call your girl drunk,” Pauly remarked.

And that wasn’t the only quotable line to emerge from Vin’s flirtation with disaster.

“It’s hard being a horny guy, girls will never understand it,” said Vinny.

“It’s not the same as being a horny girl. I don’t wanna hear it.”

We’ll leave it to y’all to debate the truth behind the Keto Guido’s remarks.

But there’s one thing we can all agree on – Vin’s mom was just a tad too forgiving of his strip club behavior, right?

Hopefully next week, the ladies will get into some shenanigans so they can get a real storyline of their own.

In the meantime, watch Jersey Shore online for more from reality TV’s favorite dysfunctional family. 


Friday, May 4, 2018

Jersey Shore Recap: Ronnie"s French Fry Situation Gets Greasy

Rahn, stahp!

Those are the words that viewers might find themselves shouting at their screens throughout the study in arrested development that is Jersey Shore Family Vacation.

Several members of the guido squadron have matured in surprising and satisfying ways, but as Pauly D so eloquently observed, Ronnie-Ortiz Magro remains the president for life of the IFF (the esteemed I’m F–ked Foundation).

This week’s episode saw Ronnie making a brave and foolish gambit by sticking to his “deny everything” credo.

(To his credit, we suppose it takes balls to go on TV and admit that the guiding motto of your life is “lie all the time.”)

Just last month, Ronnie welcomed his first child, but at the time JSFV was filmed, his then-girlfriend, Jen Harley, was pregnant with Magro’s baby.

Needless to say, really adds an additional layer of awfulness to his decision to cheat on Jen with a European club-goer who was unfortunately dubbed “French Fry” by Ron’s roommates.

But did Ron really cheat – or did he just take flirting several steps too far?

We may never know for sure thanks to that damn “automatic door-closer” (Ron’s lies have been more amusing than Pauly’s catchphrases this season, which is really saying something.), but frankly, it doesn’t look good.

“She’s building it all up in her head from [videos] of me twirling a girl,” Ron opined after bizarrely ratting himself out in a conversation with Jen.

“It’s not like the girl was grinding on me or was bent over,” he added.

When Vinny Guadagnino aptly points out that French Fry did, in fact, grind on Ron’s junk. the famous agro Magro ‘roid rage rears its ugly head.

“I did not close the door, and you know what, I didn’t know that the f—king door had an ‘automatic closer’ out of nowhere,” Ronnie argued as a flashback clip of him closing the door to “see if it works” appeared on our screens.”

“So the door shut, so it looked worse than what it really was. I did not shut the door.”

The episode concluded with Jen actually showing up at the house and the question of how long it will take The Situation to blow up Ron’s spot lingered over the ostensibly happy scene.

These days, of course, reality TV shows are multimedia affairs.

We watch the events of several months ago unfold on our TV screens, and then we get real-time updates on social media.

So while last night’s episode may have ended with a cliffhanger, we know exactly how the Ronnie-Jen situation plays out – in a word, horribly.

Just last week, Ronnie called Jen a “c-m dumpster” in a bizarre Instagram rant in which he also accused her of refusing to delete sex tapes she made with her ex.

Now, Ronnie is rumored to be dating Scheana Marie of Vanderpump Rules, which is likely to result in a bi-coastal mess.

It may be painful to watch at times, but the guidos should be insanely grateful for Ron’s drama, as it allows them to bitch about botched haircuts for comic relief while their boy delivers the fireworks that keep people tuning in.

Watch Jersey Shore online to relive all the years of beach-adjacent madness.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

"Jersey Shore" Ronnie"s Hand Sliced Deep in VIP

Ronnie Magro from ‘Jersey Shore’ needed stitches to repair his sliced and bloodied hand after a rough night in a Las Vegas club. TMZ obtained a shot of Ronnie’s messed up left mitt — he walked away from the fight with what looks like 5 lacerations.…
