Showing posts with label 'Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Random. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Channing Tatum and Jessie J: Random New Couple Alert!

Hey, Jessie J:

We know someone who wants to channing all over your tatum.

In fact, according to multiple sources, he’s probably already done so.

This is all a roundable way of saying that Jessie J is apparently dating Channing Tatum.

The relationship has been going strong for a couple months now, insiders tell Us Weekly, adding that Tatum and J have been spotted together at the latter’s recent concerts in Seattle and Salt Lake City.

An astute social media user even claims the stars played miniature golf together just this past Saturday in Washington.

Which is downright adorable, is it now?

“It’s new, casual and they’re having fun together,” writes the aforementioned tabloid, while People Magazine also confirms this pair is knocking boots and getting at each other in the buff.

“It’s very new,” says a source simply to this publication.

But the Twitter user who witnessed Tatum and J on the course actually seems like the most reliable source here.

“Who knew a mini golf job could be so crazy,” wrote @maurerpower172 on Saturday, explaining in more detail:

“Tonight I had to watch one of my a——- ex professors make out with his fiancé, then my coworker cut his hand open and had to go to the hospital, and finally Jessie j and Channing Tatum came in to play a round.”

j tweet

You may recall (or you more likely do not) that the former The Voice UK presented Tatum with the award for Best Comedic Performance at the MTV Movie Awards in 2015.

The stars briefly embraced on stage as he accepted the golden popcorn trophy.

It’s unclear whether they’ve been in regular contact since or whether this quick encounter played any role in their new romance.

Just this past April, Tatum and Jenna Dewan – who are parents to five-year-old daughter Everly – announced their decision to separate after nearly nine years of marriage.

It took us all by major surprise.

This is what their lengthy and heartfelt statement read at the time:

We have lovingly chosen to separate as a couple. We fell deeply in love so many years ago and have had a magical journey together

Absolutely nothing has changed about how much we love one another, but love is a beautiful adventure that is taking us on different paths for now.

There are no secrets nor salacious events at the root of our decision – just two best-friends realizing it’s time to take some space and help each other live the most joyous, fulfilled lives as possible.

We are still a family and will always be loving dedicated parents to Everly.

We won’t be commenting beyond this, and we thank you all in advance for respecting our family’s privacy.

And it’s true: neither has uttered many words about the split since.

Dewan simply said this to Women’s Health in July:

“It’s OK for a relationship to change into a new form that is actually better for both people involved, and I think that’s maybe what shocked everyone so much – that it can be a positive thing.

“That was ultimately what happened with us.

Neither Tatum nor J has commented on their relationship.

So we’re mostly left to wonder and speculate here.

And we’re gonna go ahead and wildly speculate about the following:

These two hotties must have outstanding intercourse!


Friday, March 2, 2018

Donald Trump Gets Dunked On By Alec Baldwin In Response Random Trash-Talk

Alec Baldwin made his first appearance as Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live way the hell back in October of 2016, and the show’s been on hiatus for the past three weeks due to NBC’s broadcast of the Winter Olympics.

So why was the president angrily tweeting about Baldwin’s impression at 5:42 this morning?

It’s a good question with several troubling answers.

The most obvious explanation for why the leader of the free world had a man-baby outburst while gnawing on his Egg McMuffin this morning is the fact that Baldwin had some unkind words for Trump in a recent interview.

“Every time I do it now, it’s like agony,” Baldwin recently told The Hollywood Reporter when asked about his Trump impression.

“Anybody over this guy,” Baldwin added. “It doesn’t matter. We have to get rid of him.”

Those are exactly the kind of comments that get under Trump’s skin, so it’s no surprise the president was so upset that even autocorrect couldn’t reason with him this morning:

“Alex Baldwin, whose dieing mediocre career was saved by his terrible impersonation of me on SNL, now says playing me was agony,” Trump tweeted.

“Alex, it was agony for those who were forced to watch. Bring back Darrell Hammond, funnier and a far greater talent!”

That tweet was only live for about 10 minutes before Trump deleted it and replaced with a version in which Baldwin’s name and “dying” were both spelled correctly.

Needless to say, Twitter wasn’t so quick to forget the president’s spelling boo-boos.

But unhinged Trump tantrums are obviously nothing new.

The weird thing about this one is, the Baldwin interview took place back on Wednesday, and the Donald has been never one to buy into the expression about revenge being a dish best served cold. 

(After all, the analogy wouldn’t make much sense to someone who only eats food that congeals if it’s left to sit for more than a few seconds.)

The best explanation with regard to the timing seems to be that less than thirty minutes before Trump’s tweet, Baldwin’s interview was mentioned in a segment on Fox News, which is the president’s state-run television network of choice when he’s lounging around the White House in his bathrobe.

Of course, the real reason that Trump decided to start his morning with an old-fashioned Two Minutes Hate is that he’s coming off yet another chaotic week and he’ll do just about anything to change the topic of conversation.

It’s a typically inept move from an administration that aims for Third Reich, but usually misses the mark and lands more in the Keystone Cops area.

That said, we’ll give the Donald credit for one thing – Hammond actually does have the better technical impression, in terms of nailing Trump’s “FBI Mafia informant turned used car salesmen” mannerisms.

But wherever you stand on who serves up the best impersonation of anus-lipped commander-in-chief, there’s no denying that Baldwin’s response left Trump as roasted as one of those well-done steaks he likes so much:

“Agony though it may be, I’d like to hang in there for the impeachment hearings, the resignation speech, the farewell helicopter ride to Mara-A-Lago,” Baldwin tweeted, adding:

“You know. The Good Stuff. That we’ve all been waiting for.”

Get emmmmmm!

As though that wasn’t enough to send DJT into a diaper-filling rade, Baldwin continued:

Looking forward to the Trump Presidential Library. A putting green. Recipes for chocolate cake. A live Twitter feed for visitors to post on.

“A little black book w the phone numbers of porn stars. You’re in and out in five minutes. Just like…”

Baldwin might want to start using his middle name, a la Lee Harvey Oswald, because we’re pretty sure that qualifies as an assassination.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Farrah Abraham Posts Random Lingerie Pic, Fans Recoil in Abject Terror

Farrah Abraham is no stranger to controversy, but even by her standards, she’s been kicking the proverbial hornet’s nest left and right lately.

Latest case in point? This “sexy” image …

Yes. Worth a thousand words, is it not?

The 26-year-old Teen Mom: OG firebrand donned a busty lingerie-style one-piece and sat in poolside swing over Labor Day Weekend.

Why? Does Farrah need a reason?!

Abraham’s ensemble leaves little to the imagination, as she looks like she’s about to partake in … well, we’ll leave THAT to the imagination.

Fans weren’t impressed, however.

Recoiling in shock and/or laughter to her scarlet locks and cleavage-baring outfit, Farrah followers lit her up online in response.

“Why are you walking around in your lingerie? Seriously have respect for yourself!” one critic said, apparently never having met Farrah.

Another repulsed commenter added:

“Ewww! Seriously Farrah! You look disgusting. Lingerie is meant for the bedroom not outside where other people can see you #growup.”

The combination of the hair and the outfit, along with the onset of September, led to more than a few Halloween comparisons a well.

“Really Farrah you ready for Halloween!” one fan said, while another hater blasted her: “Damn, you look like you ate the Little Mermaid.”

Ouch. People have no chill.

As always, Abraham’s “plastic” appearance took some flak as well, as her growing chorus of critics lamented how … different she looks.

“No plastic would look good on you. You were so cute before the surgeries,” the comment read, though the biggest criticism was yet to come.

Not that we ever advocate dragging a celebrity online, but if there were a valid topic to debate with Farrah, it’d be regarding her parenting.

Does this kind of thing set a good example?

Abraham, of course, is the mother of an eight-year-old daughter, Sophia, so when we hear about Farrah’s vaginal rejuvenation and such?

It’s not not wonder what message she’s sending by hyping up such events in her life, or posting this kind of material to titillate the masses.

Farrah, one follower observed, “could have been a role model for young girls but you decided to run for the fame and make it all about you.”

Another added, along similar lines, that being a mom has never been a priority for her, and this is “Poor Sophia being left with a nanny again.”

That last comment is probably inaccurate, and Farrah is homeschooling Sophia so they can go to more events … but the point remains: 

This is not the first time Abraham has come under fire, especially when it comes to being a good role model, and it will not be the last.

Not that we expect it to faze her.

“I think it’s just best to ignore negativity and only welcome positivity in your life,” said Abraham in a recent interview on this very subject.

“I think that shows for Sophia and hopefully myself over the years and I’m just really happy about that,” the reality star told Us Weekly.

While ignoring the loudest, most negative voices is certainly a good strategy to survive life in the public eye, it still begs the question:

Is she leading a life that her daughter would be proud of? And should she be doing more to encourage positivity on a daily basis?

A blanket disavowal of responsibility and blaming of haters may not suffice once Sophia gets older and begins to question her life decisions. 

Just saying. Food for thought.


Saturday, September 2, 2017

Fetty Wap Hands Out Stacks of Cash to Random Kids in New Jersey

Fetty Wap just gave a few lucky random schoolkids the gift everyone loves — cold hard cash. The rapper was in a charitable mood Friday as he was leaving his attorneys’ office in Hackensack, NJ … and started handing out money on the streets. Our…


Monday, July 17, 2017

Justin Timberlake Goes "Lion King" On Random Baby at Golf Tourney

Throw Justin Timberlake’s name in the hat to play Rafiki in the live action “Lion King” flick — ‘cause he executed the Simba lift on a baby to perfection at a golf tourney … and TMZ Sports has the video.  JT and Steph Curry were in between…


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

This Random Dude Has Slept with All These Celebrities

It"s time to meet Rob.

Average Rob, actually, which is what this random guy goes by on Instagram.

On this social media platform, Average Rob describes himself as just a “mediocre dude from Belgium,” but he’s clearly being modest.

Why? Because Rob has slept with nearly every A-List celebrity in Hollywood, from famous singers to models to actresses and more.

How has he pulled this off? Photoshop, some might say.

But we"ll let Rob"s Instagram pictures speak for themselves…

1. Taylor Swift

Taylor swift

Rob was able to sleep with Swift on a park bench. We didn’t know she liked it in public!

2. Barack Obama

Barack obama

GASP! It’s a good thing this relationship wasn’t exposed while Obama was in office!

3. David Beckham

David beckham

Rob is open to either men or women. And it helps when the men look like Beckham.

4. Eminem


AWWW! The rapper cuddled afterward. Sort of.

5. Mila Kunis

Mila kunis

Silly Mila. It seems just like her to have a bit of fun post-coitus, don’t you agree?

6. Margot Robbie

Margot robbie

He apparently did it (many) doggie style with this gorgeous actress. Nice!

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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Kim Kardashian Selfie Book: Vandalized by This Random Dude!

A 74-year-old man has been arrested for entering a Connecticut bookstore and publicly vandalizing multiple copies of Kim Kardashian’s “Selfish.”

And we know what you’re thinking:

Really? People still go to book stores?!?

According to the Glastonbury Police Department’s description of the incident on Facebook, Carl Puia entered a Barnes & Noble and started  “spreading a red liquid all over some Kim Kardashian books.”

Authorities say that six copies of the books were destroyed in the massacre – and, tragically, none “could be revived.”

The police have gone on to say that Puia actually left a lengthy note (which he took the time to type out) explaining his dislike of Kardashian and “people like her.”

After being booked for the crime, Puia (whose very serious mug shot is posted below) was released on a $ 2,500 non-surety bond.

After being released, Puia spoke to TMZ and explained his motivation for ending the lives of these Kim Kardashian selfie books.

He tells the celebrity gossip site that he witnessed a mother yank away a copy of “Selfish” from her young boy inside this Barnes & Noble location.

He then noted how the book was being displayed on eye level, pretty darn close to the children’s section.

Puia then explains that he asked an employee to move the book (which features many close-ups of Kim Kardashian’s boobs) to a higher shelf.

However, three days later, he returned and it was in the same spot. WTH, he thought?!?

It was at this point that he decided to destroy the books with red liquid.

The act of vandalism allegedly occurred on October 13, but cops only arrested Puia on Monday and charged him with third-degree criminal mischief after he turned himself in.

Puia adds that he doesn’t have some broad agenda. He isn’t religious or even especially conservative. Nor does he have a vendetta against Kim in particular.

He just thinks that material such as the photos that comprise Kim’s selfie book ought to be kept far away from children.

(Please, no one tell Puia about Kim’s Instagram page and the revealing photos on her account. He may try to destroy the entire Internet.)

Kardashian’s book of selfies drew a mixed reaction back when it was released. It only has three stars on Amazon.

We don’t blame Puia for rolling his eyes over a book that simply contains self-portraits of Kim Kardashian.

Heck, we don’t even blame the guy for asking an employee if it can be moved.

But we do not encourage violence here at The Hollywood Gossip. Not even of books.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Serena Williams Crashes Random Tennis Match ... Mind If I Play?? (VIDEO)

Imagine you’re playing some casual tennis with a friend … and all of a sudden SERENA WILLIAMS shows up and asks if she can join in?? That’s exactly what happened in San Francisco Sunday night … when two guys lost their minds when the GOAT…


Serena Williams Crashes Random Tennis Match ... Mind If I Play?? (VIDEO)

Imagine you’re playing some casual tennis with a friend … and all of a sudden SERENA WILLIAMS shows up and asks if she can join in?? That’s exactly what happened in San Francisco Sunday night … when two guys lost their minds when the GOAT…


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Blac Chyna: Cheating on Rob Kardashian With Random Patriots Fan?

You may have been disappointed on Super Bowl Sunday, but at least you can take solace in the fact that you’re not Rob Kardashian.

Come to think of it, you can do that every day.

Sure, he may get to sleep on a pile of his sister’s sex tape money (ew), but he also might have the most dysfunctional love life of all the Kardashians, which is really saying something.

Talk of Rob and Blac Chyna breaking up has been circulating pretty much from the time they first started hooking up.

Now, it seems like we have more reason than ever to believe that Rob and Blac are officially dunz-o.

According to Us Weekly, Blac was spotted canoodling with some dude in a Patriots hat while watching the Super Bowl at Estrella’s MA Theater in Los Angeles.

Of course, this might just mean that Blac is cheating on Rob (which has also been widely rumored), but it seems that Blac would probably make more of an effort to conceal her hook up if she and Rob were still together.

We know that the parents of Dream Kardashian did break up just before the holidays, but they appeared to reconcile shortly thereafter.

“She walked out when she couldn’t take it anymore, but it was the heat of the moment,” a source close to the couple tells Us.

The breakup was an ugly one with reports of Blac drunkenly attacking Rob and having to be physically restrained by Kris Jenner’s boyfriend, Corey Gamble.

It seemed unlikely that these two would give their relationship another chance, but they were living together again just days later.

It now seems like a classic case of trying to stay together for the kid …

… or perhaps for the reality show.

The E! network recently renewed Rob & Chyna for a second season, and producers have reportedly informed Rob and Blac that if there’s no relationship, there’s no show.

Add to that the fact that Blac has been openly coveting the name Angela Kardashian for career purposes (Technically, she and Rob are still engaged.) and it becomes easy to see why these two might stick it out despite their difficulties.

It seems entirely possible that Rob and Blac might be in an open relationship … which probably wouldn’t do much for Rob’s fragile ego and psyche.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

People"s Choice Awards: Best, Worst & Most Random Moments

The 2017 People"s Choice Awards are in the books.

And those books will forever tell us that Johnny Depp, Ellen DeGeneres and Grey"s Anatomy were among the major winners.

But forget who took home the trophies.

Which stars were involved in the moments that truly stood out from the show? Let"s find out!

1. Best Joke

Best joke

Take it away, host Joel McHale: “2016 was an interesting year. We all watched as a longtime government insider squared off against an egotistical billionaire. I’m speaking of course about Captain America: Civil War.”

2. Silliest Sketch

Silliest sketch

At one point, some unfamous guy named Dwayne Johnson and an actual rock were in the running for Favorite Dwayne Johnson. The rock one (and Johnson uttered “Bullsh-t,” which was pretty funny.)

3. Most Notable Snub

Most notable snub

Jennifer Lopez finally won a People’s Choice Award after eight tries. But she didn’t mention Drake at all in her acceptance speech!

4. Biggest Third Wheel

Biggest third wheel

It’s hard to feel bad Luke Hemsworth when he looks like this. But McHale repeatedly referred to the Westworld actor as “the third one” in relation to brothers Liam and Chris.

5. Best Speech

Best speech

Kevin Hart went up on stage thanked the people, along with God, in his acceptance speech. However, one ex-colleague was most definitely NOT worthy of Hart’s praise: “This one goes to all the co-stars I’ve had except The Rock,” Hart said. “He hasn’t helped me at all. He actually lessened my talent.”

6. Best Message

Best message

Lively won for Favorite Dramatic Movie Actress for The Shallows. Which is hilarious in and of itself. She referenced the Spice Girls more than most people, but ended with a great message for young women: “No one can limit you.”

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Friday, December 23, 2016

Random Act of Kindness Saves Christmas for One Shopper

The holidays are a time when families come together to exchange gifts and have a wonderful meal with one another.

Searching for those gifts can be a tiring affair, with shops struggling to keep their stock levels up with the mammoth amounts of shoppers at this time of year. 

A woman named Jemma found herself in a tough spot when she picked out gifts for her friends and family in one of the Lush stores in Manchester, England. 

Lush Bethany

She found herself embarrassed when her card was declined when she tried to pay for the goods.

Everyone has been there at one point in their life and we all know just how embarrassing it can be. 

When the card declined for a second time, Jemma decided the best course of action would be for her to hit the local ATM and withdraw cash to pay for the gifts. 

Upon her return, Jemma was shocked to learn that the gifts she left behind the till had already been paid for by someone who was in the store at the time Jemma’s card was declined. 

Jemma was understandably shocked when she laid eyes on the receipt, which read: “I know how stressful this time of year can be! Have a great Christmas! Bethany xxx.”

It’s definitely one of the more heartwarming stories of the year and Jemma REALLY wants to find Bethany to thank her in person, so she’s using the power of social media to try and help her locate the do-gooder. 

“I was in shock and asked her who the woman was I went round looking for her which I couldn’t find her I just wanted to say thank you and I really appreciate what she has done!!” wrote Jemma in a Facebook post, shared to the Trafford Centre’s Facebook page by Zara Chowdhury.

How amazing is this story?

Seriously, it’s people like Bethany that show us the world is still a great place.

For someone to go out of their way like that and help someone they don’t even know, it’s very rare.

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below 
