Showing posts with label Vomits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vomits. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Journalist Proposes to Girlfriend, Immediately Vomits

Darrell Hamilton, Jr. is a California-based video journalist who had a very romantic idea last month.

He wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Rheanna Lopez, during a private plane ride on February 11.

How nice, right? How sweet, no? How… gross and disgusting?

In the end, yes. But also: how memorable!

As documented in the video below, Hamilton underestimated the sensitivity of his stomach while on board such a small air craft.

He felt extreme nausea building up as the plane bobbed and weaved through the air, but he at least kept any and all vomit down until after he pulled out a diamond ring and asked the key question.

And then he immediately threw up.

"Rheanna just really likes outdoors and nature and I thought it"d be a cool idea to give her a nice view," said Hamilton in an interview with ABC News on Sunday, adding that his girlfriend of two years had only flown in a commercial plane once before.

Earlier in the day, the couple walked along Reedley Blossom Trail in Reedley, California, where Hamilton snapped photo.

Following their hike, Hamilton whisked Lopez off to a nearby airport to kick off the surprise.

"It had nothing to do with being nervous," he says of getting ill, explaining:

"I got sick from being inside the plane. It was a really small plane and the pilot was helping me look for the sign I made her. The tilting kind of messed with my stomach…

"I couldn"t hold it much longer. I just tapped her on the shoulder. I didn"t even ask her. I just gave her the ring."

And how did she react? Watch and find out now!

Journalist proposes to girlfriend immediately vomits

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

So You Think You Can Dance Contestant Vomits on Paula Abdul

This 12-year old sensation knows she can dance… and millions of viewers now know it as well, following the young girl"s performance Monday night on So You Think You Can Dance.

But we also know there"s something else Tehani can do.

After excelling online during a routine set to Beyonce’s “Countdown,” Tahini received approval from judges Jason Derulo, Nigel Lythgoe, and Paula Abdul.

They all stood up and waved golden tickets in the air, indicating that Tahini had advanced to the next round.

Tahani proceeded to fall to the floor in disbelief before running over to the judges’ table to hug each of them. 

So far, so good, right?

But then Tahini vomited all over Abdul.

“It’s OK, honey. It’s OK," Abdul reacted to the unexpected incident.

The humiliated  hopeful quickly apologized, although Abdul shrugged it off, saying into her microphone:

“I’ve never had anyone just vomit on me like that!”

Few of us have, Paula.

Tahani later explained to host Cat Deeley that Abdul hugged her too tight and “all the happiness came out on her jacket.”

Check out the vomit below:

So you think you can dance contestant vomits on paula abdul