Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Desperately Trying to Change Ryan Edwards?

If you"ve been paying attention to his life over the course of the past year, then you"re probably aware that Ryan Edwards has had a rough go of it lately.

Granted, many of Ryan"s problems are self-created, but that doesn"t make the situation any less sad for the loved ones who have had to witness his self-destruction.

Currently, Ryan"s wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant with his child, and fans believe she"s desperate to help her husband change his ways before she gives birth in October.

Will she be able to turn their situation around in such short time?

Here"s what we know about the situation thus far …

1. The Expectant Parents

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer selfie

Ryan and Mackenzie both have kids from previous relationships, but the son who’s due next month will be their first as a couple.

2. The Downward Spiral

Ryan edwards teen mom og picture

Unfortunately, news of Mackenzie’s pregnancy coincided with the start of an extremely difficult time for Ryan.

3. He Fought the Law

Ryan edwards mug shot new

Ryan’s legal troubles have made the most tabloid headlines, and with good reason — the former Teen Mom OG star has been arrested three times in the past 18 months.

4. The Ravages of Addiction

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Most of Ryan’s legal troubles have stemmed from his continued struggles with substance abuse.

5. Slaps on the Wrist

Ryan edwards is mad

Thus far, despite being busted for possession and failing a court-ordered drug test, Ryan has managed to avoid serious jail time.

6. Every Kind of Bad Behavior

Ryan edwards not sober

But believe it or not, despite his many arrests and the severity of his addiction, Ryan has found time to engage in just about every other sort of bad behavior, as well …

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