Friday, December 23, 2016

Random Act of Kindness Saves Christmas for One Shopper

The holidays are a time when families come together to exchange gifts and have a wonderful meal with one another.

Searching for those gifts can be a tiring affair, with shops struggling to keep their stock levels up with the mammoth amounts of shoppers at this time of year. 

A woman named Jemma found herself in a tough spot when she picked out gifts for her friends and family in one of the Lush stores in Manchester, England. 

Lush Bethany

She found herself embarrassed when her card was declined when she tried to pay for the goods.

Everyone has been there at one point in their life and we all know just how embarrassing it can be. 

When the card declined for a second time, Jemma decided the best course of action would be for her to hit the local ATM and withdraw cash to pay for the gifts. 

Upon her return, Jemma was shocked to learn that the gifts she left behind the till had already been paid for by someone who was in the store at the time Jemma’s card was declined. 

Jemma was understandably shocked when she laid eyes on the receipt, which read: “I know how stressful this time of year can be! Have a great Christmas! Bethany xxx.”

It’s definitely one of the more heartwarming stories of the year and Jemma REALLY wants to find Bethany to thank her in person, so she’s using the power of social media to try and help her locate the do-gooder. 

“I was in shock and asked her who the woman was I went round looking for her which I couldn’t find her I just wanted to say thank you and I really appreciate what she has done!!” wrote Jemma in a Facebook post, shared to the Trafford Centre’s Facebook page by Zara Chowdhury.

How amazing is this story?

Seriously, it’s people like Bethany that show us the world is still a great place.

For someone to go out of their way like that and help someone they don’t even know, it’s very rare.

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below 
